Jetty 9.3.5 ProxyServlet RewriteTarget Method and !asyncSupported - jetty

I am using Jetty version 9.3.5 to create ProxyServlet.
To do so, I am extending my class from
Unlike previous version, I do not get the method protected URI rewriteURI(HttpServletRequest request) to override. After reading through grepcode I am seeing something like the followings and used it:
protected String rewriteTarget(HttpServletRequest request) {
if (!validateDestination(request.getServerName(), request.getServerPort()))
return null;
String roleAlias = (String)request.getSession().getAttribute(ATTR_PROXY_ROLE_ALIAS);
String uri =request.getRequestURI();
String aliasedURI = getAliasedURI(request.getMethod(), uri, roleAlias);
return aliasedURI ;
I do not know if this is the correct method to override.
In web.xml I have few filters and this servlet defined. For Servlet I have defined like this:
But I get the following exception? Any idea? Do I need to do same thing for the filters? then how? or what else missing?
java.lang.IllegalStateException: !asyncSupported
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.startAsync(
at org.eclipse.jetty.proxy.ProxyServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
at com.netiq.sentinel.elasticsearch.proxy.AuditFilter.doFilter(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
at com.netiq.sentinel.elasticsearch.proxy.SecurityFilter.doFilter(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doScope(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerCollection.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable(
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.strategy.ExecuteProduceConsume.produceAndRun(
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$
Any Help?
Note:- I found few other post related to this error but nowhere the rewriteTarget method is used. Everywhere rewriteURI is used and I do not find it with Jetty 9.3.5.
Please Help.

I found the solution.
We need to add <async-supported>true</async-supported> for all the filters also.

For embedded jetty on version 9.3.7, here is how you can register an AsyncProxyServlet:
ServletHandler proxyHandler = new ServletHandler();
AsyncProxyServlet servlet = ...your instance of a proxy...;
ServletHolder proxyServletHolder = new ServletHolder(servlet);
proxyServletHolder.setInitParameter("maxThreads", "100");
proxyHandler.addServletWithMapping(proxyServletHolder, "/*");
That handler can be added to a HandlerList etc.


How do you add a Filter to embedded jetty?

I'm using jetty's proxy server (from jetty-proxy) and don't know how to use it and how to add Filters
this way:
find you class ProxyServer,then add this:
ServletHandler handler = new ServletHandler();
FilterHolder fh = handler.addFilterWithMapping(MyFilter.class, "/*", EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST));
context.addFilter(fh, "/*", EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST));

restful service interface with jersey

Can I create a restful service with interface and implementation class?
If so, will all JAX-RS related imports go into the interface?
I am using jersey2.4 and jetty8.1.
Here is my MyService interface:
public interface MyService {
public MyResponse getStuff(#PathParam("id") Integer id);
And an implementation of MyServiceImpl that interface
public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService {
public MyServiceImpl() {}
public MyResponse getStuff(Integer id) {
// do stuff
return MyResponse;
Here's the web.xml file:
<servlet-name>Scivantage REST Service</servlet-name>
I registered this service provider package ( but it complains saying this
javax.servlet.ServletException: A MultiException has 1 exceptions. They are:|1. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Could not find a suitable constructor in class.
When I tried with implementation class package (, it complains saying this
I get HTTP ERROR 404; doesn't do anything else; no exceptions on console
When I tried both -- it complains the same as above:
javax.servlet.ServletException: A MultiException has 1 exceptions. They are:|1. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Could not find a suitable constructor in class.
What I am doing wrong?
Here's a solution I came across after a few trials (I'm working with jetty 9 and jersey 2.13): instead of annotate the interface (with #Path("/abc")), try to annotate the implementation class instead.
I think this makes good sense since interface are 'abstract' and not supposed to be bound to physical paths. This way, the interface can be reused in different paths.
If you want to use interfaces with JAX-RS annotation you can no longer scan a package with the web.xml
You need to manually bind your interface with your resource implementation
Reason for this :
We decided for performance reasons that during scanning the interfaces will be ignored. Also we fixed that Jersey will not try to instantiate interfaces.
I was struggling with the "Could not find a suitable constructor" issue as well. I wanted to put all of my annotations (including #Path) on my interfaces. I was able to make it work by managing the lifecycle of the resources myself rather than have Jersey instantiate them.
For example, if you had YourImplementation which implements YourRestInterface, you'd do something like this to register an instance of the implementation with Jersey:
public class RestConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public RestConfig(ServiceLocator locator) {
DynamicConfiguration c = Injections.getConfiguration(locator);
Object implInstance = new YourImplementation();
ServiceBindingBuilder<Object> bb = Injections.newFactoryBinder(new BeanFactory(locator, implInstance));
// tell Jersey to use the factory below to get an instance of YourRestInterface.class;
Injections.addBinding(bb, c);
private static class BeanFactory implements Factory<Object> {
private ServiceLocator locator;
private Object bean;
BeanFactory(ServiceLocator locator, Object bean)
this.locator = locator;
this.bean = bean;
public Object provide() {
// have Jersey inject things annotated with #Context
return bean;
public void dispose(Object instance) {
In the class ResourceConfig, there is a constructor like this
ResourceConfig(Class<?>... classes)
The constructor create a new resource configuration initialized with a given set of resource/provider classes.
So you can extend ResourceConfig to register the implementation class.
public class RestConfig extends ResourceConfig {
public RestConfig() {
// register the implementation class
Then, configure web.xml.
<servlet-name>Scivantage REST Service</servlet-name>
<!-- the path of RestConfig -->
But the simplest way is that register the implementation class in web.xml.
<servlet-name>Scivantage REST Service</servlet-name>
<!-- the path of implementation class -->
Yes you can use the interface to annotate. In our application we have implemented by this way. following quote is taken from Jersy specifications.
JAX-RS annotations MAY be used on the methods and method parameters of
a super-class or an implemented interface. Such annotations are
inherited by a corresponding sub-class or implementation class method
provided that method and its parameters do not have any JAX-RS
annotations of its own. Annotations on a super-class take precedence
over those on an implemented interface. If a subclass or
implementation method has any JAX-RS annotations then all of the
annotations on the super class or interface method are ignored
I think in your case the error because of you may have missed mapping please check.

#WebServlet Annotation and servlet-mapping differences

In my servlet class, I have annotated the class with:
public class OnlinePostListener extends HttpServlet {
My web.xml contains the following:
My servlet only responds when I access the URL:
but not:
What is the difference between the #WebServlet's annotation and servlet-mapping?
Why is the servlet-mapping not working for this URL-pattern?
Because the Servlet specification requires that mappings defined in web.xml override rather than add to those defined in annotations. The reason is that without this, there would be no way to disable a mapping defined in an annotation.
It's because you are using wrong url to fetch the servlet in the later case.
Use the correct url :
ERROR : You used an extra /OnlinePostListener in later case.
In the first case your mapped URL for the specified servlet is "/OnlinePostListener/testFromAnnotation" hence you have used this string as appending URL to http://localhost:8080/forwardingProxy BUT in the later case you have mapped the servlet to /testFromWebXML ( AND NOT /OnlinePostListener/testFromWebXML).
If,however, you insist on using the URL http://localhost:8080/forwardingProxy/OnlinePostListener/testFromWebXML to exploit web.xml you should make following changes :

Add SOAP header object using pure JAX-WS

I'm trying to implement simple web service client for PayPal Express Checkout API using JAX WS. PayPal Express Checkout API provides WSDL file, from which I was able to generate Java classes using CXF's wsdl2java utility.
From authentication reasons, it demands adding SOAP Header to each request. This header is quite simple and should look like here:
Generated from WSDL classes include ebay.apis.eblbasecomponents.CustomSecurityHeaderType class which represents header which I need to add to each request.
So the question is: how can I add manually created instance of CustomSecurityHeaderType class to SOAP request's header taking into account following conditions:
I'm not very eager to use classes from com.sun.* package as mentioned in answer here: JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers (mainly because of possible portability issues between different JDK's)
I don't want to manually marshal that object into nested javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement instances as mentioned in answer here:
How do I add a SOAP Header using Java JAX-WS
So, it looks like I've found possible answer while combining JAX-WS & JAXB related answers from SO (I would really appreciate if somebody experienced in these technologies can check whether following is correct):
The obvious thing for me is to add SOAP message handler and alter header of SOAPMessage instance in it:
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPHeader;
import ebay.api.paypalapi.ObjectFactory; // class generated by wsdl2java
// following class is generated by wsdl2java utility Service class
final PayPalAPIInterfaceService payPalService = new PayPalAPIInterfaceService();
final PayPalAPIAAInterface expressCheckoutPort = payPalService.getPayPalAPIAA();
final Binding binding = ((BindingProvider) expressCheckoutPort).getBinding();
List<Handler> handlersList = new ArrayList<Handler>();
// now, adding instance of Handler to handlersList which should do our job:
// creating header instance
final CustomSecurityHeaderType headerObj = new CustomSecurityHeaderType();
final UserIdPasswordType credentials = new UserIdPasswordType();
// bookmark #1 - please read explanation after code
final ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
// creating JAXBElement from headerObj
final JAXBElement<CustomSecurityHeaderType> requesterCredentials = objectFactory.createRequesterCredentials(headerObj);
handlersList.add(new SOAPHandler<SOAPMessageContext>() {
public boolean handleMessage(final SOAPMessageContext context) {
try {
// checking whether handled message is outbound one as per Martin Strauss answer
final Boolean outbound = (Boolean) context.get("");
if (outbound != null && outbound) {
// obtaining marshaller which should marshal instance to xml
final Marshaller marshaller = JAXBContext.newInstance(CustomSecurityHeaderType.class).createMarshaller();
// adding header because otherwise it's null
final SOAPHeader soapHeader = context.getMessage().getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().addHeader();
// marshalling instance (appending) to SOAP header's xml node
marshaller.marshal(requesterCredentials, soapHeader);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return true;
// ... default implementations of other methods go here
// as per Jean-Bernard Pellerin's comment setting handlerChain list here, after all handlers were added to list
Explanation of bookmark #1:
one should marshal not the header object itself, but JAXBElement representing that object, because otherwise one will get an exception. One should use one of ObjectFactory classes which are generated from WSDL for creating needed JAXBElement instances from original objects.
(Thanks #skaffman for answer: No #XmlRootElement generated by JAXB )
One should also refer to Martin Straus answer which extends this one
This solution works great, but there's a catch. It generates this error when the inbound message is processed:
dic 19, 2012 7:00:55 PM com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.impl.EnvelopeImpl addHeader
SEVERE: SAAJ0120: no se puede agregar una cabecera si ya hay una
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Can't add a header when one is already present.
at $Proxy38.wsRdyCrearTicketDA(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Can't add a header when one is already present.
... 14 more
Caused by: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Can't add a header when one is already present.
at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.impl.EnvelopeImpl.addHeader(
at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.impl.EnvelopeImpl.addHeader(
So, the solution is to check whether the message being handled if the outbound message, like this:
public boolean handleMessage(SOAPMessageContext context) {
try {
Boolean outbound = (Boolean) context.get("");
if (outbound != null && outbound) {
// obtaining marshaller which should marshal instance to xml
final Marshaller marshaller = JAXBContext.newInstance(AuthenticationInfo.class).createMarshaller();
// adding header because otherwise it's null
final SOAPHeader soapHeader = context.getMessage().getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().addHeader();
// marshalling instance (appending) to SOAP header's xml node
marshaller.marshal(info, soapHeader);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return true;
I created a web service exposing method with params user and password as header like this:
public class WSAuthentication {
String name = null;
String password = null;
public WSAuthentication() {
public WSAuthentication(String name, String password) { = name;
this.password = password;
private static String getData(WSAuthentication sec) {
System.out.println("********************* AUTHENTICATION ********************" + "\n" +
"**********USER: " + + "\n" +
"******PASSWORD: " + sec.password + "\n" +
"******************************** AUTHENTICATION ****************************");
return + " -- " + sec.password;
#WebMethod(operationName="security", action="authenticate")
public String security(#WebParam(header=true, mode=Mode.IN, name="user") String user, #WebParam(header=true, mode=Mode.IN, name="password") String password) {
WSAuthentication secure = new WSAuthentication(user, password);
return getData(secure);
Try compiling it and testing generated from WSDL class. I hope this helps.
I found this answer:
JAX-WS - Adding SOAP Headers
Basically you add -XadditionalHeaders to the compiler options and objects in the headers also appear in your generated code as parameters of the method.
If you are using maven, and the jaxws-maven-plugin all you have to do is add the xadditionalHeaders flag to true and the client will be generated with the methods that have the headers as input.

Groovy MarkupBuilder causing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on closure in soapUI

I am not able to get the Groovy MarkupBuilder to work with soapUI. I am very new to Groovy and I am just following one of the user guides on creating XML.
Testing a very simple method:
public String Example(){
def writer = new StringWriter()
def root = new MarkupBuilder(writer)
root.mkp.xmlDeclaration(version:"1.0", encoding:"UTF-8")
return writer.toString()
I get the following error in soapUI: ava.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MockXML$_Example_closure2
I have no error when I run from Groovy Console.
In the same class I have:
public String Hello(){
return "Hello"
Which works fine in soapUI.
Is there something I would need setup/imported/configured in soapUI that I am not thinking about to handle MarkupBuilder/closures?
I believe you have a syntax error in your markup. I think:
root.Root {
should be:
root.Root() {
I think the Groovy evaluating your Root element as a closure instead of a new element in the markup.