Accessing member variables within a boost::asio::spawned coroutine - c++

I'm trying to add some async operations deep within an existing codebase, which is being called within a web server implemented using pion (which itself uses boost::asio).
The current code needs to continue operating in contexts where there is no io_service available, so I did the following, where Foo::bar is the main entry point of the existing codebase, and handleRequest is the pion request handler:
class Foo
void bar(std::string input, boost::asio::io_service* io = NULL)
ioService = io;
if ( io == NULL )
boost::asio::spawn(*io, boost::bind(&Foo::barAsync, this, input, _1));
void barAsync(std::string input, boost::asio::yield_context yc)
barCommon(input, &yc);
void barCommon(std::string input, boost::asio::yield_context* yieldContext = NULL)
// Existing code here, with some operations performed async
// using ioService and yieldContext if they are not NULL.
boost::asio::io_service* ioService;
// Other member variables, which cause a crash when accessed
void handleRequest(pion::http::request_ptr request, pion::tcp::connection_ptr connection)
Foo* foo = acquireFooPointer();
foo->bar(std::string(request->get_content()), &connection->get_io_service());
This seems to work insofar as it ends up running Foo::barCommon inside a coroutine, but the existing code crashes as soon as it tries to access Foo member variables. What am I missing here?
EDIT: Just to be clear, the pointer acquired in handleRequest is to a heap-allocated Foo object whose lifetime matches that of the server process.


C++ GRPC ClientAsyncReaderWriter: how to check if data is available for read?

I have bidirectional streaming async grpc client that use ClientAsyncReaderWriter for communication with server. RPC code looks like:
rpc Process (stream Request) returns (stream Response)
For simplicity Request and Response are bytes arrays (byte[]). I send several chunks of data to server, and when server accumulate enough data, server process this data and send back the response and continue accumulating data for next responses. After several responses, the server send final response and close connection.
For async client I using CompletionQueue. Code looks like:
CompletionQueue cq;
std::unique_ptr<Stub> stub;
grpc::ClientContext context;
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<Request,Response>> responder = stub->AsyncProcess(&context, &cq, handler);
// thread for completition queue
std::thread t(
void *handler = nullptr;
bool ok = false;
while (cq_.Next(&handler, &ok)) {
if (can_read) {
// how do you know that it is read data available
// Do read
} else {
// do write
Request request = prepare_request();
responder_->Write(request, handler);
// wait
What is the proper way to async reading? Can I try to read if it no data available? Is it blocking call?
Sequencing Read() calls
Can I try to read if it no data available?
Yep, and it's going to be case more often than not. Read() will do nothing until data is available, and only then put its passed tag into the completion queue. (see below for details)
Is it blocking call?
Nope. Read() and Write() return immediately. However, you can only have one of each in flight at any given moment. If you try to send a second one before the previous has completed, it (the second one) will fail.
What is the proper way to async reading?
Each time a Read() is done, start a new one. For that, you need to be able to tell when a Read() is done. This is where tags come in!
When you call Read(&msg, tag), or Write(request, tag),you are telling grpc to put tag in the completion queue associated with that responder once that operation has completed. grpc doesn't care what the tag is, it just hands it off.
So the general strategy you will want to go for is:
As soon as you are ready to start receiving messages:
call responder->Read() once with some tag that you will recognize as a "read done".
Whenever cq_.Next() gives you back that tag, and ok == true:
consume the message
Queue up a new responder->Read() with that same tag.
Obviously, you'll also want to do something similar for your calls to Write().
But since you still want to be able to lookup the handler instance from a given tag, you'll need a way to pack a reference to the handler as well as information about which operation is being finished in a single tag.
Completion queues
Lookup the handler instance from a given tag? Why?
The true raison d'ĂȘtre of completion queues is unfortunately not evident from the examples. They allow multiple asynchronous rpcs to share the same thread. Unless your application only ever makes a single rpc call, the handling thread should not be associated with a specific responder. Instead, that thread should be a general-purpose worker that dispatches events to the correct handler based on the content of the tag.
The official examples tend to do that by using pointer to the handler object as the tag. That works when there's a specific sequence of events to expect since you can easily predict what a handler is reacting to. You often can't do that with async bidirectional streams, since any given completion event could be a Read() or a Write() finishing.
Here's a general outline of what I personally consider to be a clean way to go about all that:
// Base class for async bidir RPCs handlers.
// This is so that the handling thread is not associated with a specific rpc method.
class RpcHandler {
// This will be used as the "tag" argument to the various grpc calls.
struct TagData {
enum class Type {
// add more as needed...
RpcHandler* handler;
Type evt;
struct TagSet {
TagSet(RpcHandler* self)
: start_done{self, TagData::Type::start_done},
read_done{self, TagData::Type::read_done},
write_done{self, TagData::Type::write_done} {}
TagData start_done;
TagData read_done;
TagData write_done;
RpcHandler() : tags(this) {}
virtual ~RpcHandler() = default;
// The actual tag objects we'll be passing
TagSet tags;
virtual void on_ready() = 0;
virtual void on_recv() = 0;
virtual void on_write_done() = 0;
static void handling_thread_main(grpc::CompletionQueue* cq) {
void* raw_tag = nullptr;
bool ok = false;
while (cq->Next(&raw_tag, &ok)) {
TagData* tag = reinterpret_cast<TagData*>(raw_tag);
if(!ok) {
// Handle error
else {
switch (tag->evt) {
case TagData::Type::start_done:
case TagData::Type::read_done:
case TagData::Type::write_done:
void do_something_with_response(Response const&);
class MyHandler final : public RpcHandler {
using responder_ptr =
std::unique_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<Request, Response>>;
MyHandler(responder_ptr responder) : responder_(std::move(responder)) {
// This lock is needed because StartCall() can
// cause the handler thread to access the object.
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
~MyHandler() {
// TODO: finish/abort the streaming rpc as appropriate.
void send(const Request& msg) {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
if (!sending_) {
sending_ = true;
responder_->Write(msg, &tags.write_done);
} else {
// TODO: add some form of synchronous wait, or outright failure
// if the queue starts to get too big.
// When the rpc is ready, queue the first read
void on_ready() override {
std::lock_guard l(mutex_); // To synchronize with the constructor
responder_->Read(&incoming_, &tags.read_done);
// When a message arrives, use it, and start reading the next one
void on_recv() override {
// incoming_ never leaves the handling thread, so no need to lock
// ------ If handling is cheap and stays in the handling thread.
responder_->Read(&incoming_, &tags.read_done);
// ------ If responses is expensive or involves another thread.
// Response msg = std::move(incoming_);
// responder_->Read(&incoming_, &tags.read_done);
// do_something_with_response(msg);
// When has been sent, send the next one is there is any
void on_write_done() override {
std::lock_guard lock(mutex_);
if (!queued_msgs_.empty()) {
responder_->Write(queued_msgs_.front(), &tags.write_done);
} else {
sending_ = false;
responder_ptr responder_;
// Only ever touched by the handler thread post-construction.
Response incoming_;
bool sending_ = false;
std::queue<Request> queued_msgs_;
std::mutex mutex_; // grpc might be thread-safe, MyHandler isn't...
int main() {
// Start the thread as soon as you have a completion queue.
auto cq = std::make_unique<grpc::CompletionQueue>();
std::thread t(RpcHandler::handling_thread_main, cq.get());
// Multiple concurent RPCs sharing the same handling thread:
MyHandler handler1(serviceA->MethodA(&context, cq.get()));
MyHandler handler2(serviceA->MethodA(&context, cq.get()));
MyHandlerB handler3(serviceA->MethodB(&context, cq.get()));
MyHandlerC handler4(serviceB->MethodC(&context, cq.get()));
If you have a keen eye, you will notice that the code above stores a bunch (1 per event type) of redundant this pointers in the handler. It's generally not a big deal, but it is possible to do without them via multiple inheritance and downcasting, but that's starting to be somewhat beyond the scope of this question.

shared_from_this() causes std::bad_weak_ptr even when correctly using make_shared

I am creating a C++ server application using standalone Asio and C++11 and am getting an error, which is why I am asking for help.
The error
In the class worker_thread, during the call to shared_from_this(), a bad_weak_ptr exception is raised, which causes the program to crash.
The layout
The class connection_manager creates and stores objects of type std::shared_ptr<worker_thread> inside a std::vector container
The class worker_thread inherits from std::enable_shared_from_this<worker_thread>.
The class worker_thread creates objects of type std::shared_ptr<connection>.
The class connection requires a pointer (which is a shared pointer) to the class worker_thread, so that in can call the void handle_finish(std::shared_ptr<connection>)
Program flow
The class worker_thread is created via its constructor, from the class connection_manager using std::make_shared<worker_thread> with two shared pointers as parameters.
void init() is called from worker_thread by connection_manager
Later in the program, connection_manager calls std::shared_ptr<connection> get_available_connection() from worker_thread
During this method's execution, a new connection is created via std::make_shared<connection>, and one of the arguments is the shared pointer to the current worker_thread obtained via shared_from_this()
During the shared_from_this() call, the program crashes with a bad_weak_ptr exception.
From my research, the most common causes of this error are:
When shared_from_this() is called within a constructor (or a function which is called by the constructor)
When there is no existing std::shared_ptr pointing to the object.
In my program:
The call to the constructor and the get_available_connection() are separate, and through outputing lines in the terminal, it seems that the worker_thread is constructed and initialised by the time the call to get_available_connection() occurs
The connection_manager class holds a shared pointer to every worker_thread object.
All something_ptr are std::shared_ptr<something>
Header files
typedef asio::executor_work_guard<asio::io_context::executor_type>
std::vector<worker_thread_ptr> workers;
std::vector<io_context_ptr> io_contexts;
std::vector<io_context_work> work;
class worker_thread : std::enable_shared_from_this<worker_thread> {
/// Create a worker thread.
explicit worker_thread(io_context_ptr io, config_ptr vars_global);
void init();
void join();
connection_ptr get_available_connection();
explicit connection(std::shared_ptr<worker_thread> worker,
std::shared_ptr<asio::io_context> io,
config_ptr vars_parent);
Source files
connection_manager::connection_manager(config_ptr vars) {
std::size_t number_of_threads = vars->worker_threads;
while(number_of_threads > 0) {
io_context_ptr io_context(new asio::io_context);
worker_thread_ptr worker =
std::make_shared<worker_thread>(io_context, vars);
connection_ptr connection_manager::get_available_connection() {
std::size_t index_of_min_thread = 0;
std::size_t worker_count = workers.size();
for(std::size_t i = 1; i < worker_count; ++i) {
if(workers[i]->active_connection_count() <
index_of_min_thread = i;
return workers[index_of_min_thread]->get_available_connection();
worker_thread::worker_thread(io_context_ptr io,
config_ptr vars_global)
:io_context(io), active_conn_count(0), vars(vars_global),
[this]() {
) {}
void worker_thread::init() {
//Additional initialisation, this is called by connection_manager
//after this thread's construction
connection_ptr worker_thread::get_available_connection() {
connection_ptr conn;
if(!available_connections.empty()) {
conn = available_connections.front();
return conn;
} else {
conn = std::make_shared<connection>(shared_from_this(), io_context, vars);
return conn;
I am sorry if this question has been answered before, but I tried to resolve this, and after trying for some time, I decided it would be better to ask for help.
Here is a minimum test, which fails. It requires CMake, and you might have to change the minimum required version.
Google Drive link
I think your problem might be that you use default private inheritance.
here is a simple example of a program that crashes:
class GoodUsage : public std::enable_shared_from_this<GoodUsage>
void DoSomething()
auto good = shared_from_this();
class BadUsage : std::enable_shared_from_this<BadUsage> // private inheritance
void DoSomething()
auto bad = shared_from_this();
int main()
auto good = std::make_shared<GoodUsage>();
auto bad = std::make_shared<BadUsage>();
good->DoSomething(); // ok
bad->DoSomething(); // throws std::bad_weak_ptr

Best way to handle multi-thread cleanup

I have a server-type application, and I have an issue with making sure thread's aren't deleted before they complete. The code below pretty much represents my server; the cleanup is required to prevent a build up of dead threads in the list.
using namespace std;
class A {
void doSomethingThreaded(function<void()> cleanupFunction, function<bool()> getStopFlag) {
somethingThread = thread([cleanupFunction, getStopFlag, this]() {
void doSomething(function<bool()> getStopFlag);
thread somethingThread;
class B {
void runServer();
void stop() {
stopFlag = true;
void waitForListToBeEmpty() { ... };
void handleAccept(...) {
shared_ptr<A> newClient(new A());
unique_lock<mutex> lock(listMutex);
newClient.doSomethingThreaded(bind(&B::cleanup, this, newClient), [this]() {
return stopFlag;
void cleanup(shared_ptr<A> data) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(listMutex);
list<shared_ptr<A>> clientData;
mutex listMutex;
atomc<bool> stopFlag;
The issue seems to be that the destructors run in the wrong order - i.e. the shared_ptr is destructed at when the thread's function completes, meaning the 'A' object is deleted before thread completion, causing havok when the thread's destructor is called.
Call cleanup function
All references to this (i.e. an A object) removed, so call destructor (including this thread's destructor)
Call this thread's destructor again -- OH NOES!
I've looked at alternatives, such as maintaining a 'to be removed' list which is periodically used to clean the primary list by another thread, or using a time-delayed deletor function for the shared pointers, but both of these seem abit chunky and could have race conditions.
Anyone know of a good way to do this? I can't see an easy way of refactoring it to work ok.
Are the threads joinable or detached? I don't see any detach,
which means that destructing the thread object without having
joined it is a fatal error. You might try simply detaching it,
although this can make a clean shutdown somewhat complex. (Of
course, for a lot of servers, there should never be a shutdown
anyway.) Otherwise: what I've done in the past is to create
a reaper thread; a thread which does nothing but join any
outstanding threads, to clean up after them.
I might add that this is a good example of a case where
shared_ptr is not appropriate. You want full control over
when the delete occurs; if you detach, you can do it in the
clean up function (but quite frankly, just using delete this;
at the end of the lambda in A::doSomethingThreaded seems more
readable); otherwise, you do it after you've joined, in the
reaper thread.
For the reaper thread, something like the following should work:
class ReaperQueue
std::deque<A*> myQueue;
std::mutex myMutex;
std::conditional_variable myCond;
A* getOne()
std::lock<std::mutex> lock( myMutex );
myCond.wait( lock, [&]( !myQueue.empty() ) );
A* results = myQueue.front();
return results;
void readyToReap( A* finished_thread )
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( myMutex );
myQueue.push_back( finished_thread );
void reaperThread()
for ( ; ; )
A* mine = getOne();
delete mine;
(Warning: I've not tested this, and I've tried to use the C++11
functionality. I've only actually implemented it, in the past,
using pthreads, so there could be some errors. The basic
principles should hold, however.)
To use, create an instance, then start a thread calling
reaperThread on it. In the cleanup of each thread, call
To support a clean shutdown, you may want to use two queues: you
insert each thread into the first, as it is created, and then
move it from the first to the second (which would correspond to
myQueue, above) in readyToReap. To shut down, you then wait
until both queues are empty (not starting any new threads in
this interval, of course).
The issue is that, since you manage A via shared pointers, the this pointer captured by the thread lambda really needs to be a shared pointer rather than a raw pointer to prevent it from becoming dangling. The problem is that there's no easy way to create a shared_ptr from a raw pointer when you don't have an actual shared_ptr as well.
One way to get around this is to use shared_from_this:
class A : public enable_shared_from_this<A> {
void doSomethingThreaded(function<void()> cleanupFunction, function<bool()> getStopFlag) {
somethingThread = thread([cleanupFunction, getStopFlag, this]() {
shared_ptr<A> temp = shared_from_this();
this creates an extra shared_ptr to the A object that keeps it alive until the thread finishes.
Note that you still have the problem with join/detach that James Kanze identified -- Every thread must have either join or detach called on it exactly once before it is destroyed. You can fulfill that requirement by adding a detach call to the thread lambda if you never care about the thread exit value.
You also have potential for problems if doSomethingThreaded is called multiple times on a single A object...
For those who are interested, I took abit of both answers given (i.e. James' detach suggestion, and Chris' suggestion about shared_ptr's).
My resultant code looks like this and seems neater and doesn't cause a crash on shutdown or client disconnect:
using namespace std;
class A {
void doSomething(function<bool()> getStopFlag) {
class B {
void runServer();
void stop() {
stopFlag = true;
void waitForListToBeEmpty() { ... };
void handleAccept(...) {
shared_ptr<A> newClient(new A());
unique_lock<mutex> lock(listMutex);
thread clientThread([this, newClient]() {
// Capture the shared_ptr until thread over and done with.
newClient->doSomething([this]() {
return stopFlag;
// Detach to remove the need to store these threads until their completion.
void cleanup(shared_ptr<A> data) {
unique_lock<mutex> lock(listMutex);
list<shared_ptr<A>> clientData; // Can remove this if you don't
// need to connect with your clients.
// However, you'd need to make sure this
// didn't get deallocated before all clients
// finished as they reference the boolean stopFlag
// OR make it a shared_ptr to an atomic boolean
mutex listMutex;
atomc<bool> stopFlag;

boost signal-slot generalisation

I am searching for a way to implement something like this, using boost
class GenBoost{
boost::signal<void(void)> m_signal;
std::function<void (bool)> m_function
void setSignal(boost::signal<void(void)> sigArg)
m_signal = sigArg;
void setFunction(std::function<void (bool)> &functionArg)
m_function = functionArg;
void onSignal(){
//do something
How can this be achieved. signal copying is not possible!?
I am not 100% sure of your intent, but assuming that onSignal() will not need to interact with m_signal (and that you only need one connection to m_signal), it appears that you can decouple m_signal from your class entirely. For example, if you really do not want the body of 'onSignal()' to be called until a 'm_function' has been set, you could do something like:
class GenBoost{
std::function<void (bool)> m_function;
boost::signals::scoped_conection m_connection;
void setSignal(boost::signal<void(void)>& sigArg)
m_connection = sigArg.connect(boost::bind(&GebBoost::onSignal,this));
void setFunction(std::function<void (bool)> &functionArg)
m_function = functionArg;
void onSignal()
if ( m_function )
void do_work()
//do something
Note that I stripped the last _1 from m_signal.connect(boost::bind(&GebBoost::onSignal,this,_1)); because the signal is declared as type void(void) so should be connected to a void callback. I also added the scoped_connection so that if the object of type GenBoost is destroyed before the signal it is connected to, it will automatically disconnect rather than allow the signal to retain an invalid pointer.
Alternatively, if you needed to retain a reference to the original signal, you could add back your original signal member, but as a pointer boost::signal<void(void)>* m_signal;. Then setSignal becomes:
void setSignal(boost::signal<void(void)>& sigArg)
m_signal = &sigArg;
m_connection = m_signal->connect(boost::bind(&GebBoost::onSignal,this));
I still recommend using the scoped connection and connecting in setSignal so that you ensure you only have one connection to one signal (If setSignal is called twice, the connection to the first signal is automatically disconnected). If you go the pointer route, you must externally ensure that the passed-in signal has a lifetime longer than the GenBoost object.

threading-related active object design questions (c++ boost)

I would like some feedback regarding the IService class listed below. From what I know, this type of class is related to the "active-object" pattern. Please excuse/correct if I use any related terminology incorrectly. Basically the idea is that the classes using this active object class need to provide a start and a stop method which control some event loop. This event loop could be implemented with a while loop or with boost asio etc.
This class is responsible for starting a new thread in a non-blocking manner so that events can be handled in/by the new thread. It must also handle all clean-up related code. I first tried an OO approach in which subclasses were responsible for overriding methods to control the event loop but the cleanup was messy: in the destructor calling the stop method resulted in a pure virtual function call in cases where the calling class had not manually called the stop method. The templated solution seems to be a lot cleaner:
template <typename T>
class IService : private boost::noncopyable
typedef boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> thread_ptr;
/// try stop the service in case it's running
void start()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_threadMutex);
if (m_pServiceThread && m_pServiceThread->joinable())
// already running
m_pServiceThread = thread_ptr(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&IService::main, this)));
// need to wait for thread to start: else if destructor is called before thread has started
// Wait for condition to be signaled and then
// try timed wait since the application could deadlock if the thread never starts?
//if (m_startCondition.timed_wait(m_threadMutex, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(getServiceTimeoutMs())))
// notify main to continue: it's blocked on the same condition var
void stop()
// trigger the stopping of the event loop
if (m_pServiceThread)
if (m_pServiceThread->joinable())
// the service is stopped so we can reset the thread
/// entry point of thread
void main()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_threadMutex);
// notify main thread that it can continue
// Try Dummy wait to allow 1st thread to resume???
// call template implementation of event loop
/// Service thread
thread_ptr m_pServiceThread;
/// Thread mutex
mutable boost::mutex m_threadMutex;
/// Condition for signaling start of thread
boost::condition m_startCondition;
/// T must satisfy the implicit service interface and provide a start and a stop method
T m_serviceObject;
The class could be used as follows:
class TestObject3
m_timer(m_ioService, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(200))
m_timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&TestObject3::doWork, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
void start()
// simple event loop;
void stop()
// signal end of event loop
void doWork(const boost::system::error_code& e)
// Do some work here
if (e != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
m_timer.expires_from_now( boost::posix_time::milliseconds(200) );
m_timer.async_wait(boost::bind(&TestObject3::doWork, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
boost::asio::io_service m_ioService;
boost::asio::io_service::work m_work;
boost::asio::deadline_timer m_timer;
Now to my specific questions:
1) Is the use of the boost condition variable correct? It seems like a bit of a hack to me: I wanted to wait for the thread to be launched so I waited on the condition variable. Then once the new thread has launched in the main method, I again wait on the same condition variable to allow the initial thread to continue. Then once the start method of the initial thread is exited, the new thread can continue. Is this ok?
2) Are there any cases in which the thread would not get launched successfully by the OS? I remember reading somewhere that this can occur. If this is possible, I should rather do a timed wait on the condition variable (as is commented out in the start method)?
3) I am aware that of the templated class could not implement the stop method "correctly" i.e. if the event loop fails to stop, the code will block on the joins (either in the stop or in the destructor) but I see no way around this. I guess it is up to the user of the class to make sure that the start and stop method are implemented correctly?
4) I would appreciate any other design mistakes, improvements, etc?
Finally settled on the following:
1) After much testing use of condition variable seems fine
2) This issue hasn't cropped up (yet)
3) The templated class implementation must meet the requirements, unit tests are used to
test for correctness
4) Improvements
Added join with lock
Catching exceptions in spawned thread and rethrowing in main thread to avoid crashes and to not loose exception info
Using boost::system::error_code to communicate error codes back to caller
implementation object is set-able
template <typename T>
class IService : private boost::noncopyable
typedef boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> thread_ptr;
typedef T ServiceImpl;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<IService<T> > ptr;
/// try stop the service in case it's running
if (m_pServiceThread && m_pServiceThread->joinable())
static ptr create()
return boost::make_shared<IService<T> >();
/// Accessor to service implementation. The handle can be used to configure the implementation object
ServiceImpl& get() { return m_serviceObject; }
/// Mutator to service implementation. The handle can be used to configure the implementation object
void set(ServiceImpl rServiceImpl)
// the implementation object cannot be modified once the thread has been created
assert(m_pServiceThread == 0);
m_serviceObject = rServiceImpl;
m_pServiceObject = &m_serviceObject;
void set(ServiceImpl* pServiceImpl)
// the implementation object cannot be modified once the thread has been created
assert(m_pServiceThread == 0);
// make sure service object is valid
if (pServiceImpl)
m_pServiceObject = pServiceImpl;
/// if the service implementation reports an error from the start or stop method call, it can be accessed via this method
/// NB: only the last error can be accessed
boost::system::error_code getServiceErrorCode() const { return m_ecService; }
/// The join method allows the caller to block until thread completion
void join()
// protect this method from being called twice (e.g. by user and by stop)
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_joinMutex);
if (m_pServiceThread && m_pServiceThread->joinable())
/// This method launches the non-blocking service
boost::system::error_code start()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_threadMutex);
if (m_pServiceThread && m_pServiceThread->joinable())
// already running
return boost::system::error_code(SHARED_INVALID_STATE, shared_category);
m_pServiceThread = thread_ptr(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&IService2::main, this)));
// Wait for condition to be signaled
// notify main to continue: it's blocked on the same condition var
// No error
return boost::system::error_code();
/// This method stops the non-blocking service
boost::system::error_code stop()
// trigger the stopping of the event loop
//boost::system::error_code ec = m_serviceObject.stop();
boost::system::error_code ec = m_pServiceObject->stop();
if (ec)
m_ecService = ec;
return ec;
// The service implementation can return an error code here for more information
// However it is the responsibility of the implementation to stop the service event loop (if running)
// Failure to do so, will result in a block
// If this occurs in practice, we may consider a timed join?
// If exception was thrown in new thread, rethrow it.
// Should the template implementation class want to avoid this, it should catch the exception
// in its start method and then return and error code instead
if( m_exception )
return ec;
/// runs in it's own thread
void main()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_threadMutex);
// notify main thread that it can continue
// Try Dummy wait to allow 1st thread to resume
// call implementation of event loop
// This will block
// In scenarios where the service fails to start, the implementation can return an error code
m_ecService = m_pServiceObject->start();
m_exception = boost::exception_ptr();
catch (...)
m_exception = boost::current_exception();
/// Service thread
thread_ptr m_pServiceThread;
/// Thread mutex
mutable boost::mutex m_threadMutex;
/// Join mutex
mutable boost::mutex m_joinMutex;
/// Condition for signaling start of thread
boost::condition m_startCondition;
/// T must satisfy the implicit service interface and provide a start and a stop method
T m_serviceObject;
T* m_pServiceObject;
// Error code for service implementation errors
boost::system::error_code m_ecService;
// Exception ptr to transport exception across different threads
boost::exception_ptr m_exception;
Further feedback/criticism would of course be welcome.