Is it appropriate to emulate templated data members? - c++

I'm trying to implement a variation of the Observer pattern that buffers different event types and came to an impasse.
This is what I'm trying to go for:
class Foo
/* ..... */
std::vector<Base*> buf;
template<typename T>
void newEvent(T ev)
/* I give the list of observers to each event.
* There are billions of events coming in for
* each run of the application
buf.push_back(new Event<T>(ev, &observers<T>));
/* Illegal, templated data members */
template<typename T>
std::vector<Observer<T>*> observers;
template<typename T>
void attach(Observer<T> obs)
/* Each type has its own list of observers */
/* ..... */
Later on when the buffer is flushed...
void Foo::flush()
for (Base* ev : buf)
delete ev;
template <typename T>
class Event : public Base
/* ..... */
Event(T t, const std::vector<Observer*>& o):observers(o),payload(t){}
void notifyAll()
for (Observer* obs : observers)
The type from the template is just a POD coming in from the outside. When it gets packaged up, I give it the list of observers. Now I could just manually define each type of observer vector in Foo, but I want to be able to support an undefined number of 'Event' types.
I know templated data members of a class are illegal, even in c++14 where there is some more support templated variables.
Does it make sense to keep going down this path? Originally I had the "observers" part statically in each 'Event' type, but I'm trying to get rid of as much global state as I can, for testability.
I'm trying to just move things into a class template, instead, but then I'm having trouble there, too.
template <typename T>
class EventHandler //can't think of a good name for this demon baby
public Base* create(T t); //when I create a new event, I need the observer list
public void attach(Observer<T>);
private std::vector<Observer<T>*> observers;
class Buffer
/* ..... */
EventHandler<EventType1> thing1;
EventHandler<EventType2> thing2;
EventHandler<EventType3> thing3;
template<typename T>
public newEvent(T ev) //I could just explicitly say the type here
buf.push_back(thing?.create(ev)); //how to know which one to use?
I run into the same problem from the other angle :/. I also thought about just switching on the type id but thought it was messy.

One way would be using std::type_index:
class event_handler_base{
virtual ~event_handler_base(){}
template<typename T>
class event_handler: public event_handler_base{
void handle(T ev){ /* handle event */ }
class my_special_class{
for(auto &&p : handlers)
delete p.second;
template<typename T>
void new_event(T ev){
template<typename T>
event_handler<T> &get_handler(){
static std::type_index ti(typeid(T));
auto it = handlers.find(ti);
if(it == handlers.end())
it = handlers.emplace(ti, new event_handler<T>()).first;
return dynamic_cast<event_handler<T>&>(*it->second);
std::unordered_map<std::type_index, event_handler_base*> handlers;
I wouldn't prefer this method if you can figure out a compile-time answer, but it is still interesting. Always prefer compile time cost over run time cost.


How to iterate through all typenames in a class template?

I want to design a component-based weapon template for my game. However, it seems no way to add/remove a class member or create a code?
Sorry for my expression and lack of terminology, for I am not graduated from dept. of computer science or software engineer, I know little of what those stuff called by professionals.
Here is the component code looks like:
class CBaseWpnCmpt : public std::enable_shared_from_this<CBaseWpnCmpt>
typedef std::shared_ptr<CBaseWpnCmpt> PTR;
CBaseWpnCmpt() = default;
CBaseWpnCmpt(const CBaseWpnCmpt& s) = default;
CBaseWpnCmpt(CBaseWpnCmpt&& s) = default;
CBaseWpnCmpt& operator=(const CBaseWpnCmpt& s) = default;
CBaseWpnCmpt& operator=(CBaseWpnCmpt&& s) = default;
virtual ~CBaseWpnCmpt() {}
CBaseWeaponInterface::PTR m_pWeapon { nullptr };
template <class CComponent>
static std::shared_ptr<CComponent> Create(CBaseWeaponInterface::PTR pWeapon)
std::shared_ptr<CComponent> pComponent = std::make_shared<CComponent>();
pComponent->m_pWeapon = pWeapon;
return pComponent;
And this is what a weapon body code looks like: (And the problem occurs)
template < class CWeapon,
class ...CComponents
class CBaseWeaponTemplate : public CBaseWeaponInterface
std::list<CBaseWpnCmpt::PTR> m_lstComponents;
virtual void SecondaryAttack(void) // Example method.
for (auto& pComponent : m_rgpComponents)
How am I suppose to create all these argument packs as member of the template? Currently I tried to enlist them into a pointer std::list container, but I just can't figure out how to achieve it at all.
In other words, how can I make a template when I fill in blank likt this:
class CAK47 : public CBaseWeaponTemplate<CAK47, CLongMagazine, CWoodenStock>
will generate this:
class CAK47
CLongMagazine m_comp1;
CWoodenStock m_comp2;
//... other stuff
Or alternatively, generate this:
class CAK47
CAK47() // constructor
for (/* somehow iterate through all typenames */)
CBaseWpnCmpt::PTR p = std::make_shared<typename>();
One way of doing so from C++11 on-wards would be to store the template types used for this particular weapon inside an std::tuple
template <typename Weapon, typename... Attachments>
class WeaponWithAttachments {
WeaponWithAttachments() {
std::tuple<Attachments...> attachment_types;
and then using that tuple to initialise a vector of shared pointers with a protected constructor taking a tuple to access the template types again.
class SomeWeaponWithAttachments: public WeaponWithAttachments<SomeWeapon,SomeAttachment,AnotherAttachment> {
: SomeWeaponWithAttachments{attachment_types} {
template <typename... Attachments>
SomeWeaponWithAttachments(std::tuple<Attachments...> const&)
: attachments{std::make_shared<Attachments>()...} {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BaseAttachment>> attachments;
Try it here!
If the attachments vector is already declared inside the parent class like it seems to be the case for you might also avoid the tuple and the protected constructor with initialising the attachments already inside the parent class
template <typename Weapon, typename... Attachments>
class WeaponWithAttachments {
: attachments{std::make_shared<Attachments>()...} {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BaseAttachment>> attachments;
and then only calling the constructor of the base class in the derived class
class SomeWeaponWithAttachments: public WeaponWithAttachments<SomeWeapon,SomeAttachment,AnotherAttachment> {
: WeaponWithAttachments<SomeWeapon,SomeAttachment,AnotherAttachment>() {
Try it here!
If that is no option for you, then you can use the tuple to iterate over all the template arguments using C++17 fold expressions:
class SomeWeaponWithAttachments: public WeaponWithAttachments<SomeWeapon,SomeAttachment,AnotherAttachment> {
: SomeWeaponWithAttachments{attachment_types} {
template <typename... Attachments>
SomeWeaponWithAttachments(std::tuple<Attachments...> const&) {
(attachments.push_back(std::make_shared<Attachments>()), ...);
Try it here!
In C++17 you might also add a static assertion with fold expressions into the constructor to make sure that the types actually inherit from BaseAttachment:
static_assert((std::is_base_of_v<BaseAttachment, Attachments> && ...), "Template arguments must inherit from 'BaseAttachment'.");

Using template type to generate unique member names for that template type

This use case comes from wanting to implement a compile-time event bus data structure that only listens/registers/unregisters specifically for the provided template arguments.
Starting with a naive implemention lets say we have the following classes AListener, AEvent, BListener, BEvent.
I want my EventBus class to look like this:
class EventBus {
std::vector<AListener*> aListeners;
std::vector<BListener*> bListeners;
void registerListener(AListener& listener);
void unregisterListener(AListener& listener);
void sendEvent(AEvent event);
void registerListener(BListener& listener);
void unregisterListener(BListener& listener);
void sendEvent(BEvent event);
Is there a way I can template it and recursively construct the class? For example:
EventBus<AListener, AEvent, BListener, BEvent> eventBus;
AListener aListener;
AEvent aEvent;
BListener bListener;
BEvent bEvent;
Preferably it'd be nice to make a new vector for each listener type because it would be inefficient to put all the pointers in one list since a long list of irrelevant listeners would be a waste of performance. Since the event bus is going to have a lot of events going through it, performance is important. Iterating over only the ones we care about is desired.
Finally, assume that we will not specialize any listener so we don't have to worry about inheritance here, all classes in the template list are considered to be final.
My problem:
How do I get around naming? While I assume specializing templates in the recursive definition via method overloading is okay because the compiler will hopefully do the ideal thing... I'm not sure how to handle the different member names.
My plan was to take the list and pull off two members, sort of like this (NOTE this is pseudo-code and almost certainly does not compile, or if it does it is by pure chance):
// Pseudocodey C++ template rough idea
template <typename Listener, typename Event, typename Args...>
class EventBus : public EventBus<Args...> {
// ???
void registerListener(Listener& listener) {
// emplace back
void unregisterListener(Listener& listener) {
// erase remove
void sendEvent(Event event) {
// send for each
Of course unless there is a better way? Is this possible?
I would create a class to handle Listener/event:
template <typename Listener, Event>
class EventHandler {
std::vector<Listener*> mListeners;
void registerListener(Listener& listener);
void unregisterListener(Listener& listener);
void sendEvent(Event event);
Then, your class which handles all would be:
template <typename ... Ts>
class EventBus : Ts...
using Ts::registerListener...; // Requires C++17
using Ts::unregisterListener...; // Prior that you have to do it with recursion
using Ts::sendEvent...; // class EventBus<T, Rest...> : T, EventBus<Rest...>
With usage:
EventBus<EventHandler<AListener, AEvent>, EventHandler<BListener, BEvent>> eventBus;
Btw, Event is probably dependent of Listener, so having typename Listener::Event seems appropriate and remove all Event template parameters.
You can use a tuple and some type traits:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
template<typename x_Event> class
template<typename ... x_Listener> class
private: ::std::tuple<::std::vector<x_Listener *>...> m_listeners;
public: template<typename xx_Listener> void
Register_Listener(xx_Listener & listener)
::std::get<::std::vector<xx_Listener *>>(m_listeners).emplace_back(&listener);
public: template<typename x_Event> void
Send_Event(x_Event & event)
for(auto p_listener: ::std::get<::std::vector<typename t_EventTrait<x_Event>::t_Listener *>>(m_listeners))
struct t_EventA {};
struct t_ListenerA { void On_Event(t_EventA &) { ::std::cout << "handling A\n"; } };
template<> class t_EventTrait<t_EventA>{ public: using t_Listener = t_ListenerA; };
struct t_EventB {};
struct t_ListenerB { void On_Event(t_EventB &) { ::std::cout << "handling B\n"; } };
template<> class t_EventTrait<t_EventB>{ public: using t_Listener = t_ListenerB; };
int main()
t_EventBus<t_ListenerA, t_ListenerB> bus{};
t_ListenerA a{};
t_EventA ea{};
t_ListenerB b{};
t_EventB eb{};
return 0;
online compiler
In C++11, you can use a variadic template
template<class... MoreEventPairs> class EventBus {};
template<class Listener, class Event>
class EventBus<Listener, Event>
std::vector<Listener *> Listeners;
EventBus() {};
~EventBus() {};
void registerListener(Listener& listener) {}; // dummy implementations here
void unregisterListener(Listener& listener) {};
void sendEvent(Event event) {};
template<class Listener, class Event, class ... MoreEventPairs>
class EventBus<Listener, Event, MoreEventPairs ...> : public EventBus<Listener, Event>,
public EventBus<MoreEventPairs ...>
// these are needed so name resolution works
// one needed for each function, on both inheritance paths
using EventBus<Listener, Event>::registerListener;
using EventBus<Listener, Event>::unregisterListener;
using EventBus<Listener, Event>::sendEvent;
using EventBus<MoreEventPairs ...>::registerListener;
using EventBus<MoreEventPairs ...>::unregisterListener;
using EventBus<MoreEventPairs ...>::sendEvent;
// construct as
EventBus<ListenerA, EventA, ListenerB, EventB> bus;
This works by essentially peeling two types at a time from the parameter pack. It will not compile if you supply an odd number of types when constructing (e.g. leave off an Event type). You can specialise handling for a particular type of Listener or associated Event by using specialisation of the two-parameter template.
Before C++11, you could use multiple inheritance, but would need to construct the EventBus class separately. This is more effort to maintain, due to need to replicate code to extend.
template<class Listener, class Event> class ListenerBus
std::vector<Listener *> Listeners;
ListenerBus() {};
~ListenerBus() {};
void registerListener(Listener& listener) {}; // dummy implementations here
void unregisterListener(Listener& listener) {};
void sendEvent(Event event) {};
// AListener, AEvent, etc are concrete classes
class EventBus : public ListenerBus<AListener, AEvent>,
public ListenerBus<BListener, BEvent>
// list other types here
using ListenerBus<AListener, AEvent>::registerListener;
using ListenerBus<AListener, AEvent>::unregisterListener;
using ListenerBus<AListener, AEvent>::sendEvent;
using ListenerBus<BListener, BEvent>::registerListener;
using ListenerBus<BListener, BEvent>::unregisterListener;
using ListenerBus<BListener, BEvent>::sendEvent;
// need to replicate above for every base class for name resolution
// construct as
EventBus bus;
The registerListener(), unregisterListener(), and sendEvent() member functions are all non-virtual since you don't want them to be over-ridden by EventBus (which will then be affected by the hiding rule).
In addition to assuming no inheritance relationships between any Listener or Event classes, both approaches above assume the Listener and Event classes are all distinct types (i.e. no Listener class or Event class listed more than once). The most likely outcome, if you break that assumption, will be that calls of some of the member functions will become ambiguous.

C++ Static Polymorphism––Referencing Specialized Template Methods Overloaded In Derived Class From Base Class Pointer

I am implementing a variation of the observer pattern in C++. However, because of the nature of the nature of my project, it CANNOT USE ANY VIRTUAL MEMBER FUNCTIONS, as the aggregate overhead from vtable lookups and cache misses is unacceptable.
Were I to create interfaces via virtual member functions, I would trivially write the following:
template <class MessageType>
class MessageSubscriber {
virtual void OnMessage(MessageType *message) = 0;
template <class MessageType>
class MessagePublisher {
void AddSubscriber(MessageSubscriber<MessageType> *subscriber) {
void Publish(MessageType *message) {
for (auto subscriber : subscribers)
std::vector<MessageSubscriber<MessageType>*> subscribers;
Then, for example, I could have classes that implement MessageSubscriber for some MessageType, SafetyMessage, like so:
class SafetyMessageSubscriberA : public MessageSubscriber<SafetyMessage> {
virtual void OnMessage(SafetyMessage *message) override {
/* process message */
class SafetyMessageSubscriberB : public MessageSubscriber<SafetyMessage> {
virtual void OnMessage(SafetyMessage *message) override {
/* process message */
class SafetyMessagePublisher : public MessagePublisher<SafetyMessage> {
void Run {
/* manipulate message data */
SafetyMessage message;
This would get the job done, but, as emphasized earlier, the vtable lookup overhead is unacceptable in the context of the application despite the polymorphic convenience that it provides and is also needed for the application. Naturally, then, I tried several approaches centering around the static polymorphism that can be leveraged through templates.
I first tried to utilize CTRP, but it fails in this case because the pointers contained in MessagePublisher::subscribers must point to the same base class when MessagePublisher::Publish(MessageType *message) is called. Ergo, you could not have some CTRP pattern along the lines of MessageSubscriber<SafetyMessageSubscriberA>, MessageSubscriber<SafetyMessageSubscriberB>, as the template arguments would need to be the same for both objects to legally be allowed in MessagePublisher::subscribers.
My most recent attempt at the problem has lead me to try some variations of member function template specialization, albeit unsuccessfully. I have tried the following variation on the pattern interface:
class MessageSubscriber {
template <class MessageType>
void OnMessage(MessageType *message);
class MessagePublisher {
template <class MessageType>
void Publish(MessageType *message) {
for (auto subscriber: subscribers)
std::vector<MessageSubscriber*> subscribers;
template<class MessageType>
void MessageSubscriber::OnMessageOnMessage(MessageType *message) {
/* "interface" call; do nothing */
With implementations such as:
class SafetyMessageSubscriberA : public MessageSubscriber {
// declare for legal overload
template <class MessageType>
void OnMessage(MessageType *message);
class SafetyMessageSubscriberB : public MessageSubscriber {
// declare for legal overload
template <class MessageType>
void OnMessage(MessageType *message);
void SafetyMessageSubscriberA::OnMessage<SafetyMessage*>OnMessage(SafetyMessage *message) {
/* process message */
void SafetyMessageSubscriberB::OnMessage<SafetyMessage*>OnMessage(SafetyMessage *message) {
/* process message */
When I tried this, however, MessagePublisher::Publish(SafetyMessage *message) would always call the generic MessageSubscriber::OnMessage(MessageType *m)implementation for the base class, not the ones that were implemented for the derived classes specific to SafetyMessage*.
Am I incorrectly specializing the function templates as intended, or is there another more efficient solution? I apologize in advance for any imprecise wording as it relates to the concepts of overloading and member template specialization.
You can cut out one level of indirection by using C-style function pointers in place of virtual functions. Thus, in the declaration of your base class you might have something like:
void (*) OnMessage (BaseClass *self, MessageType *message);
You then initialise this instance variable in each of your derived classes' constructors to point to the appropriate static member function, which in turn allows you to call it via a single indirect call (as opposed to two if you went via the vtable).
Finally, sadly, you will need to cast self in each of the target functions in the derived classes, which is the price you pay for all this trickery. Either that or cast the function signature when assigning the function pointer. I will post a fuller example if interested - let me know.

What are alternatives to this typelist-based class hierarchy generation code?

I'm working with a simple object model in which objects can implement interfaces to provide optional functionality. At it's heart, an object has to implement a getInterface method which is given a (unique) interface ID. The method then returns a pointer to an interface - or null, in case the object doesn't implement the requested interface. Here's a code sketch to illustrate this:
struct Interface { };
struct FooInterface : public Interface { enum { Id = 1 }; virtual void doFoo() = 0; };
struct BarInterface : public Interface { enum { Id = 2 }; virtual void doBar() = 0; };
struct YoyoInterface : public Interface { enum { Id = 3 }; virtual void doYoyo() = 0; };
struct Object {
virtual Interface *getInterface( int id ) { return 0; }
To make things easier for clients who work in this framework, I'm using a little template which automatically generates the 'getInterface' implementation so that clients just have to implement the actual functions required by the interfaces. The idea is to derive a concrete type from Object as well as all the interfaces and then let getInterface just return pointers to this (casted to the right type). Here's the template and a demo usage:
struct NullType { };
template <class T, class U>
struct TypeList {
typedef T Head;
typedef U Tail;
template <class Base, class IfaceList>
class ObjectWithIface :
public ObjectWithIface<Base, typename IfaceList::Tail>,
public IfaceList::Head
virtual Interface *getInterface( int id ) {
if ( id == IfaceList::Head::Id ) {
return static_cast<IfaceList::Head *>( this );
return ObjectWithIface<Base, IfaceList::Tail>::getInterface( id );
template <class Base>
class ObjectWithIface<Base, NullType> : public Base
virtual Interface *getInterface( int id ) {
return Base::getInterface( id );
class MyObjectWithFooAndBar : public ObjectWithIface< Object, TypeList<FooInterface, TypeList<BarInterface, NullType> > >
// We get the getInterface() implementation for free from ObjectWithIface
virtual void doFoo() { }
virtual void doBar() { }
This works quite well, but there are two problems which are ugly:
A blocker for me is that this doesn't work with MSVC6 (which has poor support for templates, but unfortunately I need to support it). MSVC6 yields a C1202 error when compiling this.
A whole range of classes (a linear hierarchy) is generated by the recursive ObjectWithIface template. This is not a problem for me per se, but unfortunately I can't just do a single switch statement to map an interface ID to a pointer in getInterface. Instead, each step in the hierarchy checks for a single interface and then forwards the request to the base class.
Does anybody have suggestions how to improve this situation? Either by fixing the above two problems with the ObjectWithIface template, or by suggesting alternatives which would make the Object/Interface framework easier to use.
dynamic_cast exists within the language to solve this exact problem.
Example usage:
class Interface {
virtual ~Interface() {}
}; // Must have at least one virtual function
class X : public Interface {};
class Y : public Interface {};
void func(Interface* ptr) {
if (Y* yptr = dynamic_cast<Y*>(ptr)) {
// Returns a valid Y* if ptr is a Y, null otherwise
if (X* xptr = dynamic_cast<X*>(ptr)) {
// same for X
dynamic_cast will also seamlessly handle things like multiple and virtual inheritance, which you may well struggle with.
You could check COM's QueryInterface for this- they use a similar design with a compiler extension. I've never seen COM code implemented, only used the headers, but you could search for it.
What about something like that ?
struct Interface
virtual ~Interface() {}
virtual std::type_info const& type() = 0;
template <typename T>
class InterfaceImplementer : public virtual Interface
std::type_info const& type() { return typeid(T); }
struct FooInterface : InterfaceImplementer<FooInterface>
virtual void foo();
struct BarInterface : InterfaceImplementer<BarInterface>
virtual void bar();
struct InterfaceNotFound : std::exception {};
struct Object
void addInterface(Interface *i)
// Add error handling if interface exists
interfaces.insert(&i->type(), i);
template <typename I>
I* queryInterface()
typedef std::map<std::type_info const*, Interface*>::iterator Iter;
Iter i = interfaces.find(&typeid(I));
if (i == interfaces.end())
throw InterfaceNotFound();
else return static_cast<I*>(i->second);
std::map<std::type_info const*, Interface*> interfaces;
You may want something more elaborate than type_info const* if you want to do this across dynamic libraries boundaries. Something like std::string and type_info::name() will work fine (albeit a little slow, but this kind of extreme dispatch will likely need something slow). You can also manufacture numeric IDs, but this is maybe harder to maintain.
Storing hashes of type_infos is another option:
template <typename T>
struct InterfaceImplementer<T>
std::string const& type(); // This returns a unique hash
static std::string hash(); // This memoizes a unique hash
and use FooInterface::hash() when you add the interface, and the virtual Interface::type() when you query.

recursive c++ template problem

Say I have a template class that takes msgs from source, does something smart to them, and then sends them to a sink:
template <typename Source, typename Sink>
class MsgHandler
MsgHandler(Source* pSource)
: m_pSource(pSource)
//Now the definition of the Source:
template <typename Handler>
class Source
void setHandler(Handler* pHandler)
m_pHandler = pHandler;
All fine, but now I can't really make a Source or Handler. Eg:
MsgHandler<FileSource<MsgHandler<FileSource.... recursing parameters...
FileSource<MsgHandler<FileSource<MsgHandler.... same problem when trying to build a source
Is there a way to solve this problem without using a virtual base class for the Handler?
Virtual base class solution:
class MyHandler
virtual ~MyHandler() {};
virtual void handleSomething() = 0;
template <typename Source, typename Sink>
class MsgHandler : public MyHandler
MsgHandler(Source* pSource)
: m_pSource(pSource)
void handleSomething() {}
class Source
void setHandler(MyHandler* pHandler)
m_pHandler = pHandler;
You could use a templated parameter for the source parameter of your handler:
class MySink;
template <template<typename Handler> class Source, typename Sink>
class MsgHandler
Source<MsgHandler>* m_pSource;
MsgHandler(Source<MsgHandler>* pSource)
: m_pSource(pSource)
//Now the definition of the Source:
template <typename Handler>
class Source
void setHandler(Handler* pHandler)
m_pHandler = pHandler;
//Now you can define variables like this
MsgHandler<Source, MySink> myHandler;
Of course that requires the Source parameter of MsgHandler to be a template with exactly one parameter (the handler), but if you can live with that constraint this would solve your definition problem (otherwise you might (or might not depending on what exactly you would be trying) be able to use some extra template foo to circumvent this restriction (creating another template which takes the handler as parameter and has a typedef for the corresponding SourcesType comes to mind).
In this scenario it might also be a good idea to add an typedef Source<MsgHandler> SourceType to MsgHandler to make the Source-Instantiation visible to the caller (instead of requiring the programmer to guess that MsgHandler will instantiate Source.
I don't understand why your Source needs to be parameterized on its handler. If Source and Handler really do need to be tightly coupled in the way you describe, it does not seem like templates buy you very much beyond interface definition. Seems to me like you could just have a non-template Source class that encapsulates Handler<Source, Sink>.
It looks like the Handler shouldn't know anything about the Source. How about simple linear dependency:
template <typename Sink>
class Handler {
Sink* sink; // get this pointer in the constructor?
void handle( const Msg& m ) {
// processing
sink->accept( m );
template <typename Handler>
class Source {
Handler* handler;
void genMessage() {
Msg m;
// get message off the wire?
handler->handle( m );
Could also be twisted to have "handling" and "sinking" as policies.