Qt event when anything changed on the window/screen + Screenshot - c++

I'm thinking of extending a QT4 application with some debug possibilities, to make it easier analyzing customer issues. The application already has a "Debug" mode, when this is enabled, a lot of log entries generated, which is hard to read.
What I would like to achive is taking a screenshot of the application, whenever something is changed on the GUI. I know that it may take a lot of pictures, but generally Debug mode is not enabled for a long time. The problem is I cannot find such an event/signal. So I have two question:
Is there such an event I could subscribe? I mean, an event that is
fired whenever anything changes on the screen.
Can I take a screenshot of the application using Qt?
Thanks in advance!

I'd do it using an event filter and a QTimer, something like this:
class MyEventFilter : public QObject
MyEventFilter() : _screenshotPending(false) {/* empty */}
virtual bool eventFilter(QObject * o, QEvent * e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::Paint)
if (_screenshotPending == false)
// we'll wait 500mS before taking the screenshot
// that way we aren't trying to take 1000 screenshots per second :)
_screenshotPending = true;
QTimer::singleShot(500, this, SLOT(TakeAScreenshot()));
return QObject::eventFilter(o, e);
public slots:
void TakeAScreenshot()
_screenshotPending = false;
// add the standard Qt code for taking a screenshot here
// see $QTDIR/examples/widgets/desktop/screenshot for that
bool _screenshotPending; // true iff we've called QTimer::singleShot() recently
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
MyEventFilter filter;
QApplication app(argc, argv);
return app.exec();

Generally, when some widget changes Qt needs to repaint it, so the event you would be interested in is QEvent::Paint. The problem here is that there will be tons of these events for widgets that overlap each other. You can override QApplication::notify() to catch all paint events before they are even delivered to receivers.
As for making screenshots of Qt application - there are several similar questions here on SO, for example screenshot of a qt application from inside the application or Taking screenshot of a specific window - C++ / Qt
Here is also a thread discussing dumping widgets to images in paintEvent().

As for your second question, here is some of my old code that can take a screenshot of a window. You can use this code like so:
HBITMAP image = ScreenshotUtility::fromHDC(WinDC);
Then you can convert the HBITMAP to a Qt Pixmap object and work with it how you like: QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap::fromWinHBITMAP(image);.
EDIT: this is Windows-specific code, not sure what the equivalent on other systems may be.


How to set a custom font size on a widget that adapts accordingly after an application font size change?

I am using Qt4 (I know), and have a custom widget that sets a bold font, with a point size that is 1.5 times the point size of the application font. This works without problems.
The problem now is that in case the application font size is changed, the widget's font size is not updated accordingly (as expected). My initial though was to do something along the following lines:
void MyCustomWidget::changeEvent(QEvent* e)
if (e->type() == QEvent::FontChange)
return QWidget::changeEvent(e);
This does not work, since the setFont() call will trigger a FontChange event resulting in endless calls to the change event handler. I noticed there is also ApplicationFontChange, which is promising, however that event is not delivered to my custom widget (I verified using an event listener). Looking at the Qt code, the code responsible for propagating the ApplicationFontChange event will only deliver this event to a few select widgets (the main window for example).
So my question is; how to solve this in a nice way? One limitation I have is that I cannot use style sheets.
My current solution leans towards a custom font change event, fired from the main window after receiving ApplicationFontChange, but surely, I cannot be the first person to have this problem...?
Update: I found that calling QApplication::setFont(bigAndBoldFont(), "MyCustomWidget"); works as well. I do not particularly like it since I would rather keep this styling behavior tied to the implementation of the custom widget.
I can't vouch for Qt4 but the following changeEvent implementation appears to work as expected with Qt5...
virtual void changeEvent (QEvent *event) override
if (event->type() == QEvent::FontChange) {
* Run the default handler for the event.
* Now get the application font and create the desired font based on
* that.
auto app_font = qApp->font();
auto desired_font = QFont(app_font.family(), 1.5 * app_font.pointSize(), QFont::Bold);
* If the font we now have is the desired font then fine, otherwise
* set it.
if (font() != desired_font) {

Application with multiple windows in Qt

What is a good way to create application with multiple windows in Qt? Something like GIMP. I have already read this answer and it is not what I need.
I have two windows, one with controls and one with OpenGL inside. Right now I have something like this:
int main()
// some code
MainWindow mw;
GLWindow gw;
// ...
I don't like this for two reasons. First reason is when I start my application, window with OpenGL will be on top (because it is last to call show()) but MainWindow will be buried somewhere under all opened windows. What I need is both windows in front of everything (like GIMP), preferably with focus on MainWindow (I guess I can bring them to front, so that is minor issue). Second reason I don't like this is that my application will be closed completely only when I close both windows.
So I was thinking of having a reference to GLWindow inside MainWindow, and creating it from MainWindow.
Would that be a good way to create application with several windows?
EDIT: GLWindow inherits from QOpenGLWindow.
You are doing right, but with the following simple tricks, you can resolve both issues that cause you do not like your right method:
To activate both windows, just do as follows:
MainWindow mw;
GLWindow gw;
To resolve the quit problem, you have to override the closeEvent in both windows. To do that, add the following code into the header file of your both windows:
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override;
and in the implementation of the closeEvent, just write qApp->quit();. This way once you close either window, your application will terminate completely.
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
void GLWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)
I'm not sure I completely understand the situation but, typically, you can make the 'secondary' widgets child dialogs of the QMainWindow. Given your example code that would be something like...
int main ()
// some code
MainWindow mw;
* Secondary windows should be created with the QMainWindow mw
* as their parent.
GLWindow gw(&mw);
* Set the Qt::Dlaog window flag to `encourage' the QMainWindow
* and its children to behave as a group.
gw.setWindowFlags(gw.windowFlags() | Qt::Dialog);
// ...
Now all widgets behave as a group (possibly subject to the window manager being used) and closing the QMainWindow will, by default, close the application.

Qt5 Not Registering Touch Events

I'm working on determining if a certain touchscreen will be compatible with an application and recently got a loaner model of an Elo 2402L touchscreen. I've installed the driver the company provides and was able to see multi-touch events using the evtest utility (parser for /dev/input/eventX).
The thing is that I'm running Scientific Linux 6.4, which uses Linux kernel 2.6.32. I've seen a lot of mixed information on touchscreen compatibility for Linux kernels before 3.x.x. Elo says that their driver only supports single-touch for 2.6.32. Also, I've seen people say that the majority of the compatibility issues with touch events in this kernel version are with Xorg interfaces.
I developed a very simple Qt5 application to test whether Qt could detect the touch events or not, because I'm not sure whether Qt applications are X-based and if they read events directly from /dev/input or something else.
However, despite a simple mouse event handler being able to correctly register mouse events, I also created a simple touch event handler and nothing happens when I touch the main screen. There is a beep, as part of the driver that Elo provides makes a beep when the screen is touched, so I know that SOMETHING is registering that touch, but neither the desktop, nor this application seem to recognize the touch event.
Also, yes, the WA_AcceptTouchEvents attribute is set to true in the window's constructor.
I have a simple mainwindow.h:
int touchEvent(QTouchEvent *ev);
And mainwindow.cpp:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) {
setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents, true);
touchPoints = 0;
int MainWindow::touchEvent(QTouchEvent *ev) {
switch(ev->type()) {
case QEvent::TouchBegin:
case QEvent::TouchEnd:
ui->statusBar->showMessage("Touch Points: " + touchPoints);
Is there something wrong with the way I'm using the touch event handler? Or is there some issue with the device itself? Does Qt read input events directly from /dev/input, or does it get its input events from X?
Very confused here, as I haven't used Qt before and want to narrow down the cause before I say that it's the device causing the issue.
Also, if anyone has any insight into the device / kernel compatibility issue, that would be extremely helpful.
The QTouchEvent documentation says:
Touch events occur when pressing, releasing, or moving one or more
touch points on a touch device (such as a touch-screen or track-pad).
To receive touch events, widgets have to have the
Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents attribute set and graphics items need to have
the acceptTouchEvents attribute set to true.
Probably you just need to call setAttribute(Qt::WA_AcceptTouchEvents, true) inside the MainWindow constructor.
Is there something wrong with the way I'm using the touch event handler?
There is no touch event handler. If you change:
int touchEvent(QTouchEvent *ev);
int touchEvent(QTouchEvent *ev) override;
(which you should always do when you are trying to override virtual functions so you can catch exactly this kind of mistake), you'll see that there is no such function for you to override. What you need to override is the event() handler:
bool event(QEvent *ev) override;
You need to check for touch events there:
bool MainWindow::event(QEvent *ev)
switch(ev->type()) {
case QEvent::TouchBegin:
case QEvent::TouchEnd:
return QMainWindow(ev);
ui->statusBar->showMessage("Touch Points: " + touchPoints);
However, it might be better to work with gestures instead of touch events. But I don't know what kind of application you're writing. If you wanted to let Qt recognize gestures rather than implementing them yourself through touch events, you would first grab the gestures you want, in this case pinching:
and then handle it:
bool MainWindow::event(QEvent *ev)
if (e->type() != QEvent::Gesture) {
return QMainWindow::event(e);
auto* gestEv = static_cast<QGestureEvent*>(e);
if (auto* gest = gestEv->gesture(Qt::PinchGesture)) {
auto* pinchGest = static_cast<QPinchGesture*>(gest);
auto sf = pinchGest->scaleFactor();
// You could use the pinch scale factor here to zoom an image
// for example.
return true;
return QMainWindow::event(e);
Working with gestures instead of touch events has the advantage of using the platform's gesture recognition facilities, like those of Android and iOS. But again, I don't know what kind of application you're writing and on what kind of platform you're working on.

Qt: display window content on slow startup

It feels like this question has been asked about a hundred times before (e.g. here) but I haven't found a working solution yet..
I have a Qt5 program (Linux) which takes some time (about 2sec) for initialization. I don't want to spawn a thread (for several reasons) and before initialization is done the program is not usable anyway.
Currently the program starts and it shows a black window, until initialization is done.
I'd like to have the window content be drawn as soon as possible and queue a method which does the rest which gets executed right after the main window has been drawn.
This is what I tried:
class my_window : public QMainWindow {
explicit my_window(QWidget *parent = 0) : QMainWindow(parent) {
/// UI is ready and should be drawn. initializeRest() should
/// be queued
/// tried to repaint() or update() the MainWindow and to 'force'
/// processing outstanding events - with no effect
/// don't call - just queue
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "initializeRest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
void initializeRest() {
// do stuff which takes a while
But the main window stayes black until initializeRest() has been executed.
How can I tell Qt to execute initializeRest() right after the window has been constructed?
I can think of starting a timer (bad, introduces extra latency) or an event handler which reacts on some kind of "WindowDrawn" event (bad, complicated).
What's the Qt-way to do this?
I've also tried to put the initializeRest() method into the main() function like suggested by Murphy:
my_window::my_window(QWidget *parent = 0) : QMainWindow(parent) {
int main(int a_argsc, char *a_argsv[]) {
QApplication l_application(a_argsc, a_argsv);
my_window mainWindow;
return l_application.exec();
With same results: Waiting for a couple of seconds inside initializeRest() makes show up the initially black main window and be drawn right after initializeRest() returned (which seems to be logical to me because the event loop has not been started yet..)
Note: This suggestion doesn't solve the issue; it's left here for completeness.
You can split the startup into smaller steps in main():
Create the QApplication instance.
Instantiate the main window (I'll call the variable mainWindow here). You can safely remove all that repaint-workaround stuff after initializeUI(); from the constructor of your code example.
Call mainWindow.show() to enforce showing the main window, followed by a call to QApplication::processEvents() to enforce the paint events being handled.
Do all the other initialization stuff of your application.
Start the event loop as usual by calling QApplication::exec().
Be aware that with complex applications/main window implementations it can get quite hairy to do everything in the right order; a QSplashScreen would surely be the less tedious solution.
I have the same problem. I think the problem is based not on show() function. Try to run the next code.
If add a button to boxLayout the application starts fast. But if I try setGeometry() the application takes a long time to start.

C++ Global Hotkeys with platform APIs

I'm working on an application for taking screenshots on Windows, OSX and Linux in C++/Qt. Now I need to set global hotkeys, so the user can take screenshots when the application is running in the background. I tried with Qxt and UGlobalHotkey, which are both Qt libraries, but neither of them seemed to work.
I tried to implement it for OSX with Carbon (tutorial), but I need to call a class member function, which just doesn't work. Could someone provide me with an example? You can find my code here. The function i need to call is new_screenshot().
Or is there any other way to achieve something like this? I really need my application to take a screenshot from the background, otherwise it's pretty useless (yes, I should probably have implemented it at the very beginning to see if it even works). Would it maybe be better to have a separate client for every platform (Cocoa Swift for OSX, GTK for Linux, C# client for Windows)? I have often thought about this the past few days.
Do I understand correctly that you want to call new_screenshot from the hot key event handler? If so, InstallApplicationEventHandler lets you pass a pointer to user data in 4th argument. Pass a pointer to your MainWindow instance (based on code from the tutorial):
MainWindow *mainWindow = ... // get main window somehow
Then you can use it in the event handler.
OSStatus MyHotKeyHandler(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler,EventRef theEvent, void *userData)
//Do something once the key is pressed
return noErr;
I did something in the past with MFC and WIN32 API....so it only works on Windows...but pressing ALT+F10 was able to hide/show a window...
void CWinHideDlg::OnButtonActive()
CString tmp;
if(0 == strcmp(tmp.GetBuffer(tmp.GetLength()),"Activate"))
int err=RegisterHotKey(this->GetSafeHwnd(),m_myAtom,MOD_ALT,VK_F10);
CButton *pBtn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_UNHIDE);
SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATIC_INFO,"Set the mouse over the window \nand press ALT + F10 to hide it...");
CButton *pBtn = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_UNHIDE);
Basically this code activates/deactivates the hot key ALT+F10, once it activates you can hide/unhide a running window on the system by setting the mouse pointer over the window and press ALT+F10...
This is from the WindowProc function:
if(message == WM_HOTKEY)
CString tmp;
HWND hwnd=::WindowFromPoint(pc);
You can use the code to register your own HOT Key and use it to take a screenshot...
Hope it helps...