How do I send a wstring variable over a socket? - c++

I have to send information between a client and a server in C++. I have found that the following code allows me to send integers over the connection.
int number = 5;
send(clientSocket, (char*)&number, sizeof(number), 0); //Integer is sent to client
int number;
recv(serverSocket, (char*)&number, sizeof(number), 0); //Integer is received and assigned to 'number'
However, I am now trying to send a wstring variable using the exact same code (replace 'int' with 'wstring') and it fails to send the value correctly. How can I send a wstring over the socket and receive it on the client?

Step 1:
Sender and receiver agree on a shared character encoding. If you are writing both sender and receiver, this is easy. Pick one. Preferably pick one with a good C++ support library on both the sending and receiving platforms. UTF-8 generally has good support.
Step 2:
Sender and receiver agree on how you will signal the end of a string. Common choices are read until NULL and sending the length of the string before you send the string. Some times you want to send the length of the encoded string in bytes to make reading and buffering the encoded string easier.
Step 3:
Sender encodes the string using the agreed upon encoding into a char buffer. This is, unfortunately, messier in C++ than it should be. You may find yourself going back to step 1 and re-choosing the encoding because the encoding you chose doesn't have as good library support as you thought.
Step 4 A:
Write the buffer from step 3 and the length-determining method was selected in step 2 into the socket.
Step 4B:
Read the buffer from the socket, stopping when the terminating condition chosen in step 2 is met. If looking for an end of string marker or a count of strings, you will have to read and buffer, then convert byte by byte, reading and buffering more as required. If you sent the size of the encoded string, you can read and buffer the whole string in one shot and then let the decoder loose.

To send a C++ class (which std::wstring is an example of) you have to serialize it: convert it to the format which can be sent and received. A binary object representation (which you get by taking an address of an object) is not suitable for that purpose.
Luckily, serializing std::wstring is not much of a trouble. You just need to access it's character buffer using it's c_str() method. The only one thing you need to remeber is that you also need to tell the receiver how long the string is - so that receiver know how much to read.


How send big string in winsock using c++ from client to server

I am writing a server-client application using Winsock in c++ for sending a file line by line and I have a problem in sending huge string. The line size is very huge.
For getting the message from the client by the server I use the code below.
int result;
char message[200];
while (true)
recv(newSd, (char*)&message, sizeof(message), 0);
cout << "The Message from client: " << message << ";";
The above code working fine if I send small length of the message. But, what I wanted is to send an unknown size of lines in a file.
How to send a big unknown string instead of char message[200];
TCP is a byte stream, it knows nothing about messages or lines or anything like that. When you send data over TCP, all it knows about is raw bytes, not what the bytes represent. It is your responsibility to implement a messaging protocol on top of TCP to delimit the data in some meaningful way so the receiver can know when the data is complete. There are two ways to do that:
send the data length before sending the actual data. The receiver reads the length first, then reads however many bytes the length says.
send a unique terminator after sending the data. Make sure the terminator never appears in the data. The receiver can then read until the terminator is received.
You are not handling either of those in your recv() code, so I suspect you are not handling either of them in your send() code, too (which you did not show).
Since you are sending a text file, you can either:
send the file size, such as in a uint32_t or uint64_t (depending on how large the file is), then send the raw file bytes.
send each text line individually as-is, terminated by a CRLF or bare-LF line break after each line, and then send a final terminator after the last line.
You are also ignoring the return value of recv(), which tells you how many bytes were actually received. It can, and usually does, return fewer bytes than requested, so you must be prepared to call recv() multiple times, usually in a loop, to receive data completely. Same with send().

c++ asio socket read answer from server

I got simple server-client app.
The idia is:
Client send to server string with sql-request.
Server process the request and send back on client answer with data formated in csv style string.
Everything is already adjusted accept one thing. The problem is to read answer on client cause I don't know the size of recieved string.
Code is bellow:
std::string answer;
answer = sql_read(*msg); //get the string with data from request
clientSock->write_some(buffer(answer, answer.size())); //send it back on client
std::string answer;
bytesRead = sock->read_some(boost::asio::buffer(readBuf, inputSize)); //read the answer, but how do I know correct size of string?
string_ptr msg(new std::string(readBuf, bytesRead));
answer = *msg;
How to read the resulting string without knowing its size?
Or if my aproach (with sending data in string) is radically wrong how to do it in correct way?
You must handle this yourself in the protocol the client and server use to speak to each other.
One way is to use a deliminator and use boost::asio::read_until(). Example:
boost::asio::streambuf buf;
boost::asio::read_until (sock, buf, "\r\n"); // or '\0' if zero terminated
Check the Boost.Asio documentation.
Another way is to send the size in an fixed length header before sending the variable length part.
You won't know the size of the string in advance. Where you do the read_some you will need to do a loop to read all the data from the socket. You need to check the number of bytes read and the size of the buffer you allocated. If they are equal then you filled up your read buffer and you need to do another read to check for any remaining data.

Serialize and deserialize the message using google protobuf in socket programming in C++

Message format to send to server side as below :
package test;
message Test {
required int32 id = 1;
required string name = 2;
Server.cpp to do encoding :
string buffer;
test::Test original;
send(acceptfd,buffer.c_str(), buffer.size(),0);
By this send function it will send the data to client,i hope and i am not getting any error also for this particular code.
But my concern is like below:
How to decode using Google Protocol buffer for the above message in
the client side
So that i can see/print the message.
You should send more than just the protobuf message to be able to decode it on the client side.
A simple solution would be to send the value of buffer.size() over the socket as a 4-byte integer using network byte order, and the send the buffer itself.
The client should first read the buffer's size from the socket and convert it from network to host byte order. Let's denote the resulting value s. The client must then preallocate a buffer of size s and read s bytes from the socket into it. After that, just use MessageLite::ParseFromString to reconstruct your protobuf.
See here for more info on protobuf message methods.
Also, this document discourages the usage of required:
You should be very careful about marking fields as required. If at
some point you wish to stop writing or sending a required field, it
will be problematic to change the field to an optional field – old
readers will consider messages without this field to be incomplete and
may reject or drop them unintentionally. You should consider writing
application-specific custom validation routines for your buffers
instead. Some engineers at Google have come to the conclusion that
using required does more harm than good; they prefer to use only
optional and repeated. However, this view is not universal.

Changing this protocol to work with TCP streaming

I made a simple protocol for my game:
b = bool
i = int
sINT: = string whose length is INT followed by a : then the string
m = int message id.
m133s11:Hello Worldi-57989b0b1b0
This would be:
Message ID 133
String 'Hello World' length 11
int -57989
bool false
bool true
bool false
I did not know however that TCP could potentially only send PART of a message. I'm not sure exactly how I could modify this such that I can do the following:
on receive data from client:
use client's chunk parser
process data
if has partial message then try to find matching END
if no partial messages then try to read a whole message
for each complete message in queue, dispatch it
I could do this by adding B at the beginning of a message and E at the end, then parsing through for the first char to be B and last to be E.
The only problem is what if
I receive something silly in the middle that does not follow the protocol. Or, what if I was supposed to just receive something that is not a message and is just a string. So if I was somehow intended to receive the string HelloB, then I would parse this as hello and the beginning of a message, but I would never receive that message because it is not a message.
How could I modify my protocol to solve these potential issues? As much as I anticipate only ever receiving correctly formed messages, it would be a nightmare if one was poorly encoded and set everything out of whack.
I decided to add the length at the beginning and keep track of if I'm working on a message or not:
p32m133s11:Hello Worldi-57989b0b1b0
I then have 3 states, reading to find 'p', reading to find the length after 'p' or reading bytes until length bytes have been read.
What do you think?
It seems to work great.
What you are doing is pretty old-school, magnetic tape stuff. Nice.
The issue you might have is that if a part of the message is received, you cannot tell if you are partway through a token.
E.g. if you receive:
Is this Message 12, or is it the first part of message 122?
If you receive:
Is this an integer -12 or is it the first part of an integer -124354?
So I think you need to change it so that the message numbers are fixed width (e.g. four digits), the string length is fixed (e.g. 6 digits) and the integer width is fixed at 10 digits.
So your example would be:
m_133s____11:Hello Worldi____-57989b0b1b0
That way if you get the first part of a message you can store it and wait for the remainder to be received before you process it.
You might also consider using control characters to separate message parts. There are ascii control codes often used for this purpose, RS, FS, GS and US. So a message could be
You know when you have a complete message because the [GS] marks the end. You can then divide it up into fields using the [RS] as a separator, and split each into name/value using the [US].
See for a brief bit of information.

Handling TCP Streams

Our server is seemingly packet based. It is an adaptation from an old serial based system. It has been added, modified, re-built, etc over the years. Since TCP is a stream protocol and not a packet protocol, sometimes the packets get broken up. The ServerSocket is designed in such a way that when the Client sends data, part of the data contains the size of our message such as 55. Sometimes these packets are split into multiple pieces. They arrive in order but since we do not know how the messages will be split, our server sometimes does not know how to identify the split message.
So, having given you the background information. What is the best method to rebuild the packets as they come in if they are split? We are using C++ Builder 5 (yes I know, old IDE but this is all we can work with at the moment. ALOT of work to re-design in .NET or newer technology).
TCP guarantees that the data will arrive in the same order it was sent.
That beeing said, you can just append all the incoming data to a buffer. Then check if your buffer contains one or more packets, and remove them from the buffer, keeping all the remaining data into the buffer for future check.
This, of course, suppose that your packets have some header that indicates the size of the following data.
Lets consider packets have the following structure:
[LEN] X X X...
Where LEN is the size of the data and each X is an byte.
If you receive:
4 X X X
The packet is not complete, you can leave it in the buffer. Then, other data arrives, you just append it to the buffer:
4 X X X X 3 X X X
You then have 2 complete messages that you can easily parse.
If you do it, don't forget to send any length in a host-independant form (ntohs and ntohl can help).
This is often accomplished by prefixing messages with a one or two-byte length value which, like you said, gives the length of the remaining data. If I've understood you correctly, you're sending this as plain text (i.e., '5', '5') and this might get split up. Since you don't know the length of a decimal number, it's somewhat ambiguous. If you absolutely need to go with plain text, perhaps you could encode the length as a 16-bit hex value, i.e.:
00ff <255 bytes data>
000a <10 bytes data>
This way, the length of the size header is fixed to 4 bytes and can be used as a minimum read length when receiving on the socket.
Edit: Perhaps I misunderstood -- if reading the length value isn't a problem, deal with splits by concatenating incoming data to a string, byte buffer, or whatever until its length is equal to the value you read in the beginning. TCP will take care of the rest.
Take extra precautions to make sure that you can't get stuck in a blocking read state should the client not send a complete message. For example, say you receive the length header, and start a loop that keeps reading through blocking recv() calls until the buffer is filled. If a malicious client intentionally stops sending data, your server might be locked until the client either disconnects, or starts sending.
I would have a function called readBytes or something that takes a buffer and a length parameter and reads until that many bytes have been read. You'll need to capture the number of bytes actually read and if it's less than the number you're expecting, advance your buffer pointer and read the rest. Keep looping until you've read them all.
Then call this function once for the header (containing the length), assuming that the header is a fixed length. Once you have the length of the actual data, call this function again.