How to compile a C program with Visual Studio on Windows? - c++

I am trying to compile a library for 2D localization called libdots which can be found on this website with Visual Studio 2015 on Windows for x86 or x64.
The following is stated in the readme file of the lib:
It is written in pure c and has no external library dependencies other
than 'libc'.
What I have done so far:
Installed OpenCV 3.0.0 to C:/opencv
Installed CMake for Windows
Installed MinGW
Set the following System Environment Variable:
OPENCV_DIR C:\opencv\build\x86\vc12
Added the following to the Path variable in Windows settings:
Then I configured and generated the Makefile with cmake-gui and selected Visual Studio 14 2015 generator with "Use default native compilers":
This produced a Visual Studio Solution file (*.sln). Opening this file shows me the complete C project in the IDE. But when trying to build the project, I get the following errors:
Does somebody have a hint how to proceed and/or solve these issues?


Error: No CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER could be found for Visual Studio 2019 Fortran support

I am using CMAKE to build Open Source Projects (like those are available at GitHub etc.) and I also have installed Visual Studio 2019. There is a problem that CMAKE can not find Fortran compiler in my system whereas I've installed MinGW with Fortran compiler. The error is:
**The Fortran compiler identification is unknown**
**No CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER could be found.**
How can I solve this problem and make CMAKE be aware of Fortran compiler?
Note: I tried other projects that does not require Fortran compiler and those are built successfully.
Installed software:
CMAKE 3.18.5,
Visual Studio 2019,
You need to show where your fortran executable file to CMakeList.txt like
set(CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER "C:/MinGW/bin/gfortran.exe")
EDIT 2 for Visual studio 2019:
If you want to produce Visual Studio 2019 solution
Download IntelĀ® oneAPI HPC Toolkit here.
If cmake cannot find Fortran compiler add a cmake flag CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER with the value of ifort.exe path that u installed above. Like %install_path%/Intel/oneAPI/compiler/2021.1.1/windows/bin/intel64/ifort.exe
Configure and generate solution.
Alright, now I understand why you get this error. The Visual Studio generator does not support MinGW gfortran. They are totally separate ecosystems.
Remove your build directory and create a fresh one. Then use cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles" instead. I tried from CLI prompt of msys and successfully obtained the libraries from Windows machine.
If you are using Intel processors, you should first set-up Fortran environment for Visual Studio 2019
Better to check compilation guide and some troubleshooting Fortran Integration Issues with visual studio

Visual Studio 2019 x64 app using mongocxx driver

I'm trying to get a windows x64 C++ project working with the latest mongocxx driver using Visual Studio 2019. I installed the driver libraries using vcpkg:
vcpkg install mongo-cxx-driver[boost]
In VS 2019 I created a new console app and inserted the example code from the mongo driver page into main(). I built the app and ran it; everything works great. Then I noticed that it built as a win 32 app and switched it over to x64. Now the project won't build b/c it can't find the header files. Specifically (1rst error only...the others are similar)
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'bsoncxx/json.hpp': No such file or directory
What do I need to do to make it work on the x64 platform?
As I suspected, it was something I just didn't know to do. From Neumann-A on the vcpkg github site:
vcpkg install mongo-cxx-driver[boost]:x64-windows
vcpkg install mongo-cxx-driver[boost] --triplet x64-windows
vcpkg install mongo-cxx-driver[boost]

How can I import a CLion C++ project into Visual Studio?

It seems like this should be easy and I've spent hours trying to find this answer online but haven't had any luck.
I can open the CLion folder path in Visual Studio, but that option doesn't give me the usual options to build and start the project. To do that, I need to open CLion as a Project/Solution, but I can't seem to do this.
My professor requires that my C++ code be executable in Visual Studio, but I prefer CLion. So I've done all my work in CLion and want to test that it runs in Visual Studio. How can I import my CLion project?
The link provided describes Visual Studio's CMake integration, which (similar to CLion) will install a version of CMake that Visual Studio will use. These instructions are pretty thorough and should provide everything needed to get your CMake project working in Visual Studio.
Now, you probably have two versions of CMake installed on your machine, one that came with CLion and one that came with Visual Studio. I would recommend installing the latest version of CMake on your machine separately, and configuring both Visual Studio and CLion to use that version instead. However, this is probably getting outside the scope of your immediate problem.
As you follow the Microsoft's instructions for "CMake projects in Visual Studio", you mentioned receiving the error:
1> [CMake] CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Community/Common7/IDE/CommonExtensions/Microsoft/CMake/CMake/share/cmake-3.17/Modules/CMakeDetermineSystem.cmake:173 (file):
1> [CMake] file failed to open for writing (No such file or directory):
This looks like a permissions issue, specifically while running CMake within Visual Studio, so be sure you have read/write access to all the files in your project, and the CMake packages in your Visual Studio installation. Hopefully, this doesn't require you re-install Visual Studio in another location on your machine, or run Visual Studio with elevated privileges, but perhaps that is necessary.
If you decide to install CMake separately, the instructions would be the following:
Install the latest CMake on your machine (somewhere you have adequate permissions), and ensure it is available in your Path environment variable. You can verify this by running cmake -version from the command line to see it is the version you just installed.
Using Windows command prompt, navigate to your CMake project directory (containing the top-level CMakeLists.txt file), and run the following:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 ..
You may run -A Win32 with the cmake command instead if your project is a 32-bit build.
Open the .sln Visual Studio Solution file that was generated in the build directory. Once, the Solution is loaded in Visual Studio, you can build the project (CTRL + SHIFT + B).

How to fix error MSVCP120D.dll in Visual Studio 2015?

Hello I have downloaded and unzipped OpenCV-2.4.10.exe on my PC. Then created a new Win32 Console application project in VS 2015, set all the Paths in Project properties, set the environmental variables in Win8.1. When I'm trying to start the program in debugging mode I get the "The program can't start because MSVCP120D.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem".
Then, I downloaded the Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 But the problem still remains. What should I do to use OpenCV in VS 2015?
OpenCV-2.4.10.exe comes with runtime binary dlls built to work with runtimes from vc10 (vs2010), vc11 (vs2012) and vc12 (vs2013).
These DLL files use MSVCP100.dll, MSVCP110.dll and MSVCP120.dll respectively, and if you have installed Visual Studio 2015 you should find them in your System32 (or SysWOW64) directory.
The MSVCP120D.dll error appears when your application tries to load the DEBUG version of the DLL binaries. You do not have MSVCP120D.dll unless you have Visual Studio 2013 installed on your system. To solve this problem, use the Release runtime instead of the Debug runtime.
All you need to do is exclude the DEBUG lib files from your project. This means including only the lib files without the suffix 'd'. (ie. include opencv_core2410.lib instead of opencv_core2410d.lib)
You don't really need to load the Debug binaries, unless you need to debug openCV's source code. If you do, there's still a way. Download the openCV source code, use CMake to create a VS2015 project. You can then build your own dll binaries using the latest runtime from VS2015.
VS2015 uses vc14 while OpenCV2.4.10 doesn't come with pre-built binaries associated with vc14. This answer should help you to understand. Accordingly you should choose the right folder (vc14) for Linker>General>Additional Library Directories in project properties.
You can use cmake to build binaries using VS2015 or you can download a later version of OpenCV which has prebuilt binaries for vc14.

Is the visual c++ express cmd prompt missing features?

I tried compiling the POCO library on my Windows 7 computer. Though I use eclipse cdt, it said that It could only be compiled with Visual C++:
Microsoft Visual Studio 7.1 (2003), 8.0 (2005), 9.0 (2008) or 10.0
(2010) is required to build the POCO C++ Libraries on Windows
platforms. Solution and project files for all versions are included.
For Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, 64-bit (x64) builds are supported as
well. You can either build from within Visual Studio (Build->Batch
Build->Select All;Rebuild) or from the command line. To build from the
command line, start the Visual Studio .NET 2003/2005/2008/2010 Command
Prompt and go (cd) to the directory where you have extracted the POCO
C++ Libraries sources. Then, simply start the buildwin.cmd script and
pass as argument the version of visual studio (71, 80, 90 or 100). You
can customize what is being built by buildwin.cmd by passing
appropriate command line arguments to it. Call buildwin.cmd without
arguments to see what is available. To disable certain components
(e.g., NetSSL_OpenSSL or Data/MySQL) from the build, edit the text
file named components in the distribution root directory and remove
the respective lines. Certain libraries, like NetSSL_OpenSSL, Crypto
or Data/MySQL have dependencies to other libraries. Since the build
script does not know where to find the necessary header files and
import libraries, you have to either add the header file paths to the
INCLUDE environment variable and the library path to the LIB
environment variable, or you'll have to edit the buildwin.cmd script,
where these environment variables can be set as well. In order to run
the test suite and the samples, the top-most bin directory containing
the resulting shared libraries must be in the PATH environment
I downloaded visual c++ express, but when I run the "buildwin.cmd" I get these errors:
devenv is not recognized as an internal or external command.
I also can't find any "build" menue inside the program. Is the full Visual C++ required to build the library? If so, is there any cheaper option?