About EulerAngles Conversion from Eigen C++ Library - c++

Suppose that I have a 3-dimensional frame with rotation roll = 0, pitch = 0 and yaw = 0 about x, y and z axis respectively.
I want the frame to rotate about x-axis for 3.14159 (Pi) or roll = Pi.
Below is the code for said situation.
The problem is, when I want to convert the rotation matrix back to roll, pitch, and yaw, the code gives different answer.
Instead of roll = Pi, the result is roll = 0, pitch = pi, and yaw = pi.
I think RVC toolbox by Peter Corke on Matlab gives correct answer.
Maybe something is not right with with my program or eulerAngles in Eigen works differently? Please help.
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
const double PI = 3.14159265359;
int main()
using ::Eigen::AngleAxisd;
using ::Eigen::Matrix3d;
using ::Eigen::Vector3d;
using ::std::cout;
using ::std::endl;
Matrix3d R,Rx;
R = AngleAxisd(PI, Vector3d::UnitX())
* AngleAxisd(0, Vector3d::UnitY())
* AngleAxisd(0, Vector3d::UnitZ());
Rx = AngleAxisd(PI, Vector3d::UnitX());
cout << R << endl << endl;
cout << Rx << endl << endl;
Vector3d ea = R.eulerAngles(0,1,2);
Vector3d eax = Rx.eulerAngles(0,1,2);
cout << ea << endl << endl;
cout << eax << endl << endl;
return 0;
Output (I round off numbers which are too small to zero):
1 0 0
0 -1 0
0 0 -1
1 0 0
0 -1 0
0 0 -1

Euler's angles are not unique. In your XYZ convention, both (0, pi, pi) and (pi,0,0) represents the same rotation, and both are correct. The Eigen::eulerAngles method consistently chooses to minimize first angles.

Please refer to the documentation of Eigen:eulerAngles. Details on various conventions of Euler-angles is well documented in Wikipedia and MathWorld.
You will get exact results if you use M_PI, which is internally defined, instead of truncated value of PI.
The Euler-angle representation suffers from singularity. The test case that you are trying to compare is a singular position.
You may want to use quaternions or axis-angle representation if you wish to overcome the singularities.

Different order euler angles(roll1, pitch1, yaw1 or pitch2, yaw2, roll2, ...) can result in the same rotation matrix.
Actually, the Eigen document gave the answer.
Read the function declaration of Eigen document more carefully, and you will get the answer.
Matrix< typename MatrixBase< Derived >::Scalar, 3, 1 > Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived >::eulerAngles ( Index a0,
Index a1,
Index a2
) const
Each of the three parameters a0,a1,a2 represents the respective rotation axis as an integer in {0,1,2}. For instance, in:
Vector3f ea = mat.eulerAngles(2, 0, 2);
"2" represents the z axis and "0" the x axis, etc


Quaternion is flipping sign for very similar rotations?

Consider the following minimal working example:
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
int main() {
// Set the rotation matrices that give an example of the problem
Eigen::Matrix3d rotation_matrix_1, rotation_matrix_2;
rotation_matrix_1 << 0.15240781108708346, -0.98618841818279246, -0.064840288106743013,
-0.98826031445019891, -0.1527775600229907, 0.00075368177315370682,
-0.0106494132438156, 0.063964216524108775, -0.99789536976680049;
rotation_matrix_2 << -0.12448670851248633, -0.98805453458380521, -0.090836645094957508,
-0.99167686914182451, 0.12086367053038971, 0.044372968742129482,
-0.03286406263376359, 0.095604444636749664, -0.99487674792051639;
// Convert to Euler angles
Eigen::Vector3d euler_angles_1 = rotation_matrix_1.eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)*180.0f/M_PI;
Eigen::Vector3d euler_angles_2 = rotation_matrix_2.eulerAngles(2, 1, 0)*180.0f/M_PI;
// Convert to quaternion
Eigen::Quaternion<double> quaternion_1(rotation_matrix_1);
Eigen::Quaternion<double> quaternion_2(rotation_matrix_2);
// Print out results
std::cout << "Euler angles 1:\nyaw = " << euler_angles_1[0] << "\npitch = " << euler_angles_1[1] << "\nroll = " << euler_angles_1[2] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quaternion 1:\nw = " << quaternion_1.w() << "\nx = " << quaternion_1.x() << "\ny = " << quaternion_1.y() << "\nz = " << quaternion_1.z() << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Euler angles 2:\nyaw = " << euler_angles_2[0] << "\npitch = " << euler_angles_2[1] << "\nroll = " << euler_angles_2[2] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Quaternion 2:\nw = " << quaternion_2.w() << "\nx = " << quaternion_2.x() << "\ny = " << quaternion_2.y() << "\nz = " << quaternion_2.z() << std::endl;
Whose output is:
Euler angles 1:
yaw = 98.767
pitch = 179.39
roll = -3.66759
Quaternion 1:
w = 0.020826
x = 0.758795
y = -0.650521
z = -0.0248716
Euler angles 2:
yaw = 82.845
pitch = 178.117
roll = -5.48908
Quaternion 2:
w = -0.0193663
x = -0.661348
y = 0.748369
z = 0.0467608
Both rotations are nearly identical (as given by the Euler angles). The expected behavior is that quaternion_2 will have values with same sign as quaternion_1, i.e. for the output to be:
Quaternion 2:
w = 0.0193663
x = 0.661348
y = -0.748369
z = -0.0467608
However, Eigen appears to "flip" the quaternion. I am aware that q and -q represent the same rotation - however, it is visually not appealing, and frankly annoying, that the quaternion would flip sign in each of its values. How can this be rectified for the general case (i.e. that the quaternion always preserves its "handedness", rather than flipping sign for certain rotations)?
When unit quaternions are used to represent 3d rotations, there are two ways to represent each actual rotation - and you can't avoid the 'negative' ones occuring without creating an artificial discontinuity in the space.
Unlike 2d rotations using complex numbers on a unit circle, the farthest point on the unit hypersphere from '0 rotation' has to be '360 degree rotation', not '180 degree'; since there is a 2d-space of possible 180 rotations which needs to be represented, whereas all 360-degree rotations are equivalent regardless of axis.
You can always 'canonicize' by changing the sign of the whole thing when the w component is negative.
There will still be cases where w = 0, these all represent rotations by 180 - e.g. (0,0,1,0) and (0,0,-1,0) represent the same rotation.
And, (0.01, 0.99995,0,0,0) and (-0.01, 0.99995,0,0) represent rotations very close together, but if you change the second one to the equivalent (0.01,-0.99995,0,0) then they are far apart in the 4d vector space.
So, practically speaking, you can still have a concern when you want to find the difference between two rotations to see how close they are. Canonicizing the two individually may not help;
you would generally want to flip signs as needed to make them as close as possible.
Or, to compare rotations q1,q2 : find the quaternion product q1 * q2.conj(); this gives the difference as a rotation quaternion; if it has w < 0, change its signs. For q1 and q2 close together (regardless of initial sign diffs) the result will always be fairly close to (1,0,0,0).
If you only want to check if they are within a certain angle 'th' of each other, you only need the real part of the result. This is equivalent to finding the dot product of q1,q2 (treating them as unit vectors in 4-space), then you check if the abs. value of the result >= cos(th/2).
Another way to find the relative angle: find the vector difference of the two unit vectors, and find the magnitude 'm' of that difference vector, (square root of the sum of squares) which will be in range [0,2]. Then find
th = 4*arcsin(m/2)
... and this will be 0 ... 2*pi.
In cases where m > sqrt(2), th > pi and you are getting the 'wrong side' result (also, the computation will have terrible numeric accuracy as m gets close to 2.0). So, in such cases, change one of the signs (i.e. make m the vector length of the sum of the inputs, rather than the difference); you will then have m <= sqrt(2), th <= pi.
For small m, the arcsin formula has the taylor series
th ~=~ 2*m + (m^3)/12 + ...
So, for small deltas, the relative rotation angle is approximately twice the magnitude of the vector difference (and this is numerically much more reliable than using an inverse-cosine-of-w when w is nearly 1).
The yaw angle is greater than 90 degrees for matrix 1, and less than 90 degrees for matrix 2. This will cause the cosine of the yaw angle to have different signs for the two, which is flipping your Quaternion.
A possible solution would be to check the w value of the Quaternion. If this is negative, you can flip it.
If you have access to the previous and the current quaternion reading, you can flip the sign of the current quaternion if it makes the distance between the quaternions in the 4D vector space smaller.
Flipping the sign will not affect the rotation, but it will ensure that there are no large jumps in 4D vector space when the rotation difference in rotation space (SO(3)) is small.
Quaternion avoidJumps(Quaternion q_Current, Quaternion q_Prev)
if ((q_Prev - q_Current).squaredNorm() < (q_Prev + q_Current).squaredNorm())
return -q_Current;
return q_Current;

Speeding up my code for a volume of a sphere (Nested while loops)

I'm trying to speed up my code for calculating the volume of a sphere (see code below).
This volume of the sphere is produced by calculating small volume segments, dv, and summing them into a volume, vol.
In reality this code is just a sanity check before I apply the calculations to other sphere like objects which will have symmetrical properties, hence I should be able to increase the speed of the code by calculating over a small volume and multiplying the end result.
Replace 360 and 180 in while (phid<=(360.0/adstep)) and while (thetad<=(180.0/adstep)) with 180 and 90 respectively and you quarter the calculations required meaning that you can simply multiply the final vol by 4.0.
This works if I set phi to and leave theta at 180, halving the calculations.
But it doesn't like it when I set theta to 90.
Phi 360, Theta 180
Actual Volume Calculated Volume % Difference
4.18879020478639053 4.18878971565348923 0.00001167718922403
Phi 180, Theta 180
4.18879020478639053 4.18878971565618219 0.00001167712493440
Phi 180, Theta 90
4.18879020478639053 4.18586538829648180 0.06987363946500515
You can see in the above that the first two calculations are near identical (I assume the difference is due to precision errors) while the last one gives significantly different results. Could the nested loops cause issues?
Any help would be appreciated as I haven't found anything in my research (google & stack overflow) to describe the problem I'm having.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
double thetar, phir, maxr, vol, dv, vol2, arstep, adstep, rad, rad3, thetad, phid, ntheta, nphi;
cout << fixed << setprecision(17); // Set output precision to defined number of decimal places. Note Double has up to 15 decimal place accuracy
vol=0.0; // Initialise volume and set at zero
adstep=0.1; // Steps to rotate angles in degrees
arstep=(adstep/180.0)*M_PI; // Angle steps in radians
phid=1.0; // Phi in degrees starting at adstep
maxr = 1.0; // Radius of the sphere
// Loop to calculate volume
while (phid<=(360.0/adstep)) // Loop over Phi divided by adstep. This scales the loop to the desired number of calculations.
phir=((phid*adstep)/180.0)*M_PI; // Phi in radians
thetad=1.0; // Theta in degrees, reset to initial adstep value
while (thetad<=(180.0/adstep)) // Loop over Theta divided by adstep. Like Phi loop, this scales the loop to the desired number of calculations
thetar=((thetad*adstep)/180.0)*M_PI; // Convert theta degrees to radians
dv = ((maxr*maxr*maxr) * sin(thetar) * arstep * arstep) / 3.0; // Volume of current segment
vol += dv; // Summing all the dv value together to generate a global volume
thetad+=1.0; // Increase theta (degrees) by a single step
phid+=1.0; // Increase phi (degrees) by a single step
vol = vol*1.0; // Volume compensated for any reduction in phi and theta
rad3 = (3.0*vol)/(4.0*M_PI); // volume equivalent radius^3
rad = pow(rad3,(1.0/3.0)); // volume equivalent radius
vol2 = (4.0/3.0)*M_PI*(maxr*maxr*maxr); // Calculated volume of a sphere given initial maxr
// Diagnostic output
cout << vol2 << " " << vol << " " << ((vol2-vol)/vol)*100.0 << endl;
Edit: Corrected starting values of phid and thetad to 1.0
Edit 2:
I just wanted to update, for future viewers, that using the Kahan summation algorithm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kahan_summation_algorithm) has virtually negated all my precision errors due to the summation of a small number onto a large number. There are other methods out there but this is one of the simplest and does the job I need it to.
For posterity this is the example psuedocode taken from the wikipedia page on the topic:
function KahanSum(input)
var sum = 0.0
var c = 0.0 // A running compensation for lost low-order bits.
for i = 1 to input.length do
var y = input[i] - c // So far, so good: c is zero.
var t = sum + y // Alas, sum is big, y small, so low-order digits of y are lost.
c = (t - sum) - y // (t - sum) recovers the high-order part of y; subtracting y recovers -(low part of y)
sum = t // Algebraically, c should always be zero. Beware overly-aggressive optimizing compilers!
// Next time around, the lost low part will be added to y in a fresh attempt.
return sum
As far as speed goes, I suspect (without having profiled it) that a lot of time is wasted converting between radians and degrees, and also computing all those sins. AFAICT, thetar loops through the same values during each iteration of the outer loop, so it would likely be more efficient to pre-compute sin(thetar) once before the main loop, and do a simple lookup in your inner loop.
As for numerical stability, as vol gets larger and larger than dv, you will start losing more and more precision as you go along. You would in principle get better results if you could store all the dvs in an array, then sum it using a divide and conquer approach rather than a linear pass. Then again I count (only) 6 480 000 total iteration, so I think a double accumulator (holding 15-17 significant base-10 digits) can actually handle losing 6-7 digits without much trouble.
Most likely, your problem is: exiting the loop 1 iteration before you want it. You should not compare floating-point numbers for equality. A quick way to fix it is adding a small constant, e.g.
while (thetad<(180.0/adstep)+1e-8)
This isn't a very thorough analysis but might give you some insight into the source of your error. In your code you are accumulating the value of 3240000 floating point numbers. As the value of vol increases, the ratio between dv and vol is increasing you are losing more and more precision in the addition.
A standard way to mitigate the loss of precision in accumulating many values to a single value (known as a reduction sum) is to perform the addition in blocks: for example, you could add together every 8 values and store them to an array, then add together every 8 values of that array, etc. until you are left with a single value. This is likely to get you a better result.
Also, it is worth considering that you are taking linear steps over a spherical surface, so you are not uniformly sampling your sphere. This is likely to affect your final result. One way of sampling the sphere uniformly is to take linear steps in the azimuthal angle phi from 0 to 360 degrees and take the acos of the range from -1 to 1 for your polar angle theta. See this link on sphere point-picking for a more detailed explanation.
First of all, I think, there are couple of errors in your function. I think both phid and thetad should be initialized to either 0 or 1.0.
Second, you can gain quite a bit by reducing the number of floating point multiplications.
In the code below, I moved the contents of your main function to volume1 and created a function volume2 that contains slightly optimized code.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
void volume1(int numSteps)
double thetar, phir, maxr, vol, dv, vol2, arstep, adstep, rad, rad3, thetad, phid, ntheta, nphi;
cout << fixed << setprecision(17); // Set output precision to defined number of decimal places. Note Double has up to 15 decimal place accuracy
vol=0.0; // Initialise volume and set at zero
adstep=360.0/numSteps; // Steps to rotate angles in degrees
arstep=(adstep/180.0)*M_PI; // Angle steps in radians
phid=1.0; // Phi in degrees starting at adstep
maxr = 1.0; // Radius of the sphere
// Loop to calculate volume
while (phid<=(360.0/adstep)) // Loop over Phi divided by adstep. This scales the loop to the desired number of calculations.
phir=((phid*adstep)/180.0)*M_PI; // Phi in radians
thetad=1.0; // Theta in degrees, reset to initial adstep value
while (thetad<=(180.0/adstep)) // Loop over Theta divided by adstep. Like Phi loop, this scales the loop to the desired number of calculations
thetar=((thetad*adstep)/180.0)*M_PI; // Convert theta degrees to radians
dv = ((maxr*maxr*maxr) * sin(thetar) * arstep * arstep) / 3.0; // Volume of current segment
vol += dv; // Summing all the dv value together to generate a global volume
thetad+=1.0; // Increase theta (degrees) by a single step
phid+=1.0; // Increase phi (degrees) by a single step
vol = vol*1.0; // Volume compensated for any reduction in phi and theta
rad3 = (3.0*vol)/(4.0*M_PI); // volume equivalent radius^3
rad = pow(rad3,(1.0/3.0)); // volume equivalent radius
vol2 = (4.0/3.0)*M_PI*(maxr*maxr*maxr); // Calculated volume of a sphere given initial maxr
// Diagnostic output
cout << vol2 << " " << vol << " " << ((vol2-vol)/vol)*100.0 << endl << endl;
void volume2(int numSteps)
double thetar, maxr, vol, vol2, arstep, adstep, rad, rad3, thetad, phid, ntheta, nphi;
cout << fixed << setprecision(17); // Set output precision to defined number of decimal places. Note Double has up to 15 decimal place accuracy
vol=0.0; // Initialise volume and set at zero
adstep = 360.0/numSteps;
arstep=(adstep/180.0)*M_PI; // Angle steps in radians
maxr = 1.0; // Radius of the sphere
double maxRCube = maxr*maxr*maxr;
double arStepSquare = arstep*arstep;
double multiplier = maxRCube*arStepSquare/3.0;
// Loop to calculate volume
int step = 1;
for ( ; step <= numSteps; ++step )
int numInnerSteps = numSteps/2;
thetad = adstep; // Theta in degrees, reset to initial adstep value
for ( int innerStep = 1; innerStep <= numInnerSteps; ++innerStep )
thetar = innerStep*arstep;
vol += multiplier * sin(thetar); // Volume of current segment
vol = vol*1.0; // Volume compensated for any reduction in phi and theta
rad3 = (3.0*vol)/(4.0*M_PI); // volume equivalent radius^3
rad = pow(rad3,(1.0/3.0)); // volume equivalent radius
vol2 = (4.0/3.0)*M_PI*(maxr*maxr*maxr); // Calculated volume of a sphere given initial maxr
// Diagnostic output
cout << vol2 << " " << vol << " " << ((vol2-vol)/vol)*100.0 << endl << endl;
int main()
int numSteps = 3600;
clock_t start = clock();
clock_t end1 = clock();
clock_t end2 = clock();
std::cout << "CPU time used: " << 1000.0 * (end1-start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " ms\n";
std::cout << "CPU time used: " << 1000.0 * (end2-end1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " ms\n";
The output I get, using g++ 4.7.3:
4.18879020478639053 4.18762558892993564 0.02781088785811153
4.18879020478639053 4.18878914146923176 0.00002538483372773
CPU time used: 639.00000000000000000 ms
CPU time used: 359.00000000000000000 ms
That gets you an improvement of about 44%.

Averaging circular values (particularly Hues in HSL color scheme)

So I was trying to puzzle out how to calculate the average hue of a number of objects whose colors are represented by HSL values. Thankfully, I stumbled across this Stack Overflow post, and set to work implementing the algorithm provided in the top answer (I am working in C++).
Unfortunately, my implementation doesn't seem to work. Here it is, in full; note that though I write "Hue" I am using angles, in degrees, as per the initial implementation (switching from 0-360 angles to 0-256 hues, once I know my code works, shouldn't be hard).
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#define PI (4*atan(1))
int main()
/// Calculations adapted from this source:
/// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8169654/how-to-calculate-mean-and-standard-deviation-for-hue-values-from-0-to-360
std::vector<double> Hues = {355, 5, 5, 5, 5};
//These will be used to store the sum of the angles
double X = 0.0;
double Y = 0.0;
//Loop through all H values
for (int hue = 0; hue < Hues.size(); ++hue)
//Add the X and Y values to the sum X and Y
X += cos(Hues[hue] / 180 * PI);
Y += sin(Hues[hue] / 180 * PI);
//Now average the X and Y values
X /= Hues.size();
Y /= Hues.size();
//Get atan2 of those
double AverageColor = atan2(X, Y) * 180 / PI;
std::cout << "Average: " << AverageColor << "\n";
return 0;
Instead of the expected answer of 3 (since 355 should be equivalent to -5 in this scheme), I get 86.9951.
Can somebody point out what I'm doing wrong? This seems very basic.
atan2 takes its arguments in reverse order. I know, annoying! So try:
double AverageColor = atan2(Y, X) * 180 / PI;
The answer it gives now is 3.00488.
Try atan2(Y, X). atan2(a,b) is similar to atan(a/b), and you need the arctangent of the average sine over the average cosine.

Conversion from radians to degrees

I am trying to do a simple trigonometric calculation in C++. The following is an example of the problem I am having with this. As far as I know, C++ works in radians, not degrees. So conversion from radians to degrees should be a simple case of multiplying by 180 and dividing by pi. A simple test is tan(45), which should equate 1. The following program produces a value of 92.8063 however...
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <math.h>
int main(){
double a,b;
a = tan(45);
b = a * 180 / 3.14159265;
cout << b;
return 0;
What is wrong?
You're doing it backwards. Don't apply the formula to the output of tan, apply it to the parameter.
Also you'll want to multiply by pi and divide by 180, not vice versa.
The angle is the input to tan. So you want:
a = 45 * 3.141592653589793 / 180.0;
b = tan(a);
cout << b << endl;
You must pass radians to the tan function. Also degrees to radian is wrong.
a = tan(45 * 3.14159265 / 180.);
Tan accepts an angle, and returns a quotient. It is not the other way around. You want
a = tan(45*3.14159265/180); // Now a is equal to 1.

trouble using an equation in a function

Write a program that determines how far and for how long a time a rock will travel when you throw it off a cliff. Click here to copy the file toss.txt to your desktop (right click the file name and choose Save as). The file contains the height of the cliff in meters.
The program will then:
Open the file toss.txt and read the cliff height into a double-precision variable, then echo print the value of the cliff height to the screen with an appropriate label.
Ask the user for the angle at which the rock is thrown (90 degrees is straight up, and 0 degrees is straight forward), and the velocity at which the rock is thrown (in miles per hour).
Check to make sure the angle is greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 90. If it is not, the program terminates and prints an appropriate error message to the screen.
Check to make sure the velocity is less than or equal to 100 mph and greater than or equal to 0 mph. If it is not, the program terminates and prints an appropriate error message to the screen.
If the angle and velocity are valid, the program completes the calculations as follows:
Converts miles per hour to meters per second.
Converts the angle to radians.
Calculates the time traveled using the following equations:
Calculates the distance traveled in the horizontal direction using:
Outputs the time and distance traveled in the horizontal direction to the screen with appropriate labels.
Prints an appropriate message telling the user if the distance traveled in the horizontal direction was greater than, less than, or equal to the height of the cliff.
/* This program */
using namespace std;
int readit ();
int calcit (double, double, double);
int main()
readit ();
system ("pause");
return 0;
int readit ()
double hite, angl, v;
ifstream datain ( "toss.txt" );
datain >> hite;
cout << "The cliff height is " << hite << " meters"<< endl;
cout << "Enter the angle in degrees (from horizontal) the rock is thrown: "
<< endl;
cin >> angl;
if (angl>=0 && angl<=90)
cout << endl << "The angle you have entered is "<<angl<< endl <<endl;
cout << "The angle you have entered is not acceptable" << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Enter the velocity in mph the rock is thrown: " << endl;
cin >> v;
if (v>=0 && v<=100)
cout << endl << "The velocity at which the rock is thrown is "<<v<<
" mph" << endl << endl;
cout << "The velocity you have entered is not acceptable" << endl;
return 0;
calcit (hite, angl, v);
int calcit (double hite, double angl, double v)
double tyme, dist;
v = v * (1609.344/3600);
angl = angl*(M_PI/180);
tyme = -v*sin(angl) + (sqrt((v*sin(angl)*v*sin(angl)) + 2*9.8*hite)/9.8) + (2*(v*sin(angl))/9.8);
dist = (tyme * v) * cos(angl);
cout << tyme << " " << dist <<endl;
I am trying to get the correct time the rock is traveling before it hits the ground but i keep getting incorrect answers. I am not sure if i am turning the equation to figure out the time the rock will be in the air until impact into c++ language right. any have any ideas??? i really need to finish this damn project.
Starting from the equation for the y (height above 0) for the rock we have
y = h + v*sin(a)*t - g/2*t^2
which transforms into
g/2 T^2 - v*sin(a)*T - h == 0
when we solve for the final condition y(T)=0.
This yields
T = v*sin(a)/g + sqrt(v*sin(a)*v*sin(a) + 2*g*h)/g
I just can't figure out where the first part -v*sin(angl) in your equation comes from. Everything else looks just fine. So it seems not to be with your code but with the equation you started.
The equation you want is:
s =ut + 1/2 at^2
s = Total distance traveled. (Height of the cliff)
u = Starting velocity (In your case negative as you are throwing
away from the target. And take into account
that not all the starting velocity is away
from the target (eg angle 0 mean u = 0))
a = acceleration (9.81 m/s2)
t = time (The value you want to calculate).
Rearrange the formula to solve for t
To find the solution for t where s = 0...
This formula is you basic quadratic:
y = a.x^2 + b.x + c
x/y are variables.
a/b/c are constants.
The solution for a quadratic equation where y is 0 is:
x = [ -b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac) ] / 2a
Notice the ± symbol. There are actually two solutions to the problem.
You should be able to deduce which one is correct for you as the other
is probably negative.
In your particular case the map is:
x ==> t
y ==> 0
a ==> 1/2.g
b ==> u
c ==> -s
I would suggest a few things to "clean up" the code a bit:
If functions return int ensure that they do really return something. (main doesn't have to but other functions do).
Calculate v * sin(ang1) once then use it in your formula thereafter. Not only more efficient but will make your code clearer.
Like you have given Pi a "constant", do that with other numbers you are using like 9.8 (gravitational force?)
If you have a confusing formula in the code, just introduce more variable names until the meaning becomes obvious. So long as you don't reassign different values to the same variables, this will not make the program confusing.
int calcit (double hite_meters, double angl_deg, double v_mph)
double const gravity = 9.8;
double v_ms = v_mph * (1609.344/3600);
double angl_rad = angl_deg * (M_PI/180);
double v_vertical = v_ms * sin( angl_rad );
double time_up = v_vertical / gravity; // [m/s] / [m/s^2] = [s]
double time_down_over_cliff = time_up;
// use quadratic formula t = ( -v - ( v^2 - 4gd )^1/2 ) / 2g:
double time_under_cliff = ( - v_vertical
- sqrt( ( v_vertical * v_vertical )
- ( 4 * - gravity * hite_meters ) ) // negative gravity = down
) / ( 2 * - gravity ); // ( [m/s] + ([m/s]^2 - [m/s^2]*[m])^1/2 ) / [m/s^2]
// = [m/s] / [m/s^2] = [s]
double time_total = time_up + time_down_over_cliff + time_under_cliff;
double v_horizontal = v_ms * cos( angl_rad );
double dist_horizontal = v_ms * time_total;
cout << time_total << " " << dist_horizontal <<endl;
Every line of code produces a new, relevant piece of information. When converting to a new unit, I introduce a new variable with a new name. Formulas involving more than one unit get the unit types explained in a comment. This should help turn up unit conversion errors which otherwise I can't help you catch.
Writing this kind of code involves more typing, but the time saved on head-scratching and asking for help more than makes up for it.
The program itself is not any less efficient. More importantly, it may be easily modified, so it won't turn into an inefficient mess after a few revisions.