Access web within AWS Lambda - amazon-web-services

I'd like to define a lambda. When it receives a POST request, I'd like to make another POST request to an external uri (say, splunk or apigee or anything outside of AWS). Is this possible? Does Lambda allow the internet access? I googled but did not find a good answer for this one.

Yes, you can run pretty much any code that you would run on a normal EC2 instance. For instance, if you write your Lambda in node.js you can use the request library to make HTTP calls out to other webservices. The same is true of Java or Python as long as you include whatever library you want to use to make the call in your Lambda. Just make sure you set the Lambda timeout high enough to allow your call(s) enough time to complete.
I wrote a blog post that shows a simple example of a Lambda calling out to a weather API(HTTP GET) to get weather for a zip code and post it in Slack:


Creating an AWS lambda that calls a rest endpoint

I want to create a simple AWS lambda that makes a url request to a rest endpoint. The thing I’m not sure about is I know for lambdas the response size limit is 6mb, and the response that comes back from the rest endpoint I intend to have it call fluctuates and sometimes can go beyond that limit.
I don’t necessarily need to return the response from the rest endpoint that the lambda will make a call to, but rather I feel like I can have the lambda write the contents of the response into a database instead of returning it, and then just return a response code at the end. I was wondering if this workaround will work or will I still have issues with the 6mb size limit on some manner?
Still in the prototyping phase, just a general question that I can elaborate more on if necessary

Patterns for HTTP endpoint Lambda calling other Lambdas and returning value to user

i have a question about lambda anti patterns, and how to address my specific situation.
My current setup is this:
user/webpage -> ApiGateway -> Lambda1 -> synchronously calls Lambda2 (my other microservice) -> back to lambda1 -> back to user
Currently my lambda2 is behind an apigateway as well, but I toyed with idea of invoking directly. Either way it's basically another microservice that I control.
I understand that generally, lambdas calling other lambdas are considered an antipattern. All the blogs/threads/etc online mention using stepfunctions instead, or sqs, or something else.
In my situation, I don't see how I could use stepfunctions, since I have to return something to the webpage/user. If I used a stepfunction, it seems like I would have to then poll for the results, or maybe use websockets; basically in my webpage I would not be able to just call my endpoint and get a result, I'd have to have some way to asynchronously get my result.
Similarly with a queue, or any other solution I saw online, it's basically all asynchronous.
Is there any other pattern or way of doing this?
While invoking a lambda from another lambda, everything will work fine except when the second lambda timeouts or it throttles. If your business logic is built in such a way that failures are handled gracefully and has idempotent behaviour built in, then a lambda calling another lambda (via API gateway or direct invocation) should work fine. Having said that, AWS has come out with Synchronous Express Workflows for AWS Step Functions. The linked blog has detailed examples of using it. The only caveat here is that your entire operation should get over in 5 minutes. The maximum duration an express workflow can run is 5min. So if your application flow is completing within that time limit then this is the recommended way of orchestrating services.

Overload Lambda Concurrent

I have a use-case with lambda concurrent.
My system uses the API Gateway + Lambda function. I requested AWS for more Limit Concurrent and I get 10000 CCU. But my system is going to solve about 30000 concurrent users.
First, I tried using lambda async by this guide []
But my application use REST API and the result get 500 code of the response. The document said
"In this case, the backend Lambda function is invoked asynchronously,
and the front-end REST API method doesn't return the result"
Then, I search for one more solution that use Lambda Async. It used lambda async invoke from another sync Lambda. But this way didn't use for API GET of some methods that required validation.
Now, we go back with the solution that uses the provision concurrent, but this solution may not be useful. I am concerned about the concurrent that not enough.
Please, help me. Sorry about my English skill

Can event.requestContext.identity.cognitoIdentityId be spoofed?

I'm trying to do ACL by asserting if the item in DynamoDB whose field UserId is really the one logged in which is event.requestContext.identity.cognitoIdentityId.
But, I'm afraid that it can be spoofed just like HTTP headers etc.
My question is, is that safe?
No, this cannot be spoofed in the same way HTTP request headers can. If the request comes in through API Gateway, as a Lambda proxy integration, then there's nothing the browser can do that would allow these values to be overwritten, because this portion of the Lambda event structure is created by API Gateway and not copied from the request. Anything injected into the HTTP request would appear elsewhere in the event structure -- not here. (The HTTP request is in event.input -- which is a sibling object of event.requestContext -- not a parent.)
But then again... yes, this could be spoofed in certain other misconfiguration scenarios -- if, for example, your Lambda function allows itself to be invoked other than by your API Gateway deployment -- then of course the invoker could craft an entire event structure that had nothing to do with any HTTP request and invoke your Lambda function with it. This is perhaps too obvious to mention, since it's implicit from the way you can test a Lambda function from the console, but I mention it for thoroughness. Send a forged test event to your Lambda function using the Lambda console's test function, and naturally the Lambda function processes what you sent it.
So, unsurprisingly, with careless and overly broad permissions, yes, anything is possible... but used as intended behind API Gateway, as a Lambda Proxy Integration, I'd say no.
I have been researching this question for many hours.
I found this post where the author extracts the userId from the Token via:
const userId = await services.getUserIdFromToken(event.headers.Authorization);
This appears to be a safer way to handle setting the userId but all the other examples I have seen use event.requestContext.identity.cognitoIdentityId.

How to invoke lambda when lex does not process the intent automatically?

My Lex bot has four intents. Suppose a user asks a question at the very beginning of the conversation and this question is not allotted to any of the four intents. Hence no intent will be established. When this happens, I want to call lambda to run an "intent suggestion model" (built using topic modeling) to suggest the user about what the intent of the question might be. Also, lambda will have to store such queries in a database (s3 or RDB) so that if such queries are repetitive, then that intent can eventually be added to the bot and for other analytical solutions.
What you need is a fallback intent but Lex does not support fallback intents as of now.
You can still achieve this if you use a bridge between your chat client and Lex.
Setup an API Gateway and Lambda function in between your chat-client and the Lex.
Your chat-client will send a request to API Gateway, API Gateway will forward this to Lambda function which will be used to call Lex and get response from it. Lex will have one more lambda function as a webhook.
In the Lambda function you used to call Lex, we can check if any intent was matched or we got an error message, if it's an error message and trigger some action like intent suggestion model.
You need to use boto library to call Lex and use post_text() method.
Hope it helps.