Storing Nested foreign key django - django

I have model cake, pricing. Pricing is manytomany to Cakes. Now in order model how i should store the values ?
class Order:
service = models.OneToOneField('Service')
price = models.OneToOneField('Pricing')
Since service is also linked to pricing, i cant create a order table like that.
Can somebody help out?

I don't know if I understand you question correctly, but I guess you have to state a related_name, for example:
class Order:
service = models.OneToOneField(Service, related_name='service')
price = models.OneToOneField(Pricing, related_name='price')


Django: Joining on fields other than IDs (Using a date field in one model to pull data from a second model)

I'm attempting to use Django to build a simple website. I have a set of blog posts that have a date field attached to indicate the day they were published. I have a table that contains a list of dates and temperatures. On each post, I would like to display the temperature on the day it was published.
The two models are as follows:
class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
text = models.TextField()
date = models.DateField()
class Temperature(models.Model):
date = models.DateField()
temperature = models.IntegerField()
I would like to be able to reference the temperature field from the second table using the date field from the first. Is this possible?
In SQL, this is a simple query. I would do the following:
Select temperature from Temperature t join Post p on =
I think I really have two questions:
Is it possible to brute force this, even if it's not best practice? I've googled a lot and tried using raw sql and objects.extra, but can't get them to do what I want. I'm also wary of relying on them for the long haul.
Since this seems to be a simple task, it seems likely that I'm overcomplicating it by having my models set up sub-optimally. Is there something I'm missing about how I should design my models? That is, what's the best practice for doing something like this? (I've successfully pulled the temperature into my blog post by using a foreign key in the Temperature model. But if I go that route, I don't see how I could easily make sure that my temperature dates get the correct foreign key assigned to them so that the temperature date maps to the correct post date.)
There will likely be better answers than this one, but I'll throw in my 2ยข anyway.
You could try a property inside the Post model that returns the temperature:
def temperature(self):
return Temperature.objects.values_list('temperature',flat=True).get(
return None
(code not tested)
About your Models:
If you will be displaying the temperature in a Post list (a list of Posts with their temperatures), then maybe it will be simpler to code and a faster query to just add a temperature field to your Post model.
You can keep the Temperature model. Then:
Assuming you have the temperature data already present in you Temperature model at the time of Post instance creation, you can fill that new field in a custom save method.
If you get temperature data after Post creation, you cann fill in that new temperature field through a background job (maybe triggered by crontab or similar).
Sometimes database orthogonality (not repeating info in many tables) is not the best strategy. Just something to think about, depending on how often you will be querying the Post models and how simple you want to keep that query code.
I think this might be a basic approach to solve the problem
post_dates = Post.objects.all().values('date')
result_temprature = Temperature.objects.filter(date__in = post_dates).values('temperature')
Subqueries could be your friend here. Something like the following should work:
from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery
temps = Temperature.objects.filter(date=OuterRef('date'))
posts = Post.objects.annotate(temperature=Subquery(temps.values('temperature')[:1]))
for post in posts:
temperature = post.temperature
Then you can just iterate through posts and access the temperature off each post instance

Django Aggregate with several models

I have these models :
class Package(models.Model):
title = CharField(...)
class Item(models.Model)
package = ForeignKey(Package)
price = FloatField(...)
class UserItem(models.Model)
user = ForeignKey(User)
item = ForeignKey(Item)
purchased = BooleanField()
I am trying to achieve 2 functionality with the best performance possible :
In my templete I would like to calculate each package price sum of all its items. (Aggregate I assume ?)
More complicated : I wish that for each user I can sum up the price of all item purchased. so the purchased = True.
Assume I have 10 items in one package which each of them cost 10$ the package sum should be 100$. assume the user purchase 5 items the second sum should be 50$.
I can easily do simple queries with templetetags but I believe it can be done better ? (Hopefully)
To total the price for a specific package a_package you can use this code
There is a a guide on how to do these kind of queries, and the aggregate documentation with all the different functions described.
This kind of query can also solve your second problem.
You can also use annotate() to attach the count to each object, see the first link above.
The most elegant way in my opinion would be to define a method total on the Model class and decorate it as a property. This will return the total (using Django ORM's Sum aggregate) for either Package or User.
Example for class Package:
from django.db.models import Sum
class Package(models.Model):
def total(self):
return self.item_set.aggregate(Sum('price'))
In your template code you would use total as any other model attribute. E.g.:
{{ }}
#Vic Smith got the solution.
But I would add a price attribute on the package model if you wish
the best performance possible
You would add a on_save signal to Item, and if created, you update the related package object.
This way you can get the package price very quickly, and even make quick sorting, comparing, etc.
Plus, I don't really get the purpose of the purchased attribute. But you probably want to make a ManyToMany relationship between Item and User, and define UserItem as the connection with the trhough parameter.
Anyway, my experience is that you usually want to make a relationship between Item and a Purchasse objet, which is linked to User, and not a direct link (unless you start to get performances issues...). Having Purchasse as a record of the event "the user bough this and that" make things easier to handle.

Filter for elements using exists through a reverse foreign key relationship

A relevant image of my model is here:
I need to make a queryset that contains all cats who have an associated person with a role of "owner" and a name of "bob".
The sql for this would be shown below.
select * from cat where exists
(select 1 from person inner join role where"bob" and"owner");
This problem can be solved in two sql queries with the following django filters.
people = Person.objects.filter(name="bob", role__name="owner")
ids = [ for p in people]
cats = Cat.objects.filter(id__in=ids)
My actual setup is more complex than this and is dealing with a large dataset. Is there a way to do this with one query? If it is impossible, what is the efficient alternative?
I'm pretty sure this is your query:
cats = Cat.objects.filter(person__name='bob', person__role__name='owner')
read here about look ups spanning relationships

How to sort by annotated Count() in a related model in Django

I'm building a food logging database in Django and I've got a query related problem.
I've set up my models to include (among other things) a Food model connected to the User model through an M2M-field "consumer" via the Consumption model. The Food model describes food dishes and the Consumption model describes a user's consumption of Food (date, amount, etc).
class Food(models.Model):
food_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
consumer = models.ManyToManyField("User", through=Consumption)
class Consumption(models.Model):
food = models.ForeignKey("Food")
user = models.ForeignKey("User")
I want to create a query that returns all Food objects ordered by the number of times that Food object appears in the Consumption table for that user (the number of times the user has consumed the food).
I'm trying something in the line of:
Food.objects.all().annotate(consumption_times = Count(consumer)).order_by('consumption_times')`
But this will of course count all Consumption objects related to the Food object, not just the ones associated with the user. Do I need to change my models or am I just missing something obvious in the queries?
This is a pretty time-critical operation (among other things, it's used to fill an Autocomplete field in the Frontend) and the Food table has a couple of thousand entries, so I'd rather do the sorting in the database end, rather than doing the brute force method and iterate over the results doing:
Consumption.objects.filter(food=food, user=user).count()
and then using python sort to sort them. I don't think that method would scale very well as the user base increases and I want to design the database as future proof as I can from the start.
Any ideas?
Perhaps something like this?
I am having a very similar issue. Basically, I know that the SQL query you want is:
SELECT food.*, COUNT(IF(consumption.user_id=123,TRUE,NULL)) AS consumption_times
FROM food LEFT JOIN consumption ON (
ORDER BY consumption_times;
What I wish is that you could mix aggregate functions and F expression, annotate F expressions without an aggregate function, have a richer set of operations/functions for F expressions, and have virtual fields that are basically an automatic F expression annotation. So that you could do:
Also, just being able more easily able to add your own complex aggregate functions would be nice, but in the meantime, here's a hack that adds an aggregate function to do this.
from django.db.models import aggregates,sql
class CountIf(sql.aggregates.Count):
sql_template = '%(function)s(IF(%(field)s=%(equals)s,TRUE,NULL))'
sql.aggregates.CountIf = CountIf
consumption_times = aggregates.Count('consumer', = 'CountIf'
rows = Food.objects.annotate(consumption_times=consumption_times)\

Query for a ManytoMany Field with Through in Django

I have a models in Django that are something like this:
class Classification(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(choices=class_choices)
class Activity(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=300)
fee = models.ManyToManyField(Classification, through='Fee')
class Fee(models.Model):
activity = models.ForeignKey(Activity)
class = models.ForeignKey(Classification)
early_fee = models.IntegerField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=10)
regular_fee = models.IntegerField(decimal_places=2, max_digits=10)
The idea being that there will be a set of fees associated with each Activity and Classification pair. Classification is like Student, Staff, etc.
I know that part works right.
Then in my application, I query for a set of Activities with:
activities = Activity.objects.filter(...)
Which returns a list of activities. I need to display in my template that list of Activities with their Fees. Something like this:
Activity Name
Student Early Price - $4
Student Regular Price - $5
Staff Early Price - $6
Staff Regular Price - $8
But I don't know of an easy way to get this info without a specific get query of the Fees object for each activity/class pair.
I hoped this would work:
But that just returns the Classification Object. Is there a way to get the Fee Object Data for the Pair via the Activities I already queried?
Or am I doing this completely wrong?
Considering michuk's tip to rename "fee" to "classification":
Default name for Fee objects on Activity model will be fee_set. So in order to get your prices, do this:
for a in Activity.objects.all():
a.fee_set.all() #gets you all fees for activity
There's one thing though, as you can see you'll end up doing 1 SELECT on each activity object for fees, there are some apps that can help with that, for example, django-batch-select does only 2 queries in this case.
First of all I think you named your field wrong. This:
fee = models.ManyToManyField(Classification, through='Fee')
should be rather that:
classifications = models.ManyToManyField(Classification, through='Fee')
as ManyToManyField refers to a list of related objects.
In general ManyToManyField, AFAIK, is only a django shortcut to enable easy fetching of all related objects (Classification in your case), with the association table being transparent to the model. What you want is the association table (Fee in your case) not being transparent.
So what I would do is to remove the ManyToManyField field from Activity and simply get all the fees related with the activity. And thenm if you need a Classification for each fee, get the Classification separately.