How to add users in redmine project - redmine

I created a project in Redmine and created users to add in this project.
Now how can they see our project in the redmine? How can they activate themselves?
I know that e-mail should be sent to them or if they make an account for themselves: How can I invite them to our project? The path that I'm using to do so is: Administrator -> Users -> new user. But here, only users found that I created myself.
Can the Adminstrator accesses the users password?
Please help me.

An administrator can change users passwords.
He can also define roles and groups and assign users to this roles and groups. He also can give permissions to users, roles and groups to acces projects and configure what they can do in the projects and whats not.
For you:
You should define a group or a role and give permissions to that to access your project. You can do this in the "groups" / "roles and permissions" administration panel-
After that you should assign a user to the created group/role by open the user profil (URL: .../users/<ID>/edit) and then switch to the tab Groupsor Project and assign them there
On the users panel (Administration -> Users) there is also a filter to only show active / inactive / all users. Maybe you are hiding some other users.
You can change the account activation mode under administration -> settings -> tab: "authentication". There's an combobox with something like "Signup" where you can choose
Activation via e-Mail
Manual activation
Automatic activation
Under the administration -> user settings in the filter combobox you can filter for non activated users, open their profile and activate them manually.


I can't use alias email as user support email in Google consent auth [duplicate]

I created new Google Play game and would like to change the email displayed on Google Consent Screen. Google Developers Console screen has a dropdown to choose email, but just one - admin's email - is here. I've added another user as the owner, but it is not appeared on the consent screen.
If you want to change the email address that is displayed to the user you have to:
Add permission for the new email address to handle the project: Menu > IAM & Admin > IAM, then click on the Add button, enter the email address and select Role > Project > Owner
Accept the invitation from the new email address. Check your emails, click on the confirmation url and accept the terms and conditions.
Log in to the Google Developers Console using the NEW email address. Only the new email address can change the displayed email address. You don't have to log out or open an incognito window. You can simply add a new account by clicking on your account photo (upper-right corner) and then selecting the Add account option.
Tip: When you visit the page, you will be logged in with your primary account by default. If you want to be logged in with the second account you just created, simply append &authuser=1 to the end of the url. If you have more than 2 accounts, you can use the value authuser=2 or 3 and so on. (The default value for your primary account is 0.)
You need a second email address then add that person / email as admin of the project. Then you will be able to add that email in the consent screen.
The Console has changed a lot since 2014, You need to add another user as the admin then you must login to console with that email and connect it. Then you will be able to change it.
A new user can be added via the Iam for your project.
While the above solutions work, I didn't want to make my a Project > Owner of my GCP project since multiple people can potentially access it.
The page ( says that the permission needed is clientauthconfig.clients.update
So I made a Custom Role containing every permission in that category:
and gave my support email that Custom Role + the role Project > Viewer
One note, these permissions are not finalized yet. The 'Create a Custom Role' page gives this warning:
Not recommended for production use
These permissions might be changed
in backward-incompatible ways and are not recommended for production
use. They are not subject to any SLA or deprecation policy.
You can go here and create a group. Then simply refresh the consent page and you'll be able to pick the group. It is not your custom domain but it does the job I think.
There is a way to choose email without creating a new Gmail account and giving it Owner permissions. You can create a Group in GSuite with public email and then configure the group's forwarding to the email you want.
For example, you want to use You can create a group which will forward everything to
Then, you will be able to pick up in the dropdown.

How do I choose a different support email address when registering a Google OAuth app? [duplicate]

I created new Google Play game and would like to change the email displayed on Google Consent Screen. Google Developers Console screen has a dropdown to choose email, but just one - admin's email - is here. I've added another user as the owner, but it is not appeared on the consent screen.
If you want to change the email address that is displayed to the user you have to:
Add permission for the new email address to handle the project: Menu > IAM & Admin > IAM, then click on the Add button, enter the email address and select Role > Project > Owner
Accept the invitation from the new email address. Check your emails, click on the confirmation url and accept the terms and conditions.
Log in to the Google Developers Console using the NEW email address. Only the new email address can change the displayed email address. You don't have to log out or open an incognito window. You can simply add a new account by clicking on your account photo (upper-right corner) and then selecting the Add account option.
Tip: When you visit the page, you will be logged in with your primary account by default. If you want to be logged in with the second account you just created, simply append &authuser=1 to the end of the url. If you have more than 2 accounts, you can use the value authuser=2 or 3 and so on. (The default value for your primary account is 0.)
You need a second email address then add that person / email as admin of the project. Then you will be able to add that email in the consent screen.
The Console has changed a lot since 2014, You need to add another user as the admin then you must login to console with that email and connect it. Then you will be able to change it.
A new user can be added via the Iam for your project.
While the above solutions work, I didn't want to make my a Project > Owner of my GCP project since multiple people can potentially access it.
The page ( says that the permission needed is clientauthconfig.clients.update
So I made a Custom Role containing every permission in that category:
and gave my support email that Custom Role + the role Project > Viewer
One note, these permissions are not finalized yet. The 'Create a Custom Role' page gives this warning:
Not recommended for production use
These permissions might be changed
in backward-incompatible ways and are not recommended for production
use. They are not subject to any SLA or deprecation policy.
You can go here and create a group. Then simply refresh the consent page and you'll be able to pick the group. It is not your custom domain but it does the job I think.
There is a way to choose email without creating a new Gmail account and giving it Owner permissions. You can create a Group in GSuite with public email and then configure the group's forwarding to the email you want.
For example, you want to use You can create a group which will forward everything to
Then, you will be able to pick up in the dropdown.

Django staff user can't see any application

I have a group of user called "support". I want them to be able to log in the django admin site, view and modifiy the instances of the class "HelpContextual" of the application "support".
So I created a group "support" with the permission support | help contextual | Can change help contextual. The users can log in the django admin site, but they can't see any application.
I tried to give them all the permissions of the "support" application, but still, they can't see the support app. If I use a direct link to change a "help contextual" like this one : admin/support/helpcontextual/5/change/, I get a 403.
I feel like I'm missing something obvious... Can you point it to me ?
Make sure you have done the following steps.
Add group `Support.
Under available permissions select support | help contextual | Can change help contextual from Available Permissions and then make sure you have clicked on the arrow pointing to Change Permissions. This will move the specific permission to Change Permissions.
Click Save.
Create or open users.
Select Active and Staff Users.
Select Support from Available Groups and click the arrow pointing to Chosen Groups. This will move the Support group to Chosen Group.
Don't make any change to User Permissions unless you want to grant additional permissions to any specific user.
Click save.
Have the user logout and log back in.
Answered here
I had a custom backend and removed the default django authentication backend...

How do I enable editing features in Sitecore page editor?

I'm using Sitecore 7.2 and trying to allow a user to set things like datasources and some custom parameters on sublayouts in page editor mode. The user is a member of sitecore\Designer and sitecore\Author, but when that user tries to edit the component properties, the fields appear grayed out/disabled.
I am able to enable these options by setting a user as an admin, but don't want to grant quite that much power to this particular user.
Here is how tried it and it works on Sitecore 7.2
Create a new user called cbarnes (and in your case if there are other content editors)
Create a new Role - call it say SP Content Editor Authoring
Make that role a member of sitecore\Author and sitecore\Designer. This way it inherits everything from those two roles.
Make the user cbarnes one of the members of that role.
Lastly go to the security editor and give Write permission on the item after selecting the SP Content Editor Authoring Role under Roles and Users section.
Login as cbarnes user and check if it work!
Let us know if this works for you. Happy Sitecoring!
I actually ran into this same issue today on a 7.2 project. While my user had both the sitecore\Designer and sitecore\Author roles as a part of a client-specific author role I created, they were not able to edit rendering parameters.
By default, users in these roles have read-only access the Sitecore\Templates folder. Within this folder I had an additional folder named "Rendering Parameters" where I stored all my rendering parameters templates. I added Write access to the client-specific role for my "Rendering Parameters" template folder and users in that role can now edit and save rendering parameters without elevated permissions.
Use "Access Viewer" tool from Sitecore start menu to define why your user does not have required rights.
By default both roles sitecore\Designer and sitecore\Author have field read and field write access to Layout template section fields. But, it seems that roles have only read access to item that you are trying to edit. You can add write access to that item.
For more details look at Security Administrator´s Cookbook

Admin view access to other normal users in django

How can I give access for the admin views to normal users in django?
Go to the admin site and edit the user. Check the check box (under permissions) where it says:
"Staff status
Designates whether the user can log into this admin site."
You then need to grant them appropriate permissions for them to actually see things in the admin site. That is done just below this checkbox. If you want them to be able to do everything, check the "superuser" checkbox.
Is this what you mean?
The OP actually wants to apply these permissions to a group of users. To do this, go to the admin site > Auth > Groups. Create a new group. Give it the permissions you want the group of users to have. You then need to go to each user and add them to this group. They will also need to be given "staff status" in order to log in to the admin site.
Is that what you are after?