Function Return Type: Pointer, Reference or something else? - c++

Let us assume I always need the direkt return type of the function to be of a errorcode (success of calculation or failure) , then I will return some arguments as parameters. Is it better to define them as reference (and create them before empty) or better to return pointer?
Edit: I should be more precise: The errorcode is obligatory because I have to stick to the coding guidline given.
Possibility A:
ErrorCode func( some_parameters ... , ReturnType & result)
ReturnType result; // empty constructor, probably not good practice
func( some_parameters ..., result)
Possibility B:
ErrorCode func( some_parameters ... , ReturnType * result){
result = new ReturnType(...)
ReturnType * result; // void pointer
func( some_parameters ..., result)
delete result; // this is needed if I do not use a smart pointer
Even better: Maybe you have a more appropriate solution?
Edit: Please indicate which standard you are using, since unfortunatelly (guidelines) I have to stick to C++98.

I would do the following (and in general do)
1.) throw an exception instead of returning error codes
if this is not possible (for any reason)
2.) return the pointer directly (either raw or std::unique_ptr) and return nullptr for failure
if return type has to be bool or not all objects returned are (pointers / heap allocated)
3.) return your error code (bool or enum class) and accept a reference parameter for all objects that are to be initialized (must have objects so to speak) and pointers to objects that may be optionally created / initialized
if the object cannot be created in advance to the call (e.g. because it is not default constructible)
4.) pass a reference to a pointer (raw or std::unique_ptr) or a pointer to a pointer, which will then be filled by the function
std::optional (or similar) may be an option if you only have a true/false return code.
I don't like returning std::pair or std::tuple because it can make your code look quite annoying if you have to start using .first/.second or std::get<>() to access your different return types. Using std::tie() can reduce this a little bit, but it is not (yet) very comfortable to use and prevents the use of const.
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> func1() { /* ... */ throw MyException("..."); }
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> func2() { /* ... */ }
ErrorCode func3(MyClass& obj, std::string* info = nullptr) { /* ... */ }
ErrorCode func4(std::unique_ptr<MyClass>& obj) { /* ... */ }
int main()
auto myObj1 = func1();
// use ...
catch(const MyException& e)
// handle error ...
if(auto myObj2 = func2())
// use ...
MyClass myObj3;
std::string info;
ErrorCode error = func3(myObj3, &info);
if(error == ErrorCode::NoError)
// use ...
std::unique_ptr<MyClass> myObj4;
ErrorCode error = func4(myObj4);
if(error == ErrorCode::NoError)
// use ...
Edit: And in general it is advisable to keep your API consistent, so if you already have a medium or large codebase, which makes use of one or the other strategy you should stick to that (if you do not have good reasons not to).

This is a typical example for std::optional. Sadly it isn't available yet, so you want to use boost::optional.
This is assuming that the result is always either "success with result" or "fail without result". If your result code is more complicated you can return
std::pair<ResultCode, std::optional<ReturnType>>.

It would be good style to to use the return value for all return information. For example:
std::tuple<bool, ReturnType> func(input_args....)
Alternatively, the return type could be std::optional (or its precursor) if the status code is boolean, with an empty optional indicating that the function failed.
However, if the calculation is supposed to normally succeed, and only fail in rare circumstances, it would be better style to just return ReturnType, and throw an exception to indicate failure.
Code is much easier to read when it doesn't have error-checking on every single return value; but to be robust code those errors do need to be checked somewhere or other. Exceptions let you handle a range of exceptional conditions in a single place.

Don't know if it's applicable in your situation but if you have only two state return type then maybe just return pointer from your function and then test if it is nullptr?


Is there a less verbose idiom for unpacking an optional in C++?

In the project I am currently working on I find myself writing a lot of code that looks like the following, where, get_optional_foo is returning an std::optional:
auto maybe_foo = get_optional_foo(quux, ...)
if (!maybe_foo.has_value())
return {};
auto foo = maybe_foo.value()
// continue on, doing things with foo...
I want to bail out of the function if I get a null option; otherwise, I want to assign a non-optional variable to the value. I've started using the convention of naming the optional with a maybe_ prefix but am wondering if there is some way of doing this such that I don't need to use a temporary for the optional at all? This variable is only ever going to be used to check for a null option and dereference if there is a value.
You don't need an intermediate object. std::optional supports a pointer interface to access it so you can just use it like:
auto foo = get_optional_foo(quux, ...)
if (!foo)
return {};
Slightly different than what you are asking, but consider:
if (auto foo = get_optional_foo(1)) {
// ...
return foo->x;
} else {
return {};
This places the main body of the function in an if() block, which may be more readable.
Shortest I can think of:
auto maybe_foo = get_optional_foo(quux, ...)
if (!maybe_foo) return {};
auto &foo = *maybe_foo; // alternatively, use `*maybe_foo` below
If you have multiple optionals in the function and it's very unlikely they'll be empty you can wrap the whole thing with a try - catch.
try {
auto &foo = get_optional_foo(quux, ...).value();
auto &bar = get_optional_bar(...).value();
} catch (std::bad_optional_access &e) {
return {};

is there a way to store a generic templated function pointer?

The Goal:
decide during runtime which templated function to use and then use it later without needing the type information.
A Partial Solution:
for functions where the parameter itself is not templated we can do:
int (*func_ptr)(void*) = &my_templated_func<type_a,type_b>;
this line of code can be modified for use in an if statement with different types for type_a and type_b thus giving us a templated function whose types are determined during runtime:
int (*func_ptr)(void*) = NULL;
if (/* case 1*/)
func_ptr = &my_templated_func<int, float>;
func_ptr = &my_templated_func<float, float>;
The Remaining Problem:
How do I do this when the parameter is a templated pointer?
for example, this is something along the lines of what I would like to do:
int (*func_ptr)(templated_struct<type_a,type_b>*); // This won't work cause I don't know type_a or type_b yet
if (/* case 1 */) {
func_ptr = &my_templated_func<int,float>;
arg = calloc(sizeof(templated_struct<int,float>, 1);
else {
func_ptr = &my_templated_func<float,float>;
arg = calloc(sizeof(templated_struct<float,float>, 1);
except I would like type_a, and type_b to be determined during runtime. I see to parts to the problem.
What is the function pointers type?
How do I call this function?
I think I have the answer for (2): simply cast the parameter to void* and the template function should do an implicit cast using the function definition (lease correct me if this won't work as I think it will).
(1) is where I am getting stuck since the function pointer must include the parameter types. This is different from the partial solution because for the function pointer definition we were able to "ignore" the template aspect of the function since all we really need is the address of the function.
Alternatively there might be a much better way to accomplish my goal and if so I am all ears.
Thanks to the answer by #Jeffrey I was able to come up with this short example of what I am trying to accomplish:
template <typename A, typename B>
struct args_st {
A argA;
B argB;
template<typename A, typename B>
void f(struct args_st<A,B> *args) {}
template<typename A, typename B>
void g(struct args_st<A,B> *args) {}
int someFunction() {
void *args;
// someType needs to know that an args_st struct is going to be passed
// in but doesn't need to know the type of A or B those are compiled
// into the function and with this code, A and B are guaranteed to match
// between the function and argument.
someType func_ptr;
if (/* some runtime condition */) {
args = calloc(sizeof(struct args_st<int,float>), 1);
f((struct args_st<int,float> *) args); // this works
func_ptr = &g<int,float>; // func_ptr should know that it takes an argument of struct args_st<int,float>
else {
args = calloc(sizeof(struct args_st<float,float>), 1);
f((struct args_st<float,float> *) args); // this also works
func_ptr = &g<float,float>; // func_ptr should know that it takes an argument of struct args_st<float,float>
/* other code that does stuff with args */
// note that I could do another if statement here to decide which
// version of g to use (like I did for f) I am just trying to figure out
// a way to avoid that because the if statement could have a lot of
// different cases similarly I would like to be able to just write one
// line of code that calls f because that could eliminate many lines of
// (sort of) duplicate code
return 0; // Arbitrary value
Can't you use a std::function, and use lambdas to capture everything you need? It doesn't appear that your functions take parameters, so this would work.
std::function<void()> callIt;
if(/*case 1*/)
callIt = [](){ myTemplatedFunction<int, int>(); }
callIt = []() {myTemplatedFunction<float, float>(); }
If I understand correctly, What you want to do boils down to:
template<typename T>
void f(T)
int somewhere()
someType func_ptr;
int arg = 0;
if (/* something known at runtime */)
func_ptr = &f<float>;
func_ptr = &f<int>;
You cannot do that in C++. C++ is statically typed, the template types are all resolved at compile time. If a construct allowed you to do this, the compiler could not know which templates must be instanciated with which types.
The alternatives are:
inheritance for runtime polymorphism
C-style void* everywhere if you want to deal yourself with the underlying types
Reading the edited question:
func_ptr should know that it takes an argument of struct args_st<float,float>
func_ptr should know that it takes an argument of struct args_st<int,float>
Those are incompatible. The way this is done in C++ is by typing func_ptr accordingly to the types it takes. It cannot be both/all/any.
If there existed a type for func_ptr so that it could take arguments of arbitrary types, then you could pass it around between functions and compilation units and your language would suddenly not be statically typed. You'd end up with Python ;-p
Maybe you want something like this:
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
void foo(const T& t) {
std::cout << "foo";
template <typename T>
void bar(const T& t) {
std::cout << "bar";
template <typename T>
using f_ptr = void (*)(const T&);
int main() {
f_ptr<int> a = &bar<int>;
f_ptr<double> b = &foo<double>;
Functions taking different parameters are of different type, hence you cannot have a f_ptr<int> point to bar<double>. Otherwise, functions you get from instantiating a function template can be stored in function pointers just like other functions, eg you can have a f_ptr<int> holding either &foo<int> or &bar<int>.
Disclaimer: I have already provided an answer that directly addresses the question. In this answer, I would like to side-step the question and render it moot.
As a rule of thumb, the following code structure is an inferior design in most procedural languages (not just C++).
if ( conditionA ) {
// Do task 1A
else {
// Do task 1B
// Do common tasks
if ( conditionA ) {
// Do task 2A
else {
// Do task 2B
You seem to have recognized the drawbacks in this design, as you are trying to eliminate the need for a second if-else in someFunction(). However, your solution is not as clean as it could be.
It is usually better (for code readability and maintainability) to move the common tasks to a separate function, rather than trying to do everything in one function. This gives a code structure more like the following, where the common tasks have been moved to the function foo().
if ( conditionA ) {
// Do task 1A
foo( /* arguments might be needed */ );
// Do task 2A
else {
// Do task 1B
foo( /* arguments might be needed */ );
// Do task 2B
As a demonstration of the utility of this rule of thumb, let's apply it to someFunction(). ... and eliminate the need for dynamic memory allocation ... and a bit of cleanup ... unfortunately, addressing that nasty void* is out-of-scope ... I'll leave it up to the reader to evaluate the end result. The one feature I will point out is that there is no longer a reason to consider storing a "generic templated function pointer", rendering the asked question moot.
// Ideally, the parameter's type would not be `void*`.
// I leave that for a future refinement.
void foo(void * args) {
/* other code that does stuff with args */
int someFunction(bool condition) {
if (/* some runtime condition */) {
args_st<int,float> args;
f(&args); // Next step: pass by reference instead of passing a pointer
else {
args_st<float,float> args;
f(&args); // Next step: pass by reference instead of passing a pointer
return 0;
Your choice of manual memory management and over-use of the keyword struct suggests you come from a C background and have not yet really converted to C++ programming. As a result, there are many areas for improvement, and you might find that your current approach should be tossed. However, that is a future step. There is a learning process involved, and incremental improvements to your current code is one way to get there.
First, I'd like to get rid of the C-style memory management. Most of the time, using calloc in C++ code is wrong. Let's replace the raw pointer with a smart pointer. A shared_ptr looks like it will help the process along.
// Instead of a raw pointer to void, use a smart pointer to void.
std::shared_ptr<void> args;
// Use C++ memory management, not calloc.
args = std::make_shared<args_st<int,float>>();
// or
args = std::make_shared<args_st<float,float>>();
This is still not great, as it still uses a pointer to void, which is rarely needed in C++ code unless interfacing with a library written in C. It is, though, an improvement. One side effect of using a pointer to void is the need for casts to get back to the original type. This should be avoided. I can address this in your code by defining correctly-typed variables inside the if statement. The args variable will still be used to hold your pointer once the correctly-typed variables go out of scope.
More improvements along this vein can come later.
The key improvement I would make is to use the functional std::function instead of a function pointer. A std::function is a generalization of a function pointer, able to do more albeit with more overhead. The overhead is warranted here in the interest of robust code.
An advantage of std::function is that the parameter to g() does not need to be known by the code that invokes the std::function. The old style of doing this was std::bind, but lambdas provide a more readable approach. Not only do you not have to worry about the type of args when it comes time to call your function, you don't even need to worry about args.
int someFunction() {
// Use a smart pointer so you do not have to worry about releasing the memory.
std::shared_ptr<void> args;
// Use a functional as a more convenient alternative to a function pointer.
// Note the lack of parameters (nothing inside the parentheses).
std::function<void()> func;
if ( /* some runtime condition */ ) {
// Start with a pointer to something other than void.
auto real_args = std::make_shared<args_st<int,float>>();
// An immediate function call:
// Choosing a function to be called later:
// Note that this captures a pointer to the data, not a copy of the data.
// Hence changes to the data will be reflected when this is invoked.
func = [real_args]() { g(real_args.get()); };
// It's only here, as real_args is about to go out of scope, where
// we lose the type information.
args = real_args;
else {
// Similar to the above, so I'll reduce the commentary.
auto real_args = std::make_shared<args_st<float,float>>();
func = [real_args]() { g(real_args.get()); };
args = real_args;
/* other code that does stuff with args */
/* This code is probably poor C++ style, but that can be addressed later. */
// Invoke the function.
return 0;
Your next step probably should be to do some reading on these features so you understand what this code does. Then you should be in a better position to leverage the power of C++.

How to return null from a function whose return type is map in Visual C++?

I want to return null data from a function that return type is map.
Here is my code.
map<string, string> something_to_do(string something) {
// something to do..
// if above code is something wrong, it should return null.
return null;
But, there seems to be no type casting to return null in map library.
How can I do it?
(I'm sorry my awful English..)
as an alternative you can in C++17 use instead std::optional
std::optional<std::map<string,string>> something_to_do(string something) {
std::map<std::string,std::string> yourmap;
yourmap["a"] = "b";
return yourmap;
// or
// return std::null_t;
auto d = something_to_do(something);
if (d)
auto& m = d.value();
std::cout << m["a"] << std::endl;
I think the functionality you are looking for would be better handled by throwing an exception.
That way you can proceed as normally, but if something goes wrong like you allude to in your comment, then you want to throw an exception and have any client code handle the exception accordingly. See this SO post.
It allows you to write straight-forward code without having custom types to return for every possible situation of your running code. It also eliminates the need to check for certain values being returned just to handle any errors.
To call the function and handle the error, you would simply wrap the method call in a try-catch block:
from #nsanders' orginal answer
try {
compare( -1, 3 );
catch( const std::invalid_argument& e ) {
// do stuff with exception...
If the function returns a map you must return a map - you cannot return nullptr (an empty map, sure, but that's as close as you'll get). Maybe you are looking for std::optional so you can have your function return an optional map that may or may not be there?

What is the correct way to return an 'Invalid Value' type in C++, without the use of pointers?

I often use -1 as the invalid value type when returning from a function, where the input yields incorrect output. For instance, writing an indexing function where the index is out of bounds, instead of throwing an exception, -1 can be returned. But when writing a function that has negative values as possible return types, this technique does not work. What is the correct way to return an invalid type value in such instances?
The technique I use mostly is to set the return type to be of type *int, and return a Pointer to NULL. But, that requires all return values to be of a pointer type, which seems like an extra overhead to the function. Is there an accepted standard for returning values in such cases?
In newer C++, I'd suggest using std::optional<>; if you don't yet have it, boost::optional<>.
One option would be to let your function take a bool& as an output parameter used to indicate if the returned value is valid.
int myFunc(bool& valid); // sets 'valid' to true if result is usable, false otherwise
Users can then do
bool valid = false;
Int result = myFunc(valid);
if (!valid) {
// Handle error
// Use result
Not the most pretty solution, but it does the job.
Apart from the answer I provided above, there's a very clean, continuation-passing solution (given you're non-virtual):
template<typename Success, typename Failed>
void parse( const std::string& str, Success s, Failed f )
auto a = start_parse(str);
if( a.problem() )
return f(); // you _might_ have an error code here
s( finish_parse(str, a) );
Then you might customize by:
[&i] (int i_) { i = i_; }
out(i), where out(int& output_) returns the above lambda for output_
actual code doing something useful
function to continue with
[&i]{ i = 0; }, `[&i]{ i = nullopt; }, or any other default value
[] { throw MyFavouriteException(); }
retry logic
[]{} if you don't care (or if you're 100% sure it'll succeed)
It might look a little verbose, but IMHO:
it's trivial to read
any other schematics can be mimicked, even if there's no default c'tor
easy to change as well
'you don't pay for what you don't use', can surely be optimized away
every schematic is visible and apparent from code:
for default value, caller sets it, not callee or global
std::optional<> and default value are handled the same
for exception, caller knows better what to throw
for no action, you don't have to lookup the implementation to know this
for std::terminate(), well, you know what to expect
if you 'speak' CPS, you might actually continue and save an if / catch / etc.
The only issue I see is constructor initializer lists. Any thoughts on this?

how to return multiple error codes from C++ function

What is a good way to return success or one or more error codes from a C++ function?
I have this member function called save(), which saves to each of the member variables, there are at least ten of these member variables that are saved-to, for the call to save(), I want to find out if the call failed, and if so, on which member variable (some are hard failures, some are soft).
You can either return an object that has multiple error fields or you can use 'out'parameters.
How you do this depends on your design and what exactly you are trying to return back. A common scenario is when you need to report back a status code along with a message of sorts. This is sometimes done where the function returns the status code as the return value and then returns the message status via an 'out' parameter.
If you are simply returning a set of 'codes', it might make more sense to construct a struct type and return that. In that case, I would be prone to pass it in as an out parameter and have the method internally update it instead of allocating a new one each time.
Are you planning on doing this once or many times?
I know this doesn't really answer your question, but...
In C++ you should use exceptions instead of returning error codes. Error codes are most commonly used by libraries which don't want to force the library user to use a particular error handling convention, but in C++, we already have stdexcept. Of course, there might be reasons you don't use exceptions, such as if you're writing embedded code or kernel extensions.
I usually use a boost::tuple:
typedef boost::tuple<int,int> return_value;
return_value r = my_function();
int first_value = boost::get<0>( r );
int second_valud = boost::get<1>( r );
You can also use boost::tie to extract the values from a tuple:
boost::tie( first_value, second_value ) = r;
The simplest way to return two values is with the std::pair<> template:
I would use a bitset if you're intention is to purely return error states. e.g.
const bitset<10> a_not_set(1);
const bitset<10> b_not_set(2);
const bitset<10> c_not_set(4);
bitset<10> foo(T& a, T& b, T& c, ...)
bitset<10> error_code = 0;
if ( /* a can't be set */ )
error_code |= a_not_set;
if ( /* b can't be set */ )
error_code |= b_not_set;
// etc etc
return error_code;
bitset<10> err = foo(a, b, c, ... );
if (err && a_not_set)
// Blah.
You need to return them as output parameters:
bool function(int& error1, int& error2, stringx& errorText, int& error3);
You can use an integer with bit manipulation (aka flags).
I probably try to throw an exception first but it depends on your coding paradigm. Please check some books or articles about reasons why c++ exception handling might be better.
If I really need to stick to retrun-error-code style, I would define a eunm type for specifying errors with bit operations..
enum error
MEMBER_1_NOT_SAVED = 1 << 1,
MEMBER_2_NOT_SAVED = 1 << 2,
// etc..
int save()
int ret = NO_ERROR;
// fail to save member_0
// fail to save member_1
// ....
return ret;
int main(void)
int ret = save();
if( ret == NO_ERROR)
// good.
if(ret & MEMBER_0_NOT_SAVED)
// do something
if(ret & MEMBER_1_NOT_SAVED)
// do something
// check the other errors...
This is just a rough example. It's better to put this into a class or use a namespace.
I am not familiar with the internals and constrains of your project, but if possible, try to use exceptions instead of error codes.
The reasons are listed here, at C++ FAQ lite, and they conclude with:
So compared to error reporting via return-codes and if, using try / catch / throw is likely to result in code that has fewer bugs, is less expensive to develop, and has faster time-to-market.