what is regular expression to get the data after _ - regex

I am having a filename like:2015_q1_cricket_international.txt
How can I get the data after underscore(_).
my final output should be 2015internationalcricket

Using awk
Let's create a shell variable with your file name:
$ fname=2015_q1_cricket_international.txt
Now, let's extract the parts that you want:
$ echo "$fname" | awk -F'[_.]' '{print $1 $4 $3}'
How it works:
-F'[_.]' tells awk to split the input anywhere it sees either a _ or a .
print $1 $4 $3 tells awk to print the parts that you asked for
Using shell
$ echo "$fname" | { IFS='_.' read a b c d e; echo "$a$d$c"; }
Using sed
$ echo "$fname" | sed -E 's/^([^_.]*)_([^_.]*)_([^_.]*)_([^_.]*).*/\1\4\3/'
Capturing to a shell variable
If we want put the new string in a shell variable, we use command subsitution:
var=$(echo "$fname" | awk -F'[_.]' '{print $1 $4 $3}')
var=$(echo "$fname" | { IFS='_.' read a b c d e; echo "$a$d$c"; })
var=$(echo "$fname" | sed -E 's/^([^_.]*)_([^_.]*)_([^_.]*)_([^_.]*).*/\1\4\3/')
If the shell is bash, we can do this more directly:
IFS='_.' read a b c d e <<<"$fname"

.*_([^_]*)_.* gets «cricket» as \1

You can use String.Split('_') and get array of results, or you can use regular expression _[A-Za-z0-9]* which returns all the chars after the underscore which matches three sets.
All the results are returned in an Array.


How do I grep for all words that contain two consecutive e’s, and also contains two y’s

I want to find the set of words that contain two consecutive e’s, and also contains two y’s.
So far i got to /eeyy/
Alteration with ERE:
$ echo evyyree | grep -E '.*ee.*yy|.*yy.*ee'
$ echo eveeryy | grep -E '.*ee.*yy|.*yy.*ee'
If the match needs to be in the same word, you can do:
$ echo "eee yyyy" | grep -E 'ee[^[:space:]]*yy|yy[^[:space:]]*ee' # no match
$ echo "eeeyyyy" | grep -E 'ee[^[:space:]]*yy|yy[^[:space:]]*ee'
Then only that word:
$ echo 'eeeyy heelo' | grep -Eo 'ee[^[:space:]]*yy|yy[^[:space:]]*ee'
Pipe it:
$ echo eennmmyy | grep ee | grep yy
awk approach to match all words that contain both ee and yy:
s="eennmmyy heello thees-whyy someyy"
echo $s | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) if($i~/ee/ && $i~/yy/) print $i}'
The output:
The only sensible and extensible way to do this is with awk:
awk '/ee/&&/yy/' file
Imagine trying to do it the grep way if you also had to find zz. Here's awk:
awk '/ee/&&/yy/&&/zz/' file
and here's grep:
grep -E 'ee.*yy.*zz|ee.*zz.*yy|yy.*ee.*zz|yy.*zz.*ee|zz.*yy.*ee|zz.*ee.*yy' file
Now add a 4th additional string to search for and see what that looks like!

How to use sed to replace every match according to each match?

$ echo 'a,b,c,d=1' | sed '__MAGIC_HERE__'
$ echo 'a,b,c,d=2' | sed '__MAGIC_HERE__'
Dose sed can cast this spell ?
I have to use sed twice to achieve this
v=`echo $s | sed -rn 's/.*([0-9]+)/\1/p'`
echo $s | sed "s/=.*//" | sed -rn "s/([a-z])/\1=$v/gp"
echo $s | sed -rn 's/.*([0-9]+)/\1/p' | { read v;echo $s | sed "s/=.*//" | sed -rn "s/([a-z])/\1=$v/gp"; }
The real use case is here and there is multiline content, Thanks to #hek2mgl, the awk is way more easier.
My usecase
export LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:ex=01;32'
# SED Version
read -rd '' exts < <(
for i in $(echo $exts)
echo $i | sed -rn 's/.*=(.*)/\1/p' | { read v; echo $i | sed "s/=.*//" | sed -rn "s/([^|]+)\|?/:\*.\1=$v/gp"; }
done | tr -d '\n'
export LS_COLORS="$LS_COLORS$exts"
# AWK Version
read -r -d '' exts < <( echo $exts | xargs -n1 | awk -F= '{gsub(/\|/,"="$2":*.")}$2' | tr "\n" ":" )
export LS_COLORS="$LS_COLORS:*.$exts"
unset exts
Finale sed version
read -r -d '' exts < <( echo $exts | xargs -n1 | sed -r 's/\|/\n/g;:a;s/\n(.*(=.*))/\2:*.\1/;ta' | sed "s/^/*./g" | tr "\n" ":" )
export LS_COLORS="$LS_COLORS:$exts"
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r 's/,/\n/g;:a;s/\n(.*(=.*))/\2,\1/;ta' file
Convert the separators to newlines (a unique character not found in the file) and then replace each occurrence of the newline by the required string and the original separator.
I would use awk:
awk -F= '{gsub(/,/,"="$2",")}1'
-F= splits the input line by = which let's us access the number in field two $2. gsub() replaces all occurrences of , by =$2,. The 1 at the end is an awk idiom. It will simply print the, modified, line.
Perl can...
echo 'a,b,c,d=1' | perl -ne 'chomp; my ($val) = m|=(\d+)|; s|\=.*||; print join(",", map {"$_=$val"} split/,/) . "\n";'
perl -ne # Loop over input and run command
chomp; # Remove trailing newline
my ($val) = m|=(\d+)|; # Find numeric value after '='
s|\=.*||; # Remove everything starting with '='
split /,/ # Split input on ',' => ( a, b, c, d )
map {"$_=$val" } # Create strings ( "a=1", "b=1", ... ) from results of split
join(",",...) # Join the results of previous map with ','
print .... "\n" # Print it all out with a newline at the end.
I hope you're not seriously going to use that mush of read/echo/xargs/sed/sed/tr in your code. Just use one small, simple awk script:
$ cat tst.sh
exts=$( awk -F'=' '
NF {
gsub(/\||$/, "="$2":", $1)
out = out $1
sub(":$", "", out)
print out
' <<<"$exts" )
echo "$exts"
$ ./tst.sh
Perl, another Perl alternative...
echo 'a,b,c,d=1' | perl -pe '($a)=/(\d+)$/; s/,/=$a,/g;'
echo 'a,b,c,d=2' | perl -pe '($a)=/(\d+)$/; s/,/=$a,/g;'
perl -e # perl one-liner switch
perl -ne # puts an implicit loop for each line of input
perl -pe # as 'perl -ne', but adds an implicit print at the end of each iteration
($a)=/(\d+)$/; # catch the number in d=1 or d=2, assign variable $a
s/,/=$a,/g; # substitute each ',' with '=1,' if $a=1

Regex w/grep against tnsnames.ora

I am trying to print out the contents of a TNS entry from the tnsnames.ora file to make sure it is correct from an Oracle RAC environment.
So if I do something like:
grep -A 4 "mydb.mydomain.com" $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
I will get back:
mydb.mydomain.com =
(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myhost.mydomain.com)(PORT = 1521))
Which is what I want. Now I have an environment variable being set for the JDBC connection string by an external program when the shell script gets called like:
export $DB_URL=#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb
So I need to get TNS alias mydb.mydomain.com out of the above string. I'm not sure how to do multiple matches and reorder the matches with regex and need some help.
grep #.+: $DB_URL
I assume will get the
but I'm looking for
So I'm stuck at this part. How do I get the TNS alias and then pipe/combine it with the initial grep to display the text for the TNS entry?
#mklement0 #Walter A - I tried your ways but they are not exactly what I was looking for.
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | grep -Po "#\K[^:]*"
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | sed 's/.*#\(.*\):.*/\1/'
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | cut -d"#" -f2 | cut -d":" -f1
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | tr "#:" "\t" | cut -f2
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | awk -F'[#:]' '{ print $2 }'
All these methods get me back: myhost.mydomain.com
What I am looking for is actually: mydb.mydomain.com
- For brevity, the commands below use bash/ksh/zsh here-string syntax to send strings to stdin (<<<"$var"). If your shell doesn't support this, use printf %s "$var" | ... instead.
The following awk command will extract the desired string (mydb.mydomain.com) from $DB_URL (#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb):
awk -F '[#:/]' '{ sub("^[^.]+", "", $2); print $4 $2 }' <<<"$DB_URL"
-F'[#:/]' tells awk to split the input into fields by either # or : or /. With your input, this means that the field of interest are part of the second field ($2) and the fourth field ($4). The sub() call removes the first .-based component from $2, and the print call pieces together the result.
To put it all together:
domain=$(awk -F '[#:/]' '{ sub("^[^.]+", "", $2); print $4 $2 }' <<<"$DB_URL")
grep -F -A 4 "$domain" "$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora"
You don't strictly need intermediate variable $domain, but I've added it for clarity.
Note how -F was added to grep to specify that the search term should be treated as a literal, so that characters such as . aren't treated as regex metacharacters.
Alternatively, for more robust matching, use a regex that is anchored to the start of the line with ^, and \-escape the . chars (using shell parameter expansion) to ensure their treatment as literals:
grep -A 4 "^${domain//./\.}" "$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora"
You can get a part of a string with
# Only GNU-grep
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | grep -Po "#\K[^:]*"
# or
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | sed 's/.*#\(.*\):.*/\1/'
# or
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | cut -d"#" -f2 | cut -d":" -f1
# or, when the string already is in a var
echo "${DB_URL#*#}" | cut -d":" -f1
# or using a temp var
echo "${tmpvar%:*}"
I had skipped the alternative awk, that was given by #mklement0 already:
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | awk -F'[#:]' '{ print $2 }'
The awk solution is straight-forward, when you want to use the same approach without awk you can do something like
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | tr "#:" "\t" | cut -f2
or the ugly
echo "#myhost.mydomain.com:1521/mydb" | (IFS='#:' read -r _ url _; echo "$url")
What is happening here?
After introducing the new IFS I want to take the second word of the input. The first and third word(s) are caught in the dummy var's _ (you could have named them dummyvar1 and dummyvar2). The pipe | creates a subprocess, so you need ()to hold reading and displaying the var url in the same process.

Search regex on a specific field using awk

In awk I can search a field for a value like:
$ echo -e "aa,bb,cc\ndd,eaae,ff" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";}; $2=="eaae" {print $0};'
And I can search by regular expressions like
$ echo -e "aa,bb,cc\ndd,eaae,ff" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";}; /[a]{2}/ {print $0};'
Can I force the awk to apply the regexp search to a specific field ? I'm looking for something like
$ echo -e "aa,bb,cc\ndd,eaae,ff" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";}; $2==/[a]{2}/ {print $0};'
expecting result:
Anyone know how to do it using awk?
Accepted response - Operator "~" (thanks to hek2mgl):
$ echo -e "aa,bb,cc\ndd,eaae,ff" | awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";}; $2 ~ /[a]{2}/ {print $0};'
You can use :
If the regex should apply to the second field (for example) only.
In your case this would lead to:
awk -F, '$2 ~ /^[a]{2}$/' <<< "aa,bb,cc\ndd,eaae,ff"
You may wonder why I've just used the regex in the awk program and no print. This is because your action is print $0 - printing the current line - which is the default action in awk.

How to use sed to identify a string in brackets?

I want to find the string in that is placed with in the brackets. How do I use sed to pull the string?
# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler
noop anticipatory deadline [cfq]
I'm not getting the exact result
# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler | sed 's/\[*\]//'
noop anticipatory deadline [cfq
I'm expecting an output
It can be easier with grep, if it happens to be changing the position in which the text in between brackets is located:
$ grep -Po '(?<=\[)[^]]*' file
This is look-behind: whenever you find a string [, start fetching all the characters up to a ].
See another example:
$ cat a
noop anticipatory deadline [cfq]
hello this [is something] we want to [enclose] yeah
$ grep -Po '(?<=\[)[^]]*' a
is something
You can also use awk for this, in case it is always in the same position:
$ awk -F[][] '{print $2}' file
It is setting the field separators as [ and ]. And from that, prints the second one.
And with sed:
$ sed 's/[^[]*\[\([^]]*\).*/\1/g' file
It is a bit messy, but basically it is looking from the block of text in between [] and prints it back.
I found one possible solution-
cut -d "[" -f2 | cut -d "]" -f1
so the exact solution is
# cat /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler | cut -d "[" -f2 | cut -d "]" -f1
Another potential solution is awk:
s='noop anticipatory deadline [cfq]'
awk -F'[][]' '{print $2}' <<< "$s"
Another way by gnu grep :
grep -Po "\[\K[^]]*" file
with pure shell:
while read line; do [[ "$line" =~ \[([^]]*)\] ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"; done < file
Another awk
echo 'noop anticipatory deadline [cfq]' | awk '{gsub(/.*\[|\].*/,x)}8'
perl -lne 'print $1 if(/\[([^\]]*)\]/)'
Tested here