Api Gateway, multiple lambda in the same JAR - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to deploy an API suite by using Api Gateway and implementing code in Java using lambda. Is it ok to have many ( related, of course ) lambdas in a single jar ( what I'm supposing to do ) or it is better to create a single jar for each lambda I want to deploy? ( this will became a mess very easily)

This is really a matter of taste but there are a few things you have to consider.
First of all there are limitations to how big a single Lambda upload can be (50MB at time of writing).
Second, there is also a limit to the total size of all all code that you upload (currently 1.5GB).
These limitations may not be a problem for your use case but are good to be aware of.
The next thing you have to consider is where you want your overhead.
Let's say you deploy a CRUD interface to a single Lambda and you pass an "action" parameter from API Gateway so that you know which operation you want to perform when you execute the Lambda function.
This adds a slight overhead to your execution as you have to route the action to the appropriate operation. This is likely a very fast routing but nevertheless, it adds CPU cycles to your function execution.
On the other hand, deploying the same jar over several Lambda function will quickly get you closer to the limits I mentioned earlier and it also adds administrative overhead in managing your Lambda functions as that number grows. They can of course be managed via CloudFormation or cli scripts but it will still add an administrative overhead.
I wouldn't say there is a right and a wrong way to do this. Look at what you are trying to do, think about what you would need to manage the deployment and take it from there. If you get it wrong you can always start over with another approach.
Personally I like the very small service Lambdas that do internal routing and handles more than just a single operation but they are still very small and focused on a specific type of task be it a CRUD for a database table or managing a selected few very closely related operations.

There's some nice advice on serverless.com
As polythene say's, the answer is "it depends". But they've listed the pros and cons for 4 ways of going about it:
Microservices Pattern
Services Pattern
Monolithic Pattern
Graph Pattern


Lambda AWS function for each endpoint

I have an application with 3 modules and 25 endpoints (between modules). Modules: Users, CRM, PQR.
I want to optimize AWS costs and generally respect the architecture best practices.
Should I build a lambda function for each endpoint?
Does using many functions cost more than using only one?
The link in Gustavos' answer provides a decent starting point. I'll elaborate on that based on the criteria you mentioned in the comments.
You mentioned that you want to optimize for cost and architecture best practices, let's start with the cost component.
Lambda pricing is fairly straightforward and you can check it out on the pricing page. Basically you pay for how long your code runs in 1MS increments. How much each millisecond costs depends on how many resources you provision for your Lambda function. Lambda is typically not the most expensive item on your bill, so I'd start optimizing it, once it becomes a problem.
From a pricing perspective it doesn't really matter if you have fewer or more Lambda functions.
In terms of architecture best practices, there is no single one-size-fits-all reference architecture, but the post Gustavo mentioned is a good starting point: Best practices for organizing larger serverless applications. How you structure your application can depend on many factors:
Development team size
Development team maturity/experience (in terms of AWS technologies)
Load patterns in the application
Development process
You mention three main components/modules with 25 endpoints in total:
Since you didn't tell us much about the technology stack, I'm going to assume you're trying to build a REST API that serves as the backend for some frontend application.
In that case you could think of the three modules as three microservices, which implement specific functionality for the application. Each of them implements a few endpoints (combination of HTTP-Method and path). If you start with an API Gateway as the entry point for your architecture, you can use that as an abstraction of the internal architecture for your clients.
The API Gateway can route requests to different Lambda functions based on the HTTP method and path. You can now choose how to implement the backend. I'd probably start off with a common codebase from which multiple Lambdas are built and use the API gateway to map each endpoint to a Lambda function. You can also start with larger multi-purpose Lambdas and refactor them in time to extract specific endpoints and then use the API Gateway to route to the more specialized Lambdas.
You might have noticed, that this is a bit vague and that's on purpose. I think you're going to end up with roughly as many Lambdas as you'll have endpoints, but it doesn't mean you have to start that way. If you're just getting started with AWS, managing a bunch of Lambdas and there interaction can seem daunting. Start with more familiar architectures and then refactor them to be more cloud native over time.
It depends on your architecture and how decoupled you want it to be. Here is a good starting point for you to take a look into best practices:

Best practices for modularize aws lambda code

I have been checking some resources on internet and all the examples of lambda in AWS are very basic but I am not sure how we will modularize an application with multiples dependencies, for example in java we usually have some structure like this
And we place the code related to each logic inside the package, but now in AWS seems that is more like scripting that will glue the pieces than OOP that I am used to, so my question is how we handle (if apply) this relationships, because I have seen code that all the logic is in one lambda and that not seems the best way to go, for example if we had some functionality that fist authenticate, authorize, transform, call an external api, get the response and then do a call to a final rest endpoint, how we can split this, for example will be the same lambda with packages(directories) inside and we call to each other? or we have multiples lambdas each one with one purpose? and this will generate cold start for each lambda?
I was thinking in using layers, but seems very new and not sure if this is production ready feature and seems that is more related to reuse code that is common across all the environment that the way to modularize our code
Generally when you're developing Lambda functions, the function should have a single purpose (which will keep the function relatively small).
If you have multiple actions, by having each Lambda as its own function it will improve the development and deployment experience. Having a single developer working on the function reduces the risk of breaking unrelated functionality, whilst also allowing them to deploy only the function that they've worked on.
To orchestrate between Lambdas for APIs people tend to use API Gateway (be that for your clients communicating to the Lambdas, or between the Lambdas themselves).
Regarding any shared dependencies/libraries Lambda Layers as you mentioned is the correct way to go. It will allow you to centralise the dependencies that your applications share rather than the need to package the Lambda with a version of the dependencies each time.
There's an article on Best Practices for Developing on AWS Lambda that should offer additional guidance.

Load testing AWS SDK client

What is the recommended way to performance test AWS SDK clients? I'm basically just listing/describing resources and would like to see what happens when I query 10k objects. Does AWS provide some type of mock API, or do I really need to request 10k of each type of resource to do this?
I can of course mock in at least two levels:
SDK: I wrap the SDK with my own interfaces and create mocks. This doesn't exercise the SDK's JSON to objects code and my mocks affect the AppDomain with additional memory, garbage collection, etc.
REST API: As I understand it the SDKs are just wrappers to the REST API (hence the HTTP response codes shown in the objects. It seems I can configure the SDK to go to custom endpoints.
This isolates the mocks from the main AppDomain and is more representative, but of course I'm still making some assumptions about response time, limits, etc.
Besides the above taking a long time to implement, I would like to make sure my code won't fail at scale, either locally or at AWS. The only way I see to guarantee that is creating (and paying for) the resources at AWS. Am I missing anything?
When you query 10k or more objects you'll have to deal with:
Pagination - the API usually returns only a limited number of items per call, providing NextToken for the next call.
Rate Limiting - if you hammer some AWS APIs too much they'll rate limit you which the SDK will probably report as some kind of Rate Limit Exceeded Exception.
Memory usage - hopefully you don't collect all the results in the memory before processing. Process them as they arrive to conserve your operating memory.
Other than that I don't see why it shouldn't work.
Update: Also check out Moto - the AWS mocking library (for Python) that can also run in a standalone mode for use with other languages. However as with any mocking it may not behave 100% the same as the real thing, for instance around the Rate Limiting behaviour.

Can AWS Lambda Replace an entire Rest Api layer in an enterprise web application

I am new to AWS and havebeen reading about aws lambda. Its very useful but you still have to write individual lambda functions instead of as a whole. i am wondering practically if its possible AWS Lambda can replace an entire Rest Api layer in an enterprise web application
Of course, everything is possible in the computer world but you need to answer lambda-serverless is the best way for me?
For example, you need smaller business flow per lambda(lambda have some hardware limits and need short computing and starting time for cost savings), that's mean you must separate your flow, its success depends on your business area and implementation. is your working area fit for this? But Lambda can handle almost everything with other AWS services(to be honest, maybe in some cases, lambda is a bit harder than the current system and community support is less than traditional systems but it also has lots of advantages as you know). You can check this repo, it full-serverless booking app and this serverless e-commerce repo.
To sum up, if your team is ready for it, you can start the conversion from some part of your application and check everything is ok. This answer totally depends on your team and business BCS nothing is impossible and that's engineering.
That's my opinion because your question looks like a comment question.

How to build complex apps with AWS Lambda and SOA?

We currently run a Java backend which we're hoping to move away from and switch to Node running on AWS Lambda & Serverless.
Ideally during this process we want to build out a fully service orientated architecture.
My question is if our frontend angular app requests the current user's ordered items to get that information it would need to hit three services, the user service, the order service and the item service.
Does this mean we would need make three get requests to these services? At the moment we would have a single endpoint built for that specific request, which can then take advantage of DB joins for optimal performance.
I understand the benefits SOA, but how to do we scale when performing more compex requests such as this? Are there any good resources I can take a look at?
Looking at your question I would advise to align your priorities first: why do you want to move away from the Java backend that you're running on now? Which problems do you want to overcome?
You're combining the microservices architecture and the concept of serverless infrastructure in your question. Both can be used in conjunction, but they don't have to. A lot of companies are using microservices, even bigger enterprises like Uber (on NodeJS), but serverless infrastructures like Lambda are really just getting started. I would advise you to read up on microservices especially, e.g. here are some nice articles. You'll also find answers to your question about performance and joins.
When considering an architecture based on Lambda, do consider that there's no state whatsoever possible in a Lambda function. This is a step further then stateless services that we usually talk about; they generally target 'client state' that does not exist anymore. But a Lambda function cannot have any state, so e.g. a persistent DB-connection pool is not possible. For all the downsides, there's also a lot of stuff you don't have to deal with which can be very beneficial, especially in terms of scalability.