Prolog - Check number of occurences doesn't work as expected - list

In Prolog:
I have the following function that counts the occurences of a certain element in a list:
%count(L:list,E:int,N:int) (i,i,o)
count([H|T],E,C):-H == E,count(T,E,C1),C is C1+1.
I tested it and it works well. But here comes the problem, I have another function that has to check if "1" occurs less than 2 times in a list.
Whenever I try to check the list [1,1,1,1] for example, the result I get is "true", which is wrong, and I have no idea why. I tried to make some changes, but the function just won't work.

Improve your testing habits!
When testing Prolog code don't only look at the first answer to some query and conclude "it works".
Non-determinism is central to Prolog.
Quite often, some code appears to be working correctly at first sight (when looking at the first answer) but exhibits problems (mainly wrong answers and/or non-termination) upon backtracking.
Coming back to your original question... If you want / need to preserve logical-purity, consider using the following minimal variation of the code #Ruben presented in his answer:
count([E|T],E,C) :-
C is C1+1.
count([H|T],E,C) :-
dif/2 expresses syntactic term inequality in a logical sound way. For info on it look at prolog-dif!

It happens because count([1,1,1,1],1,1) is also true! In your last count it can also be matched when H does equal E. To illustrate this, use ; to make prolog look for more answers to count([1,1,1,1],1,R). You'll see what happens.
C is C1+1.
H \= E,
check(L) :-
C < 2.
?- check([1,1,1,1,1]).
?- check([1]).

second and third clauses heads match both the same sequence. As a minimal correction, I would commit the test
count([H|T],E,C):-H == E,!,count(T,E,C1),C is C1+1.


What is a "Test succeeded with choicepoint" warning in PL-Unit, and how do I fix it?

I'm writing a prolog program to check if a variable is an integer.
The way I'm "returning" the result is strange, but I don't think it's important for answering my question.
The Tests
I've written passing unit tests for this behaviour; here they are...
:- begin_tests('foo').
:- consult('foo').
test('that_1_is_recognised_as_int') :-
count_ints(1, 1).
test('that_atom_is_not_recognised_as_int') :-
count_ints(arbitrary, 0).
:- end_tests('foo').
:- run_tests.
The Code
And here's the code that passes those tests...
count_ints(X, Answer) :-
Answer is 1.
count_ints(X, Answer) :-
\+ integer(X),
Answer is 0.
The Output
The tests are passing, which is good, but I'm receiving a warning when I run them. Here is the output when running the tests...
?- ['foo_test'].
% foo compiled into plunit_foo 0.00 sec, 3 clauses
% PL-Unit: foo
Warning: /home/brandon/projects/sillybin/prolog/
PL-Unit: Test that_1_is_recognised_as_int: Test succeeded with choicepoint
. done
% All 2 tests passed
% foo_test compiled 0.03 sec, 1,848 clauses
I'm using SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 6.6.6)
I have tried combining the two count_ints predicates into one, using ;, but it still produces the same warning.
I'm on Debian 8 (I doubt it makes a difference).
The Question(s)
What does this warning mean? And...
How do I prevent it?
First, let us forget the whole testing framework and simply consider the query on the toplevel:
?- count_ints(1, 1).
true ;
This interaction tells you that after the first solution, a choice point is left. This means that alternatives are left to be tried, and they are tried on backtracking. In this case, there are no further solutions, but the system was not able to tell this before actually trying them.
Using all/1 option for test cases
There are several ways to fix the warning. A straight-forward one is to state the test case like this:
test('that_1_is_recognised_as_int', all(Count = [1])) :-
count_ints(1, Count).
This implicitly collects all solutions, and then makes a statement about all of them at once.
Using if-then-else
A somewhat more intelligent solution is to make count_ints/2 itself deterministic!
One way to do this is using if-then-else, like this:
count_ints(X, Answer) :-
( integer(X) -> Answer = 1
; Answer = 0
We now have:
?- count_ints(1, 1).
i.e., the query now succeeds deterministically.
Pure solution: Clean data structures
However, the most elegant solution is to use a clean representation, so that you and the Prolog engine can distinguish all cases by pattern matching.
For example, we could represent integers as i(N), and everything else as other(T).
In this case, I am using the wrappers i/1 and other/1 to distinguish the cases.
Now we have:
count_ints(i(_), 1).
count_ints(other(_), 0).
And the test cases could look like:
test('that_1_is_recognised_as_int') :-
count_ints(i(1), 1).
test('that_atom_is_not_recognised_as_int') :-
count_ints(other(arbitrary), 0).
This also runs without warnings, and has the significant advantage that the code can actually be used for generating answers:
?- count_ints(Term, Count).
Term = i(_1900),
Count = 1 ;
Term = other(_1900),
Count = 0.
In comparison, we have with the other versions:
?- count_ints(Term, Count).
Count = 0.
Which, unfortunately, can at best be considered covering only 50% of the possible cases...
Tighter constraints
As Boris correctly points out in the comments, we can make the code even stricter by constraining the argument of i/1 terms to integers. For example, we can write:
count_ints(i(I), 1) :- I in inf..sup.
count_ints(other(_), 0).
Now, the argument must be an integer, which becomes clear by queries like:
?- count_ints(X, 1).
X = i(_1820),
_1820 in inf..sup.
?- count_ints(i(any), 1).
ERROR: Type error: `integer' expected, found `any' (an atom)
Note that the example Boris mentioned fails also without such stricter constraints:
?- count_ints(X, 1), X = anything.
Still, it is often useful to add further constraints on arguments, and if you need to reason over integers, CLP(FD) constraints are often a good and general solution to explicitly state type constraints that are otherwise only implicit in your program.
Note that integer/1 did not get the memo:
?- X in inf..sup, integer(X).
This shows that, although X is without a shadow of a doubt constrained to integers in this example, integer(X) still does not succeed. Thus, you cannot use predicates like integer/1 etc. as a reliable detector of types. It is much better to rely on pattern matching and using constraints to increase the generality of your program.
First things first: the documentation of the SWI-Prolog Prolog Unit Tests package is quite good. The different modes are explained in Section 2.2. Writing the test body. The relevant sentence in 2.2.1 is:
Deterministic predicates are predicates that must succeed exactly once and, for well behaved predicates, leave no choicepoints. [emphasis mine]
What is a choice point?
In procedural programming, when you call a function, it can return a value, or a set of values; it can modify state (local or global); whatever it does, it will do it exactly once.
In Prolog, when you evaluate a predicate, a proof tree is searched for solutions. It is possible that there is more than one solution! Say you use between/3 like this:
For x = 1, is x in [0, 1, 2]?
?- between(0, 2, 1).
But you can also ask:
Enumerate all x such that x is in [0, 1, 2].
?- between(0, 2, X).
X = 0 ;
X = 1 ;
X = 2.
After you get the first solution, X = 0, Prolog stops and waits; this means:
The query between(0, 2, X) has at least one solution, X = 0. It might have further solutions; press ; and Prolog will search the proof tree for the next solution.
The choice point is the mark that Prolog puts in the search tree after finding a solution. It will resume the search for the next solution from that mark.
The warning "Test succeeded with choicepoint" means:
The solution Prolog found was the solution the test expected; however, there it leaves behind a choice point, so it is not "well-behaved".
Are choice points a problem?
Choice points you didn't put there on purpose could be a problem. Without going into detail, they can prevent certain optimizations and create inefficiencies. That's kind of OK, but sometimes only the first solution is the solution you (the programmer) intended, and a next solution can be misleading or wrong. Or, famously, after giving you one useful answer, Prolog can go into an infinite loop.
Again, this is fine if you know it: you just never ask for more than one solution when you evaluate this predicate. You can wrap it in once/1, like this:
?- once( between(0, 2, X) ).
?- once( count_ints(X, Answer) ).
If someone else uses your code though all bets are off. Succeeding with a choice point can mean anything from "there are other useful solutions" to "no more solutions, this will now fail" to "other solutions, but not the kind you wanted" to "going into an infinite loop now!"
Getting rid of choice points
To the particular example: You have a built-in, integer/1, which will succeed or fail without leaving choice points. So, these two clauses from your original definition of count_ints/2 are mutually exclusive for any value of X:
count_ints(X, Answer) :-
integer(X), ...
count_ints(X, Answer) :-
\+ integer(X), ...
However, Prolog doesn't know that. It only looks at the clause heads and those two are identical:
count_ints(X, Answer) :- ...
count_ints(X, Answer) :- ...
The two heads are identical, Prolog doesn't look any further that the clause head to decide whether the other clause is worth trying, so it tries the second clause even if the first argument is indeed an integer (this is the "choice point" in the warning you get), and invariably fails.
Since you know that the two clauses are mutually exclusive, it is safe to tell Prolog to forget about the other clause. You can use once/1, as show above. You can also cut the remainder of the proof tree when the first argument is indeed an integer:
count_ints(X, 1) :- integer(X), !.
count_ints(_, 0).
The exactly same operational semantics, but maybe easier for the Prolog compiler to optimize:
count_ints(X, Answer) :-
( integer(X)
-> Answer = 1
; Answer = 0
... as in the answer by mat. As for using pattern matching, it's all good, but if the X comes from somewhere else, and not from the code you have written yourself, you will still have to make this check at some point. You end up with something like:
variable_tagged(X, T) :-
( integer(X) -> T = i(X)
; float(X) -> T = f(X)
; atom(X) -> T = a(X)
; var(X) -> T = v(X)
% and so on
; T = other(X)
At that point you can write your count_ints/2 as suggested by mat, and Prolog will know by looking at the clause heads that your two clauses are mutually exclusive.
I once asked a question that boils down to the same Prolog behaviour and how to deal with it. The answer by mat recommends the same approach. The comment by mat to my comment below the answer is just as important as the answer itself (if you are writing real programs at least).

Prolog Predicate Solution

I am going through some past exam questions for my prolog exam that is coming up.
Here is the question:
(a) Write a predicate insert(Xs, Y, Zs) that holds when Zs is the list obtained
by inserting Y into the list Xs. A query such as:
? - insert([1,2,3], 4, Zs).
should succeed four times and give the following answers:
Zs = [4, 1, 2, 3]
Zs = [1, 4, 2, 3]
Zs = [1, 2, 4, 3]
Zs = [1, 2, 3, 4].
I'm a bit concerned because I have no idea where to start. Would anyone be able to help out as I need example solutions to practice for my exam.
Would really appreciate any help with this.
We start by changing the terrible name of this predicate: The predicate should describe what holds, not what to do. The name should reflect that. I suggest list_with_element/3, and encourage you to try finding even better names, ideally making clear what each argument stands for.
Then, we do what we set out to do: Describe the cases that make this relation hold.
For example:
list_with_element([], E, [E]).
list_with_element([L|Ls], E, [E,L|Ls]).
list_with_element([L|Ls0], E, [L|Ls]) :-
I leave filling in the ... as an easy exercise. State the condition that is necessary for the clause head to be true!
EDIT: I would like to say a bit more about the pattern above. In my experience, a good way—and definitely in the beginning—to reason about predicates that describe lists is to consider two basic cases:
the atom [], denoting the empty list
terms of the form '.'(E, Es), also written as [E|Es], where E is the first element of the list and Es is again a list.
This follows the inductive definition of lists.
The drawback in this specific case is that this approach leads to a situation where case (2) again needs to be divided into two subcases, and somehow unexpectedly necessitates three clauses to handle the two basic cases. This obviously runs counter to our intuitive expectation that two clauses should suffice. Indeed they do, but we need to be careful not to accidentally lose solutions. In this case, the first two clauses above are both subsumed by the fact:
list_with_element(Ls, E, [E|Ls]).
Every experienced Prolog coder will write such predicates in this way, or just, as in this case, use select/3 directly. This is what #lurker sensed and hinted at, and #tas correctly shows that a different clause (which is easy to come up with accidentally) does not fully subsume all cases we want to express.
Thus, I still find it a lot easier to think first about the empty list explicitly, make sure to get that case correct, then continue with more complex cases, and then see if you can write the existing program more compactly. This is the way I also used for this sample code, but I did not make it as short as possible. Note that with monotonic code, it is completely OK to have redundant facts!
Note that is is specifically not OK to just replace the first two clauses by:
list_with_element([L|Ls], E, [E|Ls]).
because this clause does not subsume case (1) above.
I guess that one answer that the question might be looking for goes along these lines:
insert(List, Element, NewList) :-
append(Front, Back, List), % split list in two
append(Front, [Element|Back], NewList). % reassemble list
If you would like a declarative reading:
NewList has Element between the front and the back of List.
Check carefully if append/3 or a predicate with the same semantics appears in the earlier questions or the study material.
And note that this is in essence the exact same solution as the suggestion by #mat, if I understand it correctly. Consult the textbook definition of append/3 for details. Or even better, look at the textbook definition of append/3 and adapt it to use if for "inserting".
There is a built-in predicate select/3 that does the same thing, although with the arguments in a different order.
Remember that (if defined correctly) a predicate can work in different directions. For instance, it can tell you what a list would look like after removing an element, it can (although it's fairly trivial) tell you what element to remove from one list to get another, or it can tell you what lists, after having a given element removed, would resemble a given list.
(Hint: you may want to look into that last one).

Define a rule to determine if a list contains a given member

I have recently started learning prolog, and facing a problem with this question:
Define a rule to determine if a list contains a given member.
I searched all over stack overflow to get some links to understand this problem better and write solutions for it but couldn't find anything. Could anyone of you advice to solve this particular problem?
My Approach:
Iterative over the list and see if your member matches with head:
on(Item,[Item|Rest]). /* is my target item on the list */
Do you think my approach is correct?
What you have is indeed a "correct" implementation. The standard name for a predicate that does that is member/2, and is available (under that name) in any Prolog, and should be quite easy to find once you know its name.
Some things to note however. First, with the classical definition (this is exactly as in "The Art of Prolog" by Sterling and Shapiro, p. 58, and identical to yours):
member_classic(X, [X|Xs]).
member_classic(X, [Y|Ys]) :-
member_classic(X, Ys).
If you try to compile this, you will get singleton errors. This is because you have named variables that appear only once in their scope: the Xs in the first clause and the Y in the second. This aside, here is what the program does:
?- member_classic(c, [a,b,c,x]).
true ;
?- member_classic(c, [c]).
true ;
?- member_classic(X, [a,b,c]).
X = a ;
X = b ;
X = c ;
In other words, with this definition, Prolog will leave behind a choice point even when it is quite obvious that there could not be further solutions (because it is at the end of the list). One way to avoid this is to use a technique called "lagging", as demonstrated by the SWI-Prolog library implementation of member/2.
And another thing: with your current problem statement, it might be that this is considered undesirable behaviour:
?- member_classic(a, [a,a,a]).
true ;
true ;
true ;
There is another predicate usually called member_check/2 or memberchk/2 which does exactly what you have written, namely, succeeds or fails exactly once:
?- memberchk(a, [a,a,a]).
?- memberchk(a, [x,y,z]).
It has, however, the following behaviour when the first argument is a variable that might be undesirable:
?- memberchk(X, [a,b,c]).
X = a. % no more solutions!
There are valid uses for both member/2 and memberchk/2 IMHO (but interestingly enough, some people might argue otherwise).
Yes, your solution is correct and works in all directions. Nice!
Your solution is in fact more general than what the task asks for. This is a good thing! The task, in my view, is badly worded. First of all, the first clause is not a rule, but a fact. It would have been better to formulate the task like: "Write a Prolog program that is true if a term occurs in a list." This leaves open other use cases that a good solution will also automatically solve, such as generating solutions.
This common predicate is widely known as member/2. Just like your solution, it also works in all directions. Try for example ?- member(E, Ls).
The name for the predicate could be better. A good naming convention for Prolog makes clear what each argument means. Consider for example: element_list/2, and start from there.

searching in list getting true infinitely in prolog

I tried to code a Prolog program that takes 2 value and calculates if the pair is valid or not. If pairs are in different lists, then pairs will be valid and they can make match. If two team in same list(group) then they can't make match which means false.
when i started the program it doesn't show anything. I thought there would be infinite searching or looping. Then tried that simple code
In that code i saw that program always gives me true. I typed; to SWI-Prolog it gave me another true, i typed ; again another true then i realized that the problem should be in that searching part. Thanks for all interests from now. All suggestions are welcome.
I edited the code like that to try a different style
match(X,Y) :-
now i got:
ERROR: Undefined procedure: match/2
ERROR: However, there are definitions for:
ERROR: catch/3
although there is a match(X,Y) procedure why it gives me undefined match/2 error.
match(X,Y) :-
You have a dot that must be comma in:
Better you do not redefine "member", it is standard.
If I change dot by comma in:
this statement will fail always because there are no list "L" common to GroupA and GroupB.
If we take what seems the original request "takes 2 value and calculates if the pair is valid or not. If pairs are in different lists, then pairs will be valid and they can make match. If two team in same list(group) then they can't make match which means false."
the solution seems obvious:
match(X,Y) :- groupA(A), member(X,A), groupB(B), member(Y,B).
match(Y,X) :- groupA(A), member(X,A), groupB(B), member(Y,B).
You have 2 big problems.
First, you seem to use . and , interchangeably.
Second, you fail to understand Prolog's scoping rules. Anything that isn't asserted into the prolog database is scoped to the immediate statement or the clause of the predicate of which is a part. If you want somebody to know about it, it either has to be a part of the prolog database or passed as an argument. Thus, when you say something like
GroupB = [china,usa,chile,italy].
The variable GroupB Is unified with the list [china,usa,chile,italy]. At which point, the assertion succeeds, and both the newly-bound variable and the list with which it was unified ** go out of scope** and cease to exist. Then, when you attempt to reference it later on:
match(X) :- member(X,GroupB).
The variable GroupB is unbound. Your implementation of member/2,
member(X,[X|_]) .
member(X,[_|T]) :- member(X,T) .
is more than willing to act in a generative manner when given an unbound variable as its 2nd argument, generating lists of variable, successively (and infinitely) longer on backtracking.

Implementing "last" in Prolog

I am trying to get a feel for Prolog programming by going through Ulle Endriss' lecture notes. When my solution to an exercise does not behave as expected, I find it difficult to give a good explanation. I think this has to do with my shaky understanding of the way Prolog evaluates expressions.
Exercise 2.6 on page 20 calls for a recursive implementation of a predicate last1 which behaves like the built-in predicate last. My attempt is as follows:
last1([_ | Rest], Last) :- last1(Rest, Last).
last1([Last], Last).
It gives the correct answer, but for lists with more than one element, I have to key in the semicolon to terminate the query. This makes last1 different from the built-in last.
?- last1([1], Last).
Last = 1.
?- last1([1, 2], Last).
Last = 2 ;
If I switch the order in which I declared the rule and fact, then I need to key in the semicolon in both cases.
I think I know why Prolog thinks that last1 may have one more solution (thus the semicolon). I imagine it follows the evaluation sequence
last1([1, 2], Last).
==> last1([2], Last).
==> last1([], Last). OR Last = 2.
==> false OR Last = 2.
That seems to suggest that I should look for a way to avoid matching Rest with []. Regardless, I have no explanation why switching the order of declaration ought to have any effect at all.
Question 1: What is the correct explanation for the behavior of last1?
Question 2: How can I implement a predicate last1 which is indistinguishable from the built-in last?
Question 1:
Prolog systems are not always able to decide whether or not a clause will apply prior to executing it. The precise circumstances are implementation dependent. That is, you cannot rely on that decision in general. Systems do improve here from release to release. Consider as the simplest case:
?- X = 1 ; 1 = 2.
X = 1
; false.
A very clever Prolog could detect that 1 = 2 always fails, and thus simply answer X = 1. instead. On the other hand, such "cleverness" is very costly to implement and time is better spent for optimizing more frequent cases.
So why do Prologs show this at all? The primary reason is to avoid asking meekly for another answer, if Prolog already knows that there is no further answer. So prior to this improvement, you were prompted for another answer for all queries containing variables and got the false or "no" on each and every query with exactly one answer. This used to be so cumbersome that many programmers never asked for the next answer and thus were not alerted about unintended answers.
And the secondary reason is to keep you aware of the limitations of the implementation: If Prolog asks for another answer on this general query, this means that it still uses some space which might accumulate and eat up all your computing resources.
In your example with last1/2 you encounter such a case. And you already did something very smart, BTW: You tried to minimize the query to see the first occurrence of the unexpected behavior.
In your example query last1([1,2],X) the Prolog system does not look at the entire list [1,2] but only looks at the principal functor. So for the Prolog system the query looks the same as last1([_|_],X) when it decides which clauses to apply. This goal now fits to both clauses, and this is the reason why Prolog will remember the second clause as an alternative to try out.
But, think of it: This choice is now possible for all elements but the last! Which means that you pay some memory for each element! You can actually observe this by using a very long list. This I get on my tiny 32-bit laptop — you might need to add another zero or two on a larger system:
?- length(L,10000000), last1(L,E).
resource_error(_). % ERROR: Out of local stack
On the other hand, the predefined last/2 works smoothly:
?- length(L,10000000), last(L,E).
L = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E,_F,_G,_H,_I|...].
In fact, it uses constant space!
There are now two ways out of this:
Try to optimize your definition. Yes, you can do this, but you need to be very smart! The definition by #back_dragon for example is incorrect. It often happens that beginners try to optimize a program when in fact they are destroying its semantics.
Ask yourself if you are actually defining the same predicate as last/2. In fact, you're not.
Question 2:
?- last(Xs, X).
Xs = [X]
; Xs = [_A,X]
; Xs = [_A,_B,X]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,X]
; Xs = [_A,_B,_C,_D,X]
; ... .
?- last1(Xs, X).
So your definition differs in this case with SWI's definition. Exchange the order of the clauses.
?- length(L,10000000), last2(L,E).
L = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E,_F,_G,_H,_I|...]
; false.
Again, this false! But this time, the big list works. And this time, the minimal query is:
?- last2([1],E).
E = 1
; false.
And the situation is quite similar: Again, Prolog will look at the query in the same way as last2([_|_],E) and will conclude that both clauses apply. At least, we now have constant overhead instead of linear overhead.
There are several ways to overcome this overhead in a clean fashion - but they all very much depend on the innards of an implementation.
SWI-Prolog attempts to avoid prompting for more solutions when it can determine that there are none. I think that the interpreter inspect the memory looking for some choice point left, and if it can't find any, simply state the termination. Otherwise it waits to let user choice the move.
I would attempt to make last1 deterministic in this way:
last1([_,H|Rest], Last) :- !, last1([H|Rest], Last).
last1([Last], Last).
but I don't think it's indistinguishable from last. Lurking at the source code of the library (it's simple as ?- edit(last).)
%% last(?List, ?Last)
% Succeeds when Last is the last element of List. This
% predicate is =semidet= if List is a list and =multi= if List is
% a partial list.
% #compat There is no de-facto standard for the argument order of
% last/2. Be careful when porting code or use
% append(_, [Last], List) as a portable alternative.
last([X|Xs], Last) :-
last_(Xs, X, Last).
last_([], Last, Last).
last_([X|Xs], _, Last) :-
last_(Xs, X, Last).
we can appreciate a well thought implementation.
this code would work:
last1([Last], Last).
last1([_ | Rest], Last) :- last1(Rest, Last), !.
it is because prolog things there might be more combinations but, with this symbol: !, prolog won't go back after reaching this point