Where condition in geode - in-memory-database

I am new to geode .
I am adding like below:
gfsh>put --key=('id':'11') --value=('firstname':'Amaresh','lastname':'Dhal') --region=region
Result : true
Key Class : java.lang.String
Key : ('id':'11')
Value Class : java.lang.String
Old Value : <NULL>
when I query like this:
gfsh>query --query="select * from /region"
Result : true
startCount : 0
endCount : 20
Rows : 9
When I am trying to query like below I am not getting the value:
gfsh>query --query="select * from /region r where r.id='11'"
Result : true
startCount : 0
endCount : 20
Rows : 0
Ofcourse I can use get command...But i want to use where condition..Where I am doing wrong..It gives no output

In Geode the key is not "just another column". In fact, the basic query syntax implicitly queries only the fields of the value. However, you can include the key in your query using this syntax:
select value.lastname, value.firstname from /region.entries where key.id=11
Also, it is fairly common practice to include the id field in your value class even though it is not strictly required.

What Randy said is exactly right, the 'key" is not another column. The exact format of the query should be
gfsh>query --query="select * from /Address.entries where key=2"
What you are looking for here is getting all the "entries" on the region "Address" and then querying the key.
To check which one you want to query you can fire this query
gfsh>query --query="select * from /Address.entries"

You can always use the get command to fetch the data pertaining to a specific key.
get --key=<KEY_NAME> --region=<REGION_NAME>
get --key=1 --region=Address
Reference: https://gemfire.docs.pivotal.io/910/geode/tools_modules/gfsh/command-pages/get.html


Django Queryset GET (1 result) checking MAX value of one filed

Maybe the solution is to do it with Filter and then loop. But let's see if you guys can tell me a way to do it with GET
I have this query with GET as I need to be sure I get only one result
result = OtherModel.objects.get(months_from_the_avail__lte=self.obj.months_from_avail)
Months_from_avail is an Integer value.
months_from_the_avail = 22
In the other model there's 3 lines.
A) months_from_the_avail = 0
B) months_from_the_avail = 7
C) months_from_the_avail = 13
So, when I query it returns all of them as all are less than equal the value 22 but I need to get the 13 as is the last range.
range 1 = 0-6
range 2 = 7-12
range 3 = 13 ++
Is there any way that I haven't thought to do it? Or should I change it to filter() and then loop on the results?
you can get the first() section from the query order_by months_from_the_avail
Remember that django query are lazy, it won't execute until the query if finished calling so you can still use filter:
result = OtherModel.objects.filter(months_from_the_avail__lte=self.obj.months_from_avail).order_by('-months_from_the_avail').first()
#order by descending get first object which is the largest, return None if query set empty
another suggestion from Abdul which i think it's faster and better is using latest()

AWS Metrics Filter pattern Extraction

I have awsService.log logs being sent to CloudWatch and I want to create a metric filter to extract the error value.
06/13/2020 07:35:33 : 578 : 3 : error occurs
05/13/2020 07:35:33 : 3 : 3 : error occurs
The error value I would like to extract is : 3
I tried with many regrex expressions like * : * : 3 : but it doesnot work.
Any help would be appreciated.
Unfortunately no complex patterning (such as Regex) is currently supported with Metric Filters.
According to the documentation you have 3 choices
Trying to match based on an exact string ([": 3 :"])
Using JSON metric filters (not possible for your example as it requires JSON)
Filtering based on condition of this being a space separated event ([date, time, seperator1, int1, seperator2, int2=3, ...])
Regarding extracting the error value, Metrics Filters provide a count for every time this event occurs, they don't count values from the query itself.

Select a row and column from a query in coldfusion 10

Can I select a certain row/column combination in coldfusion without doing a query of queries? For example:
Some Query:
ValueToFind | ValueToReturn
String 1 | false
String 2 | false
String 3 | true
Can I somehow do #SomeQuery["ValueToFind=String 3"][ValueToReturn]# = true without doing a query of queries ? I know there's code out there to get a certain row by id, but I'm not sure how or if I can do it when I need a string as the ID
If this can't be done, is there a short hand way to set up a coldfusion function so I can use something like FindValue(Query, "String 3") and not have to use ?
You can treat a query column as an array.
yourRow = ArrayFind(queryName['columnName'], "'the value you seek'");
If you get a zero, the value you seekis not there.
Edit starts here:
For values of other columns in that row, simply use that variable.
yourOtherValue = queryName.otherColumnName[yourRow];
A small modification to Dan's code, you can find the column value using the code below
yourVaue = SomeQuery["ValueToReturn"][ArrayFind(SomeQuery['ValueToFind'], "String 3")]

TypeError during executemany() INSERT statement using a list of strings

I am trying to just do a basic INSERT operation to a PostgreSQL database through Python via the Psycopg2 module. I have read a great many of the questions already posted regarding this subject as well as the documentation but I seem to have done something uniquely wrong and none of the fixes seem to work for my code.
#API CALL + JSON decoding here
x = 0
for item in ulist:
idValue = list['members'][x]['name']
x += 1
dbShell.executemany("""INSERT INTO slickusers (username) VALUES (%s)""", activeUsers
The loop creates a list of strings that looks like this when printed:
['b2ong', 'dune', 'drble', 'drars', 'feman', 'got', 'urbo']
I am just trying to have the code INSERT these strings as 1 row each into the table.
The error specified when running is:
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
I tried changing the INSERT to:
dbShell.executemany("INSERT INTO slackusers (username) VALUES (%s)", (activeUsers,) )
But that seems like it's merely treating the entire list as a single string as it yields:
psycopg2.DataError: value too long for type character varying(30)
What am I missing?
First in the code you pasted:
x = 0
for item in ulist:
idValue = list['members'][x]['name']
x += 1
Is not the right way to accomplish what you are trying to do.
first list is a reserved word in python and you shouldn't use it as a variable name. I am assuming you meant ulist.
if you really need access to the index of an item in python you can use enumerate:
for x, item in enumerate(ulist):
but, the best way to do what you are trying to do is something like
for item in ulist: # or list['members'] Your example is kinda broken here
Your first try was:
['b2ong', 'dune', 'drble', 'drars', 'feman', 'got', 'urbo']
Your second attempt was:
(['b2ong', 'dune', 'drble', 'drars', 'feman', 'got', 'urbo'], )
What I think you want is:
[['b2ong'], ['dune'], ['drble'], ['drars'], ['feman'], ['got'], ['urbo']]
You could get this many ways:
dbShell.executemany("INSERT INTO slackusers (username) VALUES (%s)", [ [a] for a in activeUsers] )
or event better:
for item in ulist: # or list['members'] Your example is kinda broken here
dbShell.executemany("""INSERT INTO slickusers (username) VALUES (%s)""", activeUsers)

Getting odd behavior from $query->setMaxResults()

When I call setMaxResults on a query, it seems to want to treat the max number as "2", no matter what it's actual value is.
function findMostRecentByOwnerUser(\Entities\User $user, $limit)
echo "2: $limit<br>";
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery('
FROM Entities\Thread t
JOIN t.messages m
JOIN t.group g
g.ownerUser = :owner_user
ORDER BY m.timestamp DESC
$query->setParameter("owner_user", $user);
echo $query->getSQL()."<br>";
$results = $query->getResult();
echo "3: ".count($results);
return $results;
When I comment out the setMaxResults line, I get 6 results. When I leave it in, I get the 2 most recent results. When I run the generated SQL code in phpMyAdmin, I get the 4 most recent results. The generated SQL, for reference, is:
SELECT <lots of columns, all from t0_>
FROM Thread t0_
INNER JOIN Message m1_ ON t0_.id = m1_.thread_id
INNER JOIN Groups g2_ ON t0_.group_id = g2_.id
WHERE g2_.ownerUser_id = ?
ORDER BY m1_.timestamp DESC
While reading the DQL "Limit" documentation, I came across the following:
If your query contains a fetch-joined collection specifying the result limit methods are not working as you would expect. Set Max Results restricts the number of database result rows, however in the case of fetch-joined collections one root entity might appear in many rows, effectively hydrating less than the specified number of results.
I'm pretty sure that I'm not doing a fetch-joined collection. I'm under the impression that a fetch-joined collection is where I do something like SELECT t, m FROM Threads JOIN t.messages. Am I incorrect in my understanding of this?
An update : With Doctrine 2.2+ you can use the Paginator http://docs.doctrine-project.org/en/latest/tutorials/pagination.html
Using ->groupBy('your_entity.id') seem to solve the issue!
I solved the same issue by only fetching contents of the master table and having all joined tables fetched as fetch="EAGER" which is defined in the Entity (described here http://www.doctrine-project.org/docs/orm/2.1/en/reference/annotations-reference.html?highlight=eager#manytoone).
class VehicleRepository extends EntityRepository
* #var integer
protected $pageSize = 10;
public function page($number = 1)
return $this->_em->createQuery('SELECT v FROM Entities\VehicleManagement\Vehicles v')
->setFirstResult($number - 1)
In my example repo you can see I only fetched the vehicle table to get the correct result amount. But all properties (like make, model, category) are fetched immediately.
(I also iterated over the Entity-contents because I needed the Entity represented as an array, but that shouldn't matter afaik.)
Here's an excerpt from my entity:
class Vehicles
* #ManyToOne(targetEntity="Makes", fetch="EAGER")
* #var Makes
public $make;
Its important that you map every Entity correctly otherwise it won't work.