Autoit Aerender case between 2 variants - after-effects

Using aerender and autoit I convert a project to an .avi file.
To accomplish this I use following (in the command line):
Send('aerender -project C:\Projects\app.aep -comp "Main" -output C:\Projects\output\test.avi' & "{ENTER}")
The problem is now that I have 2 variants of images "folder".
One has 10 images and the other one has 20 images.
How can I use aerender to create seperate folder with those numbers of images.

This should work for you. The AerenderMakeImage function takes two parameters. The new folder you want to put the image in and the name of the new image.
AerenderMakeImage("C:\Projects\new_output\", "test.avi")
Func AerenderMakeImage($sImgFolderPath, $sNewImageName)
;makes image path if there is not one
If FileExists($sImgFolderPath) = 0 Then DirCreate($sImgFolderPath)
$sRuncmd = 'aerender -project C:\Projects\app.aep -comp "Main" -output '& $sImgFolderPath & $sNewImageName
;uses run instead of send because it is a more stable solution the Send
Run(#ComSpec & " /c " & $sRuncmd, #ScriptDir, #SW_HIDE)
;Run(#ComSpec & " /c " & $sRuncmd, #ScriptDir, #SW_SHOW) ;Use this if you want to see the CMD
EndFunc ;==>AerenderMakeImage


Qt - pdftocairo pdf conversion process not working when application on auto start

I am running my Qt (4.8, QWS server, QWidget app) application on an ARM/embedded linux platform. On my application, I have a module/widget to view PDF files.
Being a slower processor, it was better to go for a conversion of the PDF file to image files using pdftocairo. The module also has a feature to import any pdf file from a flash drive and convert it to images using pdftocairo. The entire module works as expected when I manually start the application from command line. Here is the code that imports the pdf file into the device in the form of images:
QString CacheName = PDFList->currentItem()->text(); //name of PDF file without ".pdf"
QString PDFString = "pdftocairo -jpeg -r 200 \"/media/usb/" + CacheName + ".pdf\" \"/opt/.pdf/" + CacheName + "\"";
qDebug() << PDFString;
QProcess PDFCacheprocess;
PDFCacheprocess.startDetached(PDFString); //or PDFCacheprocess.start(PDFString)
The ultimate goal of the project is to have the application to auto-start when the device boots up. However, when starting the application automatically, the import feature doesn't seem to do anything. I am stumped with not being able to identify the problem because I do not have any debug output (which I do have when executing the app normally).
I normally execute the application manually with
/opt/[path]/[application name] -qws
When auto-starting, I put the application out into a file, log.txt by adding &>/opt/log.txt. The output seems to be the same as when I am running with the manual command. This is the content of the file during the import process (no error being reported).
"pdftocairo -jpeg -r 200 "/media/usb/manual.pdf" "/opt/.pdf/manual"
Strangely enough, every other command (other than pdftocairo) is working. I tried to replace this command with QString PDFString = "/opt/./". The script was being executed for any command (like reboot), but again, it would fail if it contained the pdftocairo command.
I also tried to add a slot connected to QProcess::finished(int) to show the QProcess output:
connect(&PDFCacheprocess, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, SLOT(pdfImportStatus(int)));
void UserManual::pdfImportStatus(int)
For the manual execution ( when import works), I would get:
"pdftocairo -jpeg -r 200 "/media/usb/manual.pdf" "/opt/.pdf/manual""
"Unknown error" 0
For the auto-start, log.txt only shows this (seems like the slot isn't being triggered?)
"pdftocairo -jpeg -r 200 "/media/usb/manual.pdf" "/opt/.pdf/manual""
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
Apparently the problem was that the command was not being recognized in the working directory (only when auto-starting for some reason). When using a Qprocess, it turns out that it is always good to give the path even if the file/command exists in the environment variables - as was in my case ($PATH).
I had to replace the QString with:
QString PDFString = "/usr/local/bin//pdftocairo -jpeg -r 200 \"/media/usb/" + CacheName + ".pdf\" \"/opt/.pdf/" + CacheName + "\"";

Tensorboard: No graph definition files were found.

In my Python code I execute
train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(TBOARD_LOGS_DIR)
I can see 1.6MB file created in E:\progs\tensorboard_logs (and no other file)
but then when I execute
tensorboard --logdir=E:\progs\tensorboard_logs
it loads, but says: "No graph definition files were found." when I click on Graph.
Additionally, running tensorboard --inspect --logdir=E:\progs\tensorboard_logs
Found event files in:
These tags are in E:\progs\tensorboard_logs:
audio -
histograms -
images -
scalars -
Event statistics for E:\progs\tensorboard_logs:
audio -
first_step 0
last_step 0
max_step 0
min_step 0
num_steps 1
outoforder_steps []
histograms -
images -
scalars -
sessionlog:checkpoint -
sessionlog:start -
sessionlog:stop -
This is TF 1.01 or so, on Windows 10.
I had similar issue. The issue occurred when I specified 'logdir' folder inside single quotes instead of double quotes. Hope this may be helpful to you.
egs: tensorboard --logdir='my_graph' -> Tensorboard didn't detect the graph
tensorboard --logdir="my_graph" -> Tensorboard detected the graph
In Tensorflows dealing with graphs, there are three parts:
1) creating the graph
2) Writing the graph to event file
3) Visualizing the graph in tensorboard
Example: Creating graph in tensorflow
a = tf.constant(5, name="input_a")
b = tf.constant(3, name="input_b")
c = tf.multiply(a,b, name="mul_c")
d = tf.add(a,b, name="add_d")
e = tf.add(c,d, name="add_e")
sess = tf.Session() <--check, value should be 15 <--check, value should be 8 <--check, value should be 23
Writing graph in event file
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./tensorflow_examples', sess.graph)
It is very important to specify a directory(in this case, the directory is tensorflow_examples), where the event file will be written to.
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./', sess.graph) didnt work for me, because the shell command => tensorboard --logdir expects a directory name.
After executing this step, verify if event file has been created in specified directory.
Visualizing graph in Tensorboard
Open terminal(bash), under working directory type:
tensorboard --logdir='tensorflow_examples' --host=
Then open a new browser in or http://localhost/6006 and now tensorboard shows the graph successfully.
The problem might be the parameter --logdir. make sure you have type the correct
in the code:
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./log/', s.graph)
open powershell
cd to your work directory and type
tensorboard --logdir=log
you can also use --debug to see if there is a problem in finding the log file. if you see:
TensorBoard path_to_run is: {'C:\\Users\\example\\log': None} that means it can not find the file.
You may need to change the powershell directory to your log file. And the logdir need not the single quotation marks.(Double quotation marks or without the quotes will be both OK)

Empty folders after fitting using VOSM (Vision Open Statistical Models)

I am trying to develop an Active Appearance model using the VOSM package ( I'm on Ubuntu 13.10 64b and use OpenCV-2.4.8, Boost-1.55 and VOSM-0.33.
I have successfully trained the model using facial databases, and have the trained data stored in a subfolder. When I try to test the AAM fitting on some test images, there are no saved files, but the terminal output indicates the fitting process has completed properly.
Command: test_smfitting -o trained_data/ -t "AAM_BASIC" -i images/test_2/ -r "true" -s "true"
detection times = 5
Average Interation Times = 0
Averaget Detection time (in ms) = 0
There are output folders created named after the .jpg files, but they are empty.
How do I solve this?

Call a Matlab function from c++

I have a small code snippet that calls a matlab function (saved in its own .m file). The user can choose the matlab function to call and it may or may not be in MATLAB's default folder (~/Documents/MATLAB).
In the event that it's not in the default search path, I would like to add the function's containing folder to MATLAB's search path. When I try to do this using the Terminal (I am on a MAC), with this command:
/Applications/ -r "addpath(genpath('/Folder/Address/Here'))"
MATLAB launches, and I can see that the new address was successfully added to the search path.
However, when I try to run this command through the C++ program using this:
std::string matlabFunctionPath = "/Folder/Address/Here"
std::string addPathCommand = "/Applications/ -r \"addpath(genpath('"+ matlabFunctionPath + "')\"";
::popen(shellCommand.c_str(), "r"));
MATLAB does launch but the new address does not get added to the search path. What am I doing wrong here?
I appreciate the help.
You are missing the second closing )
std::string addPathCommand = "/Applications/ -r \"addpath(genpath('"+ matlabFunctionPath + "'))\"";

Tracking code versions in an executable

I have a reasonable sized ( around 40k lines) machine learning system written in C++. This is still in active development and I need to run experiments regularly even as I make changes to my code.
The output of my experiments is captured in simple text files. What I would like to do when looking at these results is have some way of figuring out the exact version of the code that produced it. I usually have around 5 to 6 experiments running simultaneously, each on a slightly different version of the code.
I would like to know for instance that a set of results was obtained by compiling version 1 of file A, version 2 of file B etc (I just need some identifier and the output of "git describe" will do fine here ).
My idea is to somehow include this info when compiling the binary. This way, this can be printed out along with the results.
Any suggestions how this can be done in a nice way. In particular, any nice way of doing this with git?
I generate a single source file as part of my build process that looks like this:
static const char version_cstr[] = "93f794f674 (" __DATE__ ")";
const char * version()
return version_cstr;
Then its easy to log the version out on startup.
I originally used a DEFINE on the command line, but that meant every version change everything got recompiled by the build system - not nice for a big project.
Here's the fragment of scons I use for generating it, maybe you can adapt it to your needs.
# Lets get the version from git
# first get the base version
git_sha = subprocess.Popen(["git","rev-parse","--short=10","HEAD"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[0].strip()
p1 = subprocess.Popen(["git", "status"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE )
p2 = subprocess.Popen(["grep", "Changed but not updated\\|Changes to be committed"], stdin=p1.stdout,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = p2.communicate()[0].strip()
if result!="":
git_sha += "[MOD]"
print "Building version %s"%git_sha
def version_action(target,source,env):
Generate file with current version info
fd.write( "static const char version_cstr[] = \"%s (\" __DATE__ \")\";\nconst char * version()\n{\n return version_cstr;\n}\n" % git_sha )
return 0
build_version = env.Command( 'src/autogen/version.cpp', [], Action(version_action) )
You can use $Id:$ in your source file, and Git will substitute that with the sha1 hash, if you add the file containing this phrase in .gitattributes with the option "ident" (see gitattributes).