Clojure Dashboard query - clojure

I am trying to show a graph on riemann-dashboard using query
"pingDelay > 0" .
I already have indexed my data using following code
(let [index (index)]
(defn write-dht-metric [e]
(let [dhtstate (re-find #"dht_status: health\.(\S+), msg count (\d+) \((\d+) bytes\).*peak \{ping = (\d+)" (:pgmsg e))]
(if (not= dhtstate nil)
(prn "RESULT>" dhtstate)
(index {:host "dht-info"
:service (:service e)
:time (unix-time)
:dhtStatus (get dhtstate 1)
:msgCount (get dhtstate 2)
:pingDelay (get dhtstate 3)}
However, I am not getting anything on graph. Earlier, I thought that perhaps its because my "pingDelay" is in string "12345", so, i also tried ":pingDelay #(Long. (get dhtstate 3))" without any success.
Can anyone please help me about what I must do to make it work?

defining top level forms in function calls is a little odd. It works only because defining a var returns that var to the calling form. It's more typical to write it like:
(defn write-dht-metric [e]
(let [dhtstate (re-find #"dht_status: health\.(\S+), msg count (\d+) \((\d+) bytes\).*peak \{ping = (\d+)" (:pgmsg e))]
(if (not= dhtstate nil)
(prn "RESULT>" dhtstate)
(index {:host "dht-info"
:service (:service e)
:time (unix-time)
:dhtStatus (get dhtstate 1)
:msgCount (get dhtstate 2)
:pingDelay (get dhtstate 3)})))))
(let [index (index)]
there are several other ways of writing it:
(defn write-dht-metric [e]
(let [dhstate (:dhstate e)]
(prn "RESULT>" dhtstate)
(index {:host "dht-info"
:service (:service e)
:time (unix-time)
:dhtStatus (get dhtstate 1)
:msgCount (get dhtstate 2)
:pingDelay (get dhtstate 3)})))
(let [index (index)]
(with :dhstate (re-find #"dht_status: health\.(\S+), msg count (\d+) \((\d+) bytes\).*peak \{ping = (\d+)" (:pgmsg event))
(when :dhstate

It turned out that I had to write value of my pingDelay in ":metric field". It starts working now.


How can I use with-redefs to mock multiple calls to the same function?

I would like to be able to mock MyFunction however I need the mock to return different values when MyFunction is called.
Is it possible to use with-redefs to return different values based on the call order of a function?
(testing "POST /foo/bar and return ok"
(with-redefs [->Baz (fn [_]
(reify MyProtocol (MyFunction [_] [{:something 1}]))
(reify MyProtocol (MyFunction [_] [{:something 2}])))]
(let [response (routes/foo {:request-method :post
:uri "/foo/bar"
:query-params {}
(is (= (:status response) 200)))))
You could use a mutable collection of the return values, then return/remove values from it on each call.
(defn foo [x] (inc x)) ;; example fn to be mocked
If you wanted to mock three calls to foo returning 1, 2, and 3 respectively:
(with-redefs [foo (let [results (atom [1 2 3])]
(fn [_] (ffirst (swap-vals! results rest))))]
(prn (foo 0))
(prn (foo 0))
(prn (foo 0))
;; additional calls would return nil
(prn (foo 0)))
;; 1
;; 2
;; 3
;; nil
That uses swap-vals! to get the old/new values of the atom, but requires Clojure 1.9 or greater.
If you don't have swap-vals! you could do it (less atomically) like this:
(with-redefs [foo (let [results (atom [1 2 3])]
(fn [_]
(let [result (first #results)]
(swap! results rest)
We use Picomock for this, and to assert on the parameters for each call, and to assert on the number of calls. Recommended!

"Unbound" variables in clojure functions

I'm writing a function to parse out IRC RFC2813 messages into their constituent parts. This consists of two functions, one to split the message via regex, and another to modify the return to handle certain special cases.
(let [test-privmsg " PRIVMSG #mychannel :Hiya, buddy."])
(defn ircMessageToMap [arg]
"Convert an IRC message to a map based on a regex"
(println (str "IRCMapifying " arg))
(zipmap [:raw :prefix :type :destination :message]
(re-matches #"^(?:[:](\S+) )?(\S+)(?: (?!:)(.+?))?(?: [:](.+))?$"
(defn stringToIRCMessage [arg]
"Parses a string as an IRC protocol message, returning a map"
(let [r (doall (ircMesgToMap arg))])
(println (str "Back from the wizard with " r))
;Reformat PING messages to work around regex shortcomings
(= (get r :prefix) "PING") (do
(assoc r :type (get r :prefix))
(assoc r :prefix nil)
;Other special cases here
:else r)
The problem I'm running into is that the stringToIRCMessage function doesn't appear to be realizing the return value of ircMesgToMap. If I evaluate (stringToIRCMessage test-privmsg), the println statement gives me:
Back from the wizard with Unbound: #'irc1.core/r
..but the "IRCMapifying" result from ircMessageToMap appears on the console beforehand indicating that it was evaluated correctly.
The doall was an attempt to force the result to be realized in the middle of the function - it had no effect.
How should I rewrite this stringToIRCMessage function to get the r variable usable?
The parens are wrong in your let statement.
Should look like this:
(let [r (doall (ircMesgToMap arg)) ]
(println (str "Back from the wizard with " r))
;Reformat PING messages to work around regex shortcomings
(= (get r :prefix) "PING") (do
(assoc r :type (get r :prefix))
(assoc r :prefix nil)
;Other special cases here
:else r))

Clojure cond or if?

Currently I am programming a map that will take an amount of money from one id and transfer it to another but whenever I add an if or cond statement to make sure that they have enough in their balance I keep getting a sending too many arguments error. if I use cond It says that cond requires an even number of forms. Any help would be appreciated
(defn transfer[ledger from-id to-id amt]
(let [from-id (get #ledger from-id)]
(let [to-id (get #ledger to-id) ]
(if from-id
(if to-id
(let [bal1 (get from-id :balance)]
(let [bal2 (get to-id :balance)]
(cond (< amt bal1)
(alter bal1 - amt)
(alter bal2 + amt)
:else "Too much"
It's not about cond or if, but it's on "how to group multiple s-exps into one and evaluate them sequentially".
Use do as in:
(defn transfer[ledger from-id to-id amt]
(let [from-id (get #ledger from-id)
to-id (get #ledger to-id)]
(if (and from-id to-id)
(let [bal1 (:balance from-id)
bal2 (:balance to-id)]
(if (< amt bal1)
(alter bal1 - amt)
(alter bal2 + amt))
"Too much"))))))

How to parse xml and get an vector for some attributes on an element

I know how to extract one attribute using zip-xml/attr, but how to extract multiple attributes?
e.g I have the following
<column name="col1" type="varchar" length="8"/>
<column name="col2" type="varchar" length="16"/>
<column name="col3" type="int" length="16"/>
And the expected result is. A silly way is to call zip-xml/attr for each attribute, but is there any elegant way to do that?
[["co11" "varchar" 8] [["co12" "varchar" 16] [["co13" "int" 16]
My advice is to use a tree-walking function to extract the interesting data from the XML tree. clojure.walk has several of these, but here I use tree-seq from core clojure to just produce a seq of nodes and work on that. This function takes two functions - a branch? predicate which checks if a node can have children and a children function which gets them. I use :content for both, as tags with no nested tags produce nil, which is a falsey value and so it works also as a predicate.
(->> (clojure.xml/parse "res/doc.xml") ;;source file for your xml
(tree-seq :content :content) ;; Produce a seq by walking the tree
(filter #(= :column (:tag %))) ;;Take only :column tags
(mapv (comp vec vals :attrs)))
;;Collect the values of the :attrs maps into vectors
;;and collect those into a vector with mapv
Your desired output had unmatched square brackets, but I assume it should be like
[["col1" "varchar" "8"] ["col2" "varchar" "16"] ["col3" "int" "16"]]
which was my return value. However, this is potentially brittle - you're relying on the maps returned by clojure.xml/parse preserving the ordering of the attributes in the XML in order to know what the data means. That's not really part of the contract of maps. As an implementation detail it creates clojure.lang.PersistentStructMaps which apparently do have this feature, but it might not always be so.
Alternatively you could use just (mapv :attrs) to keep the whole of the map in there.
The right solution depends on how large and complex the XML is and to some extent, what you know about its structure. If it needs to be very generic, then you need to have quite a lot of logic to navigate the nodes etc. However, if it is a known format and you know what nodes you are interested in, its pretty straight-forward.
I used to create a zipper from the XML file and then use to extract the nodes/paths I was interested in. I then defined simple helper functions to process specific nodes. This was pretty much my first bit of clojure and I've not yet gone back to it to re-factor it and refine/clarify some of my very rough clojure idioms based on what I've learnt since, but in the spirit of an example being worth 1000 words, here it is -
(ns arcis.models.nessus
(:use [taoensso.timbre :only [trace debug info warn error fatal]])
(:require [arcis.util :as util]
[arcis.models.db :as db]
[ :as io]
[clojure.xml :as xml]
[ :as zip]
[ :as zx]))
(def nessus-host-keys [:hostname :host_fqdn
:system_type :operating_system
(def used-nessus-host-keys (conj nessus-host-keys
:host_start :host_end
:items :traceroute_hop_0 :traceroute_hop_1
:traceroute_hop_2 :traceroute_hop_3
:traceroute_hop_4 :traceroute_hop_5
:traceroute_hop_6 :traceroute_hop_7
:traceroute_hop_8 :traceroute_hop_9
:traceroute_hop_10 :traceroute_hop_11
:traceroute_hop_12 :traceroute_hop_13
:traceroute_hop_14 :traceroute_hop_15
:traceroute_hop_16 :traceroute_hop_17
:host_ip :patch_summary_total_cves
:cpe_0 :cpe_1 :cpe_2 :cpe_3 :cpe_4 :cpe_5
:cpe_6 :cpe_7 :cpe_8 :cpe_9))
(def nessus-item-keys [:port :svc_name :protocol :severity :plugin_id
(def used-nessus-item-keys (conj nessus-item-keys
(def nessus-plugin-keys [:plugin_id :plugin_name :plugin_family :fname
:script_version :plugin_type :exploitability_ease
:vuln_publication_date :cvss_temporal_data
:solution :cvss_temporal_score :risk_factor
:description :cvss_vector :synopsis
:patch_publication_date :exploit_available
:plugin_publication_date :plugin_modification_date
:cve :bid :exploit_framework_canvas :edb_id
:exploit_framework_metasploit :exploit_framework_core
:metasploit_name :canvas_package :osvdb :cwe
:cvss_temporal_vector :cvss_base_score :cpe
(def used-nessus-plugin-keys (conj nessus-plugin-keys
:xref :see_also :cert
:attachment :iava :stig_severity :hp
:secunia :iawb :msft))
(def show-unprocessed true)
(defn log-unprocessed [title vls]
(if (and show-unprocessed
(seq vls))
(println (str "Unprocessed " title ": " vls))))
;;; parse nessus report
(defn parse-xref [xref]
{:xref (first (:content xref))})
(defn parse-see-also [see-also]
{:see_also (first (:content see-also))})
(defn parse-plugin [plugin]
{(util/db-keyword (name (:tag plugin))) (first (:content plugin))})
(defn parse-contents [cont]
(let [xref (mapv parse-xref (filter #(= (:tag %) :xref) cont))
see-also (mapv parse-see-also (filter #(= (:tag %) :see-also) cont))
details (reduce merge {}
(map parse-plugin
(remove #(or (= (:tag %) :xref)
(= (:tag %) :see-also)) cont)))]
(assoc details
:see_also see-also
:xref xref)))
(defn fix-item-keywords [item]
(let [ks (keys item)]
(into {}
(for [k ks]
[(util/db-keyword (name k))
(k item)]))))
(defn parse-item [item]
(let [attrs (fix-item-keywords (:attrs item))
contents (parse-contents (:content item))]
(assoc attrs
:plugin_output (:plugin_output contents)
:plugin_details (assoc (dissoc contents :plugin_output)
:plugin_id (:plugin_id attrs)
:plugin_family (:plugin_family attrs)))))
(defn parse-properties [props]
(into {}
(for [p props]
[(util/db-keyword (:name (:attrs p)))
(first (:content p))])))
(defn parse-host [h]
(let [items (map first (zx/xml-> h :ReportItem))
properties (:content (first (zx/xml1-> h :HostProperties)))]
(assoc (parse-properties properties)
:hostname (zx/attr h :name)
:items (mapv parse-item items))))
(defn parse-hosts [hosts]
(mapv parse-host hosts))
(defn parse-file [f]
(let [root (zip/xml-zip (xml/parse (io/file f)))
report-xml (zx/xml1-> root :Report)
hosts (zx/xml-> report-xml :ReportHost)]
{:report_name (zx/attr report-xml :name)
:policy (zx/text (zx/xml1-> root :Policy :policyName))
:hosts (parse-hosts hosts)}))
;;; insert nessus records into db
(defn mk-host-rec [scan-id host]
(let [[id err] (db/get-sequence-nextval "host_seq")]
(if (nil? err)
(assoc (util/build-map host nessus-host-keys)
:ipv4 (:host_ip host)
:scan_start (util/from-nessus-date (:scan_start host))
:scan_end (util/from-nessus-date (:scan_end host))
:total_cves (:patch_summary_total_cves host)
:id id
:scan_id scan-id)
(defn insert-patches [p]
(when (seq p)
(db/insert-nessus-host-patch (first p))
(recur (rest p))))
(defn insert-host-patch [id host]
(let [p-keys (filter #(re-find #"patch_summary_*" %) (map name (keys host)))
recs (map (fn [s]
{:id (first (db/get-sequence-nextval "patch_seq"))
:host_id id
:summary ((keyword (str "patch_summary_txt_" s)) host)
:cve_num ((keyword (str "patch_summary_cve_num_" s)) host)
:cves ((keyword (str "patch_summary_cves_" s)) host)})
(filter seq
(map #(second (re-find #"patch_summary_txt_(.*)" %))
(insert-patches recs)
(util/remove-keys host (map keyword p-keys))))
(defn mk-item-rec [host-id item]
(let [[id err] (db/get-sequence-nextval "item_seq")]
(assoc (util/build-map item nessus-item-keys)
:host_id host-id
:id id)))
(defn insert-item [host-id item]
(let [rec (mk-item-rec host-id item)
not-done (keys (util/remove-keys item used-nessus-item-keys))]
(log-unprocessed "Item Keys" not-done)
(db/insert-nessus-report-item rec)
(:plugin_id item)))
(defn mk-plugin-rec [item]
(let [rec (util/build-map (:plugin_details item) nessus-plugin-keys)
not-used (keys (util/remove-keys (:plugin_details item)
(log-unprocessed "Plugin Keys" not-used)
(assoc rec
:vuln_publication_date (util/from-nessus-date
(:vuln_publication_date rec))
:patch_publication_date (util/from-nessus-date
(:patch_publication_date rec))
:plugin_publication_date (util/from-nessus-date
(:plugin_publication_date rec))
:plugin_modification_date (util/from-nessus-date
(:plugin_modificaiton_date rec)))))
(defn insert-xref [plugin-id xrefs]
(when (seq xrefs)
(let [xref {:id (first (db/get-sequence-nextval "xref_seq"))
:plugin_id plugin-id
:xref (:xref (first xrefs))}]
(db/insert-nessus-xref xref)
(recur plugin-id (rest xrefs)))))
(defn insert-see-also [plugin-id see-also]
(when (seq see-also)
(let [sa {:id (first (db/get-sequence-nextval "ref_seq"))
:plugin_id plugin-id
:reference (:see_also (first see-also))}]
(db/insert-nessus-ref sa)
(recur plugin-id (rest see-also)))))
(defn insert-plugin [item]
(let [rec (mk-plugin-rec item)
xref (:xref (:plugin_details item))
see-also (:see_also (:plugin_details item))]
(if (seq xref)
(insert-xref (:plugin_id rec) xref))
(if (seq see-also)
(insert-see-also (:plugin_id rec) see-also))
(db/upsert-nessus-plugin rec)))
(defn insert-items [host-id items plugin-set]
(if (empty? items)
(let [p (insert-item host-id (first items))]
(if-not (contains? plugin-set p)
(insert-plugin (first items)))
(recur host-id (rest items) (conj plugin-set p)))))
(defn insert-host [scan-id host plugin-set]
(if-let [h-rec (mk-host-rec scan-id host)]
(let [[v err] (db/insert-nessus-host h-rec)
items (:items host)]
(if (nil? err)
(let [host2 (insert-host-patch (:id h-rec) host)]
(log-unprocessed "Host Keys" (keys (util/remove-keys
host2 used-nessus-host-keys)))
(insert-items (:id h-rec) items plugin-set))
(defn insert-hosts
([id hosts]
(insert-hosts id hosts #{}))
([id hosts plugins]
(if (empty? hosts)
(let [plugin-set (insert-host id (first hosts) plugins)]
(recur id (rest hosts) plugin-set)))))
(defn mk-scan-record [id report]
{:id id
:name (:report_name report)
:scan_dt (util/to-sql-date)
:policy (:policy report)
:entered_dt (util/to-sql-date)})
(defn store-report [update-plugins report]
(let [[id err] (db/get-sequence-nextval "nscan_seq")
scan-rec (mk-scan-record id report)]
(if (nil? err)
(let [[v e] (db/insert-nessus-scan scan-rec)]
(if (nil? e)
(if update-plugins
(let [plugin-list (set (first (db/select-nessus-plugin-ids)))]
[(insert-hosts id (:hosts report) plugin-list) nil])
[(insert-hosts id (:hosts report)) nil])
[v e]))
[id err])))
(defn process-nessus-report [update-plugins filename]
(let [report (parse-file filename)]
(println (str "Report: " (:report_name report)
"\nPolicy: " (:policy report)
"\nHost Records: " (count (:hosts report))))
(store-report update-plugins report)))
Magos's answer using tree-seq is perfectly fine, but there's no reason to abandon zippers; filtering using zippers is more succinct and the arguably the "clojure" way. (note this example uses data.xml ([org.clojure/data.xml "0.0.8"]) instead of clojure.xml).
(require '[ :as zf])
(require '[ :as z])
(def ex
<column name=\"col1\" type=\"varchar\" length=\"8\"/>
<column name=\"col2\" type=\"varchar\" length=\"16\"/>
<column name=\"col3\" type=\"int\" length=\"16\"/>
(let [x (z/xml-zip ( ex))]
(->> (zf/xml-> x :column) ;;equivalent to (->> treeseq ... filter)
(keep :attrs)
(map vals)))
;>>> (("col1" "varchar" "8") ("col2" "varchar" "16") ("col3" "int" "16"))
But the xml-> macro simply applies functions in order, so you can do the following:
(let [x (z/xml-zip ( ex))]
(->> (zf/xml-> x :column #(keep :attrs %))
(map vals)))
;>>> (("col1" "varchar" "8") ("col2" "varchar" "16") ("col3" "int" "16"))

Error on return of Clojure action in seesaw

this program opens a file read it into a list
then asks the user to enter the word from the list one at a time
but I get an error right after it speaks
(ns EKS.Core)
(use '[speech-synthesis.say :as say])
(use '[ :only [sh]])
(use 'seesaw.core)
(use '
(use 'seesaw.chooser)
(use '
(import '
(defn festival [x](sh "sh" "-c" (str "echo " x " | festival --tts")))
(defn espeak [x] (sh "espeak" x))
(defn mac-say[x] (sh "say" x))
(defn check-if-installed[x] (:exit(sh "sh" "-c" (str "command -v " x " >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \"\"; exit 1; }"))))
(defn env
"Returns the system property for user.<key>"
(System/getProperty (str "user." key)))
(defn get-lines [fname]
(with-open [r (reader fname)]
(doall (line-seq r))))
(defn engine-check[]
(def engines (conj["Google" ]
(if (= (check-if-installed "festival") 0) "Festival" )
(if (= (check-if-installed "espeak") 0) "ESpeak" )
(if (= (check-if-installed "say") 0) "Say" )))(remove nil? engines))
(def ListDir (str (env "home") ))
(def speak say)
(defn setup-list[ file](
(def ListEntry (remove #{""} (get-lines (.getAbsolutePath file))))
(speak (str "Enter the word " (first ListEntry)))
(.getAbsolutePath file)
(def current 0)))
(def Open-Action (action :handler (fn [e] (choose-file :type :open :selection-mode :files-only :dir ListDir :success-fn (fn [fc file](setup-list file))))
:name "Open"
:key "menu O"
:tip "Open list"))
(def entry-text(text :id :entry :text "" ))
(defn check-word[] ((if (= (text entry-text) (nth ListEntry current))(speak "correct")(speak "incorrect"))(def current (+ current 1))(speak (str "Enter the word " (nth ListEntry current)))))
(def Main-Panel(grid-panel :vgap 7 :hgap 20 :border "Main" :items[ (top-bottom-split entry-text
(left-right-split (grid-panel :vgap 7 :items[(label :text "Correct: 0") (label :text "Incorrect: 0")]) (grid-panel :vgap 7 :items[(button :text "Next"
:mnemonic \N
:listen [:action (fn [e] (check-word))])
(button :text "Repeat!"
:mnemonic \\
:listen [:action (fn[e] (speak(nth ListEntry current)))])
]) :divider-location 1/3 )
:divider-location 1/3 )]))
(def Main-Window(frame :title "??????", :on-close :exit, :size[425 :by 172]:menubar(menubar :items[(menu :text "File" :items [Open-Action ])]) :content Main-Panel ))
(show! Main-Window)
this is the error message I get when opening a file
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.LazySeq cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
at clojure.lang.Var.fn(
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at EKS.Core$setup_list.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:38)
at EKS.Core$fn__5794$fn__5795.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:42)
at seesaw.chooser$choose_file.doInvoke(chooser.clj:173)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at EKS.Core$fn__5794.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:42)
at seesaw.action$action$fn__1218.invoke(action.clj:90)
at seesaw.action.proxy$javax.swing.AbstractAction$0.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(
at java.awt.AWTEventMulticaster.mouseReleased(
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$000(
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at java.awt.EventQueue$
at Method)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
this is the test file I am using
What I believe is causing the traceback is:
(defn setup-list[ file](
(def ListEntry (remove #{""} (get-lines (.getAbsolutePath file))))
(speak (str "Enter the word " (first ListEntry)))
(.getAbsolutePath file)
(def current 0)))
Notice the paren after [ file]. You're calling def (which is probably not what you mean to do), but the result of that def is a lazy sequence (because of remove) and it being called as a function because of that paren. Unfortunately, it's not clear what you're trying to do with setup-list, otherwise I'd write something more idiomatic for you.
There a few other things you should consider. First, don't use (def ...) inside a function that's really bad form. In this case, I think what you're really after is (let ...):
(defn setup-list [file]
(let [entries (get-lines (.getAbsolutePath file))]
It would also help you to see what's going on if you could keep a little more structure to the code. I think the formatting is letting things like that paren hide, where it may have been more obvious if you had a better style:
(defn setup-list [file]
((def ListEntry ...)
Here, it's little more clear that the def will be used as a function call, which is probably not what you want.
BTW, Clojure has some Library Coding Standards. They've got some good things in there. And Ring is an excellent example to follow for a code base, as is Seesaw.