CFWheels: Redirect to URL with Params Hidden - coldfusion

I am using redirectTo() function with params to redirect to another pages with a query string in the url. For security purpose this does not look appealing because the user can change the parameters in the url, thus altering what is inserted into the database.
My code is:
redirectTo(action="checklist", params="r=#r#&i=#insp#&d=#d#");
Is there anyway around this? I am not using a forms, I just wish to redirect and I want the destination action/Controller to know what I am passing but not display it in the url.

You can obfuscate the variables in the URL. CfWheels makes this really easy.
All you have to do is call set(obfuscateURLs=true) in the config/settings.cfm file to turn on URL obfuscation.
I am sure this works with linkTo() function. I hope it works with RedirectTo() funcation as well. I do not have a set up to check it now. But if doesn't work for RedirectTo(), you can obfuscateParam() and deObfuscateParam() functions to do job for you.
Caution: This will only make harder for user to guess the value. It doesn't encrypt value.
To know more about this, Please read the document configuration and defaults and obfuscating url

A much better approach to this particular situation is to write params to the [flash].1 The flash is exactly the same thing as it is in Ruby on Rails or the ViewBag in ASP.Net. It stores the data in a session or cookie variable and is deleted at the end of the next page's load. This prevents you from posting back long query strings like someone that has been coding for less than a year. ObfuscateParam only works with numbers and is incredibly insecure. Any power user can easily deobfuscate, even more so with someone that actually makes a living stealing data.


How could I modify django-tracking2 so users can opt out of tracking

I'm making a website right now and need to use django-tracking2 for analytics. Everything works but I would like to allow users to opt out and I haven't seen any options for that. I was thinking modifying the middleware portion may work but honestly, I don't know how to go about that yet since I haven't written middleware before.
I tried writing a script to check a cookie called no_track and if it wasn't set, I would set it to false for default tracking and if they reject, it sets no_track to True but I had no idea where to implement it (other than the middle ware, when I tried that the server told me to contact the administrator). I was thinking maybe I could use signals to prevent the user being tracked but then that would slow down the webpage since it would have to deal with preventing a new Visitor instance on each page (because it would likely keep making new instances since it would seem like a new user). Could I subclass the Visitor class and modify __init__ to do a check for the cookie and either let it save or don't.
Thanks for any answers, if I find a solution I'll edit the post or post and accept the answer just in case someone else needs this.
I made a function in my tools file (holds all functions used throughout the project to make my life easier) to get and set a session key. Inside the VisitorTrackingMiddleware I used the function _should_track() and placed a check that looks for the session key (after _should_track() checks that sessions is installed and before all other checks), with the check_session() function in my tools file, if it doesn't exist, the function creates it with the default of True (Track the user until they accept or reject) and returns an HttpResponse (left over from trying the cookie method).
When I used the cookie method, the firefox console said the cookie will expire so I just switched to sessions another reason is that django-tracking2 runs on it.
It seems to work very well and it didn't have a very large impact on load times, every time a request is made, that function runs and my debug tells me if it's tracking me or not and all the buttons work through AJAX. I want to run some tests to see if this does indeed work and if so, maybe I'll submit a pull request to django-tracking2 just in case someone else wants to use it.
A Big advantage to this is that you can allow users to change their minds if they want or you can reprompt at user sign up depending on if they accepted or not. with the way check_session() is set up, I can use it in template tags and class methods as well.

Correct REST API URL format for related objects

I'm designing a REST API where, amongst others, there are two objects.
For each Journey there are many Reports enroute, and each Report has exactly one associated Journey.
A user might create a Journey using the API as follows...
POST /journey/
Then retrieve the details...
GET /journey/1226/
The first question is, if a user wanted to post an Report to their Journey, which is the 'correct' URL structure that the API should impose? This seems intuitive to me...
POST /journey/1226/report/
...or is this the case...
POST /report/
...whereby in the latter, the Journey ID is passed in the request body somewhere?
The second question is, how might one go about implementing the first case in a tool such as the Django REST framework?
The URL/URI structure is almost completely irrelevant. It is nice to be able to read it, or easily change or even guess it, but that is it. There is no "requirement" official or unwritten how they should look like.
The point is however, that you supply the URIs to your clients in your responses. Each GET will get you a representation that contains links to the next "states" that your client can reach. This means the server has full control over URI structure, the client usually has to only know the "start" or "homepage" URI, and that's it.
Here is an article which discusses this question, has some good points:
Pass for the second question :) I didn't use that particular framework.

Removing query string from url in django while keeping GET information

I am working on a Django setup where I can receive a url containining a query string as part of a GET. I would like to be able to process the data provided in the query string and return a page that is adjusted for that data but does not contain the query string in the URL.
Ordinarily I would just use reverse(), but I am not sure how to apply it in this case. Here are the details of the situation:
Example URL: .../test/123/?list_options=1&list_options=2&list_options=3
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'test/(P<testrun_id>\d+)/'), views.testrun, name='testrun')
def testrun(request, testrun_id):
if 'list_options' in request.GET.keys():
lopt = request.GET.getlist('list_options')
[process lopt list]
[other processing]
context = { ...stuff... }
return render(request, 'test_tracker/testview.html', context)
When the example URL is processed, Django will return the page I want but with the URL still containing the query string on the end. The standard way of stripping off the unwanted query string would be to return the testrun function with return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('testrun', args=(testrun_id,))). However, if I do that here then I'm going to get an infinite loop through the testrun function. Furthermore, I am unsure if the list_options data that was on the original request will still be available after the redirect given that it has been removed from the URL.
How should I work around this? I can see that it might make sense to move the parsing of the list_options variable out into a separate function to avoid the infinite recursion, but I'm afraid that it will lose me the list_options data from the request if I do it that way. Is there a neat way of simultaneously lopping the query string off the end of the URL and returning the page I want in one place so I can avoid having separate things out into multiple functions?
EDIT: A little bit of extra background, since there have been a couple of "Why would you want to do this?" queries.
The website I'm designing is to report on the results of various tests of the software I'm working on. This particular page is for reporting on the results of a single test, and often I will link to it from a bigger list of tests.
The list_options array is a way of specifying the other tests in the list I have just come from. This allows me to populate a drop-down menu with other relevant tests to allow me to easily switch between them.
As such, I could easily end up passing in 15-20 different values and creating huge URLs, which I'd like to avoid. The page is designed to have a default set of other tests to fill in the menu in question if I don't suggest any others in the URL, so it's not a big deal if I remove the list_options. If the user wishes to come back to the page directly he won't care about the other tests in the list, so it's not a problem if that information is not available.
First a word of caution. This is probably not a good idea to do for various reasons:
Bookmarking. Imagine that .../link?q=bar&order=foo will filter some search results and also sort the results in particular order. If you will automatically strip out the querystring, then you will effectively disallow users to bookmark specific search queries.
Tests. Any time you add any automation, things can and will probably go wrong in ways you never imagined. It is always better to stick with simple yet effective approaches since they are widely used thus are less error-prone. Ill give an example for this below.
Maintenance. This is not a standard behavior model therefore this will make maintenance harder for future developers since first they will have to understand first what is going on.
If you still want to achieve this, one of the simplest methods is to use sessions. The idea is that when there is a querystring, you save its contents into a session and then you retrieve it later on when there is no querystring. For example:
def testrun(request, testrun_id):
# save the get data
if request.META['QUERY_STRING']:
request.session['testrun_get'] = request.GET
# the following will not have querystring hence no infinite loop
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('testrun', args=(testrun_id,)))
# there is no querystring so retreive it from session
# however someone could visit the url without the querystring
# without visiting the querystring version first hence
# you have to test for it
get_data = request.session.get('testrun_get', None)
if get_data:
if 'list_options' in get_data.keys():
# do some default option
context = { ...stuff... }
return render(request, 'test_tracker/testview.html', context)
That should work however it can break rather easily and there is no way to easily fix it. This should illustrate the second bullet from above. For example, imagine a user wants to compare two search queries side-by-side. So he will try to visit .../link?q=bar&order=foo and `.../link?q=cat&order=dog in different tabs of the same browser. So far so good because each page will open correct results however as soon as the user will try to refresh the first opened tab, he will get results from the second tab since that is what is currently stored in the session and because browser will have a single session token for both tabs.
Even if you will find some other method to achieve what you want without using sessions, I imagine that you will encounter similar issues because HTTP is stateless hence you will have to store state on the server.
There is actually a way to do this without breaking much of the functionality - store state on client instead of server-side. So you will have a url without a querystring and then let javascript query some API for whatever you will need to display on that page. That however will force you to make some sort of API and use some javascript which does not exactly fall into the scope of your question. So it is possible to do cleanly however that will involve more than just using Django.

Regular expression for URL filter that makes it hard to read the filterd URL

I want to insert a URL filter and I would like the URL to be hard to dechiffre.
For example .*porn\.* in a way maybe that it uses the ASCII code for the letters in hex form .
Of course, the example is obvious and I definately will leave that one as it is ;)
But for the others I would like them to be hard to read!
You can use the $_GET function in PHP to pull an ID out of the URL and display it that way, similar to Youtube with their "watch?v=". I recently did one using "?id=49" (I only have a few pages ATM, I will have about 70 soon). What I did is use a database with a song_id to index the information. I use the same basic layout, but you can use the ID to access information wrapped in PHP so that it doesnt get sent to the browser but will still display the page you want.
Or if you really want it to look crazy, you could use a database using the SHA() or MD5() function to encrypt it.
and your display will look like /page.php?id=21a57f2fe765e1ae4a8bf15d73fc1bf2a533f547f2343d12a499d9c0592044d4.

How do I add a prefix to all urls and generically parse that as a kwarg

Let's say I have a site where all urls are username specific.
For example /username1/points/list is a list of that user's points.
How do I grab the /username1/ portion of the url from all urls and add it as a kwarg for all views?
Alternatively, it would be great to grab the /username1/ portion and append that to the request as request.view_user.
You might consider attacking this with middlware. Specifically using process_request. This is called before the urlresolver is called and you can do pretty much anything to the request (request.path in this case) you want to. You might strip out the username and store it in the request object. Specifics depend (obviously) on the conditions under which you do/do not want to remove the first path component.
Updated for comment:
Whichever way you go about it, when you call reverse() you have to give it the additional context info -- it can't just automagically figure it out for itself. Django doesn't play any man-behind-the-curtains games -- everything is straight Python and there isn't any global state floating around just off stage. I think this is a Good Thing™.