Sitecore 8 Update 4 Missing layout templates - sitecore

I upgraded my sitecore site from Sitecore 7.5 to sitecore 8 update 4 at the end when trying to browse the site using the web database I have an error indicate that the layout can not be found.
I checked sitecore and I found that the layout templates are not exist in web database but exist in master.
Any suggestion on why this happened and How to fix it?

I have solved this by moving (copying) the layouts template form master to web using control panel database option ( Move item ).


Sitecore freezes when trying to define WFFM (Web Forms For Marketers) restricted placeholders

I have the latest version of WFMM (Web Forms For Marketers) for Sitecore. When I try to define the restricted placeholders from Desktop -> All Applications -> Web Forms for Maketers -> Restricted Placeholders everything freezes, including IIS.
I have no errors in the browser console or Sitecore's log.txt.
I has same issue with Sitecore 8.0 rev. 150621 (Update-4) and Web Forms for Marketers 8.0 rev. 150625. Sitecore Support helped me:
The //*[contains(#Allowed Controls, '{0}')] query runs on all items from the database. We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused.
I changed the query to search items only under the root item: .//*[contains(#Allowed Controls, '{0}')]
Could you please follow the steps below to address the issue:
Copy the attached Sitecore.Support.406505.dll assembly to /bin folder.
Change the implementation class for forms:selectplaceholders command in forms.config file:
<command name="forms:selectplaceholders" type="Sitecore.Forms.Core.Commands.RestrinctingPlaceholders,Sitecore.Forms.Core" />
<command name="forms:selectplaceholders" type="Sitecore.Support.Forms.Core.Commands.RestrinctingPlaceholders,Sitecore.Support.406505" />
Here is the linked to the mentioned dll: Sitecore.Support.406505.dll
Restricting Placeholder dialog is an quick way to add WFFM sublayout form and view form to Allowed Controls field in placeholder settings. Selection of placeholders is maintained on last step of installation of module. Everything is already installed, you just need to follow manual poststeps(attach DB, etc). You can continue without solving this problem.
And if you don't have a huge amount of placeholders then it is quicker to do it using Allowed Controls field rather than trying to find root of the problem.

Sitecore 8.1: Layout Switcher disabled

I'm using Sitecore.NET 8.1 (rev. 160302), Everything seems to work fine but the Layout Switcher ribbon in experience editor mode is disabled. There is no client error or server error.
The application was updated from Sitecore 8 to 8.1.
Assuming this is a multi-site solution, this blog post states that setting Preview.ResolveSite to true from within the Sitecore.config settings file will resolve the problem. If this property doesn't exist there, your SLN may have a patch for Sitecore settings elsewhere under /App_Config/Include.
I recently set up an 8.1 instance that had this setting set to false by default.
Also, set "SiteResolvingMatchCurrentLanguage" to false for multi-lingual sites where the content editor is using a different language than the site's language. If the sc_site parameter contains the wrong site, the layout buttons get disabled.

Sitecore Item not working on Normal Mode but working on preview mode

In one of my current project,result coming in preview mode but not coming in normal mode.
Work that i have already done:
Done full published.
item available on web database and master
database both. Working fine on dev environment.
issue related with
UAT enrionment only.
currently using jquery and solr search for displaying result.
I have researched a lot for this issue,i would highly appreciate for valuable feedback.
Your saying that the item is in the web database, but you're using solr for displaying results.
Check if the item is in the Solr web index.
E.g. by using the url:
localhost and 8983 with location of your Solr server location,
itembuckets with the name of your Solr core,
sitecore_web_index with the name of your index
/sitecore/content/full/path/to/your/item with a path of your item.
If the item is not there it means that is not included in the index. Most probably database was restored from Live to UAT, but index was not rebuilt, so database and index are out of sync.
You need to add this item to the index or just execute full web index rebuilt from the Sitecore Control Panel.

Sitecore TDS Deployment __Standard Values

I'm running into an issue with Hedgehog's TDS - I have some presentation details specified on my Base Page template. The presentation details reside in the __Renderings field of __Standard Values. I've set the item to "Deploy Once", but it appears that Sitecore ignores that setting on __Standard Values with the package deployment (UpdateInstallationWizard). If I update any of the presentation details on the production site, they are lost with my next deployment.
For now I've excluded the item from my production build - but it's kind of a pain.
I've opened a ticket with Hedgehog - they say it's a Sitecore problem. I opened a ticket with Sitecore - they say that UpdateInstallationWizard wasn't meant for use outside of sitecore.
Is there a good way to get around this? Should I not be specifying any presentation details in a base template?
I ran into the same issue just today. The only solution I can offer is to manually delete the previous __StandardValues and then rerun the update installation wizard.

Sitecore - Handle 500 errors separately per site in multisite setup

We're running Sitecore in a multi-site configuration and currently have custom 404 pages for each of our sites.
What we would also like is to have custom 500 pages for each site. I haven't found much on how that works (if it does) in Sitecore, and was hoping the community had some insight into how to set up custom 500 pages in a multi-site Sitecore setup. Currently, we have one 500 page the two sites share. This is fine in development, but in production we don't want to expose the fact that these sites share the same box.
Well as per my knowledge, what you can do is you can directly set a URL to be executed (.i.e. it goes to your common Custom Error Page), where you decide the site-specific error details to be shown.
Considering that you are using IIS 7.0 or 7.5, please follow the steps as below:
Open IIS Manager
Go to your Site, in the Sites Section.
Click on Error Pages in the IIS Section.
Next, you will move to the Error pages set by IIS. Go to Error code 500, select it and click on Edit in Actions Pane.
Now select the option of Execute a URL and select a common page, say /sitecore/MyErrorPage/500ErrorPage.aspx and then, handle site-specific error messages in that particular page.
Hope this Helps!
Varun Shringarpure
A 500 error is a server error so Sitecore can't process it. It should be a generic flat HTML file configured is IIS or the web.config
You can override the processor "Sitecore.Pipelines.HttpRequest.ExecuteRequest, Sitecore.Kernel" to handle Sitecore error like item not found, layout not found etc. See more details here:
But when handling 500 errors you should do it outside of Sitecore, think about what happens if you serve your 500 error page in Sitecore but Sitecore is down due to for example sql connection issues or timeouts? Your users will end I a redirect loop.
Take a look at the Error Module on the marketplace. I think it will give you want you want.