Liferay and <portlet:renderURL> to a friendly URL - href

I have created a page with a friendly URL of /balance-inquiries. The full URL given within the Liferay Admin's Site Pages page is http://localhost:8080/group/guest/balance-inquiries.
Creating a renderUrl (or an actionUrl) to this page, from another page is proving to be a bit frustrating. Below is one of many variations I have tried to get this working.
<portlet:renderURL var="searchTransactionsUrl">
<portlet:param name="mvcPath" value="/balance-inquiries" />
Search LPC Transactions
My question is what param values should I use to make this link work? Or should I resort to a redirect, or using instead?
Thanks in advance.

I've figured out how to build dynamic URLs for portlets spanning different WAR files. The code is as follows:
<portlet:defineObjects />
<liferay-theme:defineObjects />
String portletId = "giftcardtransactionfilesummary_WAR_myportalgiftcardportlet";
long otherPlid = PortalUtil.getPlidFromPortletId(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), portletId);
<liferay-portlet:renderURL var="giftcardTransactionFileSummaryUrl" plid="<%=otherPlid%>" portletName="<%=portletId%>">
<liferay-portlet:param name="groupId" value="10157" />
<liferay-portlet:param name="articleId" value="11385" />
view giftcard batch files
The tricks are as follows:
Understanding the naming convention behind Liferay-generated
Adding < liferay-theme:defineObjects /> to your page, as
that injects a value for themeDisplay
Other than that, adding the necessary #page and #taglib directives, and all should work.

You don't create render or action urls to pages, but to portlets.
If you want to pass parameters between portlets on the same page, use inter portlet communication.
If you want to redirect to a page with different portlet, make your portlet configurable and specify the page url in the portlet preferences. In general, you don't know the page where the target portlet will be placed to. It can be a single page or multiple pages or anything.
If you want to pass parameters to a portlet on a different page, make the page url configurable and pass the parameters through friendly url.


Coldfusion automatically adds full path to links starting with #

I'm working on creating HTML snapshots for an AJAX application that is to use Google AJAX crawling. I'm accessing this page through a cfhttp request. The reason for this is that this app is going to be embedded on sites and those sites use lots of different server-side languages and rewritting it in every language is not practical.
When I create an anchor link, like so,
<a class='icf_btn_small' href='##!year=#YearID#'>#YearID#</a>
Coldfusion outputs to the server a full url, like so:
<a class='icf_btn_small' href='!year=2016'>2016</a>
Is this a setting that maybe can be turned off?
Thank you

Possible to use page on external site as content for MailChimp?

We've got a WordPress site and I've built a page that pulls from different sections of our site which I'd like to use as the content for a bi-weekly MailChimp newsletter. Is there anyway to automate pulling in a div on our site into the body of a MailChimp template?
All the tools I've found pull in the page as "an article" and just put an image and headline into the message body, rather than the full page verbatim.
Not adverse to doing some coding, but not sure how to start.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I can think of two different routes you might be able to try. The first is to generate an RSS feed for the content you're talking about and then use an RSS Campaign to send the email. Depending on how you have this data stored on your site, WordPress might already be generating an RSS feed for you for that content.
The second option involves more coding. If you create a template with an editable section you can then pass in the content of that section via the API. This is probably harder, since the campaign content APIs are pretty convoluted in v2.0. v3.0 should make that easier, but it's still in beta.

In Django, why does request.get_full_path not allow me to redirect to a dynamic url using href?

I'm struggling to understand why this piece of code doesn't allow me to redirect to another page from an html template using the href parameter. I'm trying to use the current full path of the page, because it's filled with dynamic url values, to create an additional add-on to the url to create a form. For some reason however, when I click on the link on the page, the url changes in the address bar, but the page doesn't redirect or go to the page.
Create New Story
Any help will be gladly appreciated!

Passing a rendered Django page into a Wordpress frame

I have a client who has an already-completed wordpress site, and they want to add into the site. I'm the Django dev on the project, and I'm a little behind on my wordpress.
Is there a way to embed another web application's content into a wordpress page's content?
Should I just be doing this with an iframe? I would have to pass parameters from the wordpress url into the iframe url.
edit: Ideally anything in the url after /questions (like parameters and paths) would be passed onto a django application. The django application would render a response, wordpress would take that response and include it in it's page. Are there wordpress plugins that already exist like this?
You'd need to hack OSQA to hide extraneous HTML and return only the pieces you want to include. That seems like a lot of effort for minimal benefits. I'd use an iframe.

Help inserting iframe into Joomla 1.5.9

I've done some research and learned that for Joomla 1.5.9 to work with iframe tags you must set permissions in article manager > parameters > filtering groups to whitelist the super administrator, and then set user manager > select user > user editor to "Editor - No Editor". After doing this, then opening an article, opening the html editor and inserting the iframe like so:
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="300">
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>
The editor continues to strip out the iframe code. Why would this happen?! I'm sure all of the settings I've mentioned earlier are set according to the tutorials I've come across. Are there any factors I need to take into consideration that I'm missing? Is there another way to insert an iframe into a custom template?
I hope someone can help!!
Inside an Article you are best of using a plugin :
it gives you the ability to insert an iframe by using e.g. {iframe width="90%" height="300" frameborder="1" scrolling="yes"}url{/iframe} also within the TinyMCEeditor.
If you don't need antyhing else inside the article you can use menu item/link. Internal Link - Wrapper
When the Wrapper link is selected, it expands to display the Wrapper layout. This is used to show an external web site inside a page in your web site, using an HTML IFrame. The external web site is contained inside the Wrapper. You can navigate to different pages in the wrapped web site, all inside the page of your web site.