WSO2 IS Proxy : Do WSO2 has WSO2 IS Proxy? - wso2

I installed and configured WSO2 IS 5.0 But I would like the users access through the proxy. So I would like to know WSO2 has WSO2 IS Proxy or not? Or WSO2 has any product to use for this purpose?

WSO2 has not any proxy related product. Also, there are well known proxy such as Apache HTTP / Nginx and so on. As i know, WSO2 also recommends to use Nginx. Please find details on how you can use proxy with WSO2IS from here

I have used WSO2 IS in production with Nginx and it has worked correctly for me.
You can also review the official documentation here

WSO2 does not provide in-built proxy. However, you you can use well known proxy products for this purpose. Ex: Nginx, HA proxy etc.
If you deploy WSO2 products in cloud environments, you can can use cloud native LBs such as AWS ALB, Azure application gateway etc.
You need 443 LB listener port to forward traffic to 9443 port in WSO2 IS server.


WSO2 Api Manger 3.0.0 how to use HA routing of services

We have two API servers running in HA mode i.e. same set of services are running on both VMs with same environment. We would like to use WSO2 APIM for API Security but the problem is that we have not been able to find how to use HA routing services in WSO2 APIM.
API Server 1-
API Server 2-
API Gateway-
Once registered on API Gateway the service endpoints become-
Now the question is how does WSO2 APIM decides where to route the request i.e. URL1 or URL2 for accessing the same business service? Or there is some concept like virtual ip usage in WSO2 APIM?
You don't have to create 2 APIs in API Manager for your 2 backend URLs. Create a single API and use Load Balancing or Failover Endpoints[1].

WSO2 hosted Feature Repository HTTPS

Are there any hosted wso2 feature repositories that use https? I tired adding https to just to see if it would work but it doesn't look like anything is using the standard 443 port. I could not find anything thing searching the internet.
It would be nice be able to validate the servers we are connecting to when loading features from WSO2 and not worry about a MITM supplying a malicious code.
Currently there is no feature repositories hosted with 'https' from WSO2.
The official WSO2 Carbon features are only available in Equinox P2 repository at:

wso2 governance registry web portlet http access

I've read source code of wso2 greg, and find that there is a tomcat embedded in it, and there are two connectors: http with port 9763 and https with port 9443. But when I type the url [http://localhost:9763/carbon] in browser, it redirect to https automatically. While I can't find the related source code about the redirecting.
Can anybody help?
The Management Console (UI) of all WSO2 Carbon based products communicate with backend web service called AdminService. These services are secured and that's why it can be accessed only through https.
More info -

Where are WSO2 SOAP APIs / WSDL?

I've been reading everywhere including here and here that WSO2 provided SOAP APIs for its services. My question is where are they? How can I locate them? For example, if there's a XACML API provided by WSO2, how can I find it.
What I understand about the WSO2 platform is that ESB, STS, DSS, IS are all services. To expose their functionalities, you have to write out standard XML, then import it into the WSO2 backend. After this, a WSDL is generated which can be used by a client. Am I right?
If not, then I have simple questions;
What is the endpoint or service url for all IS services?
What is the endpoint or service url for all ESB services?
What is the endpoint or service url for all STS services?
What is the endpoint or service url for all DSS services?
Thanks for explaining.
WSO2 uses Admin services and by default they are not exposed to outside and exposed over https.
You can view the list of services available by by referring this thread.
Another sample on using an Admin service is available here.
Sample developed to create proxy services using Proxy admin service is available here

WSO2 Cloud Gateway and StratosLive

Is WSO2 Cloud Gateway supported in StratosLive? Is there self-service setup? I would like to expose an internal web service (behind corporate firewalls) to WSO2 ESB on StratosLive and Cloud Gateway may be one solution...
WSO2 CG is supported in StratosLive and we are in the process of deploying CG(and other services) in StratosLive. Please check back in couple days.