Access instance variable from instance method in python - python-2.7

class SimpleBond(object):
def__init__(self,OriginationDate,SettleDate,Coupon,CouponFreq,Maturity,Par,StartingPrice = None):
self.CouponCFDaysFromOrigination = np.arange(1,self.NumCouponCFs + 1) * self.CashFlowDelta
self.OriginationCashFlowDates = np.array([self.StartDate + np.timedelta64(int(i),'D') for i in self.CouponCFDaysFromOrigination])
self.StartDate = OriginationDate
def GenerateCashFlowsAndDates(self):
CashFlowDates = self.OriginationCashFlowDates
self.CashFlowDates = CashFlowDates[(CashFlowDates >= self.SettleDate) & (CashFlowDates <=self.MaturityDate)]
I have a class definition as above. Some where else I instantiate the class as below:
BondObj = SimpleBond(OriginationDate = InceptionDate,SettleDate= np.datetime64('2008-02-15'),Coupon = 8.875,CouponFreq = 2,Maturity = 9.5,Par = 100.)
The issue is with the call to GenerateCashFlowDates() as shown above, Once the BondObj is assigned to an instantiation of the SimpleBond class with the arguments to set the state.
When I step inside the call BondObj.GenerateCashFlowsAndDates()....I can see the following state variables
self.StartDate.....its shows the actual state
self.OriginationCashFlowDates shows no value. It is none
As a matter of fact, all other instance variables that were set in the constructor are visible from BondObj.GenerateCashFlowAndDates() call
Many thanks


How to add value to matrix

I want to add value to matrix.
But, I could not do it.
I made the stepfunction for reinforcement learning and I calculated value which named R.
I want to gather R of value and add to matrix named RR.
However, all the calculated values are not added.
Is this because it's done inside a function? If it's not in a function, it works.
Please someone tell me the way to fix it.
% Define the step function
function [NextObservation, Reward, IsDone, LoggedSignals] =
% get the pre statement
statePre = [-pi/2;0];
statePre(1) = SimplePendulum.Theta;
statePre(2) = SimplePendulum.AngularVelocity;
IsDone = false;
% updating states
% get the statement after updating
state = [-pi/2;0];
state(1) = SimplePendulum.Theta;
state(2) = SimplePendulum.AngularVelocity;
RR = [];
Ball_Target = 10;
Ball_Distance = Ballfunction(SimplePendulum);
R = -abs(Ball_Distance -Ball_Target); ← this the calculated value
RR = [RR,R]; ← I want to add R to RR
if (state(2) > 0) || (SimplePendulum.Y_Position < 0)
IsDone = true;
[InitialObservation, LoggedSignal] = myResetFunction(SimplePendulum);
LoggedSignal.State = [-pi/2 ; 0];
InitialObservation = LoggedSignal.State;
state = InitialObservation;
SimplePendulum.Theta =-pi/2;
SimplePendulum.AngularVelocity = 0;
LoggedSignals.State = state;
NextObservation = LoggedSignals.State;
Reward = +max(R);
If I understand you correctly, you are trying update RR with this function, and then use/see it outside the loop. This means you need to make two edits:
a) You need to pass RR in and out of the function to update it. You will need to change the first line of your code as shown here, but you will also need to change how you call the function:
function [NextObservation, Reward, IsDone, LoggedSignals, RR] =
myStepfunction(Action,LoggedSignals,SimplePendulum, RR)
b) When you do this RR = [] you delete the content of RR. To initialise RR you will need to move this line to the script that calls this function, making sure it is called before this function is ever called.

Computed Property for Google Datastore

I am not sure exactly how achieve this.
I have a model defined as
class Post(ndb.Model):
author_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Author)
content = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
title = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=True)
topics = ndb.StructuredProperty(Concept, repeated=True)
concise_topics = ndb.ComputedProperty(get_important_topics())
def get_important_topics(cls):
cls.concise_topics = filter(lambda x: x.occurrence > 2, cls.topics)
return cls.concise_topics
I like to set the value of concise_topics (Which is on the same type as topics) to a subset acheived via get_important_topics method. This should happen the moment the topics property has been set.
How do I define the "concise_topics" property in the Post class ?
With class method, you don't have access to the instance values. And also you shouldn't call the function, only pass it to the computed property, and let it call by itself.
class Post(ndb.Model):
author_key = ndb.KeyProperty(kind=Author)
content = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
created = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)
title = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=True)
topics = ndb.StructuredProperty(Concept, repeated=True)
def get_important_topics(self):
return filter(lambda x: x.occurrence > 2, self.topics)
concise_topics = ndb.ComputedProperty(get_important_topics)
As far as I remember the computed property is set on each put call, so your topics should be already there by that time.

Adding a variable in the global scope to a specific class - Python

class PhysCon:
def __init__(self):
self.tfrz = 273.15
self.cwat = 4188.0
self.cice = 2117.27
self.rhowat = 1000.0
I want to add "PhysCon().ke = 2.9". I calculated "ke" in another function that occurs after "PhysCon". How do I add "ke" to the "PhysCon" class and still have it be connected to the entire class when PhysCon() is called?

Why does my value of image variable change?

I don't know what happened with my variable. When the variable "amarilloSegm" is inside in the method "Suma_Manchas(amarilloSegm, NecrosadoSegm) it change its value. The strange is that my variable is not modify in all the method.
This is my code, when I call the method:
imgManchasUnidas = Suma_Manchas(amarilloSegm, necrosadoSegm)
And this is my body of method:
def Suma_Manchas(imagen_1, imagen_2):
imgAma = imagen_1
imgNecro = imagen_2
manchasUnidas = imgAma
y, x = manchasUnidas.shape
for fil in range (0, y):
for col in range (0, x):
# print "x: " + str(fil) + " y: " + str(col)
valUmbral = imgNecro[fil, col]
if (valUmbral > BLANCO-20):
manchasUnidas.itemset((fil, col), BLANCO)
return manchasUnidas
You do imgAma = imagen_1 and then, manchasUnidas = imgAma, and finally modify manchasUnidas, which ends up modifying imagen_1, since it copies the references instead of creating a new object in the memory.
You can do copy.deepcopy() if you want have a brand new object in another part of the memory, so that when you change one, the other one will not be modified.
More specifically:
import copy
def Suma_Manchas(imagen_1, imagen_2):
imgAma = copy.deepcopy(imagen_1)

Trouble creating pointer to abstract class

I coded some smiley faces into my app recently, but I'm having trouble calling it in my option interface. The reason I'm wanting to call it from optioninterface is I want to add 2 sets of emojis, and if the value of Setting.nEmoji is 0 or 1 call a different set. The function loademojis() gets called when the application starts (it's technically coded in the interface solution). I can call it from a function that handles user input, but it generated horrible lag, I assume because each time a letter was typed, it cleared the array and loaded the emojis in again. So long story short, I was wondering if there's any way at all to create a pointer to a abstract class so I could call this from my option menu. Everytime I create a pointer and call it from theoption menu it crashes. Here's how I'm creating the pointer
MDrawContext* pDC
void MDrawContext::LoadEmojis()
if (Z_VIDEO_EMOJIS == 1)
m_Emoji[";)"] = "wink.png";
m_Emoji[":)"] = "smile.png";
m_Emoji[":D"] = "biggrin.png";
m_Emoji[":("] = "frown.png";
m_Emoji[":O"] = "eek.png";
m_Emoji[":P"] = "tongue.png";
m_Emoji[":?"] = "confused.png";
m_Emoji[":4"] = "cool.png";
m_Emoji[":3"] = "redface.png";
m_Emoji[":#"] = "mad.png";
m_Emoji[":I"] = "rolleyes.png";
m_Emoji[":K"] = "kappa.png";
m_Emoji[";)"] = "wink2.png";
m_Emoji[":)"] = "smile2.png";
m_Emoji[":D"] = "biggrin2.png";
m_Emoji[":("] = "frown2.png";
m_Emoji[":O"] = "eek2.png";
m_Emoji[":P"] = "tongue2.png";
//custom: reloademojis allows players to choose between ios/forum emojis
void MDrawContext::ReloadEmojis()
//Calling the pointer (different cpp)
int nEmojiType = 0;
if(nEmojiType != Z_VIDEO_EMOJI)
nEmojiType = Z_VIDEO_EMOJI;