How is TF calculated in Sklearn - python-2.7

I have been experimenting with sklearn's Tfidfvectorizer.
I am only concerned with TF, and not idf, so my settings have use_idf = FALSE
Complete settings are:
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.5, max_features= n_features,
ngram_range=(1,3), use_idf=False)
I have been trying to replicate the output of .fit_transform but haven't managed to do it so far and was hoping someone could explain the calculations for me.
My toy example is:
document = ["one two three one four five",
"two six eight ten two"]
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer, CountVectorizer
n_features = 5
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.5, max_features= n_features,
ngram_range=(1,3), use_idf=False)
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(document)
count = CountVectorizer(max_df=0.5, max_features= n_features,
countMat = count.fit_transform(document)
I have assumed the counts from the Count Vectorizer will be the same as the counts used int he Tfidf Vectorizer. So am trying to change the countMat object to match X.

I had missed a line from the documentation which says
Each row is normalized to have unit euclidean norm
So to anwer my own question - the answer is:
for i in xrange(countMat.toarray().__len__()):
row = countMat.toarray()[i]
row / np.sqrt(np.sum(row**2))
Although I am sure there is a more elegant way to code the result.


PVLIB - DC Power From Irradiation - Simple Calculation

Dear pvlib users and devels.
I'm a researcher in computer science, not particularly expert in the simulation or modelling of solar panels. I'm interested in use pvlib since
we are trying to simulate the works of a small solar panel used for IoT
applications, in particular the panel spec are the following:
12.8% max efficiency, Vmp = 5.82V, size = 225 × 155 × 17 mm.
Before using pvlib, one of my collaborator wrote a code that compute the
irradiation directly from average monthly values calculated with PVWatt.
I was not really satisfied, so we are starting to use pvlib.
In the old code, we have the power and current of the panel calculated as:
W = Irradiation * PanelSize(m^2) * Efficiency
A = W / Vmp
The Irradiation, in Madrid, as been obtained with PVWatt, and this is
what my collaborator used:
DIrradiance = (2030.0,2960.0,4290.0,5110.0,5950.0,7090.0,7200.0,6340.0,4870.0,3130.0,2130.0,1700.0)
I'm trying to understand if pvlib compute values similar to the ones above, as averages over a day for each month. And the curve of production in day.
I wrote this to compare pvlib with our old model:
import math
import numpy as np
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pvlib
from pvlib.location import Location
def irradiance(day,m):
DIrradiance =(2030.0,2960.0,4290.0,5110.0,5950.0,
madrid = Location(40.42, -3.70, 'Europe/Madrid', 600, 'Madrid')
times = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(2015,m,day,00,00),
spaout = pvlib.solarposition.spa_python(times, madrid.latitude, madrid.longitude)
spaout = spaout.assign(cosz=pd.Series(np.cos(np.deg2rad(spaout['zenith']))))
z = np.array(spaout['cosz'])
return z.clip(0)*(DIrradiance[m-1])
madrid = Location(40.42, -3.70, 'Europe/Madrid', 600, 'Madrid')
times = pd.date_range(start = dt.datetime(2015,8,15,00,00),
end = dt.datetime(2015,8,15,23,59),
old = irradiance(15,8) # old model
new = madrid.get_clearsky(times) # pvlib irradiance
plt.plot(old,'r-') # compare them.
plt.plot(old/6.0,'y-') # old seems 6 times more..I do not know why
The code above compute the old irradiance, using the zenit angle. and compute the ghi values using the clear_sky. I do not understand if the values in ghi must be multiplied by the cos of zenit too, or not. Anyway
they are smaller by a factor of 6. What I'd like to have at the end is the
power and current in output from the panel (DC) without any inverter, and
we are not really interested at modelling it exactly, but at least, to
have a reasonable curve. We are able to capture from the panel the ampere
produced, and we want to compare the values from the measurements putting
the panel on the roof top with the values calculated by pvlib.
Any help on this would be really appreachiated. Thanks
Sorry Will I do not care a lot about my previous model since I'd like to move all code to pvlib. I followed your suggestion and I'm using irradiance.total_irrad, the code now looks in this way:
madrid = Location(40.42, -3.70, 'Europe/Madrid', 600, 'Madrid')
times = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(2015,1,1,00,00),
ephem_data = pvlib.solarposition.spa_python(times, madrid.latitude,
irrad_data = madrid.get_clearsky(times)
AM = atmosphere.relativeairmass(ephem_data['apparent_zenith'])
total = irradiance.total_irrad(40, 180,
ephem_data['apparent_zenith'], ephem_data['azimuth'],
dni=irrad_data['dni'], ghi=irrad_data['ghi'],
dhi=irrad_data['dhi'], airmass=AM,
poa = total['poa_global'].values
Now, I know the irradiance on POA, and I want to compute the output in Ampere: It is just
It's not clear to me how you arrived at your values for DIrradiance or what the units are, so I can't comment much the discrepancies between the values. I'm guessing that it's some kind of monthly data since there are 12 values. If so, you'd need to calculate ~hourly pvlib irradiance data and then integrate it to check for consistency.
If your module will be tilted, you'll need to convert your ~hourly irradiance GHI, DNI, DHI values to plane of array (POA) irradiance using a transposition model. The irradiance.total_irrad function is the easiest way to do that.
The next steps depend on the IV characteristics of your module, the rest of the circuit, and how accurate you need the model to be.

Cosine similarity between any two sentences is giving 0.99 always

I downloaded the stackoverflow dump (which is a 10GB file) and ran word2vec on the dump in order to get vector representations for programming terms (I require it for a project that I'm doing). Following is the code:
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
titles, bodies = [], []
xmldoc = parse('test.xml') //this is the dump
reflist = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('row')
for i in range(len(reflist)):
bitref = reflist[i]
if 'Title' in bitref.attributes.keys():
title = bitref.attributes['Title'].value
titles.append([i for i in title.split()])
if 'Body' in bitref.attributes.keys():
body = bitref.attributes['Body'].value
bodies.append([i for i in body.split()])
dimension = 8
sentences = titles + bodies
model = Word2Vec(sentences, size=dimension, iter=100)'snippet_1.model')
Now, in order to calculate the cosine similarity between a pair of sentences, I do the following:
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
model = Word2Vec.load('snippet_1.model')
dimension = 8
snippet = 'some text'
snippet_vector = np.zeros((1, dimension))
for word in snippet:
if word in model.wv.vocab:
vecvalue = model[word].reshape(1, dimension)
snippet_vector = np.add(snippet_vector, vecvalue)
link_text = 'some other text'
link_vector = np.zeros((1, dimension))
for word in link_text:
if word in model.wv.vocab:
vecvalue = model[word].reshape(1, dimension)
link_vector = np.add(link_vector, vecvalue)
print(cosine_similarity(snippet_vector, link_vector))
I am calculating the sum of word embedding for each word of a sentence to get some representation for the sentence as a whole. I do this for both sentences and then calculate the cosine similarity between them.
Now, the problem is I'm getting cosine similarity around 0.99 for any pair of sentences that I give. Is there anything that I'm doing wrong? Any suggestions for a better approach?
Are you checking that your snippet_vector and link_vector are meaningful vectors before calculating their cosine-similarity?
I suspect they're just zero-vectors, or similarly non-diverse, since your for word in snippet: and for word in link_text: loops aren't tokenizing the text. So they'll just loop over the characters in each string, which either won't be present in your model as words, or the few available may match exactly between your texts. (Even with tokenization, the texts' summed vectors would only differ by the value of a vector for the one different word, 'other'.)

How to create a container in pymc3

I am trying to build a model for the likelihood function of a particular outcome of a Langevin equation (Brownian particle in a harmonic potential):
Here is my model in pymc2 that seems to work:
#define the model/function to be fitted.
def model(x):
t = pm.Uniform('t', 0.1, 20, value=2.0)
A = pm.Uniform('A', 0.1, 10, value=1.0)
def S(t=t):
return 1-np.exp(-4*delta_t/t)
def s(t=t):
return np.exp(-2*delta_t/t)
path = np.empty(N, dtype=object)
path[0]=pm.Normal('path_0',mu=0, tau=1/A, value=x[0], observed=True)
for i in range(1,N):
path[i] = pm.Normal('path_%i' % i,
return locals()
mcmc = pm.MCMC( model(x) )
mcmc.sample( 20000, 2000, 10 )
The basic idea is that each point depends on the previous point in the chain (Markov chain). Btw, x is an array of data, N is its length, delta_t is the time step =0.01. Any idea how to implement this in pymc3? I tried:
# define the model/function for diffusion in a harmonic potential
DHP_model = pm.Model()
with DHP_model:
t = pm.Uniform('t', 0.1, 20)
A = pm.Uniform('A', 0.1, 10)
path = np.empty(N, dtype=object)
path[0]=pm.Normal('path_0',mu=0, tau=1/A, observed=x[0])
for i in range(1,N):
path[i] = pm.Normal('path_%i' % i,
Unfortunately the model crashes as soon as I try to run it. I tried some pymc3 examples (tutorial) on my machine and this is working.
Thanks in advance. I am really hoping that the new samplers in pymc3 will help me with this model. I am trying to apply Bayesian methods to single-molecule experiments.
Rather than creating many individual normally-distributed 1-D variables in a loop, you can make a custom distribution (by extending Continuous) that knows the formula for computing the log likelihood of your entire path. You can bootstrap this likelihood formula off of the Normal likelihood formula that pymc3 already knows. See the built-in AR1 class for an example.
Since your particle follows the Markov property, your likelihood looks like
import theano.tensor as T
def logp(path):
now = path[1:]
prev = path[:-1]
loglik_first = pm.Normal.dist(mu=0., tau=1./A).logp(path[0])
loglik_rest = T.sum(pm.Normal.dist(mu=prev*ss, tau=1./A/S).logp(now))
loglik_final = loglik_first + loglik_rest
return loglik_final
I'm guessing that you want to draw a value for ss at every time step, in which case you should make sure to specify ss = pm.exp(..., shape=len(x)-1), so that prev*ss in the block above gets interpreted as element-wise multiplication.
Then you can just specify your observations with
path = MyLangevin('path', ..., observed=x)
This should run much faster.
Since I did not see an answer to my question, let me answer it myself. I came up with the following solution:
# now lets model this data using pymc
# define the model/function for diffusion in a harmonic potential
DHP_model = pm.Model()
with DHP_model:
D = pm.Gamma('D',mu=mu_D,sd=sd_D)
A = pm.Gamma('A',mu=mu_A,sd=sd_A)
path=pm.Normal('path_0',mu=0.0, tau=1/A, observed=x[0])
for i in range(1,N):
path = pm.Normal('path_%i' % i,
start = pm.find_MAP()
trace = pm.sample(100000, start=start)
unfortunately, this code takes at N=50 anywhere between 6hours to 2 days to compile. I am running on a pretty fast PC (24Gb RAM) running Ubuntu. I tried to using the GPU but that runs slightly slower. I suspect memory problems since it uses 99.8% of the memory when running. I tried the same calculation with Stan and it only takes 2min to run.

NLTK package to estimate the (unigram) perplexity

I am trying to calculate the perplexity for the data I have. The code I am using is:
import sys
from nltk.corpus import brown
from nltk.model import NgramModel
from nltk.probability import LidstoneProbDist, WittenBellProbDist
estimator = lambda fdist, bins: LidstoneProbDist(fdist, 0.2)
lm = NgramModel(3, brown.words(categories='news'), True, False, estimator)
print lm
But I am receiving the error,
File "/usr/local/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nltk/model/", line 107, in __init__
cfd[context][token] += 1
TypeError: 'int' object has no attribute '__getitem__'
I have already performed Latent Dirichlet Allocation for the data I have and I have generated the unigrams and their respective probabilities (they are normalized as the sum of total probabilities of the data is 1).
My unigrams and their probability looks like:
Negroponte 1.22948976891e-05
Andreas 7.11290670484e-07
Rheinberg 7.08255885794e-07
Joji 4.48481435106e-07
Helguson 1.89936727391e-07
CAPTION_spot 2.37395965468e-06
Mortimer 1.48540253778e-07
yellow 1.26582575863e-05
Sugar 1.49563800878e-06
four 0.000207196011781
This is just a fragment of the unigrams file I have. The same format is followed for about 1000s of lines. The total probabilities (second column) summed gives 1.
I am a budding programmer. This belongs to the nltk package and I am confused as to how to rectify this. The sample code I have here is from the nltk documentation and I don't know what to do now. Please help on what I can do. Thanks in advance!
Perplexity is the inverse probability of the test set, normalized by the number of words. In the case of unigrams:
Now you say you have already constructed the unigram model, meaning, for each word you have the relevant probability. Then you only need to apply the formula. I assume you have a big dictionary unigram[word] that would provide the probability of each word in the corpus. You also need to have a test set. If your unigram model is not in the form of a dictionary, tell me what data structure you have used, so I could adapt it to my solution accordingly.
perplexity = 1
N = 0
for word in testset:
if word in unigram:
N += 1
perplexity = perplexity * (1/unigram[word])
perplexity = pow(perplexity, 1/float(N))
As you asked for a complete working example, here's a very simple one.
Suppose this is our corpus:
corpus ="""
Monty Python (sometimes known as The Pythons) were a British surreal comedy group who created the sketch comedy show Monty Python's Flying Circus,
that first aired on the BBC on October 5, 1969. Forty-five episodes were made over four series. The Python phenomenon developed from the television series
into something larger in scope and impact, spawning touring stage shows, films, numerous albums, several books, and a stage musical.
The group's influence on comedy has been compared to The Beatles' influence on music."""
Here's how we construct the unigram model first:
import collections, nltk
# we first tokenize the text corpus
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(corpus)
#here you construct the unigram language model
def unigram(tokens):
model = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0.01)
for f in tokens:
model[f] += 1
except KeyError:
model [f] = 1
N = float(sum(model.values()))
for word in model:
model[word] = model[word]/N
return model
Our model here is smoothed. For words outside the scope of its knowledge, it assigns a low probability of 0.01. I already told you how to compute perplexity:
#computes perplexity of the unigram model on a testset
def perplexity(testset, model):
testset = testset.split()
perplexity = 1
N = 0
for word in testset:
N += 1
perplexity = perplexity * (1/model[word])
perplexity = pow(perplexity, 1/float(N))
return perplexity
Now we can test this on two different test sets:
testset1 = "Monty"
testset2 = "abracadabra gobbledygook rubbish"
model = unigram(tokens)
print perplexity(testset1, model)
print perplexity(testset2, model)
for which you get the following result:
Note that when dealing with perplexity, we try to reduce it. A language model that has less perplexity with regards to a certain test set is more desirable than one with a bigger perplexity. In the first test set, the word Monty was included in the unigram model, so the respective number for perplexity was also smaller.
Thanks for the code snippet! Shouldn't:
for word in model:
model[word] = model[word]/float(sum(model.values()))
be rather:
v = float(sum(model.values()))
for word in model:
model[word] = model[word]/v
Oh ... I see was already answered ...

Fitting a Gaussian, getting a straight line. Python 2.7

As my title suggests, I'm trying to fit a Gaussian to some data and I'm just getting a straight line. I've been looking at these other discussion Gaussian fit for Python and Fitting a gaussian to a curve in Python which seem to suggest basically the same thing. I can make the code in those discussions work fine for the data they provide, but it won't do it for my data.
My code looks like this:
import pylab as plb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy import asarray as ar,exp
y = y - y[0] # to make it go to zero on both sides
x = range(len(y))
max_y = max(y)
n = len(y)
mean = sum(x*y)/n
sigma = np.sqrt(sum(y*(x-mean)**2)/n)
# Someone on a previous post seemed to think this needed to have the sqrt.
# Tried it without as well, made no difference.
def gaus(x,a,x0,sigma):
return a*exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))
popt,pcov = curve_fit(gaus,x,y,p0=[max_y,mean,sigma])
# It was suggested in one of the other posts I looked at to make the
# first element of p0 be the maximum value of y.
# I also tried it as 1, but that did not work either
plt.title('Fig. 3 - Fit for Time Constant')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.ylabel('Voltage (V)')
The data I am trying to fit is as follows:
y = array([ 6.95301373e+12, 9.62971320e+12, 1.32501876e+13,
1.81150568e+13, 2.46111132e+13, 3.32321345e+13,
4.45978682e+13, 5.94819771e+13, 7.88394616e+13,
1.03837779e+14, 1.35888594e+14, 1.76677210e+14,
2.28196006e+14, 2.92781632e+14, 3.73133045e+14,
4.72340762e+14, 5.93892782e+14, 7.41632194e+14,
9.19750269e+14, 1.13278296e+15, 1.38551838e+15,
1.68291212e+15, 2.02996957e+15, 2.43161742e+15,
2.89259207e+15, 3.41725793e+15, 4.00937676e+15,
4.67187762e+15, 5.40667931e+15, 6.21440313e+15,
7.09421973e+15, 8.04366842e+15, 9.05855930e+15,
1.01328502e+16, 1.12585509e+16, 1.24257598e+16,
1.36226443e+16, 1.48356404e+16, 1.60496345e+16,
1.72482199e+16, 1.84140400e+16, 1.95291969e+16,
2.05757166e+16, 2.15360187e+16, 2.23933053e+16,
2.31320228e+16, 2.37385276e+16, 2.42009864e+16,
2.45114362e+16, 2.46427484e+16, 2.45114362e+16,
2.42009864e+16, 2.37385276e+16, 2.31320228e+16,
2.23933053e+16, 2.15360187e+16, 2.05757166e+16,
1.95291969e+16, 1.84140400e+16, 1.72482199e+16,
1.60496345e+16, 1.48356404e+16, 1.36226443e+16,
1.24257598e+16, 1.12585509e+16, 1.01328502e+16,
9.05855930e+15, 8.04366842e+15, 7.09421973e+15,
6.21440313e+15, 5.40667931e+15, 4.67187762e+15,
4.00937676e+15, 3.41725793e+15, 2.89259207e+15,
2.43161742e+15, 2.02996957e+15, 1.68291212e+15,
1.38551838e+15, 1.13278296e+15, 9.19750269e+14,
7.41632194e+14, 5.93892782e+14, 4.72340762e+14,
3.73133045e+14, 2.92781632e+14, 2.28196006e+14,
1.76677210e+14, 1.35888594e+14, 1.03837779e+14,
7.88394616e+13, 5.94819771e+13, 4.45978682e+13,
3.32321345e+13, 2.46111132e+13, 1.81150568e+13,
1.32501876e+13, 9.62971320e+12, 6.95301373e+12,
I would show you what it looks like, but apparently I don't have enough reputation points...
Anyone got any idea why it's not fitting properly?
Thanks for your help :)
The importance of the initial guess, p0 in curve_fit's default argument list, cannot be stressed enough.
Notice that the docstring mentions that
[p0] If None, then the initial values will all be 1
So if you do not supply it, it will use an initial guess of 1 for all parameters you're trying to optimize for.
The choice of p0 affects the speed at which the underlying algorithm changes the guess vector p0 (ref. the documentation of least_squares).
When you look at the data that you have, you'll notice that the maximum and the mean, mu_0, of the Gaussian-like dataset y, are
2.4e16 and 49 respectively. With the peak value so large, the algorithm, would need to make drastic changes to its initial guess to reach that large value.
When you supply a good initial guess to the curve fitting algorithm, convergence is more likely to occur.
Using your data, you can supply a good initial guess for the peak_value, the mean and sigma, by writing them like this:
y = np.array([...]) # starting from the original dataset
x = np.arange(len(y))
peak_value = y.max()
mean = x[y.argmax()] # observation of the data shows that the peak is close to the center of the interval of the x-data
sigma = mean - np.where(y > peak_value * np.exp(-.5))[0][0] # when x is sigma in the gaussian model, the function evaluates to a*exp(-.5)
popt,pcov = curve_fit(gaus, x, y, p0=[peak_value, mean, sigma])
print(popt) # prints: [ 2.44402560e+16 4.90000000e+01 1.20588976e+01]
Note that in your code, for the mean you take sum(x*y)/n , which is strange, because this would modulate the gaussian by a polynome of degree 1 (it multiplies a gaussian with a monotonously increasing line of constant slope) before taking the mean. That will offset the mean value of y (in this case to the right). A similar remark can be made for your calculation of sigma.
Final remark: the histogram of y will not resemble a Gaussian, as y is already a Gaussian. The histogram will merely bin (count) values into different categories (answering the question "how many datapoints in y reach a value between [a, b]?").