In short: I have to create our solar system and specific the sun,afrodite and earth. The sun is set to the origin and the afrodite and earth are orbiting around sun (translate them). I want to create the moon which will be orbiting around the earth.
How can I rotate an object around a specific point and in this case around the center of earth? As far as I know how to rotate an object around in the origin.
This is not a high quality answer but the basic idea is this:
Let the earth be at the origin
Get the moon into position via a translation then rotation
Now let the sun be at the origin and move the earth & moon together into place with another translation then rotation.
I have been attempting to set the angular velocity of a frisbee in UE4. This is easy. However, UE4 adds an angular velocity through the center of mass of an object relative to the 'world-axis' and not relative to the axis of the frisbee. Below the 'World' axis is red, and the relative axis is green, and the frisbee is blue. The Left is a sideway cross-section of the frisbee if you were to throw it forward and angled upward, the right is a 3-D representation of the same throw.
The issue is when the disc's relative axis and the 'world' axis are not the same. Since the disc rotates around the world axis, and not the relative axis, it will wobble whenever angular velocity is applied. Is there any way I can change to apply velocity via the local axis?
Thank you!
You need to transform the axis from local space to world space. Something along these lines:
I've got a 3D scene and want to offer an API to control the camera. The camera is currently described by its own position, a look-at point in the scene somewhere along the z axis of the camera frame of reference, an “up” vector describing the y axis of the camera frame of reference, and a field-of-view angle. I'd like to provide at least the following operations:
Two-dimensional operations (mouse drag or arrow keys)
Keep look-at point and rotate camera around that. This can also feel like rotating the object, with the look-at point describing its centre. I think that at some point I've heard this described as the camera “orbiting” around the centre of the scene.
Keep camera position, and rotate camera around that point. Colloquially I'd call this “looking around”. With a cinema camera this might perhaps be called pan and tilt, but in 3d modelling “panning” is usually something else, see below. Using aircraft principal directions, this would be a pitch-and-yaw movement of the camera.
Move camera position and look-at point in parallel. This can also feel like translating the object parallel to the view plane. As far as I know this is usually called “panning” in 3d modelling contexts.
One-dimensional operations (e.g. mouse wheel)
Keep look-at point and move camera closer to that, by a given factor. This is perhaps what most people would consider a “zoom” except for those who know about real cameras, see below.
Keep all positions, but change field-of-view angle. This is what a “real” zoom would be: changing the focal length of the lens but nothing else.
Move both look-at point and camera along the line connecting them, by a given distance. At first this feels very much like the first item above, but since it changes the look-at point, subsequent rotations will behave differently. I see this as complementing the last point of the 2d operations above, since together they allow me to move camera and look-at point together in all three directions. The cinema camera man might call this a “dolly” shot, but I guess a dolly might also be associated with the other translation moves parallel to the viewing plane.
Keep look-at point, but change camera distance from it and field-of-view angle in such a way that projected sizes in the plane of the look-at point remain unchanged. This would be a dolly zoom in cinematic contexts, but might also be used to adjust for the viewer's screen size and distance from screen, to make the field-of-view match the user's environment.
Rotate around z axis in camera frame of reference. Using aircraft principal directions, this would be a roll motion of the camera. But it could also feel like a rotation of the object within the image plane.
What would be a consistent, unambiguous, concise set of function names to describe all of the above operations? Perhaps something already established by some existing API?
I've been playing around for awhile now with directx and can't figure out how to rotate something without rotating it all the way around (0,0,0). The farther I get away from the center of my world the bigger circles in makes during its rotation.
Don't forget the matrix transformations apply to the coordinate system. Let's say you want to move your object upwards on an xy plane by 20 units, and rotate it by 90 degrees. If you rotate by 90 degrees first, you'll be rotating the entire plane by 90 degrees. This means 90 degrees is the new "upwards" when you translate up the y axis.
So, we translate first, so that our object's center is 0,0. Now when we rotate, we should be rotating around the center of the object. Of course, don't forgot to translate back, or clear the matrix somehow.
The order does matter when doing matrix transformations, as I'm sure you know. Usually, you should translate, scale, then rotate.
If you need a rotation α, around a point p located at (x₀,y₀,z₀), you create the matrix :
T(-x₀,-y₀,-z₀) * R(α) * T(x₀,y₀,z₀)
T means Translation and R means rotation. Also, depending on your convention such as row or column matrix, you may have to revert the order of operation.
I am trying to get a sphere to rotate around another simulating the orbit of the Earth.
I am able to get the Earth to orbit around the sun; however, I can't get it to rotate around itself.
This is the code I have so far:
glTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glRotate(15.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
drawEllipsoid(10.0, 1.0, 4, 4);
glTranslate(105.0, 0.0, 0.0);
drawPlanetGrid(5, 1, 4, 4, 1);
orbit += .1;
if (orbit > 360)
orbit = 0;
Could anyone help me move in the right direction? I also needed to know how I can get the Earth to orbit around the sun in a tilted angle.
Basically, you need to manage some model matrices. The sun's model matrix (if centered in (0,0,0) has just a rotational part). The earth rotating around the sun, needs a model matrix which is first rotated and then translated to be placed in the orbit of the sun. So when calculating a new frame you increase your rotation parameter, create the rotation and then apply the translation. If you want to add a moon, you need another model matrix, which is accumulated. That is, the moon needs a separate rotation and translation (like the sun) but you have to account also for the transformation of the earth. Make sure that you understand what a transformation matrix does. In that case the transformation matrix is just a coordinate transformation. So, you have your sun, earth and moon in a local frame. The model matrices achieve the transformation from local coordinate system to the world coordinate system. The view matrix transforms world coordinates to eye coordinates. And then there is only projection left for you.
To solve this, you need to understand the idea of co-ordinate systems and how to use them within OpenGL.
A co-ordinate system is just a set of points that share the same XYZ axes. In each system, the XYZ axes do not necessarily point in the same direction, so in one system moving in positive X could move in negative Y in other system. To convert points from one system to another you use a transformation matrix.
A scene is made up of several co-ordinate systems:-
World space
Camera space (or view space)
Object space
Model space
So, your model (the Earth, say) has a transformation from its model space to object space - this is the rotation of the earth around the vertical axis. Then it has a transformation from object space to world space - this is the translation about the sun and tilting. The final transformation is from world space to camera space.
So, you need three matrices to put your Earth model into the right place on screen. this may seem like a lot of processing, but the thing about these matrices is that they can be multiplied together to form a single object->camera space matrix.
Once you've set up the scene using the various co-ordinate systems and transformations, it should work.
You may want to work with cubes rather than spheres to start with as it's easier to follow what is happening to the vertices as they're being transformed.
I'm attempting to animate a skeleton in C++. I currently have the coordinates of all the joints and which joints connect to which.
Does anyone know how I would go about, say, raising the arm up by 90 degrees and then calculate the new coordinates for all the joints further down the arm?
I'm guessing I'd have to get the vectors for each bone and rotate those and take it from there, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
(I'm using openGL to display them)
Calculate the point and axis you wish to rotate around. The axis is perpendicular to the rotation plane. The point is the shoulder in your case. You would rotate all points in the arm hierarchy the same amount. There are many examples on the web for rotation about an arbitrary axis. Here's one:
Another way to go about it is to reinterpret your skeleton using local transformations: ie each new bone has a transformation from its parent bone's world space. This is useful for forward kinematics (FK) where you simply pose a skeleton based on local rotations. Most motion capture data is stored in this way. To calculate the world co-ordinates of each joint, you must multiply all local matrices up the hierarchy.
If you currently only have skeleton joint positions in world space it is a pain to generate the local transformation matrices, because you don't necessarily know the local matrix of each joint. This is a bigger topic. I did it years ago when I worked on the motion capture retargetting module in a 3dsmax plugin called CAT.
I worked with two popular formats: BVH and HTR. From memory, BVH uses global positions (and is a pain), whereas HTR uses local joint matrices and is much easier to import.