Saving Qwtplot to image - c++

I am using QwtPlotRenderer to save plot to file. I have also used QImage::grabWidget() to save plot to QPixmap.
But in both cases the resulting image is being :
As you can see ,the curve is not visible in result image whereas in myplot->show() function I am using full output. How can I solve this ?
Here is my code :
#include "QApplication"
class TimeScaleDraw:public QwtScaleDraw
TimeScaleDraw(const QTime & base)
virtual QwtText label(double v)const
QTime upTime = baseTime.addSecs((int)v);
return upTime.toString();
QTime baseTime;
int main(int argc,char * argv[])
QApplication a(argc,argv);
QwtPlot * myPlot = new QwtPlot(NULL);
myPlot->setAxisScaleDraw(QwtPlot::xBottom,new TimeScaleDraw(QTime::currentTime()));
QwtPlotCurve * cur = new QwtPlotCurve("Speed");
QwtPointSeriesData * data = new QwtPointSeriesData;
QVector<QPointF>* samples=new QVector<QPointF>;
for ( int i=0;i<60;i++)
QPixmap pix = QPixmap::grabWidget(myPlot);
QPixmap pixmap (400,400);
QPainter * painter=new QPainter(&pixmap);
QwtPlotRenderer rend;
return a.exec();

The replot() function is what actually draw the graph.
Since you want to save a picture of the graph, calling replot() first make sense.

I found the solution by trial and error method.It solved my problem but I am not sure if it is the rightest solution.If anyone can explain reason I would be happy.
After attaching the curve to plot and before saving it to image I called myplot->replot() and the result become as I expected.


How to bounce a QWidget around the desktop

I am trying to bounce a QWidget around the screen. This is the code i tried.
class Window : public QMainWindow {
void moveEvent(QMoveEvent* aEvent) override;
void Window::moveEvent(QMoveEvent* aEvent) {
QSizeF screenSize = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->screenSize();
QRect oldRect = this->geometry();
QRect newRect = oldRect;
QPoint offset;
if (newRect.left() == 0) {
else if (newRect.right() == screenSize.width()) {
if ( == 0) {
else if (newRect.bottom() == screenSize.height()) {
newRect.setTopLeft(newRect.topLeft() + offset);
newRect.setBottomRight(newRect.bottomRight() + offset);
QTimer::singleShot(1, [this, newRect]() {
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
Window* w = new Window();
return app.exec();
However, the window does not move around the screen, but somewhat jitters in place. When i move the window with the mouse and let go. It moves sporadically around the desktop, which is also not what i want.
Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, does anyone know the right way to do this?
There are several problems with the posted code, including:
The Window class doesn't have any member-variable to keep track of its current direction of motion. Without keeping that state, it's impossible to correctly calculate the next position along that direction of motion.
Driving the animation from within moveEvent() is a bit tricky, since moveEvent() gets called in response to setGeometry() as well as in response to the user actually moving the window with the mouse; that makes unexpected feedback loops possible, resulting in unexpected behavior.
The code assumes that the screen's usable surface area starts at (0,0) and ends at (screenSize.width(),screenSize.height()), which isn't necessarily a valid assumption. The actual usable area of the screen is a rectangle given by availableGeometry().
When calling setGeometry(), you are setting the new location of the area of the window that the Qt program can actually draw into. However that's only a 99% subset of the actual on-screen area taken up by the window, because the window also includes the non-Qt-controlled regions like the title bar and the window-borders. Those parts need to fit into the availableGeometry() also, otherwise the window won't be positioned quite where you wanted it to be, which can lead to anomalies (like the window getting "stuck" on the top-edge of the screen)
In any case, here's my attempt at rewriting the code to implement a closer-to-correct "bouncing window". Note that it's still a bit glitchy if you try to mouse-drag the window around while the window is also trying to move itself around; ideally the Qt program could detect the mouse-down-event on the title bar and use that to disable its self-animation until after the corresponding mouse-up-event occurs, but AFAICT that isn't possible without resorting to OS-specific hackery, because the window-title-bar-dragging is handled by the OS, not by Qt. Therefore, I'm leaving that logic unimplemented here.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QMoveEvent>
#include <QShowEvent>
#include <QScreen>
#include <QTimer>
class Window : public QMainWindow {
Window() : pixelsPerStep(5), moveDelta(pixelsPerStep, pixelsPerStep)
updatePosition(); // this will get the QTimer-loop started
void updatePosition()
const QRect windowFrameRect = frameGeometry(); // our on-screen area including window manager's decorations
const QRect windowRect = geometry(); // our on-screen area including ONLY the Qt-drawable sub-area
// Since setGeometry() sets the area not including the window manager's window-decorations, it
// can end up trying to set the window (including the window-decorations) slightly "out of bounds",
// causing the window to "stick to the top of the screen". To avoid that, we'll adjust (screenRect)
// to be slightly smaller than it really is.
QRect screenRect = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->availableGeometry();
screenRect.setTop( + -;
screenRect.setBottom( screenRect.bottom() + windowRect.bottom() - windowFrameRect.bottom());
screenRect.setLeft( screenRect.left() + windowRect.left() - windowFrameRect.left());
screenRect.setRight( screenRect.right() + windowRect.right() - windowFrameRect.right());
// Calculate where our window should be positioned next, assuming it continues in a straight line
QRect nextRect = geometry().translated(moveDelta);
// If the window is going to be "off the edge", set it to be exactly on the edge, and reverse our direction
if (nextRect.left() <= screenRect.left()) {nextRect.moveLeft( screenRect.left()); moveDelta.setX( pixelsPerStep);}
if (nextRect.right() >= screenRect.right()) {nextRect.moveRight( screenRect.right()); moveDelta.setX(-pixelsPerStep);}
if ( <= {nextRect.moveTop(; moveDelta.setY( pixelsPerStep);}
if (nextRect.bottom() >= screenRect.bottom()) {nextRect.moveBottom(screenRect.bottom()); moveDelta.setY(-pixelsPerStep);}
QTimer::singleShot(20, [this]() {updatePosition();});
const int pixelsPerStep;
QPoint moveDelta; // our current positional-offset-per-step in both X and Y direction
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
QApplication app{argc, argv};
Window* w = new Window();
return app.exec();

Image Streaming using QGraphicsView

I am trying to display images from a CameraLink Camera into a QGraphicsView.
I am using a ring buffer which get() and set() functions and two threads that consume or produce the images in this ring buffer.
This part works because I already had a successfull streaming using a QWidget. I want to use a QGraphicsView because I want to draw over those incoming images
I have a display class which is promoted to QGraphicsView, everytime an image is produced, a signal is emitted from the consumer thread to the following function:
void display::drawImage(ImageBW* image)
firstImage = image;
QRect rect;
QApplication::postEvent(this->viewport(),new QPaintEvent(rect));
I have reimplemented the painEvent of the QGraphicsview class:
void display::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
and the drawing function is:
void display::_drawImage()
int w, h;
delete img;
img = NULL;
w = firstImage->getSizeX();
h = firstImage->getSizeY();
unsigned char * udata = (unsigned char *)firstImage ->getData();
img = new QImage(udata,w, h,QImage::Format_Grayscale8);
pix_img = QPixmap::fromImage(*img);
update(); // I have tried here also setScene(scene)
In the above code, firstImage is an ImageBW* variable. ImageBW is where the image data from camera is stored.
I have also tried with QGraphicsItem and addItem() function but i get no Image.
'scene' is initialized on the producer of this class and also the 'setScene(scene);' command is there.
The program stucks after a while so that probably means that this code produces stackoverflow.
Please I have tried everything i can think of, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

How to check which image is set in my QLabel?

I have a Qt application where I need to show a blinking LED and for that I need to use some png image of off and on led.I created a Qlabel and used setstylesheet to display the image. I created a timer and connected the signal to a slot. Now the problem is how do I know if the current displayed image is OFF led or ON led.
I have many led in GUI so is there any better way to check this?
Don't bother trying to compare the image, just store a variable of the state of the LED. When the timer triggers you change the state of the variable and set the QImage accordingly.
// assuming a boolean variable
var = !var;
This assumes the images imageOn and imageOff have been added to a Qt resource file and are under an 'images' prefix.
It is good practise to separate logic from its visual representation.
You can leverage the property mechanism to store the index of the next image to be used. A QLabel is-a QObject. Objects can have arbitrary properties assigned to them.
You also don't need to use style sheets to set image on a label. It's a premature pessimization because the stylesheet needs to be parsed every time you set it. If you're not using stylesheets for other purposes, to set an image on a label simply use setPixmap.
For example (Qt 5, C++11):
#include <QApplication>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QImage>
#include <QPainter>
void blink(QLabel * label, const QList<QImage> & images)
const char * const prop = "imageIndex";
if (label->property(prop).isNull()) {
// We're setting the image for the first time
label->setProperty(prop, images.size());
int i = (label->property(prop).toInt() + 1) % images.size();
label->setProperty(prop, i);
QImage textImage(const QString & text, int size = 64)
QImage image(size, size, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPainter p(&image);
p.setFont(QFont("helvetica", 20));
QTextOption opt;
p.drawText(image.rect(), text, opt);
return image;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QList<QImage> images;
QLabel label;
QTimer timer;
images << textImage("0") << textImage("1") << textImage("2") << textImage("3");
blink(&label, images);
QObject::connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, [&]{ blink(&label, images); });;
return a.exec();

Draw a line in column 80 of QPlainTextEdit

I'm writing a text editor and using Qt for the GUI. I'm a noob in Qt and I'm having trouble to do this.
I need to draw a line in the column 80 of the QPlainTextEdit but I really don't know how. I'm using QPainter but I just can't get it right, any help?
Here's how I'd do it. It's admittedly not entirely trivial. The inputs to determining the 80th column position are:
80 x the average character width in floating point. Using the integer value will magnify the roundoff error by a factor of 80. Thus use QFontMetricsF.
The offset due to scrollbars comes from contentOffset(). It'd be bad to use horizontalScrollbar()->value(). The latter currently works, but relies on the implementation-specific detail. QPlainTextEdit happens to map scrollbar values to pixels -- who knows if it won't change tomorrow. It's not documented, thus falls under unspecified behavior.
The QTextDocument implements its own margin, available via documentMargin().
Another pitfall: you must paint on the viewport() in any class that derives from QAbstractScrollArea -- and QPlainTextEdit does so. If you don't, your paintEvent becomes a no-op. It's documented, but you must be clever enough to actually look into documentation. I'd consider it a bad corner case of an API that does something unexpected. In every other paintEvent, you simply create QPainter p or QPainter p(this) and it works.
Note: this is tested, compileable code.
#include <cmath>
#include <QtWidgets>
class Edit : public QPlainTextEdit
Edit(QWidget * parent = 0) : QPlainTextEdit(parent) {}
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent * ev)
const QRect rect = ev->rect();
const QFont font = currentCharFormat().font();
int x80 = round(QFontMetricsF(font).averageCharWidth() * 80.0)
+ contentOffset().x()
+ document()->documentMargin();
QPainter p(viewport());
p.drawLine(x80,, x80, rect.bottom());
qDebug() << x80 << contentOffset() << document()->documentMargin() << font << endl;
static QString filler()
QString str;
for (char c = '0'; c < '9'; ++ c) {
str.append(QString(10, c));
return str;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
QApplication app(argc, argv);
Edit ed;
QTextCharFormat fmt = ed.currentCharFormat();
qDebug() << fmt.font() << endl;
#include "main.moc"

C++ and Qt - Problem with 2D graphics

Mission: Draw two lines with different color on one graph with automatic cliping, by adding points bit by bit.
So, what am I doing. Create class GraphWidget, inherited from QGraphicsView. Create member of QGraphicsScene. Create 2 QPainterPath instances, and add them to graphicsScene.
Then, I eventually call graphWidget.Redraw(), where call for QPainterPath.lineTo() for both instances. And I expect appearance of that lines of graphics view, but it doesn't.
I tired from reading Qt's doc and forums. What am I doing wrong?
We need to know more, what does not happen? Does the window appear at all? Are the lines not drawn? In the meantime try out this sample code if you want :) Edit: updated to show updating.
#include ...
class QUpdatingPathItem : public QGraphicsPathItem {
void advance(int phase) {
if (phase == 0)
int x = abs(rand()) % 100;
int y = abs(rand()) % 100;
QPainterPath p = path();
p.lineTo(x, y);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QGraphicsScene s;
QGraphicsView v(&s);
QUpdatingPathItem item;
QTimer *timer = new QTimer(&s);
timer->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &s, SLOT(advance()));
return a.exec();
You should get something like this:
The path in any QGraphicsPathItem can of course be updated later. You might want to keep the original painter path somewhere to avoid performance hit caused by all the path copying (I'm not sure if QPainterPath is implicitly shared...)
QPainterPath p = gPath.path();
p.lineTo(0, 42);
It seems that you're trying to do some sort of animation/on-the-fly updating. There is entire framework for this in Qt. In the simplest form you can subclass QGraphicsPathItem, reimplement its advance() slot to automatically fetch next point from motion. The only thing left to do then would be calling s.advance() with the required frequency.
Evan Teran, sorry for that comment.
// Constructor:
GraphWidget::GraphWidget( QWidget *parent ) :
bounds(0, 0, 0, 0)
QPen board_pen(QColor(255, 0, 0));
QPen nature_pen(QColor(0, 0, 255));
nature_path_item = scene.addPath( board_path, board_pen );
board_path_item = scene.addPath( nature_path, nature_pen );
// Eventually called func:
void GraphWidget::Redraw() {
if(motion) {
double nature[6];
double board[6];
// Get coords:
if(nature_path.elementCount() == 0) {
nature_path.moveTo( nature[0], nature[1] );
} else {
nature_path.lineTo( nature[0], nature[1] );
if(board_path.elementCount() == 0) {
board_path.moveTo( board[0], board[1] );
} else {
board_path.lineTo( board[0], board[1] );