iOS - AWS developer authentication, User registration Process - amazon-web-services

In my application i am using AWS SDK for development. i am able to do all the operations except user registration(In Developer authentication). In AWS they mentioned that for user registration we have to write our own backend code. But i do not have any idea about backend. I am thinking that if amazon provides straight forward solution for user registration it would be helpful. And i gone through server side setup(amazon provided sample code), but there we can register the user through browser not through ios client.
In my application user registration contains emaild, username, password and photo selection options.
For user registartion (developer authentication), i have done more research, but i did not find any direct solution.
Can any one please provide direct solution or any good tutorial to implement our own backend for user registration.
Thanks in advance.

You have a couple options to use Amazon Cognito and providing a complete registration system for users without building a backend: OpenID Connect and Open Source.
OpenID Connect: Since Cognito Supports OpenID Connect-compliant identity providers, you can leverage products out there that federate/broker multiple social providers and expose the federated user via OpenID Connect which have special support for Cognito including Ping Federate, Auth0, and SecureAuth to name a few. I also understood that Okta provides an OpenID Connect identity provider so it might be worth looking into.
Open Source: LambdaAuth is a bare bones project that leverages Lambda and Cognito to provide a registration and authentication backend. Cognito Helper is another one that appears to have more features and be more developed. If one of those have the features you need, they should be easy to deploy and run on server-less Lambda, so they're easy to maintain and you pay only for what you use.

While the details of your registration process will depend on the needs of your application, you may want to consider using API Gateway to front the registration logic you write.
API Gateway will generate an SDK for you which you can use in your application to call your API.
You can have your application call your registration API which handles all of the logic for doing the backend portion of acquiring credentials:


GCP Identity platform integration with golang backend

I am developing web platform which has to have 3 type of users (user, admin, partner companies). For the authentication I am considering to use google Identity platform with multitenancy (probably users in one tenant and admins are in different tenant).
As I understand from documentation, how do we integrate identity platform to our application is to create identity platform provider from console and integrate it into frontend with UI. From front-end, without contacting backend service we can sign up, login and logout by calling firebase SDK and it will give us authentication token. From backend I can check that token with middleware and decide if I agree the user as authenticated or not. Correct me if I am wrong.
Then I can get some metadata of authenticated user from the token, maybe email or name etc. But I want to store user related information on noSQL database as well. For example, if user wants to change his email I need to handle it in backend server, also, I'd like to store users log (access and audit log on somewhere else). In case of, I am using frontend UI and SDK how do log the access and audit information on my backend? also, when changing user's information, do I just write handler function in backend end update user's data with REST API or Admin SDK? what is the best practice over here? Or should I better write my own login and logout function on my backend then call REST API or Admin SDK? is there preferred way? Google is showing me only integration way of authentication from frontend?
BTW, I am deploying backend application on google cloud run, and frontend would be developed in react and should be deployed maybe in firebase or in cloud run as well.
As per the Documentation,Yes your understanding is correct to integrate identity platform to the application.
You can store the user related information on a noSQL database like Firestore or Firebase Realtime Database. You can write the Rest API to change or update the user's information in the database.
If you want to write your own login and logout function, I don’t think it is necessary because Firebase Admin SDK provides these features. But if you want to manage user authentication in the backend for specific requirements, you can write your own login and logout function on the backend and use the Firebase Admin SDK.
For access and audit log information you can use Firebase Analytics, Firebase Analytics helps you understand what your users are doing in your app. It has all of the metrics that you’d expect in an app analytics tool combined with user properties like device type, app version, and OS version to give you insight into how users interact with your app.
But finally, the best way would depend on your requirements and use case.

AWS Cognito OIDC Customizations
I am trying to setup AWS Cognito as an OIDC provider. Able to create User pool however there are lots of custom data needed. Such as ".well-known/openid-configuration" of Cognito returns few details but missing introspection_endpoint, revocation_endpoint, claims_supported etc.
Similary, customization of /authorize endpoint with additional claims is needed.
Any help or suggestions would be really helpful.
Regards & Thanks
Claims can be somewhat customised with a lambda:
introspection_endpoint and revocation_endpoint are not core oauth and are extensions. I have found Cognito does not generally implement extensions, there are many parts of oauth2 core not implemented also.
Cognito is missing many many features you may expect to get out of the box, there is a seemingly large and opaque backlog which support constantly reference when you point out that a standard feature is missing.
no silent refresh capability in the hosted UI, so no safe way to store the refresh token.
no support for custom auth flow in the hosted UI
no passwordless support in the hosted UI
no ability to pre-populate a field in the hosted UI (e.g. username)
no ability to customise the plethora of obscure error messages in the custom UI
fixed now, but for years the email addresses were case sensitive!
If you choose not to use the hosted UI there is no way to get any oauth scopes.
There are many non-oauth cognito idp calls that you may be able to use with the access token:
If these don't fit your needs, I would suggest you consider other auth services, or adjust your expectations if you choose to move forward with Cognito. Good luck!

Google Identity Platform 3rd party access?

My question is how a 3rd party developer would login users through my Identity Platform? I looked at the documentation but found nothing.
Essentially I want to use Identity Platform as an OIDC Provider, but I don't know if that's supported.
Cloud Identity Platform is based on Firebase Auth product (literally because the documentation and the Javascript to add are still in Firebase perimeter!).
This product allows you to delegate the authentication to a third party, either Firebase auth if you use login/password authentication, or to connect Identity Provider (IdP).
There is several built in IdP like Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter,... and you can add custom Auth0 provider (SAML) and OAuth2 provider (OIDC).
The platform only allow you to perform an authentication and then redirect the user to YOUR app. Then, it's to YOUR app to ensure the correct authorisations and roles of the user.
All of this for saying to you:
Think about firebase Auth feature: originally, it has been designed to authenticate user that wants to connect to Mobile App, on Android. Today it's the same thing but, in addition, for your web app
It's designed for YOUR application with YOUR roles and authorisations. By the way, if your target is to allow your 3rd party developers to log into Google Cloud console thanks to this authentication mode, it's not possible.
But, stay tuned, awesome things are coming soon on this field
John is right, more details would help. But if I had to guess you are referring to the fact that Google Cloud Platform IAM does not handle Identity part only authorisation. You could, however use G Suite or Google Directory Sync (which can integrate with LDAP server or Active Directory.
You can refer to the link below which shows you how you can integrate with OIDC:

Recommendation for integrating WSO2 API Manager, Identity Server and Shibboleth

What is the current, recommended way to setup a WSO2 API manager to use SSO against a Shibboleth IDP?
Our organization has an existing SSO infrastructure built around Shibboleth’s IDP which we would like to integrate into our API Manager installation. Ideal Use Case:
User navigates to API Manager Store.
User is redirected to Shibboleth IDP Login page.
If one doesn’t exist, an API Manager Account is created and assigned the Subscriber role.
User is returned to API Manager and logged in. “Signed-in-as:” renders a reasonable user name (i.e. not a GUID).
I’m aware that there is an included SAML2 authenticator component to the API Manager but it is limited in features, specifically it does not handle Encrypted Assertions, Using specific attributes for username/display name and automatic user creation.
I understand that we could write a custom authenticator, however we would rather avoid creating another code base that needs to be maintained and doesn’t have community support. If a simpler solution cannot be determined then this will likely be what we do.
What I am currently investigating is delegating all user management for the API Manager to a WSO2 Identity Server. It IS would delegate authentication to Shibboleth and auto provision users before returning to the AM. The IS seems like it could address all of the issues mentioned above.
Firstly, is this an appropriate strategy? If so, how is it recommended that the AM and IS be configured?
Should the IS and AM both point to the same JDBC Database or should the AM point to the IS’s LDAP server?
Regarding the AM authenticator which is pointed to the IS, should I use SAML or OAuth, or is there a better/simpler one?
Shibboleth IDP v2.4 – SAML2 with Attribute Push preferred.
WSO2 API Manager v1.6.0
WSO2 Identity Server v5.0.0
Here's the results of my research, for anyone interested:
1) This is an appropriate strategy. The new features in the 5.0 release of Identity Server are mainly centered around this scenario. And the 1.7 release of AM also includes features to facility this setup. Finally I've heard from the developers that they intend to push this integration even further in the next few releases.
2) As of AM 1.6 there was a bug which made it almost required to share the same Primary JDBC user store. As of 1.7 it should be more open.
There does not seem to be a preference from the people at WSO2 between LDAP and JDBC (except that the default H2 DB is not designed for production environments), however if you are choosing between installing a DB or Open LDAP for this, a LDAP server seems more suited to the choice.
3) It's best to use SAML for communicating between the two when the goal is to present the user with a UN/PW screen. When the goal is to login with pre-issued tokens then OAuth. The API Manager and IS use both protocols behind the scenes, but the answer to this particular question seems to be SAML.
In the future WSO2 plans to expand the "Trusted IDP" feature of their products, which will streamline this process (and use SAML behind the scenes).

Authentication with website, mobile app, and webservice

I am creating a service that will include a website, a mobile app, and a web service.
Both the website and mobile app will talk to the web service to interact with the database and any other backend items.
I would like users to be able to log in with other services (such as google, facebook, twitter, etc.)
I have two questions in implementing this:
1.) Should I use OpenID or OAuth? I'm not sure which is better for the situation. I have no need to actually access features from a users account, I just want them to be able to log in with accounts they already have,
2.) Where should I implement the authentication? Do I have to implement it both on the website and on the mobile app, or could I have both talk to the web service and do the authentication there?
If you are just doing authentication and not syncing any account details, I think OpenID is the way to go. From a security standpoint, I would say to implement your authentication on the website and on the app and not in the webservice. You want to handle credentials the least amount possible and especially avoid sending the credentials via webservice if not using SSL.