Manually deployed WinRT app behaves different compared to deployment from VS2013 - web-services

I've developed a universal app for Windows 8.1 and am now trying to install the built .appx package via powershell having no problem after installing the certificate. Though when I run the installed app it behaves differently as if I deploy/install the app from within Visual Studio.
The app is using (local) REST services to obtain data from different sources. While working when starting the app from Visual Studio, it is not when I create an .appx package and install it manually via powershell. Any hints where the problem is located?


MSBuild doesn't create a package for a Web Service project?

We're running the following command for building and packaging Visual Studio Solutions:
MSBuild.exe *slnfile* /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=true
It appears this creates packages for Web Applications but not Web Services. I don't even see a "Publish" option in Visual Studio for Web Service projects. How do I package these for deployment?
It turns out the developer didn't create a Web Application project, they created a simple empty C# project. I converted the project to Web Application and it works.

How to build Qt applications using Team Foundation Server 2017

I am currently in the process of migrating a couple of legacy Qt5 projects to a new Team Foundation Server. All projects have been developed for Windows in Visual Studio using the Qt VS AddIn (and thus don't use .pro-files). I would love to use the TFS Build Agent to build these on other platforms (mainly linux).
I have previously done this on other projects using Jenkins and qmake, having platform-dependent settings in the .pro-file.
Is there an established workflow for building VS projects using Qt5 via a TFS Build Server on other platforms?
I don't use TFS but, since TFS Build operates on Visual Studio solutions, it ought to be possible to use the "Linux development with C++" feature of VS2017. Just setup a Linux project in the VS solution and it should build like any other.
Seems you'd like to build Cross-Platform Code in Linux using TFS vNext build system. To build or deploy you'll need at least one agent. The cross platform build agent is support on Ubuntu, Red Hat, and CentOS.
Detail steps please refer this tutorial-- Deploy an agent on Linux. Then simply create the build definition add build task, select the Linux build agent the same as build on windows. More detail step and build configuration you could take a look at this video tutorial-- Building and Deploy Applications In Linux With TFS
In your case, there is not corresponding VS/Qt VS AddIn in your Linux environment. You need to set up your Linux build agent local environment to build your qt5 application successfully, then it's not hard to build through tfs.
Another way is scripting the Linux build process to run over SSH or some other remote protocol, and driving this process from the Windows build agent.

Cloud Foundry Java Applications on Windows Stack using Diego

I have a windows 2012 server stack on cloud foundry.
I am trying to push a Java application(.war package) to this stack using Diego plugin.
The logs says that server started properly , but when i hit the application URL, I get a 404 error.
The same package works perfectly fine on linux stack.
Any help appreciated
At the present time, Windows support is for running Windows apps.
1.) ASP .NET MVC (12-factor ASP.NET MVC apps compiled against .NET 3.5+ were tested most extensively)
2.) Windows-compiled executables
3.) Batch scripts (with a manually specified start command)
Build packs will continue to run apps on Linux.

configure WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++ (WSO2 WSF/C++) on windows 7

i use this documenet for configure on windows WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++
form the following documnet i able to start axis2_http_server and it's running on port on 9090
its display deployed application on http://localhost:9090/axis2/services
but when i try to create hello.cpp sample application from the given documentation but not able to compile the hello.cpp src file
i install all listed Dependencies on my windows 7 box then also not able to compile hello.cpp i install visual c++ 2008 and also try with cygwin for gcc compiler then also not able to compile can any one help to set development environment for WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++ on windows
Try using visual studio to build a project. Another option is to try and look at the samples makefile shipped with wsf/cpp and use a similar command.

How to create a MFC Application to run setup.exe(msi installer)?

I have java application (.jar files) and created a batch file to execute the application.
Also, I created a Setup project using Visual Studio 2005 (Setup.exe, .msi).
However, it requires JRE to run. I have downloaded the jre installer (exe file) then would like to bundle it by creating a simple MFC application that calls the two installer (jre installer & Setup.exe).
Here's the list of MFC application functionality that want to create:
1) Upon execution (double click) of the MFC application, want to check if the JRE & my Java application are already installed.
2) If the JRE was found installed, get the installation path, display it to MFC's textbox then disable the textbox and JRE install button. Same with my Java application if found installed.
3) Upon clicking the install button (either JRE or my application), would like to execute the installer.
Any guidance on the right direction is appreciated.
EDIT: target OS Windows XP up
Why not use a JRE prerequisite for your installer? Perhaps this will help: Adding Custom prerequsites to visual studio setup project
This way you don't need an application which launches installers.