C++ - How to make a program compiled with MinGW standalone? - c++

I am working on a project(for Windows) that is small and should be portable. I saw somewhere that MinGW gets rid of the requirement of some .dlls on the target system, so I thought I'd give it a try. To my suprise, when I tried running my program on a friend's computer, I got two errors saying that 2 different .dlls were missing. I thought MinGW used the system dlls, but it obviously didn't work. I saw an article on how to make a standalone exe with Visual Studio, but I'd prefer to use MinGW due to it's simplicity.
So my question: How to produce a standalone exe with MinGW?
Note: I am only using standard libraries, but it'd be nice to know how to include other libraries for future projects.
If you'd like an example of what I mean by a standalone exe, putty is a good example(it is an ssh client for Windows).

The two libraries you needed were most likely libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll and libstdc++-6.dll or some variation of these, depending on how your mingw was configured when it was built. These are C and C++ standard library implementations.
If you want, you can pass extra flags to the compiler when you are linking the final executable, -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++, which will cause it to link these libraries in statically instead of requiring you to distribute DLLs for them with your executable.
More info here: Mingw libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll is missing
In general you can always try to statically link libraries into your executable. These special -static-libgcc flags are special flags provided only by mingw, not by other compilers, and not for other libraries, you use a different -static syntax for other libs. Static linking is fine but it gets more complicated and error prone as the dependencies get more complex. Static linking has some pitfalls associated to the order in which the libraries are linked. After a certain point, its usually simpler to make them all shared and don't do any static linking. It's up to you, it depends on how complex your project gets / if you start to have problems.


Linking a MinGW library to a MSVC app with a C interface

I'm trying to link to the OpenAL soft library as compiled with the Media Autobuild Suite, and I'm getting the following error from Visual Studio:
libopenal.a(source.cpp.o) : fatal error LNK1143: invalid or corrupt file: no symbol for COMDAT section 0xA
My application is in C++ and compiled directly in Visual Studio 2019 (however, with the VS2017 toolset). OpenAL soft is written in C++ but exposes a C interface, and the MAB Suite compiles using MinGW/gcc and generates a libopenal.a static library file.
I've read from multiple other questions such as From MinGW static library (.a) to Visual Studio static library (.lib) and How to use libraries compiled with MingW in MSVC? that object files compiled with different compilers are generally not compatible for C++ due to name mangling, but often are compatible with C linkage. Because C does not use name mangling, and because the ABI is (usually) OS-dependent, libraries with a C interface compiled on the same platform are generally compatible.
Nevertheless, I've been running into linker errors, namely the LNK1143 above. I've confirmed that the included headers use extern "C" { to hint C linkage and that the target platform (x64) is the same for both builds. I also linked to libgcc.a as this answer recommends, and did not get any linker errors for it.
Does this mean the claim that C interfaces are generally compatible across compilers is not true? Or is this a special case in which it's not working? If the latter, what could be causing the linking to fail? Would I have better luck if I recompiled as shared libraries (dlls) instead of static libraries (even if I still use MinGW's .a files instead of .lib)?
I cannot change compilers from MSVC for my main app. I intend to use more libraries from the MAB Suite in the future, so I'd prefer to stay with MinGW for those dependencies if possible because I don't want to recompile all 70+ by hand.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Mixing compilers is tricky and prone to issues.
In some very simple cases it may work, but there are definitely a number of cases where you will run in to issues, for example:
if the different components use different runtime libraries
if memory management is being mixed (e.g. forget about freeing memory allocated with malloc() in MSVC using free() in MinGW)
when using exception handling in C++
My advice to do it all with the same compiler (and even the same version of this compiler).
Specifically in your case OpenAL can be built with MinGW-w64. So maybe you should look into that instead of downloading some prebuilt version from the web.
Or - somewhat easier - use MSYS2 and use its pacman package manager to get its own MinGW-w64 build of OpenAL.
I figured out what works for me, so I'll share.
I was not able to link a static library between compilers as I originally attempted. My understanding is that the extra info kept in the lib to allow link-time code generation is compiler-specific. Brecht Sanders's answer outlines a few possible reasons why the code wouldn't be compatible.
I was, however, able to link to a shared library, with a few extra steps.
Using the same suite (see the question), I compiled as shared and got libopenal.dll, libopenal.dll.a, and libopenal.def. In my case, the .def file was generated by the suite. Accoding to this answer, you can generate a .def file with gcc using:
gcc -shared -o your_dll.dll your_dll_src.c -Wl,--output-def,your_dll.def
Trying to link to libopenal.dll.a still gave me errors (I don't know exactly why, and I already discarded the logs.) What I did instead was generate a .lib file from the .def file. In Visual Studio's built-in terminal:
lib /machine:x64 /def:libopenal.def
This generated a libopenal.lib file in the working directory. Linking to this file worked perfectly, and I was able to successfully load the dll at runtime.
I've tested this same method with many other MinGW-compiled libraries from the suite, including libavformat, libavcodec, libavutil, libavdevice, swresample, and swscale, and thus far all of them have worked.
Kind of convoluted, but it seems to work well for me, so I hope this helps anyone else with the same problem.

How can windows or other system dynamic / shared libraries be linked yet VS to MinGW is incompatible?

I am learning more about shared libraries and also linking in general, and I seem to have confused myself.
I understand (correct me if i am wrong) that a compiled library or object file in c++ may not be compatible with another library even on the same target architecture, if the compilers are different and that this is due to name mangling and the Application Binary interface being different in OS/Compiler/Architecture etc.
This I believe is also true for C libraries although this may have more chance to work (I am not totally sure that's right)
And I believe the above applies to both static and shared/dynamic libraries
But then I get very confused, because say i make a new Visual Studio VC++ project, and it will link with say kernel32.dll or Gdi32.lib, well I have no idea what these were compiled with but my guess is it wasn't VS2017's Visual C++ Compiler so how can this be linked yet I can't link to say something compiled with MinGW or maybe even something with an earlier VS release? Surely the Windows dlls have been compiled differently?
I guess this also applies to linux libraries I am assuming the shared object files could have been compiled with a different version of gcc/g++, and I imaging yum installing a devel package would give libs that might not work?
And finally if someone has a closed source library and sell that library if the compiler and version matters does that mean that in order to sell a DLL or SO you need to compile it for more or less every compiler and version?
I have read a lot of questions and answers on here and tried to do a lot of searching but I am stuck and could really use some help in understanding this.

How to package c++ dependencies on linux

I'm developing a c++ program on Ubuntu 16.04 using cmake, compiling with g++5 and clang++-3.8.
Now I'd like to make this Program availabile for 14.04, too, but as I'm using a lot of c++14 features I can't just recompile it on that system. Instead, I wanted to ask if/how it is possible to package all dependencies (in particular the c++ standard library) in a way that I can just unpack a folder on the target system and run the app.
Ideally I'm looking for some automated/scripted solution that I can add to my cmake build.
Bonus Question:
For now, this is just a simple command line program for which I can easily recompile all 3rd party dependencies (and in fact I do). In the long run however, I'd also like to port a QT application. Ideally the solution would also work for that scenario.
The worst part of your contitions is an incompatible standard library.
You have to link it statically anyway (see comments to your answer).
A number of options:
Completely static linking:
I think it's easiest way for you, but it requires that you can build (or get by any way) all third-party libs as static. If you can't for some reason it's not your option.
You just build your app as usual and then link it with all libs you need statically (see documentation for your compiler). Thus you get completely dependencies-free executable, it will work on any ABI-compatible system (you may need to check if x86 executable works on x86_64).
Partially static linking
You link statically everything you can and dynamically other. So you distribute all dynamic libs (*.so) along with you app (in path/to/app/lib or path/to/app/ folder), so you don't depend on system libraries. Create your deb package which brings all files into /opt or $HOME/appname folder. You have to load all dynamic libs either "by hand" or ask compiler to do it on linking stage (see documentation).
Docker container
I don't know much about it but I know exactly it requires that docker be installed on target system (not your option).
Useful links:
g++ link options
static linking manual
Finding Dynamic or Shared Libraries
There are similar docs for clang, google it.

libgomp.so.1: cannot open shared object file

I am using OpenMP in my C++ code.
The libgomp.so.1 exists in my lib folder. I also added its path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Still at run-time I get the error message: libgomp.so.1: cannot open shared object file
At Compile time I compile my code with -fopenmp option.
Any idea what can cause the problem?
Use static linking for your program. In your case, that means using -fopenmp -static, and if necessary specifying the full paths to the relevant librt.a and libgomp.a libraries.
This solves your problem as static linking just packages all code necessary to run you program together with your binary. Therefore, your target system does not need to look up any dynamic libraries, it doesn't even matter if they are present on the target system.
Note that static linking is not a miracle cure. For your particular problem with the weird hardware emulator, it should be a good approach. In general, however, there are (at least) two downsides to static linking:
binary size. Imagine if you linked all your KDE programs statically, so you would essentially have hundreds of copies of all the KDE/QT libs on your system when you could have just one if you used shared libraries
update paths. Suppose that people find a security problem in a library x. With shared libraries, it's enough if you simply update the library once a patch is available. If all your applications were statically linked, you would have to wait for all of these developers to re-link and re-release their applications.

g++ linking .so libraries that may not be compiled yet

Im helping on a c++ application. The application is very large and is spread out between different sub directories. It uses a script to auto generate qt .pro files for each project directory and uses qmake to then generate make files. Currently the libraries are being compiled in alphabetical order.. which is obviously causing linking errors when a library its trying to link isn't built yet.. Is there some kind of g++ flag i can set so it wont error out if a library its trying to link hasn't been built yet? or a way to make it build dependencies first through the qt .pro file?
This script works fine on ubuntu 10.10 because the statements to build the shared libraries didnt require that i use -l(libraryname) to link to my other libraries but ubuntu 11.10 does so it was giving me undefined reference errors when compiling on 11.10.
Have you looked into using Qt Creator as a build environment and IDE? I've personally never used it for development on Ubuntu, but I have used it on Windows with g++, and it works great there. And it appears its already available as a package in the repository.
Some of the advantages you get by using it are:
Qt Creator will (generally) manage the .pro files for you. (If you're like me, you can still add lots of extra stuff here, but it will automatically add .cpp, .h, and .ui files as they are added to the project.)
You can set up inter-project dependencies that will build projects in whatever order they need to link.
You can use its integration with gdb to step through and debug code, as well as jump to the code.
You get autocomplete on Qt signals and slots, as well as inline syntax highlighting and some error checking.
If you're doing GUIs, you can use the integrated designer to visually layout and design your forms.
Referring back to your actual question, I don't think it's possible for a flag to tell gcc to not error when a link fails simply because there is no way for the linker to lazily link libraries. If its linking to static libraries (.a), then it needs to be able to actually copy the implementation of that code into the executable/library. If its dynamically linking (.so), it still needs to verify that the required functions actually exist in the library. If it can't link it during the linkage step, when can it link?
As a bit of an afterthought, if there are cyclic dependencies in your compile process (A depends on B, B on C, and C on A), then you might need to have a fake version of a library get built first, which only has empty stubs for the implementation of each function, and the full definition for each class or object. Then, build everything else while linking to that, and at the end, build the real version of the fake library, and link it to all the other versions that were already linked. I think this would only work on dynamic linking, though.
You could use a subdirs project to have control over the build order (no matter whether the other dev wants it or not :) ).
SUBDIRS=lib2/lib2.pro lib1/lib1.pro app/app.pro
The lib1.pro, lib2.pro, ... are your generated pro files.
Then run qmake once for the build_all.pro and also run make in that directory. This will build lib2 before lib1 and then app.