I am working on an elixir problem where I have a phrase:
phrase = "duck duck goose more_ducks hyphenated-duck überduck"
I am attempting to split this string into a list of words where underscored words are separate words and hyphenated words are not. The following code works for me:
String.split(phrase, ~r{([^\w'-]+|_)})
with exception of the umlaut character, which it splits the word on.
I would like for it not to split on international characters, but can't see to find a way that will work.
I have tried several permutations of ^p{Ll}$/u with the latest being:
I haven't been able to find out the purpose of the '$' before /u in my readings either, but it shows up in a lot of examples. I seem to get some sort or error no matter where I place it in the regex section.
Any insight or help would be very appreciated. I feel I am missing something basic.
Thank you in advance
UPDATE: One of the insights in the comments gave me a solution and explanation to my problem. The "u" is modifying the ~r{} sigil. When I put the "u" in the correct place, it worked fine:
Use Regex.scan/3 which is more natural here. You need to explicitly set regex to unicode (u modifier to ~r// sigil) and match the sequence of subsequent letters and/or dashes.
Regex.scan ~r/[\p{L}'’-]+/u, phrase
#⇒ [
# ["duck"],
# ["duck"],
# ["goose"],
# ["more"],
# ["ducks"],
# ["hyphenated-duck"],
# ["überduck"]
# ]
German character
Umlaut is by no mean “a German character,” it’s so-called combining diacritical mark named diaeresis that is used in many languages beyond German. See English word naïve, or French company Citroën for example.
You don't need to use Regex at all:
String.split(phrase, [" ", "_"])
["duck", "duck", "goose", "more", "ducks", "hyphenated-duck", "überduck"]
Regular expressions can be somewhat hard to read. Much easier would be to use the xr wrapper for Python's regular expressions.
% pip install xr
% python
Python 3.8.5 (default, Jul 21 2020, 10:48:26)
>>> from xr import Text
>>> Text(' ').split('a b c')
['a', 'b', 'c']
xr also provides a bit of syntactic sugar for this use case:
WhiteSpace.split('a b c d')
Anyhow, you might be interested to know that I just added your duck duck goose example string to xd's unit tests.
>>> WhiteSpace.split("duck duck goose more_ducks hyphenated-duck überduck")
['duck', 'duck', 'goose', 'more_ducks', 'hyphenated-duck', 'überduck']
I'm trying to determine whether a term appears in a string.
Before and after the term must appear a space, and a standard suffix is also allowed.
term: google
string: "I love google!!! "
result: found
term: dog
string: "I love dogs "
result: found
I'm trying the following code:
regexPart1 = "\s"
regexPart2 = "(?:s|'s|!+|,|.|;|:|\(|\)|\"|\?+)?\s"
p = re.compile(regexPart1 + term + regexPart2 , re.IGNORECASE)
and get the error:
raise error("multiple repeat")
sre_constants.error: multiple repeat
Real code that fails:
term = 'lg incite" OR author:"" OR "for sale'
regexPart1 = r"\s"
regexPart2 = r"(?:s|'s|!+|,|.|;|:|\(|\)|\"|\?+)?\s"
p = re.compile(regexPart1 + term + regexPart2 , re.IGNORECASE)
On the other hand, the following term passes smoothly (+ instead of ++)
term = 'lg incite" OR author:"" OR "for sale'
The problem is that, in a non-raw string, \" is ".
You get lucky with all of your other unescaped backslashes—\s is the same as \\s, not s; \( is the same as \\(, not (, and so on. But you should never rely on getting lucky, or assuming that you know the whole list of Python escape sequences by heart.
Either print out your string and escape the backslashes that get lost (bad), escape all of your backslashes (OK), or just use raw strings in the first place (best).
That being said, your regexp as posted won't match some expressions that it should, but it will never raise that "multiple repeat" error. Clearly, your actual code is different from the code you've shown us, and it's impossible to debug code we can't see.
Now that you've shown a real reproducible test case, that's a separate problem.
You're searching for terms that may have special regexp characters in them, like this:
term = 'lg incite" OR author:"" OR "for sale'
That p++ in the middle of a regexp means "1 or more of 1 or more of the letter p" (in the others, the same as "1 or more of the letter p") in some regexp languages, "always fail" in others, and "raise an exception" in others. Python's re falls into the last group. In fact, you can test this in isolation:
>>> re.compile('p++')
error: multiple repeat
If you want to put random strings into a regexp, you need to call re.escape on them.
One more problem (thanks to Ωmega):
. in a regexp means "any character". So, ,|.|;|:" (I've just extracted a short fragment of your longer alternation chain) means "a comma, or any character, or a semicolon, or a colon"… which is the same as "any character". You probably wanted to escape the ..
Putting all three fixes together:
term = 'lg incite" OR author:"" OR "for sale'
regexPart1 = r"\s"
regexPart2 = r"(?:s|'s|!+|,|\.|;|:|\(|\)|\"|\?+)?\s"
p = re.compile(regexPart1 + re.escape(term) + regexPart2 , re.IGNORECASE)
As Ωmega also pointed out in a comment, you don't need to use a chain of alternations if they're all one character long; a character class will do just as well, more concisely and more readably.
And I'm sure there are other ways this could be improved.
The other answer is great, but I would like to point out that using regular expressions to find strings in other strings is not the best way to go about it. In python simply write:
if term in string:
#do whatever
i have an example_str = "i love you c++" when using regex get error multiple repeat Error. The error I'm getting here is because the string contains "++" which is equivalent to the special characters used in the regex. my fix was to use re.escape(example_str ), here is my code.
example_str = "i love you c++"
regex_word ='\b{re.escape(word_filter)}\b', word_en)
Also make sure that your arguments are in the correct order!
I was trying to run a regular expression on some html code. I kept getting the multiple repeat error, even with very simple patterns of just a few letters.
Turns out I had the pattern and the html mixed up. I tried re.findall(html, pattern) instead of re.findall(pattern, html).
A general solution to "multiple repeat" is using re.escape to match the literal pattern.
>>>> re.compile(re.escape("c++"))
However if you want to match a literal word with space before and after try out this example:
>>>> re.findall(rf"\s{re.escape('c++')}\s", "i love c++ you c++")
[' c++ ']
The problem is that, as you know, there are thousands of characters in the Unicode chart and I want to convert all the similar characters to the letters which are in English alphabet.
For instance here are a few conversions:
tђє Ŧค๓เℓy --> the Family
and I saw that there are more than 20 versions of letter A/a. and I don't know how to classify them. They look like needles in the haystack.
The complete list of unicode chars is at or . Just try scrolling down and see the variations of letters.
How can I convert all these with Java? Please help me :(
Reposting my post from How do I remove diacritics (accents) from a string in .NET?
This method works fine in java (purely for the purpose of removing diacritical marks aka accents).
It basically converts all accented characters into their deAccented counterparts followed by their combining diacritics. Now you can use a regex to strip off the diacritics.
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public String deAccent(String str) {
String nfdNormalizedString = Normalizer.normalize(str, Normalizer.Form.NFD);
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+");
return pattern.matcher(nfdNormalizedString).replaceAll("");
It's a part of Apache Commons Lang as of ver. 3.0.
returns An
Also see
Attempting to "convert them all" is the wrong approach to the problem.
Firstly, you need to understand the limitations of what you are trying to do. As others have pointed out, diacritics are there for a reason: they are essentially unique letters in the alphabet of that language with their own meaning / sound etc.: removing those marks is just the same as replacing random letters in an English word. This is before you even go onto consider the Cyrillic languages and other script based texts such as Arabic, which simply cannot be "converted" to English.
If you must, for whatever reason, convert characters, then the only sensible way to approach this it to firstly reduce the scope of the task at hand. Consider the source of the input - if you are coding an application for "the Western world" (to use as good a phrase as any), it would be unlikely that you would ever need to parse Arabic characters. Similarly, the Unicode character set contains hundreds of mathematical and pictorial symbols: there is no (easy) way for users to directly enter these, so you can assume they can be ignored.
By taking these logical steps you can reduce the number of possible characters to parse to the point where a dictionary based lookup / replace operation is feasible. It then becomes a small amount of slightly boring work creating the dictionaries, and a trivial task to perform the replacement. If your language supports native Unicode characters (as Java does) and optimises static structures correctly, such find and replaces tend to be blindingly quick.
This comes from experience of having worked on an application that was required to allow end users to search bibliographic data that included diacritic characters. The lookup arrays (as it was in our case) took perhaps 1 man day to produce, to cover all diacritic marks for all Western European languages.
Since the encoding that turns "the Family" into "tђє Ŧค๓เℓy" is effectively random and not following any algorithm that can be explained by the information of the Unicode codepoints involved, there's no general way to solve this algorithmically.
You will need to build the mapping of Unicode characters into latin characters which they resemble. You could probably do this with some smart machine learning on the actual glyphs representing the Unicode codepoints. But I think the effort for this would be greater than manually building that mapping. Especially if you have a good amount of examples from which you can build your mapping.
To clarify: a few of the substitutions can actually be solved via the Unicode data (as the other answers demonstrate), but some letters simply have no reasonable association with the latin characters which they resemble.
"ђ" (U+0452 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE) is more related to "d" than to "h", but is used to represent "h".
"Ŧ" (U+0166 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH STROKE) is somewhat related to "T" (as the name suggests) but is used to represent "F".
"ค" (U+0E04 THAI CHARACTER KHO KHWAI) is not related to any latin character at all and in your example is used to represent "a"
Tested :
Output from Apache Commons Lang3 : AAAAAÆCEEEEIIIIÐNOOOOOØUUUUYß
Output from JUnidecode : AAAAAAECEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOOUUUUUss (problem with Ý and another issue)
The last choice is the best.
The original request has been answered already.
However, I am posting the below answer for those who might be looking for generic transliteration code to transliterate any charset to Latin/English in Java.
Naive meaning of tranliteration:
Translated string in it's final form/target charset sounds like the string in it's original form.
If we want to transliterate any charset to Latin(English alphabets), then ICU4(ICU4J library in java ) will do the job.
Here is the code snippet in java:
import; //ICU4J library import
public static String TRANSLITERATE_ID = "NFD; Any-Latin; NFC";
public static String NORMALIZE_ID = "NFD; [:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; NFC";
* Returns the transliterated string to convert any charset to latin.
public static String transliterate(String input) {
Transliterator transliterator = Transliterator.getInstance(TRANSLITERATE_ID + "; " + NORMALIZE_ID);
String result = transliterator.transliterate(input);
return result;
If the need is to convert "òéışöç->oeisoc", you can use this a starting point :
public class AsciiUtils {
private static final String PLAIN_ASCII =
"AaEeIiOoUu" // grave
+ "AaEeIiOoUuYy" // acute
+ "AaEeIiOoUuYy" // circumflex
+ "AaOoNn" // tilde
+ "AaEeIiOoUuYy" // umlaut
+ "Aa" // ring
+ "Cc" // cedilla
+ "OoUu" // double acute
private static final String UNICODE =
+ "\u00C1\u00E1\u00C9\u00E9\u00CD\u00ED\u00D3\u00F3\u00DA\u00FA\u00DD\u00FD"
+ "\u00C2\u00E2\u00CA\u00EA\u00CE\u00EE\u00D4\u00F4\u00DB\u00FB\u0176\u0177"
+ "\u00C3\u00E3\u00D5\u00F5\u00D1\u00F1"
+ "\u00C4\u00E4\u00CB\u00EB\u00CF\u00EF\u00D6\u00F6\u00DC\u00FC\u0178\u00FF"
+ "\u00C5\u00E5"
+ "\u00C7\u00E7"
+ "\u0150\u0151\u0170\u0171"
// private constructor, can't be instanciated!
private AsciiUtils() { }
// remove accentued from a string and replace with ascii equivalent
public static String convertNonAscii(String s) {
if (s == null) return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int n = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
int pos = UNICODE.indexOf(c);
if (pos > -1){
else {
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String args[]) {
String s =
"The result : È,É,Ê,Ë,Û,Ù,Ï,Î,À,Â,Ô,è,é,ê,ë,û,ù,ï,î,à,â,ô,ç";
// output :
// The result : E,E,E,E,U,U,I,I,A,A,O,e,e,e,e,u,u,i,i,a,a,o,c
The JDK 1.6 provides the java.text.Normalizer class that can be used for this task.
See an example here
The problem with "converting" arbitrary Unicode to ASCII is that the meaning of a character is culture-dependent. For example, “ß” to a German-speaking person should be converted to "ss" while an English-speaker would probably convert it to “B”.
Add to that the fact that Unicode has multiple code points for the same glyphs.
The upshot is that the only way to do this is create a massive table with each Unicode character and the ASCII character you want to convert it to. You can take a shortcut by normalizing characters with accents to normalization form KD, but not all characters normalize to ASCII. In addition, Unicode does not define which parts of a glyph are "accents".
Here is a tiny excerpt from an app that does this:
switch (c)
case 'A':
// and so on for about 20 lines...
return "A";
return "AE";
// And so on for pages...
You could try using unidecode, which is available as a ruby gem and as a perl module on cpan. Essentially, it works as a huge lookup table, where each unicode code point relates to an ascii character or string.
There is no easy or general way to do what you want because it is just your subjective opinion that these letters look loke the latin letters you want to convert to. They are actually separate letters with their own distinct names and sounds which just happen to superficially look like a latin letter.
If you want that conversion, you have to create your own translation table based on what latin letters you think the non-latin letters should be converted to.
(If you only want to remove diacritial marks, there are some answers in this thread: How do I remove diacritics (accents) from a string in .NET? However you describe a more general problem)
I'm late to the party, but after facing this issue today, I found this answer to be very good:
String asciiName = Normalizer.normalize(unicodeName, Normalizer.Form.NFD)
.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
Following Class does the trick:
I am trying to figure out a regular expression which matches any string with 8 symbols, which doesn't equal "00000000".
can any one help me?
In at least perl regexp using a negative lookahead assertion: ^(?!0{8}).{8}$, but personally i'd rather write it like so:
length $_ == 8 and $_ ne '00000000'
Also note that if you do use the regexp, depending on the language you might need a flag to make the dot match newlines as well, if you want that. In perl, that's the /s flag, for "single-line mode".
Unless you are being forced into it for some reason, this is not a regex problem. Just use len(s) == 8 && s != "00000000" or whatever your language uses to compare strings and lengths.
If you need a regex, ^(?!0{8})[A-Za-z0-9]{8}$ will match a string of exactly 8 characters. Changing the values inside the [] will allow you to set the accepted characters.
As mentioned in the other answers, regular expressions are not the right tool for this task. I suspect it is a homework, thus I'll only hint a solution, instead of stating it explicitly.
The regexp "any 8 symbols except 00000000" may be broken down as a sum of eight regexps in the form "8 symbols with non-zero symbol on the i-th position". Try to write down such an expression and then combine them into one using alternative ("|").
Unless you have unspecified requirements, you really don't need a regular expression for this:
if len(myString) == 8 and myString != "00000000":
(in the language of your choice, of course!)
If you need to extract all eight character strings not equal to "000000000" from a larger string, you could use
to identify the first character of each sequence and extract eight characters starting with its index.
Of course, one would simply check
if stuff != '00000000'
but for the record, one could easily employ
heavyweight regex (in Perl) for that ;-)
use re 'eval';
my #strings = qw'00000000 00A00000 10000000 000000001 010000';
my $L = 8;
print map "$_ - ok\n",
grep /^(.{$L})$(??{$^Nne'0'x$L?'':'^$'})/,
00A00000 - ok
10000000 - ok
go figure ;-)
Wouldn't ([1-9]**|\D*){8} do it? Or am I missing something here (which is actually just the inverse of ndim's, which seems like it oughta work).
I am assuming the characters was chosen to include more than digits.
Ok so that was wrong, so Professor Bolo did I get a passing grade? (I love reg expressions so I am really curious).
>>> if re.match(r"(?:[^0]{8}?|[^0]{7}?|[^0]{6}?|[^0]{5}?|[^0]{4}?|[^0]{3}?|[^0]2}?|[^0]{1}?)", '00000000'):
print 'match'
>>> if re.match(r"(?:[^0]{8}?|[^0]{7}?|[^0]{6}?|[^0]{5}?|[^0]{4}?|[^0]{3}?|[^0]{2}?|[^0]{1}?)", '10000000'):
... print 'match'
>>> if re.match(r"(?:[^0]{8}?|[^0]{7}?|[^0]{6}?|[^0]{5}?|[^0]{4}?|[^0]{3}?|[^0]{2}?|[^0]{1}?)", '10011100'):
... print 'match'
That work?
I need a generic transliteration or substitution regex that will map extended latin characters to similar looking ASCII characters, and all other extended characters to '' (empty string) so that...
é becomes e
ê becomes e
á becomes a
ç becomes c
Ď becomes D
and so on, but things like ‡ or Ω or ‰ just get striped away.
Use Unicode::Normalize to get the NFD($str). In this form all the characters with diacritics will be turned into a base character followed by a combining diacritic character. Then simply remove all the non-ASCII characters.
Maybe a CPAN module might be of help?
Text::Unidecode looks promising, though it does not strip ‡ or Ω or ‰. Rather these are replaced by ++, O and %o. This might or might not be what you want.
Text::Unaccent, is another candidate but only for the part of getting rid of the accents.
Text::Unaccent or alternatively Text::Unaccent::PurePerl sounds like what you're asking for, at least the first half of it.
$unaccented = unac_string($charset, $string);
Removing all non-ASCII characters would be a relatively simple.
All brilliant answers. But none actually really worked. Putting extended characters directly in the source-code caused problems when working in terminal windows or various code/text editors across platforms. I was able to try out Unicode::Normalize, Text::Unidecode and Text::Unaccent, but wan't able to get any of them to do exactly what I want.
In the end I just enumerated all the characters I wanted transliterated myself for UTF-8 (which is most frequent code page found in my input data).
I needed two extra substitutions to take care of æ and Æ which I want mapping to two characters
For interested parties the final code is: (the tr is a single line)
$word =~ tr/\xC0\xC1\xC2\xC3\xC4\xC5\xC7\xC8\xC9\xCA\xCB\xCC\xCD\xCE\xCF
$word =~ s/\xC6/AE/g;
$word =~ s/\xE6/ae/g;
$word =~ s/[^\x00-\x7F]+//g;
Since things like Ď are not part of UTF-8, they don't occur nearly so often in my input data. For non-UTF-8 input, I chose to just loose everything above 127.
When I would like translate some string, not only chars, I'm using this approach:
my %trans = (
'é' => 'e',
'ê' => 'e',
'á' => 'a',
'ç' => 'c',
'Ď' => 'D',
map +($_=>''), qw(‡ Ω ‰)
my $re = qr/${ \(join'|', map quotemeta, keys %trans)}/;
If you want some more complicated you can use functions instead string constants. With this approach you can do anything what you want. But for your case tr should be more effective: