Tensorflow on Raspberry Pi - python-2.7

I'm trying to install Tensorflow on Raspberry Pi. The OS is Ubuntu Mate, python2.7 and PIP version is 7.1.2
When I run this
pip install https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/cpu/tensorflow-0.5.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
it tells that
"tensorflow-0.5.0... is not a supported wheel on this platform."
Is it possible to install Tensorflow on Raspberry?
And someone knows what I'm missing?

Raspberry Pi is a 32-bit architecture, and the TensorFlow program was made for a 64-bit.
I am not sure how well A Raspberry Pi can handle it, but you could install a virtual machine and run the TensorFlow inside there.
Maybe the newer generations of the Rasberry Pi could handle this a bit better, but the original ones, will probably struggle to run this setup.
You could do the training on a more powerful machine and just run the learned machine on the Rasberry Pi, that might be feasible in terms of computing power.

It is now possible to install Tensorflow on Raspberry Pi. There are detailed build instructions at https://github.com/samjabrahams/tensorflow-on-raspberry-pi as well as an unofficial downloadable build.

x86 is for intel-like cpu and 64 is for 64 bits that's not Raspberry pi's hardware...


Install arm64 packages on A amd64 machine

I have A Raspberry Pi 3 device, the arch is arm64. And I have a ubuntu computer, the arch is amd64. I am doing the cross compile. I want to do the cross compile my code on the ubuntu and then copy the executables to the Raspberry to execute. My software depends opencv, ffmpeg...etc. I Have tried the MultiArch solution. When I try to download ffmpeg:arm64, the apt show me this error.
So I tried to download the first dependency libavcodec58, but the result is:
and When I tried to install the dependency glibc, the result is here:
The Apt will remove all the libraries from my current system.
So could anyone can help me about this?

how to install pypylon in Raspberry Pi 4

I am very new to the Raspberry Pi. I am having Raspberry Pi 4 (ARM 32-bit hard-float) and Raspbian. I am having Basler Camera (GigE Interface) and wanted to use it in my Python-OpenCV script. I have already managed to get videos using a pylon viewer in Raspberry pi. How I can install PyPylon in my Raspberry PI?
Not sure if you figured this out. It looks like in the last 6 months or so Basler added Linux support to pypylon. Pypylon is the unofficial python wrapper for the C++ based SDK which allows you to develop applications for Basler GigE cameras.
before installing Pypylon, make sure you are using python 3 (they don't support 2.7 anymore) and have installed and fully updated pip. If you have captured images it sounds like you have pylon viewer working so you know the camera drivers are installed properly.
Here is the link to the pypylon binaries: https://github.com/Basler/pypylon/releases there are also some instructions on gitub for building from source which requires swig. When I set up my system pypylon was not available on linux yet so i have not done this process yet. It's been a month since you posted so if you have worked this out, i'd be interested in knowing how it went. I would like to do the same thing.

How do you install TensorflowLite C++ on a Linux without an ARM processor?

I am trying to run and test Tensorflow Lite inference with C++ on a Linux machine. It is not an embedded system and it does not have an ARM processor, which makes it difficult. I have followed the install guide located on the main website (https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/build_arm64), but the install does not work when it gets to the ARM specific part. Can anybody tell me how to install it on a Linux distro that isn't on an ARM processor? How would I then run it? Thank you very much for any help.
So using an x86 processor architecture, you can follow the ARM instructions on tensorflow lite and run build_lib.sh instead of the build script of the ARM processor.

Qt5.7 installed on Raspberry Pi3 and working...how to get QtCreator?

I've finally mangaged to get Qt5.7 on a Raspberry Pi3, and have built an example which runs on the Pi, this was done by carefully following:
Step by Step instructions on how to install Qt5.6 on Raspberry Pi3
To get 5.7 on the Pi simply replace:
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtbase.git -b 5.6
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtbase.git -b 5.7
This sets-up the tool chain on a Linux host in my case Ubuntu 16.04, however it doesn't install QtCreator, I then tried installing QtCreator and messed up the build, so I had to start over.
How do I get the latest QtCreator installed on either the Ubuntu 16.04 or preferably on the Pi3 ?
I just started following these instructions: https://www.ics.com/blog/configuring-qt-creator-raspberry-pi
It starts with installing QtCreator on the Desktop, as you are cross compiling, why would you want it on the Pi itself?
Still waiting for the build to complete, wonder if it will all work right away :)

Opencv nonfree package installation in raspberry pi 2 mod b

Is it possible to install opencv nonfree package in raspberry pi 2 mod b.?
As i have done coding in C++ and when i ported my code to raspberry pi(arm processor) with raspbian OS this code was not working as it was showing unable to locate nonfree packge. tried with adding repositories
sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:xqms/opencv-nonfree
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libopencv-nonfree-dev
and many other ways still it was not working. then i changed the raspbian OS to ubuntu 14.04 LTS raspberry pi supported, still no change..
Is it that raspberry pi with arm processor won't support this package?
Please help me by suggesting the method how to install this package.
Thanks in advance.