Could I use marmalade to create Service - c++

As the title says, could I use marmalade to create a service? Also could I create a service(or alternative) for multiple platforms(IOS and Windows Phone)? Just to note the language I'm planning to use is C++.

I understand so, services is an additional functionality which implemented differently on each platform, and Marmalade's abstraction layer does not provide cross-platform access to this functionality, but you can use Extensions Development Kit (EDK) for implement this.


Web Services using C++

I am building a server-client application that involves heavy signal processing (e.g. FFT). I have a working application written in C++/Qt, where everything (signal processing and other calculations) is done in client and server just sends raw data. Now I feel it would be easier to implement these features on the server. So, that maintenance becomes easier.
As I am doing signal processing, I think I should stick to C++ for performance. But I am open to new ideas.
I need type checking so javascript is out of discussion.
Scaling includes adding more server and each server will have at the max
10-12 users. So, Hardware cost is important. I cannot use x number of
i7 processors.
No option of using cloud services.
So, right now my question is as follows:
How can I create web services using C++ for Linux server? (Although cross platform is not important, I would appreciate if I can achieve it.)
EDIT [02:09:2015]
Right now, I think the choice is between poco and C++ Rest SDK. I feel I should go for C++ Rest SDK. Mainly because it has only those features that I need. And Also it is supported by microsoft and uses boost internally. So, I feel in future, this might be well integreated with standard.
You could use cross-platform Poco library to implement HTTP server, it is really straightforward with this framework, and they have a lot of examples. You can also use JSON serialization (like rapidjson library) to implement REST service on top of HTTP - this way your Web service will be accesable by most of the modern Web frameworks.
You might want to take a look at the C++ Rest SDK, an open source, cross platform API from Microsoft.
Like #nogard suggested, I also recommend POCO for now. It's the most serious and feature-full solution. Given you mentioned Qt, I suggest you to take a look at Tufão.
I forgot to mention one comparison of mine on the C++ HTTP server frameworks.
If you directly handle HTTP requests, you might loose the functionality what Web Servers does well what it was build to do. I had a similar issue, what I did was wrap up my Qt c++ code inside a PHP extension. In your case you can do the same. Wrap your logic inside what ever technology you are about to use, doesn't matter it's PHP, net , Java or anything else.

Connect to oracle database with C++

I am looking for a way to connect to an remote oracle database and read some data from table within a c++ console application.
Can some one give me some hints.
soci,, is a reasonably modern C++ interface that uses the Oracle call interface. And can also connect to other databases ...
The official Oracle website proposes several resources. Amongst others:
Oracle C++ Call Interface
Develop C and C++ Applications with Oracle Database 11g Using OCI
Just google, there are really plenty of tutorials around.
You can either use the Oracle C++ Call Interface (native API) or the Open DataBase Connectivity API. If you want a more high-level wrapper, there are some more convenient interfaces in libraries such as Qt.
Unless it's study purpose or strict requirement with ORACLE DB, I'd suggest you to work with generic classes/services provided with various Microsoft Framework.
Data Access Programming
MFC Database classes
ATL Database classes
Of course ORCACLE C++ IF is also available.
You can use OCCI:
or OCI:
or one of many other APIs available.. It really depends on the type of thing you're going to use it for.. You should find a lot of information about the pros/cons of the various APIs through google..
You can try: CODBC. It is an API for Pro*C. Pro*C is a very decent way to connect Oracle and C++.
Currently (2021) actively developed is also OCILIB, I was able to setup the test example in short time.

Creating gui binding for c++ and YUI

I am planning to use yui or jquery ui as front end for native c++ applications. I found no bindings present for this purpose. Will it be feasible/possible to do this ? If it is so, then how shall i proceed? please suggest advice.thanks
#rwik - I can see your point and desire to do what you intend and I would presume it to be a wise move to be making at this point in time considering the vast facilities browsers bring to the table as well as other aspects... I know we are in September now and I have come across this pretty late, but this is also for others who have a similar problem...
As far as I know, descending from JavaScript in to C++ is pretty murky, mostly due to the heterogenous nature of Javascript engines [Rhino, Tracemonkey, Spidermonkey, V8, Caracan,Charka, etc] employed by different browsers. But there are indeed ways to do this - depending on how dirty you want to get your hands and, indeed, on your abilities...
If you were to go with Google as a browser, you should take a look at projects such as cproxyv8 - or v8-juice - which both offer interesting facilities...
My preference however is with Mozilla - simply because of XML User-Interface Language (XUL) which, if you do not know, allows you to speedily create your own user interfaces by giving direct access to its layout engine. I.e., you can even do away with the browser look and have your own independent layout while still having all browser facilities at your disposal.
With respect to C++/Javascript interaction - projects should exist for all alternatives - it pays to check.
I wish you good luck if you haven't already solved this problem.
I'd recommend QT instead.
However since native C++ has nothing to do with GUI I'm going to assume you are making a library in C++. However Yui is basically just JavaScript as is jQuery. So if you're asking can a web page or script be a C++ application the answer is not really.
What you could do is create a web service which uses your C++ library and exposes an interface for your web based application to call it indirectly.
One way to accomplish this is to embed WebKit into your application and provide your custom C++ functionality via a plugin. Both the WebKit framework on OSX and the Chromium Embedded Framework on Windows allow this style of application development. This allows you to write a UI using local Javascript/HTML files without the need for a webserver.
There are no direct bindings in JQuery and YUI because these libraries run in a web browser. Thus unless you’re planning to write your own browser plugins, the integration with the C++ will happen at the webserver that serves the data to the browser.
You could feed the data from your C++ code directly into JQuery/YUI by building web services directly in C++. But you might want to build a web application that will be serving your JQuery/YUI pages and that act as user interface controller (like in the MVC pattern). Web application languages like Java, PHP, etc. all have ways to call native code. Java has JNDI and in PHP you build extensions that link to C++ code.

How to go about a platform independent E-Book Reader in C/C++?

I'm trying to develop an ebook reader(for mobile devices) which is platform independent. Currently my focus is epub only.
As a proof of concept, we were able to make a basic epub reader for android platform, using the functionalities provided by the platform itself(using webview, Xml Parser, Unzipper etc). But now we want to make it platform independent and we want to do it in C/C++. I know we have unzippers and xml parsers in C/C++, its the rendering part I'm worried about. My questions are...
1.How can I do the rendering, without using any of the inbuilt android views, so that it will work on other platforms also?
2.Is it better to stick to webkit for epub(the platforms which we're considering all have webkit)?
As of now I'm clueless. Any pointers on where to start?
Most likely you will have to split your application into the cross-platform backend and a platform specific front-end.
If you want to implement indexing and searching of all e-pubs in your app, this could be part of the cross-platform part. If the epub reader contains a catalogue of downloaded/transferred epubs, the database including its access methods could probably be cross-platform as well (at least partially).
However, the presentation layer, i.e., the user interface, will probably have to be platform-specific. The best case scenario is that you can come up with an intermediate UI description language that can be automatically translated into Android / iPhone user interfaces. That is a daunting task however, and it's probably not even worth trying if you don't want to create many cross-platform apps.
The only C/C++ development environment i found was MoSync.

C++ web service framework

We are looking for a C++ Soap web services framework that support RPC, preferably open source.
Any recommendations?
WSO2 Web Services Framework for C++ (WSO2 WSF/C++), a binding of WSO2 WSF/C into C++ is a C++ extension for consuming Web Services in C++.
Apache Axis is an open source, XML based Web service framework. It consists of a Java and a C++ implementation of the SOAP server, and various utilities and APIs for generating and deploying Web service applications.
Staff is Web Service Framework for C++ (service/component and client-side)/JavaScript(client-side) based on Apache Axis2/C.
Open-source, released with Apache License V2.0.
Try the ffead-cpp framework, it provides in-built web-service support, rest, json and many other useful features.
We are using EasySoap (
While not FOSS another library is ATL Server library from Microsoft.
It is C++ template based with some proprietary attributes by Microsoft. i.e. not standard C++
You can check out xmlbeansxx. This is a kind of lightweight, low level solution, compared to complete frameworks. This has advantages in some cases.
Invoking SOAP WebServices using xmlbeansxx Article
Code example is here:
You could try gSOAP. Available under GPL and commercial licences.
I have used SWIG to make an interface from C++ to Java or Python and then used the typical web interface support for those languages.
Since Java and Python have reflection the web services frameworks that exist for them have a much easier time passing data around.
Threading wise if your C++ code is thread safe you can let the Java server manage the creation of threads for concurrent requests etc. and just call into your C++ code using JNI.
As a bonus you can test your C++ code from Python using these same SWIG interfaces.
I think the way to go is to write your service in C++ (I am assuming you did all the homework and there is a good reason you want to write in C++) and then front it using an RPC server. Use something like Thrift or Protobufs for a fast RPC implementation.
Now write your web frontend in the language of your choice - python would be mine - and make RPC calls to do all your heavy lifting.
POCO Remoting gives you a very simple way of creating web services in C++ by just annotating C++ class definitions with special comments and running a code generator over it. It's commercial, but delivered with full source code. A free eval version is available. Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc.
I concur with imjorge's answer and add that there's a C/C++ version of the Axis2 framework (a more flexible, extensible Axis) that does SOAP via RPC and all sorts of stuff including a bunch of the WS-* specs.
Apache axis-c:
Simple to use, but seems abandoned.. not even download pages is working for several months
Fast quickstart dev, both binded or no-binded implementation, based on Apache AxisC and it seems most of the current developers of Apache Axis is from WSOF company. Besides the Great potential I've detected a memory leak.
I'm currently using Gsoap and It has very good performance.
Gsoap "mixed notation" between old c style and some (bad?) practices for C++ bothers me some.. but this is only code-furniture.
Is a full-feature, modern (java?) like library. It is open source software, licensed under the Boost Software License 1.0. You'll have to write some things from scrach, but with great support, utility classes and etc great library.. Innovations from c++11+ with all boost initiatives + POCO + a new Build/Dependency system more "gradle like" will certainly bring c++ to new areas of development.