Plot from Cartesian to polar - c++

I'm using the Left and Right audio channels to create a Lissajous Vectorscope. Left is x and Right is y, both which never goes beyond 1 and -1 values. These coordinates are also shifted at a 45 degree angle to give me the following view.
So I'm doing a very simple
// converting x and y value from (-1 - 1) to (0 - 1)
float x = LeftChannelValue/2 + 0.5
float y = RightChannelValue/2 + 0.5
// multiplying the width and height with X and Y to get a proper square
// width and height have to be the same value
float new_X = x*(width*0.5)
float new_Y = y*(height*0.5)
// doing two dimensional rotating to 45 degrees so it's easier to read
float cosVal = cos(0.25*pi)
float sinVal = sin(0.25*pi)
float finalX = (((new_X*cosVal)-(new_Y *sinVal))) + (width*0.5) //adding to translate back to origin
float finalY = ((new_X*sinVal) + (new_Y *cosVal))
This gives me the results on that picture.
How would I graph the polar coordinates so that it doesn't look like a square, it looks like a circle?
I'm trying to get this view but am absolutely confused about how that would correlate with the left and right. I'm using as a reference.

I figured out what I wanted.
I was trying to plot those coordinates in a polar graph. I was going about it all wrong.
I eventually realized that in order for me to convert the x,y coordinates, I needed my own definition for what a radius and an angle should represents in my x,y chart. In my case, I wanted the radius to be the largest absolute value of x and y
The only problem was trying to figure out how to calculate an angle using x and y values.
This is how I wanted my circle to work,
when x = y, the angle is 0.
when x = 1 & y = 0, then angle is 45.
when x = 1 & y = -1, then angle is 90.
when x = 0 & y = 1, then angle is -45.
when x = -1 & y = 1, then angle is -90.
given this information, you can figure out the rest of the coordinates for the circle up to 180 & - 180 degree angle.
I had to use conditions (if else statements) to properly figure out the correct angle given x and y.
And then to graph the polar coordinate, you just convert using the cos and sin conversion to x, y coordinates.
I like to program, I'm just not good with calculus.


how to compensate point coordinates transformation when doing a rotaion around another point in an image?

I'm generating an image with text in C++ using library called ImageMagick, and the DrawableRotation function does a rotation around the point of coordinates (0;0). (because it's an image it's top left corner )
The issue here is that I need to rotate my text label by a certain degree to put it on top of rectagle that has the same angle. ( text in box )
But the boxes are drown using the 4 points coordinates, I have their relative angle, which meens it's always positive, but some boxes are vertical, others are horizontal, and others are angled in between.
here's an exemple:
exemple of 3 boxes with different angles and their text
I would like to know if Image magick has an other way to rotate the text around itself or if there is a mathematical way to rotate the text so it has the good angle and then calculate the values I need to had to the coordinates to put it back at it's original coordinates.
I tried manually adding values to compensate the change in x;y but as all boxes have different angles, it's not dynamic enough, some labels get lost randomly on the image.
Well, I couldn't find a way to overcome this using the ImageMagick library directly, so what I do is make the rotation transformation around the origin before using the rotation formula from ImageMagick but in the opposite direction. But I also needed to map the angle (in degrees) from 90 to -90 so the text is always in the best direction to read. I'll post sample code for the rotation down below :
std::pair<float, float> MyImage::coorRotation(float x, float y, float angle)
float x_ = x*cos(angle) - y*sin(angle);
float y_ = x*sin(angle) + y*cos(angle);
return (std::make_pair(x_, y_));
for the rotation compensation and :
void MyImage::drawTextOnShapes()
float degrees = std::abs((atan2( y, x) * 180.0) / PI); // delta y = y2 - y1 and delta x = x2 - x1
if (degrees > 90)
degrees -= 180; // to map between 90 and -90
float radian = (degrees * PI) / 180;
float x =;
float y =;
std::pair coords = std::make_pair(x, y);
coords = this->coorRotation(x, y, radian);
stream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << wall.length; // to get a .10 precision on the float output
drawlist.push_back(DrawableText(coords.first - textLenInPixels/2, coords.second, stream.str().append("m"))); // m for meters
And here's the result:

How to get the Euler rotation of a rigid body between 0 to 360 in Bullet Physics?

I am currently trying to get the rotation of an object. I am using C++ and Bullet Physics. This is my code:
btScalar x, y, z;
body[0]->getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis().getEulerZYX(z, y, x);
However, as I rotate the object around clockwise the number I get from the y (y is vertical in Bullet) axis goes from 0 to -90 to 0 to 90 and finally back to 0 for every quarter rotation. It is close but what I need is for it to go all the way from 0 to 360.
Bullet documentation says:
void getEulerZYX (btScalar &yaw, btScalar &pitch, btScalar &roll, unsigned int solution_number=1) const
solution_number Which solution of two possible solutions ( 1 or 2) are possible values
this is because euler angles are ambigous. have you tried solution 2?
I had the same problem. I using LibGDX with Bullet engine, so my code sample on Java, but I'm sure, that it will works on C++ too. Here is my solution (for Z axis):
// That gives you an angle in all range but excluding (85, 95) and (-95, 85). For other axis you can try to get Pitch or Yaw.
float roll = mRotation.getRoll();
// That gives you an angle in range [0, 240). Clockwise and counterclockwise directions isn't detected.
float angle = mRotation.getAngleAround(0, 0, 1);
// Usually 0, but on (85, 95) and (-95, 85) becomes 1 and -1.
int gimbalPole = mRotation.getGimbalPole();
// Using roll (pitch/yaw for other axis) if it's defined, and using angle with gimble pole otherwise.
float rotation = (gimbalPole == 0) ? roll : angle * gimbalPole;
Obtained rotation will be in range (-180, 180). It can be easily converted to [0, 360) range:
if (rotation < 0) rotation += 360;

Converting Cartesian image to polar, appearance differences

I'm trying to do a polar transform on the first image below and end up with the second. However my result is the third image. I have a feeling it has to do with what location I choose as my "origin" but am unsure.
radius = sqrt(width**2 + height**2)
nheight = int(ceil(radius)/2)
nwidth = int(ceil(radius/2))
for y in range(0, height):
for x in range(0, width):
t = int(atan(y/x))
r = int(sqrt(x**2+y**2)/2)
color = getColor(getPixel(pic, x, y))
setColor( getPixel(radial,r,t), color)
There are a few differences / errors:
They use the centre of the image as the origin
They scale the axis appropriately. In your example, you're plotting your angle (between 0 and in your case, pi), instead of utilising the full height of the image.
You're using the wrong atan function (atan2 works a lot better in this situation :))
Not amazingly important, but you're rounding unnecessarily quite a lot, which throws off accuracy a little and can slow things down.
This is the code combining my suggested improvements. It's not massively efficient, but it should hopefully work :)
maxradius = sqrt(width**2 + height**2)/2
rscale = width / maxradius
tscale = height / (2*math.pi)
for y in range(0, height):
dy = y - height/2
for x in range(0, width):
dx = x - width/2
t = atan2(dy,dx)%(2*math.pi)
r = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2)
color = getColor(getPixel(pic, x, y))
setColor( getPixel(radial,int(r*rscale),int(t*tscale)), color)
In particular, it fixes the above problems in the following ways:
We use dx = x - width / 2 as a measure of distance from the centre, and similarly with dy. We then use these in replace of x, y throughout the computation.
We will have our r satisfying 0 <= r <= sqrt( (width/2)^2 +(height/2)^2 ), and our t eventually satisfying 0 < t <= 2 pi so, I create the appropriate scale factors to put r and t along the x and y axes respectively.
Normal atan can only distinguish based on gradients, and is computationally unstable near vertical lines... Instead, atan2 (see solves both problems, and accepts (y,x) pairs to give an angle. atan2 returns an angle -pi < t <= pi, so we can find the remainder modulo 2 * math.pi to it to get it in the range 0 < t <= 2pi ready for scaling.
I've only rounded at the end, when the new pixels get set.
Any questions, just ask!

OpenGL - Creating a circle, change radius?

I must be the worst person on the planet when it comes to math because i can't figure out how to change this circle radius:
from math import *
posx, posy = 0,0
sides = 32
for i in range(100):
I'm not entirely sure how or why this becomes a circle because the *2 confuses me a bit.
Note that this is done in Pyglet under Python2.6 calling OpenGL libraries.
Followed Example 4-1:
Clarification: This works, i'm interested in why and how to modify the radius.
This should do the trick :)
from math import *
posx, posy = 0,0
sides = 32
radius = 1
for i in range(100):
cosine= radius * cos(i*2*pi/sides) + posx
sine = radius * sin(i*2*pi/sides) + posy
But I would pick another names for variables. cosine and sine is not exactly what these variables are.
And as far as I see, you son't need a loop from 1 to 100 (or from 0 to 99, I'm not too good at Python), you just need a loop from 1 to sides.
When you calculate
x = cos (angle)
y = sin(angle)
you get a point on a circle with radius = 1, and centre in the point (0; 0) (because sin^2(angle) + cos^2(angle) = 1).
If you want to change a radius to R, you simply multiply cos and sin by R.
x = R * cos (angle)
y = R * sin(angle)
If you want to transfer the circle to another location (for example, you want the circle to have it's centre at (X_centre, Y_centre), you add X_centre and Y_xentre to x and y accordingly:
x = R * cos (angle) + X_centre
y = R * sin(angle) + Y_centre
When you need to loop through N points (in your case N = sides) on your circle, you should change the angle on each iteration. All those angles should be equal and their sum should be 2 * pi. So each angle should be equal to 2 * pi/ N. And to get i-th angle you multiply this value by i: i * 2 * pi / N.
math : P=pr^2=p*r*r= p*r*2 programming i*2*pi/sides
together : i = p i*2, *2=r^2 this should help you

Rotate tetris blocks at runtime

I have a class tetronimo (a tetris block) that has four QRect types (named first, second, third, fourth respectively). I draw each tetronimo using a build_tetronimo_L type functions.
These build the tetronimo in a certain direction, but as in tetris you're supposed to be able to rotate the tetronimo's, I'm trying to rotate a tetronimo by rotating each individual square of the tetronimo.
I have found the following formula to apply to each (x, y) coordinate of a particular square.
newx = cos(angle) * oldx - sin(angle) * oldy
newy = sin(angle) * oldx + cos(angle) * oldy
Now, the QRect type of Qt, does only seem to have a setCoords function that takes the (x, y) coordinates of top-left and bottom-right points of the respective square.
I have here an example (which doesn't seem to produce the correct result) of rotating the first two squares in my tetronimo.
Can anyone tell me how I'm supposed to rotate these squares correctly, using runtime rotation calculation?
void tetromino::rotate(double angle) // angle in degrees
std::map<std::string, rect_coords> coords = get_coordinates();
rect_coords first_coords = coords["first"];
//top left x and y
int newx_first_tl = (cos(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.top_left_x) - (sin(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.top_left_y);
int newy_first_tl = (sin(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.top_left_x) + (cos(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.top_left_y);
//bottom right x and y
int newx_first_bl = (cos(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.bottom_right_x) - (sin(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.bottom_right_y);
int newy_first_bl = (cos(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.bottom_right_x) + (sin(to_radians(angle)) * first_coords.bottom_right_y);
first->setCoords( newx_first_tl, newy_first_tl, newx_first_tl + tetro_size,newy_first_tl - tetro_size);
rect_coords second_coords = coords["second"];
int newx_second_tl = (cos(to_radians(angle)) * second_coords.top_left_x) - (sin(to_radians(angle)) * second_coords.top_left_y);
int newy_second_tl = (sin(to_radians(angle)) * second_coords.top_left_x) + (cos(to_radians(angle)) * second_coords.top_left_y);
second->setCoords(newx_second_tl, newy_second_tl, newx_second_tl - tetro_size, newy_second_tl + tetro_size);
first and second are QRect types. rect_coords is just a struct with four ints in it, that store the coordinates of the squares.
The first square and second square calculations are different, as I was playing around trying to figure it out.
I hope someone can help me figure this out?
(Yes, I can do this much simpler, but I'm trying to learn from this)
It seems more like a math question than a programming question. Just plug in values like 90 degrees for the angle to figure this out. For 90 degrees, a point (x,y) is mapped to (-y, x). You probably don't want to rotate around the origin but around a certain pivot point c.x, c.y. For that you need to translate first, then rotate, then translate back:
(x,y) := (x-c.x, y-c.y) // translate into coo system w/ origin at c
(x,y) := (-y, x) // rotate
(x,y) := (x+c.x, y+c.y) // translate into original coo system
Before rotating you have to translate so that the piece is centered in the origin:
Translate your block centering it to 0, 0
Rotate the block
Translate again the center of the block to x, y
If you rotate without translating you will rotate always around 0, 0 but since the block is not centered it will be rotated around the center. To center your block is quite simple:
For each point, compute the median of X and Y, let's call it m
Subtract m.X and m.Y to the coordinates of all points
Add again m.X and m.Y to points.
Of course you can use linear algebra and vector * matrix multiplication but maybe it is too much :)
Let's say we have a segment with coordinates A(3,5) B(10,15).
If you want to rotate it around its center, we first translate it to our origin. Let's compute mx and my:
mx = (10 - 3) / 2
my = (15 - 5) / 2
Now we compute points A1 and B1 translating the segment so it is centered to the origin:
A1(A.X - mx, A.Y - my)
B1(B.X - mx, B.Y - my)
Now we can perform our rotation of A1 and B1 (you know how).
Then we have to translate again to the original position:
A = (rotatedA1.X + mx, rotatedA1.y + my)
B = (rotatedB1.X + mx, rotatedB1.y + my)
If instead of having two points you have n points you have of course do everything for n points.
You could use Qt Graphics View which does all the geometric calculations for you.
Or are you just wanting to learn basic linear geometrical transformations? Then reading a math textbook would probably be more appropriate than coding.