I would like to get some help with c++.
Im trying to change the array name using value from variable. something like this:
global variables:
string array1[5][5];
string array2[5][5];
in a function:
string var;
if (option1) { var = "array1"; }
if (option2) { var = "array2"; }
var[1][1]="some data";
unfortunately this does not work. is there any way to manage the arrays like this?
Yes, you can use a pointer:
decltype(array1) *ptr{};
if ( option1 ) ptr = &array1;
else if ( option2 ) ptr = &array2;
if ( ptr )
(*ptr)[1][1] = "some data";
No, you can't. You should
string array1[5][5];
string array2[5][5];
string (*var)[5];
if (option1) { var = array1; }
if (option2) { var = array2; }
var[1][1]="some data";
No, there isn't.
You could use another level of array indexing:
string array[2][5][5];
int var;
if(option1) {var = 0;}
if(option2) {var = 1;}
array[var][1][1] = "some data";
I have a list with data that I pull from api. However, I need to make changes on this list (movieList). I need to swap the element at index 0 with the element at index 1. For example:
list[0] = movieA,
list[1] = movieB
list[0] = movieB,
list[1] = movieA
The class I intend to do these operations is below:
data class MovieListDto(
val docs: List<Movie>,
val limit: Int,
val offset: Int,
val page: Int,
val pages: Int,
val total: Int
fun MovieListDto.MovieListDtoToMovieList(): List<Movie> {
val movieList = mutableListOf<Movie>()
for (movie in docs) {
if (movie._id == "5cd95395de30eff6ebccde5c" ||
movie._id == "5cd95395de30eff6ebccde5b" ||
movie._id == "5cd95395de30eff6ebccde5d"
) {
return movieList
How can I do this?
You could use a simple extension function for that:
fun <T> MutableList<T>.swap(index1: Int, index2: Int){
val tmp = this[index1]
this[index1] = this[index2]
this[index2] = tmp
it can be use like this:
list.swap(0, 1)
val temp = movieList[0]
movieList[0] = movieList[1]
movieList[1] = temp
I think you can use also scope function to swap
movieList[0] = movieList[1].also { movieList[1] = movieList[0] }
use Collections.swap() method in JDK
see https://developer.android.com/reference/java/util/Collections#swap(java.util.List%3C?%3E,%20int,%20int)
I do not know how to pass the value asynchronously to EM_ASM, here's how I try to do it (but JS says it's not a function):
const auto testFunc = [] (const char* data)
printf("data: %s\n", data);
var funcResult = ($0);
var text = "data";
var lengthBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(text) + 1;
var stringOnWasmHeap = _malloc(lengthBytes);
stringToUTF8(text, stringOnWasmHeap, lengthBytes);
// exception thrown: TypeError: funcResult is not a function
}, testFunc);
The documentation says that you can use a function (em_str_callback_func) of the em_str_callback_func type. But it doesn't say how to use it.
I don't know about passing callbacks, but if what you want to do is to return a value from JS, then the docs have such an example: you have to use EM_ASM_INT instead:
int x = EM_ASM_INT({
console.log('I received: ' + $0);
return $0 + 1;
}, 100);
printf("%d\n", x);
The API reference has another example for returning a string:
char *str = (char*)EM_ASM_INT({
var jsString = 'Hello with some exotic Unicode characters: Tässä on yksi lumiukko: ☃, ole hyvä.';
var lengthBytes = lengthBytesUTF8(jsString)+1;
// 'jsString.length' would return the length of the string as UTF-16
// units, but Emscripten C strings operate as UTF-8.
var stringOnWasmHeap = _malloc(lengthBytes);
stringToUTF8(jsString, stringOnWasmHeap, lengthBytes);
return stringOnWasmHeap;
printf("UTF8 string says: %s\n", str);
free(str); // Each call to _malloc() must be paired with free(), or heap memory will leak!
Once you have the value in C you can just call your testfunc directly.
I just started using haxe(moving from AS3).
I'm trying to cast to Array, but it doesn't work, namely I get Cast type parameters must be Dynamic error when I try to compile. Below is the code I use:
var result: Array<String> = cast(["sometext"], Array<String>);
var arr: Array<Int> = new Array<Int>();
var vect : Array<Int> = cast(arr, Array<Int>);
var arr1: Array<Int> = [1, 2 ,3];
var vect1 : Array<Int> = cast(arr1, Array<Int>);
var arr2 = [1, 2 ,3];
var vect2 : Array<Int> = cast(arr2, Array<Int>);
Each of these 4 casts doesn't compile and gives the same error "Cast type parameters must be Dynamic". If I change the type parameter to Dynamic it won't work either. It fails with a different error.
Could someone explain why this way of casting is not working and how I can cast to Array?
Other casts:
var i: Int = 1;
var j: Int = cast(i, Int);
var str: String = "str";
var str1: String = cast(str, String);
var instance: CastToArrayTest = new CastToArrayTest();
var instance1: CastToArrayTest = cast(instance, CastToArrayTest);
Work just fine.
I think it's perhaps easier to explain with some sample code:
class Test {
static function main() {
var a = ["foo", "bar"];
$type(a); // Warning : Array<String>
// no need to cast or type simple assignments
var b = a;
$type(b); // Warning : Array<String>
// but lets define `x` as `Dynamic` (or something that we don't know what it is)
var x:Dynamic = ["foo", "bar"];
$type(x); // Warning: Dynamic
// we can simply assign it to an `Array<Dynamic>` variable (but we don't get any runtime checks!)
var c:Array<Dynamic> = x;
$type(c); // Warning: Array<Dynamic>
// we can also simply assign it to an `Array<String>` variable (but we don't runtime checks either!!)
var d:Array<String> = x;
$type(d); // Warning: Array<String>
// (if we want runtime checks, we need to code them with the `Type` apis)
// now, let's say we want to do
// var e:Array<String> = c;
// but that fails with `Type parameters are invariant`...
// we can instead use an unsafe cast
var e:Array<String> = cast c;
$type(e); // Warning: Array<String>
// type parameters are a compile time only feature
trace(showType(a), showType([1,2]));
trace(Std.is(a, Array), Std.is([1,2], Array));
// safe casts only check the current object (not its children), so we need to use them with `Dynamic` parameters
var f = cast(x, Array<Dynamic>);
$type(f); // Warning: Array<Dynamic>
// however, due to variance, we can't assign a the safe cast result of type `Array<Dynamic` to a `Array<String>` variable without an unsafe cast...
// which makes sense: our safe cast only checks that the object is an array, but the array doesn't know its own type nor has the safe cast checked the types of the children
static function showType(v:Dynamic)
switch Type.typeof(v) {
case TClass(cl):
return Type.getClassName(cl);
case other: // TODO handle other types
return Std.string(other);
You can play with this live at Try Haxe #CCaD5.
Putting in another way, here's how your "cast" examples would usually work and look like:
var result: Array<String> = cast ["sometext"];
var arr: Array<Int> = new Array<Int>();
var vect : Array<Int> = arr;
var arr1: Array<Int> = [1, 2 ,3];
var vect1 = arr1;
var arr2 = [1, 2 ,3];
var vect2 = arr2;
var i: Int = 1;
var j: Int = i;
var k = j;
var str: String = "str";
var str1: String = str;
var str2 = str1;
var instance: CastToArrayTest = new CastToArrayTest();
var instance1: CastToArrayTest = instance;
var instance2 = instance1;
You can see this live (with some additional info) at Try Haxe #97ADc.
I don't know if my title is right but I am trying to eliminate duplicate so I think I should put this definitions in an array. Can someone suggest me how I could put the pButtons in array? I am thinking something like pButton[EButtonHost], pButton[EButtonUsername] etc.
#define pButtonHost static_cast<XQtMultipleStringInputButton*>(m_pButtonList[EButtonHost])
#define pButtonUsername static_cast<XQtMultipleStringInputButton*>(m_pButtonList[EButtonUsername])
#define pButtonPassword static_cast<XQtMultipleStringInputButton*>(m_pButtonList[EButtonPassword])
I have a method below like this.
XIniFile readIniFile;
readIniFile.open(k_systemIniFile, EIniReadOnly);
string data;
readIniFile.readString("Server", "host", data);
m_host = pButtonHost->getString();
readIniFile.readString("Server", "username", data);
m_username = pButtonUsername->getString();
readIniFile.readString("Server", "password", data);
m_password = pButtonPassword->getString();
They look like duplicates so I am trying to optimize it. Thanks!
I have something like this now. Would this be right? or do you have any better suggestions?
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
readIniFile.readString("Server", k_dataList[i], data);
m_pData[i] = static_cast<XQtMultipleStringInputButton*>(m_pButtonList[i])->getString();
A below code looks clear by using auto and `lambda',
auto GetConfigInfo = [&](string section_name, ButtonType btn_type)-> string
readIniFile.readString("Server", section_name, data);
return m_pButtonList->getString();
m_host = GetConfigInfo("host", EButtonHost);
m_username = GetConfigInfo("username", EButtonUserName);
m_password = GetConfigInfo("password", EButtonPassword);
and a define data type by using struct can be other method.
struct ConfigDefine
string section_;
ButtonType btn_type_; //your enum button type, such as EButtonHost, EButtonUserName
string& result_;
}configs[] =
{"host", EButtonHost, m_host},
{"username", EButtonUserName, m_username},
{"password", EButtonPassword, m_password}
for_each(std::begin(configs), std::end(configs), [&](ConfigDefine& config)
readIniFile.readString("Server", config.section_, data);
config.result_ = pButtonHost->getString();
Do you intend to have something like this one?
#define ASIZE 3
int indx[ASIZE] = {EButtonHost, EButtonUsername, EButtonPassword};
string s[ASIZE] = {"host", "username", "password"};
string *m[ASIZE] = {&m_host, &m_username, &m_password};
for (int i = 0; i < ASIZE; i++) {
readIniFile.readString("Server", s[i].c_str(), data);
*m[i] = pButtonHost->getString();
i'd like to "define" 2 variables as 1 new variable, which then contains the contents/data of both previous variables.
Let's say the first variable is called 'var A' and the second 'var B',
can i combine those 2 in a new variable simply like this?
var ALL = var A + var B;
..or how is the correct syntax for this?
I hope this isn't too abstract? ;)
var A and B are both variables defining external geojson files, and I'd like to be able to "combine" these 2 in 1 new variable.
I would recommend using a function to handle combining them.
function combine(A,B) {
var C = {};
C.stuff_from_A = A.some_info;
C.stuff_from_B = B.some_info;
return C;
now you can perform what you ask.
var C = combine(A,B);
An example involving location data:
function combine(A,B) {
var C = {};
C.position_of_A = A.coordinate_info;
C.position_of_B = B.coordinate_info;
return C;
or to store the midpoint between them:
function combine(A,B) {
var C = {};
C.midpoint = average(A.location,B.location);
return C;
or more generally:
function combine() {
var C = {}; // Initialize
// Logic to combine and store info
return C; // Return the new object
C.totalMarkers = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfMarkersInA; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfMarkersInB; i++) {
That is pseudo-code, those variable names will need to changed of course.
If there are the objects - serialize they and add with separator. If there is simple string, number, bool or something else, add with separator directly.
Sounds like you want to merge 2 geojson files into one. According to this answer, the concat method should do it for you:
var finalObj = json1.concat(json2); // Merge the 2 files together.