I am trying to understand how lambdas work in C++ in depth. I have written the following piece of code.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
struct A
A() { std::cout << "A" << (data = ++count) << ' '; }
A(const A& a) { std::cout << "cA" << (data = a.data + 20) << ' '; }
A(A&& a) { std::cout << "mA" << (data = std::move(a.data) + 10) << ' '; }
~A() { std::cout << "dA" << data << ' '; }
int data;
static int count;
int A::count = 0;
void f(A& a, std::function<void(A)> f)
std::cout << "( ";
std::cout << ") ";
int main()
A temp, x;
auto fun = [=](A a) {std::cout << a.data << '|' << x.data << ' ';};
std::cout << "| ";
f(temp, fun);
std::cout << "| ";
The output is below.
A1 A2 cA22 | cA42 mA52 dA42 ( cA21 mA31 31|52 dA31 dA21 ) dA52 | dA22 dA2 dA1
This is quite clear to me, except for the 'mA52' move constructor call. Note that I am using variable capture by value, so without the move constructor, the copy-constructor would be called here. Why is there an additional copy/move at this step? One would expect the object to be copied only once when fun is passed by value as an argument to f. Furthermore, the first copy of the object is immediately destroyed. Why? What is this intermediary copy?
Let's call your lambda type L. It's unnamed, but it gets confusing to refer to it without a name.
The constructor std::function<void(A)>(L l) takes L by value. This involves creating a copy of the original fun.
The constructor then moves the lambda from l into some storage managed by the std::function<void(A)> wrapper. That move also involves moving any captured entities.
std::function<void(A)> takes the function object you pass to it by value (this is the cA42 in your output). It then moves the function object in to its internal storage (this is the mA52).
Is it possible to perfectly forward *this object inside member functions? If yes, then how can we do it? If no, then why not, and what alternatives do we have to achieve the same effect.
Please see the code snippet below to understand the question better.
class Experiment {
double i, j;
Experiment(double p_i = 0, double p_j = 0) : i(p_i), j(p_j) {}
double sum() { return i + j + someConstant(); }
double someConstant() && { return 10; }
double someConstant() & { return 100; }
int main() {
Experiment E(3, 5);
std::cout << std::move(E).sum() << "\n"; // prints: 108
std::cout << E.sum() << "\n"; // prints: 108
This output seems expected if we consider that *this object inside the member function double sum() is always either an lvalue or xvalue (thus a glvalue) . Please confirm if this is true or not.
How can we perfectly forward *this object to the member function call someConstant() inside the double sum() member function?
I tried using std::forward as follows:
double sum() {
return i + j + std::forward<decltype(*this)>(*this).someConstant();
But this did not have any effect, and double someConstant() & overload is the one always being called.
This is not possible in C++11 without overloading sum for & and && qualifiers. (In which case you can determine the value category from the qualifier of the particular overload.)
*this is, just like the result of any indirection, a lvalue, and is also what an implicit member function call is called on.
This will be fixed in C++23 via introduction of an explicit object parameter for which usual forwarding can be applied: http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2021/p0847r7.html
One would think that std::forward() would preserve lvalue references but it doesn't in non-template contexts, as the example below shows.
Both call_f()& and call_f()&& call f()&&. std::forward<Experiment>(*this) in a non-template function returns an rvalue reference regardless of the value category of the argument.
Note how this works differently from a template function, member or not (I made the member function static because it receives a "this reference" as an explicit parameter) . Both forward lvalue references "properly" (the last 4 calls).
struct Experiment
std::string f()&& { return "f()&&"; }
std::string f()& { return "f()&"; }
std::string call_f()&& { std::cout << "call_f()&& "; return std::forward<Experiment>(*this).f(); }
// I need this function because it is not a template function
std::string call_f()& { std::cout << "call_f()& "; return std::forward<Experiment>(*this).f(); }
template<class T = Experiment>
static std::string E_t_call_f(T&& t) { std::cout << "E_t_call_f(T&& t) "; return std::forward<T>(t).f(); }
template<class T>
std::string t_call_f(T&& t) { std::cout << "t_call_f(T&& t) "; return std::forward<T>(t).f(); }
int main()
Experiment E;
std::cout << "E.f(): " << E.f() << '\n';
std::cout << "move(E).f(): " << std::move(E).f() << '\n';
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "E.call_f(): " << E.call_f() << '\n';
std::cout << "move(E).call_f(): " << std::move(E).call_f() << '\n';
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "t_call_f(E): " << t_call_f(E) << '\n';
std::cout << "t_call_f(std::move(E)): " << t_call_f(std::move(E)) << '\n';
std::cout << '\n';
std::cout << "E::E_t_call_f(E): " << Experiment::E_t_call_f(E) << '\n';
std::cout << "E::E_t_call_f(std::move(E)): " << Experiment::E_t_call_f(std::move(E)) << '\n';
In the resulting output it is the third line that's surprising: The type of std::forward<Experiment>(*this) for an lvalue reference to *this is an rvalue reference.
E.f(): f()&
move(E).f(): f()&&
call_f()& E.call_f(): f()&&
call_f()&& move(E).call_f(): f()&&
t_call_f(T&& t) t_call_f(E): f()&
t_call_f(T&& t) t_call_f(std::move(E)): f()&&
E_t_call_f(T&& t) E::E_t_call_f(E): f()&
E_t_call_f(T&& t) E::E_t_call_f(std::move(E)): f()&&
How can a vector of objects and a single object be iterated over as-if they were the same range, without any copying or moving, in range-v3?
One possibility is to cast the single value to a std::array<Object, 1> and then concatenate this array with the vector of objects via range::views::concat:
Improvised solution
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <range/v3/view/concat.hpp>
struct Object {
int value = 0;
Object() { std::cout << "Default " << value << "\n"; }
Object( int value) : value(value) { std::cout << "Value " << value << "\n"; }
Object(Object const& object) : value(object.value) { std::cout << "Copy " << value << "\n"; }
Object(Object && object) : value(std::move(object.value)) { std::cout << "Move " << value << "\n"; }
int main() {
// Prints "Value 0"
std::array<Object, 1> objects {0};
// Prints "Value 1"
Object object {1};
for(Object const& object : ranges::views::concat(objects, *reinterpret_cast<std::array<Object, 1>*>(&object))) {
// Prints "0 1"
std::cout << object.value << " ";
return 0;
I don't know if the cast is safe. Assuming it is, developers are at risk of having to spend time to verify this. Hence this improvised solution is wanting.
Question: Is there an elegant solution for concatenating a view and a single value without copying or moving data?
I am aware of range::views::single but this causes object to be copied once and moved thrice when used in place of reinterpret_cast in the improvised solution.
I want to share with you a tiny problem that I'm not getting to work out, here is the code (it's for test only):
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <sstream>
struct Procedure {
{ std::cout << "ctor w/connection: " << this << std::endl; }
{ std::cout << "dtor: " << this << std::endl; }
Procedure(Procedure &&rhs) {
std::cout << "ctor w/move: " << this << std::endl;
this->m_Params = std::move(rhs.m_Params);
Procedure& operator= (Procedure &&rhs) {
std::cout << "operator= w/move: " << this << std::endl;
if (this != &rhs) this->m_Params = std::move(rhs.m_Params);
return *this;
Procedure& AppendParam(const std::string &str) {
std::cout << "appendparam: " << this << std::endl;
return *this;
void Execute( const std::string &str) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << str << '(';
for (int i = 0, mx = m_Params.size(); i < mx; ++i) {
ss << '\'' << m_Params[i] << '\'';
if (i < mx - 1) ss << ',';
ss << ");";
std::cout << "calling: " << this << " : " << ss.str() << std::endl;
Procedure(const Procedure &) = delete;
Procedure& operator=(const Procedure &) = delete;
std::vector<std::string> m_Params;
Procedure ProcedureCaller()
{ return Procedure(nullptr); }
int __cdecl main() {
std::cout << "test1---------------------" << std::endl; {
auto &proc = ProcedureCaller().AppendParam("param_1").AppendParam("param_2");
std::cout << "test2--------------------" << std::endl; {
auto proc = ProcedureCaller();
std::cout << "test3--------------------" << std::endl; {
return 0;
And here is the result I'm getting:
ctor w/connection: 00F8FC98
appendparam: 00F8FC98
appendparam: 00F8FC98
dtor: 00F8FC98
calling: 00F8FC98 : sp_test();
ctor w/connection: 00F8FD70
appendparam: 00F8FD70
appendparam: 00F8FD70
calling: 00F8FD70 : sp_test_2('param_A','param_B');
dtor: 00F8FD70
ctor w/connection: 004FFB20
appendparam: 004FFB20
appendparam: 004FFB20
calling: 004FFB20 : sp_test_2('param_AA','param_BB');
dtor: 004FFB20
I have a few questions:
1- Why dtor of "test1" is getting called before the end of its scope? I mean, the code hasn't even called the Execute method.
2- If dtor of "test1" is a temporal object, why I'm not seeing a log from the move ctor, or at least a compiler error because it's trying to use the deleted copy ctor?
3- What's the difference between "test1" and "test2", I want to be able to call the Execute whatever way I want.
4- What am I missing?
Here's a simpler version demonstrating the same problem:
struct X {
X() = default;
~X() { std::cout << "dtor\n"; }
X& self() { return *this; }
int main()
X& x = X().self();
std::cout << "here?\n";
This program prints dtor before it prints here. Why? The problem is, we have a temporary (X()) that does not get lifetime extended, so it gets destroyed at the end of the expression that contains it (which is X().self()). While you get a reference to it, it's not one of the magic references that does lifetime extension - what you get is just a reference to an object that's immediately going out of scope.
Lifetime extension only happens under very limited circumstances. The temporary has to be bound immediately to a reference, which can only happen for const references:
X const& x = X();
std::cout << "here\n";
Now this prints here before dtor.
Additionally, there is no transitive lifetime extension. Even if in the original example we did:
X const& x = X().self();
We'd still get a dangling reference.
In the "test1" case, the object referenced by proc is a temporary. It goes out of scope at the end of the full expression in which it was created, and proc is immediately left dangling. Note that no lifetime extension happens for two reasons: a) lifetime extension only happens with const lvalue-references and rvalue-references and b) lifetime extension only happens with prvalues, while the reference returned by AppendParam is an lvalue.
proc in the "test1" case is a reference, not an object. No move or copy happens because there is no object to be moved or copied to. A reference is bound to the temporary object returned by ProcedureCaller, and it goes out of scope at the next ;.
The difference between "test1" and "test2" is that proc is a reference in "test1" and an actual object in "test2". If you tried to make proc a reference in the "test2" case the compiler would complain. Only const lvalue-references and rvalue-references may be bound to a prvalue (such as the object returned from a function). The only reason it works in the "test1" case is that you've "laundered" the prvalue through a method that returns an lvalue-reference.
I encountered this issue, but I'm not sure what to make of it...
class Goo
char _ch;
string _str;
function<void(void)> dobedo;
// Constructor 1
Goo(string s) : _str(s)
cout << "Constructed: [" << &_str << "]: " << _str << endl;
dobedo = [&]()
cout << "Dobedo: [" << &_str << "]: "<< _str << endl;
// Constructor 2
Goo(char ch) : _ch(ch)
dobedo = [&]() {
cout << "Dobedo: " << _ch << endl;
void show() { cout << "Show: [" << &_str << "]: " << _str << endl; }
int main()
string myStr1("ABCD");
string myStr2("EFGH");
vector<Goo> goos;
return 0;
For some reason, the function object wasn't able to print _str, despite being able to locate the memory address:
Constructed: [00EFF80C]: ABCD
Constructed: [00EFF7B0]: EFGH
Dobedo: [00EFF80C]:
Dobedo: [00EFF7B0]:
Show: [032F2924]: ABCD
Show: [032F296C]: EFGH
I did not have any problems with char variables though.
int main()
vector<Goo> goos;
return 0;
The output gives:
Dobedo: #
Dobedo: %
Any ideas?
You have undefined behaviour in your code without defining copy constructor. Default copy constructor copies all members by value. So your lambda object is copied and it holds references to destroyed object - _str (when vector had to be reallocated while calling push_back method).
Define copy constructor and move constructor for Goo class:
Goo(const Goo& g)
_str = g._str;
dobedo = [&]()
cout << "Dobedo: [" << &_str << "]: "<< _str << endl;
Goo(Goo&& g)
_str = move(g._str);
dobedo = [&]()
cout << "Dobedo: [" << &_str << "]: "<< _str << endl;
Your output clearly shows that the address of _str in constructor isn't the same as one in show. It means that your object was copied/moved. It may happen while it is pushed to a vector. BTW, it also may take place when you push/pop other elements to/from a vector as vector doesn't guarantee elements to stay at the same memory address.
When you create dobedo functor, all captured fields are copied to it. In the first case it was the address of _str which becomes invalid when the object is copied/moved (nobody updates it upon a move/copy!). Occasionally we may find an empty-string like stuff at that address (although accessing it is now a memory violation). In the second case, a character is captured and stored - and it definitely remains valid upon any object location change.
Let us assume I have an Object MeasurementValues, which has n different pointers (this examples just show pointers to primitive types, but pointers to other complex objects mivght occur as well).
class MesaurementValues {
int *measurement_1;
double *measurement_2;
long long *measurement_3;
float *measurement_n;
int noPointer;
I know, this example might be a little bit contrived, anyway. I try to fullfill the Rule of Five in my code.
Do I have to
this.measurement_x = old.measurement_x ;// for all x = {1,..,n} ?
First off just be aware that move-semantics give no advantage over copy-semantics for plain-old-data type (POD) members, but it sure does when your class contains other class objects and/or arrays. When you implement move-semantics, it means you have a "move constructor" and/or a "move assignment operator" which would look like this in your class:
class MesaurementValues { private:
int *measurement_1;
double *measurement_2;
long long *measurement_3;
float *measurement_n;
int noPointer;
//a couple different objects
someObject* pObj1;
differentObject* pObj2;
MeasurementValues( MeasurementValues&& move ); //move-constructor
MeasurementValues& operator= (MeasurementValues&& move); //move-assignment
-Assuming your class has POD data and class objects, and
-assuming there are alot of variables to move over:
MeasurementValues::MeasurementValues( MeasurementValues&& old) {
//copy plain-old-data over
measurement_1 = old.measurement_1;
measurement_2 = old.measurement_2;
//copy over values of the pointers
pObj1 = old.pObj1;
pObj2 = old.pObj2;
Keep in mind that move-semantics, as other posters have said, only have an advantage if your data members are other moveable objects, or dynamically-allocated memory.
pointers in must become "invalid", as they've been moved. Therefore I would set them to null to prevent unexpected behavior:
MeasurementValues::MeasurementValues( MeasurementValues&& old)
: measurement_1() //null...
//Swapping null into old...
std::swap(measurement_1, old.measurement_1);
Do I have to
this.measurement_x = old.measurement_x ;// for all x = {1,..,n} ?
I would rely on the pimpl idiom for this, and use something like a unique pointer. Below is a detailed example. Note you only have to work with Impl, and rely on its defaults (as it contains no pointers).
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
struct Moveable
Moveable(const Moveable& m);
Moveable& operator=(const Moveable& m);
Moveable(Moveable&& m);
Moveable& operator=(Moveable&& m);
int foo() const;
struct Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> pimpl_;
struct Moveable::Impl
Impl(): a(1), b(2), c(3), buffer(){}
int a, b, c;
char buffer[10000]; //Make it worth our while...
int Moveable::foo() const{ return pimpl_->a+pimpl_->b+pimpl_->c;}
: pimpl_(new Impl)
std::cout << "Default " << (void*)this << std::endl;
std::cout << "Destruct " << (void*)this << std::endl;
Moveable::Moveable(const Moveable&m)
: pimpl_(new Impl(*m.pimpl_))
std::cout << "Copying " << &m << " to " << (void*)this << std::endl;
Moveable& Moveable::operator=(const Moveable& m)
std::cout << "Copy assign " << (void*)&m << " to " << (void*)this << std::endl;
*pimpl_ = *m.pimpl_; //Relying on their defaults...
Moveable::Moveable(Moveable&& m)
: pimpl_(move(m.pimpl_))
std::cout << "Moving " << (void*)&m << " to " << (void*)this << std::endl;
Moveable& Moveable::operator=(Moveable&& m)
pimpl_ = move(m.pimpl_);
std::cout << "Move assigning " << &m << " to " << (void*)this << std::endl;
int main()
Moveable x;
Moveable y(x); //Copying...
y = x; //Copying assign
y = Moveable(); //Default construct, then move assignment, destruct temp
Moveable z(std::move(y));
std::cout << "Calling foo " << z.foo() << std::endl;
return 0;