Fragment Shader IN variable causes nothing to appear - opengl

I'm trying to send a variable from my vertex shader to my fragment shader, but when I include a specific the in variable in an if statement, it causes nothing to show up. Removing the if statement causes everything to appear and work normally. What's weird is that if statement isn't actually doing anything and that no errors are being generated by the fragment shader.
I have several other variables I'm sending from my vertex shader to my fragment shader but this one specifically is the only one causing issues. I know type is being set correct because I'm using it for something else that's working correctly.
vertex shader
#version 150
in float type;
out int roofBool;
void main(void)
textureXY = texcoords;
roofBool = 0;
if(type == 2){
roofBool = 1;
fragment shader
#version 150
in int roofBool;
// The output. Always a color
out vec4 fragColor;
void main()
int a = 0;
if(roofBool == 1){ //removing this causes everything to work
a = 2;

int variables cannot be interpolated by the GL. You must declare both the output and the corresponding input with the flat qualifier`.
From the behavior you described, it seems like you are not properly checking the compile and link status of your shaders/programs, and don't seem to retrieve the compiler/linker info log. You would vert likely have gotten a useful error message if you did.


when do i need GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier?

I want to compile the following code into SPIR-V
#version 450 core
#define BATCH_ID (PushConstants.Indices.x >> 16)
#define MATERIAL_ID (PushConstants.Indices.x & 0xFFFF)
layout (push_constant) uniform constants {
ivec2 Indices;
} PushConstants;
layout (constant_id = 1) const int MATERIAL_SIZE = 32;
in Vertex_Fragment {
layout(location = 0) vec4 VertexColor;
layout(location = 1) vec2 TexCoord;
} inData;
struct ParameterFrequence_3 {
int ColorMap;
layout (set = 3, binding = 0, std140) uniform ParameterFrequence_3 {
ParameterFrequence_3[MATERIAL_SIZE] data;
} Frequence_3;
layout (location = 0) out vec4 out_Color;
layout (set = 2, binding = 0) uniform sampler2D[] Sampler2DResources;
void main(void) {
vec4 color = vec4(1.0);
color *= texture(Sampler2DResources[[MATERIAL_ID].ColorMap], inData.TexCoord);
color *= inData.VertexColor;
out_Color = color;
(The code is generated by a program I am developing which is why the code might look a little strange, but it should make the problem clear)
When trying to do so, I am told
error: 'variable index' : required extension not requested: GL_EXT_nonuniform_qualifier
(for the third last line where the texture lookup also happens)
After I followed a lot of discussion around how dynamically uniform is specified and that the shading language spec basically says the scope is specified by the API while neither OpenGL nor Vulkan really do so (maybe that changed), I am confused why i get that error.
Initially I wanted to use instanced vertex attributes for the indices, those however are not dynamically uniform which is what I thought the PushConstants would be.
So when PushConstants are constant during the draw call (which is the max scope for dynamically uniform requirement), how can the above shader end up in any dynamically non-uniform state?
Edit: Does it have to do with the fact that the buffer backing the storage for the "ColorMap" could be aliased by another buffer via which the content might be modified during the invocation? Or is there a way to tell the compiler this is a "restricted" storage so it knows it is constant?
It is 3 am in the morning over here, I should just go to sleep.
Chances anyone end up having the same problem are small, but I'd still rather answer it myself than delete it:
I simply had to add a SpecializationConstant to set the size of the sampler2D array, now it works without requiring any extension.
Good night

Uniform block index in different shaders

Looking at uniform_buffer_object specs, there is no guarantee that a certain uniform block that is defined the same way in multiple shader programs will have the same index returned by glGetUniformBlockIndex(). That means I have to call glBindBufferBase() to assign the UBO the relevant index every time I switch the shader program.
However, from some testing, it seems like a uniform block does have the same index in different shader programs, even when the uniform blocks are declared in different orders.
Have a look at these two vertex shaders: one, two. (note I used the values of v1, v2.. etc to avoid inactive uniform elimination)
When querying the indices like this:
std::cout << glGetUniformBlockIndex(prog1, "var1") << "\n";
std::cout << glGetUniformBlockIndex(prog2, "var1") << "\n";
I get the same index value. I get the same results when querying "var2", "var3" and so on.
Is this intended? Why does it happen? Can I rely on this always happening?
After you get the index you should set the binding point:
glUniformBlockBinding(prog1, glGetUniformBlockIndex(prog1, "var1"), 1);
glUniformBlockBinding(prog2, glGetUniformBlockIndex(prog2, "var1"), 1);
Now 1 is the binding point of var1 in each program.
You can also set the binding in glsl explicitly:
layout(binding = 3) uniform MatrixBlock
mat4 projection;
mat4 modelview;

"GL_INVALID_VALUE error generated." by binding just one Uniform Block

I have some problems with the binding of an uniform buffer object to several shaders.
The execution of the following code:
for(auto& shaderIter : shaderHandler.getShaderPrograms()){
GLuint programID = shaderIter.second->programId();
GLuint index = glFuncs->glGetUniformBlockIndex(programID, "MatrixUBO");
glFuncs->glUniformBlockBinding(programID, index, UBO_MATRICES_BINDING_POINT);
causes the error message
QOpenGLDebugMessage("APISource", 1281, "GL_INVALID_VALUE error generated. Uniform block index exceeds the maximum supported uniform buffers.", "HighSeverity", "ErrorType")
The type of the shader programs is QOpenGLShaderProgram. I use vertex, geometry, fragment and compute shaders with these shader programs.
The value of GL_MAX_{VERTEX, FRAGMENT, GEOMETRY}_UNIFORM_BLOCKS is 14. The output of index is for each program 0 except for one where it is 4294967295.
It is not possible to bind a uniform block buffer to a compute shader. That's why the output of index is 4294967295 for the shader program with the compute shader.
EDIT: Because 4294967295 is the value of GL_INVALID_INDEX.
There are two possible solutions in my oppinion:
Divide the list of shader programs in two parts. The first one for all rendering shaders and the second one, for all compute shaders. After that, just iterate over the rendering ones.
Ask for each shader if it's a compute shader and just do the binding for the rendering shaders. But I don't know if there is the possibility to access the information if it is a rendering or compute shader.
EDIT: There is the possibility to get a QList of all shaders related to a shader program and the type of each shader can be checked. So i changed the code to the following, which works for me.
for(auto& shaderProgramIter : shaderHandler.getShaderPrograms()){
bool isComputeShader = false;
for(auto& shaderIter : shaderProgramIter.second->shaders())
if(shaderIter->shaderType() == QOpenGLShader::Compute)
isComputeShader = true;
GLuint programID = shaderProgramIter.second->programId();
GLuint index = glFuncs->glGetUniformBlockIndex(programID, "MatrixUBO");
glFuncs->glUniformBlockBinding(programID, index, UBO_MATRICES_BINDING_POINT);

Invalid value GLSL?

After letting my opengl program run for a while and viewing the scene from different angles I am getting an OpenGL "invalid value" error in my shader program. This is literally my program:
#version 420
in vec4 Position;
uniform mat4 modelViewProjection;
void main()
in vec4 Position;
uniform mat4 modelViewProjection;
#version 420
out vec4 fragment;
void main()
fragment = vec4(1,0,0,1);
This error occurs right after the function call to tell OpenGL to use my shader program. What could the cause of this be? It happens regardless of the object I call it on. How can I get more information on what is going on? The error occurs almost randomly for a series of frames, but then works again after a while, fails again after a bit, ect.
If it helps, here is what my program linking looks like:
myShader = glCreateProgram();
CreateShader(myShader,GL_VERTEX_SHADER, "shaders/prog.vert");
CreateShader(myShader,GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, "shaders/prog.frag");
void CreateShader(int prog, const GLenum type, const char* file)
int shad = glCreateShader(type);
char* source = ReadText(file);
glShaderSource(shad,1,(const char**)&source,NULL);
This is what I'm using to get the error:
void ErrCheck(const char* where)
int err = glGetError();
if (err) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s [%s]\n",gluErrorString(err),where);
And here is what is being printed out at me:
ERROR: invalid value [drawThing]
It happens after I call to use the program:
or glGetUniformLocation:
glGetUniformLocation(myShader, "modelViewProjection");
So I fixed the problem. What I had above wasn't the whole truth, what I actually had was
myShader[0] = glCreateProgram();
myShader was an array of 4 GLuint(s), each int being a different shader program (although at this point they were all copies of the shader program I posted above). The problem was fixed when I stopped using an array and instead used:
GLuint myShader0;
GLuint myShader1;
GLuint myShader2;
GLuint myShader3;
Why this fixed the problem makes no sense to me, it's also pretty annyoing because rather than being able to index the shader mode I want, such as:
int mode = ... (code the determine what shader to use here)
I have to instead use conditionals:
int mode = ... (code the determine what shader to use here)
if (mode == 0) glUseProgram(myShader0);
else if (mode == 1) glUseProgram(myShader1);
else if (mode == 2) glUseProgram(myShader2);
else glUseProgram(myShader3);
If anyone of you know why this fixes the problem, I would very much appreciate the knowledge!

QGLShaderProgram::setAttributeArray(0, ...) VERSUS QGLShaderProgram::setAttributeArray("position", ...)

I have a vertex shader:
#version 430
in vec4 position;
void main(void)
//gl_Position = position; => works in ALL cases
gl_Position = vec4(0,0,0,1);
if I do:
m_program.setAttributeArray(0, m_vertices.constData());
everything works fine. However, if I do:
m_program.setAttributeArray("position", m_vertices.constData());
NOTE: m_program.attributeLocation("position"); returns -1.
then, I get an empty window.
Qt help pages state:
void QGLShaderProgram::setAttributeArray(int location, const QVector3D
* values, int stride = 0)
Sets an array of 3D vertex values on the attribute at location in this shader program. The stride indicates the
number of bytes between vertices. A default stride value of zero
indicates that the vertices are densely packed in values.
The array will become active when enableAttributeArray() is called on
the location. Otherwise the value specified with setAttributeValue()
for location will be used.
void QGLShaderProgram::setAttributeArray(const char * name, const
QVector3D * values, int stride = 0)
This is an overloaded function.
Sets an array of 3D vertex values on the attribute called name in this
shader program. The stride indicates the number of bytes between
vertices. A default stride value of zero indicates that the vertices
are densely packed in values.
The array will become active when enableAttributeArray() is called on
name. Otherwise the value specified with setAttributeValue() for name
will be used.
So why is it working when using the "int version" and not when using the "const char * version"?
It returns -1 because you commented out the only line in your shader that actually uses position.
This is not an error, it is a consequence of a misunderstanding how attribute locations are assigned. Uniforms and attributes are only assigned locations after all shader stages are compiled and linked. If a uniform or attribute is not used in an active code path it will not be assigned a location. Even if you use the variable to do something like this:
#version 130
in vec4 dead_pos; // Location: N/A
in vec4 live_pos; // Location: Probably 0
void main (void)
vec4 not_used = dead_pos; // Not used for vertex shader output, so this is dead.
gl_Position = live_pos;
It actually goes even farther than this. If something is output from a vertex shader but not used in a geometry, tessellation or fragment shader, then its code path is considered inactive.
Vertex attribute location 0 is implicitly vertex position, by the way. It is the only vertex attribute that the GLSL spec. allows to alias to a fixed-function pointer function (e.g. glVertexPointer (...) == glVertexAttribPointer (0, ...))