How can I write a test-mutation in F# using Ninja Turtles?
Here's my test mutation (C#):
using NinjaTurtles;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace Tests
public class _MutantTest
[Test, Category("Mutation"), MutationTest]
public void Add_MutationTests()
Here's my unit test:
public class _Test
public void Add()
Assert.AreEqual(5, SimpleCalculator.Add(2, 3));
Here's my SUT:
public class SimpleCalculator
public static int Add(int x, int y) => x + y;
I have a class, something like this:-
namespace CalendarIntegration.Google
public sealed class GoogleSyncEventProcessor : ICalendarSyncEventProcessor
public void ProcessEventRequest(object events, int soUserId, string calendarId, bool addLogs = false)
if (GoogleWatchManager.Instance.IsGoogleTwoWaySynLive)
GoogleWatchManager is further a sealed class.
namespace CalendarIntegration.Google
public sealed class GoogleWatchManager
readonly bool isGoogleTwoWaySyncLive = true;
public GoogleWatchManager()
isGoogleTwoWaySyncLive = false;
virtual public bool IsGoogleTwoWaySynLive
get { return isGoogleTwoWaySyncLive; }
I want fake/mock GoogleWatchManager class and make the value of GoogleWatchManager.Instance.IsGoogleTwoWaySynLive in the nunit test cases, by default it is true in GoogleWatchManager class.
I tried the below but it doesn't work-
using EFBL;
using NUnit.Framework;
using EFBL.CalendarIntegration.CalendarSync;
using EFBL.CalendarIntegration.Google;
using Moq;
namespace EFBL.CalendarIntegration.Google
public class GoogleSyncEventProcessorSpec
public GoogleSyncEventProcessor google;
public GoogleWatchManager googleManager;
public void SetUp()
public void ProcessEventRequest_NoEvents_ExceptionThrown()
var mock = new Mock<GoogleWatchManager>();
mock.SetupGet(foo => foo.IsGoogleTwoWaySynLive).Returns(true);
// watch.Setup(i => i.IsGoogleTwoWaySynLive).Returns(false);
// var mock = new Mock<GoogleWatchManager>().Object;
GoogleSyncEventProcessor obj = GoogleSyncEventProcessor.Instance;
obj.ProcessEventRequest(null, -1, "");
// isGoogleTwoWaySyncLive
Any help is highly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Here is the solution:-
using System;
using EFBL;
using NUnit.Framework;
using TypeMock.ArrangeActAssert;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace EFBL.CalendarIntegration.Google
public class GoogleSyncEventProcessorSpec
public GoogleSyncEventProcessor googleSync;
public GoogleWatchManager googleManager;
public void Init() {
googleManager = Isolate.Fake.Instance<GoogleWatchManager>();
googleSync = GoogleSyncEventProcessor.Instance;
public void RequiresThatTwoWaySyncLiveBeFalse()
Isolate.NonPublic.Property.WhenGetCalled(googleManager, "IsGoogleTwoWaySynLive").WillReturn(false);
Assert.AreEqual(false, googleManager.IsGoogleTwoWaySynLive);
I have a function1 inside which function 2 is called. I have to mock only function2, whwenever i call function1 it should call real implementation of function1 and mock implementation of function2. Kindly help me on this
#include "Display.h"
int DisIp::getip()
return 5;
int DisIp::display()
Addition obj;
int ip=obj.getip();
return ip;
class DisIP
int display();
int getip();
GMOCK file
#include <limits.h>
#include "gmock.h"
#include "gtest.h"
#include "Display.h"
#include <string>
using namespace std;
using ::testing::AtLeast;
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::AnyNumber;
using ::testing::Gt;
using ::testing::Return;
using testing::ReturnPointee;
using ::testing::Invoke;
class MyInterface{
virtual int display() = 0;
virtual int getip()=0;
class MockInter : public MyInterface
ON_CALL(*this, getip()).WillByDefault(Invoke(&this, &MockInter::getip));
ON_CALL(*this, display()).WillByDefault(Invoke(&real, &Addition::display));
DisIp real;
class DisplayTest : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
virtual void TearDown() {
// Code here will be called immediately after each test
// (right before the destructor).
MockInter mock;
Your design suffers from breaking Single Responsibility Principle.
Displaying and getting IP are two different responsibilities. It is even shown in your implementation of DisIp::display() - you get IP from so-called Addition obj. When you fix this design error - your unit tests becomes much easier and straightforward. But it is important to say that UT are only the symptom here, the bad design is a disease.
So how it could look like:
class IIpProvider
virtual ~IIpProvider() = default;
virtual int getIp() = 0;
class DispIp
DispIp(IIpProvider& ipProvider) : ipProvider(ipProvider) {}
int display()
int ip=ipProvider.getIp();
return ip;
IIpProvider& ipProvider;
then your Mock:
class IpProviderMock : public IIpProvider
MOCK_METHOD0(getIp, int());
And your tests:
class DispIpTest : public ::testing::Test
IpProviderMock ipProviderMock;
DispIp objectUnderTest{ipProviderMock}; // object-under-test must be connected to object doubles (like mocks)
TEST_F(DispIpTest, shallUseProvidedIpToDisplay)
using namespace testing;
auto SOME_IP = 7;
EXPECT_CALL(ipProviderMock, getIp()).WillRepeatedly(Return(SOME_IP));
ASSERT_EQ(SOME_IP, objectUnderTest.display());
In your original tests - main problem was also that your mock object was not connected in any way to your object under test.
If you do not like (cannot) to change your design (what I really advice) you have to use technique called partial mocking
In your case - it would something like this:
class DisIP
int display();
virtual int getip(); // function for partial mocking must be virtual
class DisIPGetIpMock : public DisIP
MOCK_METHOD0(getIp, int());
class DispIpTest : public ::testing::Test
DisIPGetIpMock objectUnderTest;
TEST_F(DispIpTest, shallUseProvidedIpToDisplay)
EXPECT_CALL(objectUnderTest, getIp()).WillRepeatedly(Return(SOME_IP));
ASSERT_EQ(SOME_IP, objectUnderTest.display());
You can use the Cutie library to mock C function GoogleMock style, if that will assist you.
There's a full sample in the repo, but just a taste:
CUTIE_EXPECT_CALL(fclose, _).WillOnce(Return(i));
I have a class:
public class SourceServerProvider : ISourceServerProvider
private readonly ISourceServer _sourceServer;
public SourceServerProvider()
:this(new SourceServer())
{ }
public SourceServerProvider(ISourceServer sourceServer)
_sourceServer = sourceServer;
MS code coverage test complaints to this block:
public SourceServerProvider()
:this(new SourceServer())
{ }
I don't know how to write a unit test for above block. Please advise..
I just tested it with the followig code:
public class SourceServerProvider : ISourceServerProvider
private readonly ISourceServer _sourceServer;
public SourceServerProvider()
: this(new SourceServer())
{ }
public SourceServerProvider(ISourceServer sourceServer)
_sourceServer = sourceServer;
public interface ISourceServer
public class SourceServer : ISourceServer
public interface ISourceServerProvider
and wrote this test
public class Class1
public void test()
var a = new SourceServerProvider();
Code Coverage says it is fully covered:
so please add the result you are getting or create asimple test that call the default ctor
Does NUnit provide functionality to have TestCase attributes associated with a TestFixture? I'd like to run the same set of tests on different implementations of the same interface. The concrete implementation would then be chosen in the SetUp method, and each test should be run with every implementation.
I don't see any possibility for this. But nice idea anyway.
If you are not keen about the TestCase atribute you could use the TestCaseSource attribute with an abstract base class.
public abstract class A
public class TestCases : List<TestCaseData>
public TestCases()
Add(new TestCaseData(1));
Add(new TestCaseData(2));
public abstract void Test(int i);
public class B : A
public override void Test(int i)
Assert.That(i, Is.GreaterThan(0));
public class C : A
public override void Test(int i)
Assert.That(i, Is.LessThan(10));
For example, there is a interface IMyInterface, and three classes support this interface:
class A : IMyInterface
class B : IMyInterface
class C : IMyInterface
In the simplest way, I could write three test class : ATest, BTest, CTest and test them separately. However, since they support the same interface, most test code would be the same, it's hard to maintain. How can I use a simple and easy way to test a interface that is supported by different class?
(previously asked on the MSDN forums)
If you want to run the same tests against different implementers of your interface using NUnit as an example:
public interface IMyInterface {}
class A : IMyInterface { }
class B : IMyInterface { }
class C : IMyInterface { }
public abstract class BaseTest
protected abstract IMyInterface CreateInstance();
public void Test1()
IMyInterface instance = CreateInstance();
//Do some testing on the instance...
//And some more tests.
public class ClassATests : BaseTest
protected override IMyInterface CreateInstance()
return new A();
public void TestCaseJustForA()
IMyInterface instance = CreateInstance();
//Do some testing on the instance...
public class ClassBTests : BaseTest
protected override IMyInterface CreateInstance()
return new B();
public class ClassCTests : BaseTest
protected override IMyInterface CreateInstance()
return new C();
To test an interface with common tests regardless of implementation, you can use an abstract test case, and then create concrete instances of the test case for each implementation of the interface.
The abstract (base) test case performs the implementation-neutral tests (i.e. verify the interface contract) while the concrete tests take care of instantiating the object to test, and perform any implementation-specific tests.
Could create methods that take a parameter of type IMyInterface and have the actual test methods just call those methods passing in different concrete classes.
You do not test the interface directly, but you may write an abstract class that tests the contract a particular implementation should extend. A test of a concrete class would then extend the abstract class
If you're using NUnit, then you could use Grensesnitt:
public interface ICanAdd {
int Add(int i, int j); //dont ask me why you want different adders
public class winefoo : ICanAdd {
public int Add(int i, int j)
return i + j;
interface winebar : ICanAdd {
void FooBar() ;
public class Adder1 : winebar {
public int Add(int i, int j) {
return i + j;
public void FooBar() {}
public class Adder2 : ICanAdd {
public int Add(int i, int j) {
return (i + 12) + (j - 12 ); //yeeeeeaaaah
public class WithOtherPlugins : AppliesToAll<ICanAdd>
[TestCase(1, 2, 3)]
[TestCase(-1, 2, 1)]
[TestCase(0, 0, 0)]
public void CanAddOrSomething(int x, int y, int r)
Assert.AreEqual(subject.Add(x, y), r);
[TestCase(1, 2, Result = 3)]
[TestCase(-1, 2, Result = 1)]
[TestCase(0, 0, Result = 0)]
public int CannAddOrSomethingWithReturn(int x, int y) {
return subject.Add(x, y);