I am trying to make a map which stores a string as an identifier and a function that returns a string i have tried typedef but i kept running into problems because i couldn't convert my typedef string (command)() to a regular string i have also tried map commands but it gives me an expression expected error but it does work if i replace string with int. Does anybody know a way of doing this? This is what my code looks like
#include "iostream"
#include <map>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
class GameController {
void inputReader();
bool gameOver = false;
map<string,string(*)()> commands;//Does not work
string commandReader(string* inputCommand);
void initCommands();
char* end();
string run();
//while attacking
string attack();
string usePotion();
string useItem();
//while in room
string engage();
string searchRoom();
string rest();
string checkBag();
string checkMap();
string checkStats();
//string save();
#include "GameController.h"
void GameController::inputReader() {
while (!gameOver){
string x;
cout << commandReader(&x) << endl;
string GameController::commandReader(string *inputCommand) {
for (map<string,string>::iterator it = commands.begin(); it!=commands.end(); ++it)
if(it->first == *inputCommand)
return it->second;
return "Computer says no type help for commands";
void GameController::initCommands() {
commands["end"] = end;
//while attacking
commands["run"] = run;
commands["attack"] = attack;
commands["use potion"] = usePotion;
commands["use item"] = useItem;
//while in room
commands["engage"] = engage;//TODO
commands["search"] = searchRoom;
commands["rest"] = rest;
commands["check bag"] = checkBag;
commands["map"] = checkMap;
commands["stats"] = checkStats;
This question is tagged C++11, so here's a concise example which uses unordered_map (a real hash map, unlike std::map which my STL reference says is commonly implemented using binary search trees), and std::function.
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
std::string foo()
return "foo!";
struct MyClass
static std::string bar()
{ return "bar!"; }
std::string FizzBuzz() const
{ return "FizzBuzz!"; }
std::string operator()() const
{ return "Myclass!"; }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
MyClass mc;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::function<std::string()>> commands;
commands["myfoo"] = foo;
commands["mybar"] = MyClass::bar;
commands["myfb"] = std::bind(&MyClass::FizzBuzz, mc);
commands["myclass"] = mc;
for( const auto &f : commands)
std::cout << f.second() << std::endl;
std::cout << commands["myfoo"]() << std::endl;
return 0;
Pointers to member functions is not like pointers to free functions or even static methods. For one thing all member functions have a hidden this pointer in the function parameters that makes all of this object magic work.
Going through step by step:
First, define a helper:
typedef string (GameController::*funcp)();
This defines type funcp which represents a pointer to a member function of GameController (to partly take care of the this problem) that takes no parameters and returns string
Then, modify your map to use funcp
map<string, funcp> commands;
Then you have to change the assignment of the member functions a bit to be brutally explicit that it is a pointer and a member of GameController
commands["end"] = &GameController::end;
You can also save yourself some runtime trouble and use an initializer list here rather than a function and a map in every single GameController object. That'll take a bit of extra explaining and I have to be on the move in a few minutes. Sorry about that. A static map with static initializing really is better and worth your time researching, though.
The next bit I stole from the C++ Super FAQ. Read this link. Worth reading all of it, because it heads off a lot of the question you will have.
#define CALL_MEMBER_FN(object,ptrToMember) ((object).*(ptrToMember))
This makes calling the function awesomely easy.
return CALL_MEMBER_FN(*this, it->second)();
And that should about do it for you.
Tweej demonstrates the generally better way to do this, std::function and std::bind, in their answer. Since I'm advocating the ancient ways, I'd like to explain why.
Two reasons: one is tunnel vision directly answering OP's question.
The second is With the ancient ways I could easily make commands static and save having to create a new copy of commands for every instance of GameController. When using std::bind, you have to have the bound object, and that ruins the static idea.
Poking around at the idea of just using std::function seems to have born fruit and rendered obsolete the ancient ways. gone is the CALL_MEMBER_FN macro. Gone is the funcp typedef
The map is now defined as static, what I was aiming for the the old-pre C++11 approach. Note the funcp typedef is replaced by a function that takes a pointer to GameController to supply this.
static map<string, std::function<string(GameController*)>> commands;
And the map is now rigged to use a static initializer list. No function required. This initializer needs to sit outside the class definition because... I'm not sure why. I think this is changed in C++14.
map<string, std::function<string(GameController*)>> GameController::commands
{"end", &GameController::end},
{"run", &GameController::run},
{"attack", &GameController::attack},
{"use potion", &GameController::usePotion},
{"use item", &GameController::useItem},
{"engage", &GameController::engage},
{"search", &GameController::searchRoom},
{"rest", &GameController::rest},
{"check bag", &GameController::checkBag},
{"map", &GameController::checkMap},
{"stats", &GameController::checkStats}
The map is initialized once and only once. All GameControllers will use the same commands, so the constructor is really dumb
// init function is gone
Command reader gets a big rip-up, mostly because the point of a map is you can search it by the key. So I search for the key rather than iterating. The function call is now obvious and dead simple:
string GameController::commandReader(const string &inputCommand)
map<string, std::function<string(GameController*)>>::iterator found = commands.find(inputCommand);
if (found != commands.end())
return found->second(this);
return "Computer says no type help for commands";
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
string read(string a){return "abc";}
void read(float a){}
bool read(int a){return true;}
int main()
map<string,string(*)(string)> f1;
map<string,void(*)(float)> f2;
map<string,bool(*)(int)> f3;
string t,u;
if(!f1.count(t)||!f2.count(t)||!f3.count(t)) cout<<"Unknown command!\n";
else cout<<f1[t](u);
Here I want to access these overloaded functions through their keys. But how can I (or can I ever) store them all in one single map? Something like map<string,/*---*/> f; that is capable of mapping different functions that have different parameter types and different return types so that I can use f["read"]=read; at once?
You cannot have a set of overloads as one element in a map. You could put some objects in the map that have overloaded member functions, though that also wont help, as you want elements in the map with different overloads.
Next problem is that when the parameters are from user input, you need to decide what overload you want to call before you call it. Usually you let the compiler decide based on paramters, but here you need to parse user input to the type of the parameters.
Further, elements in the map must all be of same type. That type should provide an interface that allows you to call the functions in a convenient way.
In other words, the easy way is to wrap functions into something that always takes the same paramter and always returns the same and then put that something into the map. I suggest to use std::istream for input and std::ostream for output :
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
std::string read(std::string a){return "abc";}
void read(float a){}
bool read(int a){return true;}
int main()
std::map<std::string,std::function< void(std::istream&,std::ostream&)>> f;
f["read"] = [](std::istream& in,std::ostream& out){
std::string input;
in >> input;
// put logic to decide what overload to call here
bool call_string = true;
bool call_int = false;
bool call_bool = false;
if (call_string) {
out << read("foo");
} else if (call_int) {
out << read(42);
} else if (call_bool) {
//note : read(bool) returns void
// use the map:
std::string t;
std::cin >> t;
For input "read 42" the output is
Live Example
PS: I you wouldn't insist on overloads the parsing could be automated to some extend by deducing the argument and return types of the functions to be put in the map, though it wont work with overloads (and would be a different question).
I handled the case according to #idclev 463035818's first suggestions, thanks to them.
Here's my recent sample;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
typedef string (*func)(string);
struct demo
map<string,func> f;
string read_p(string),read(string),read(int);
int main()
string t;
size_t found=t.find(" ");
if(found==-1){if(!g.f.count(t)) cout<<"Unrecognized command!\n"; else cout<<g.f[t](t);}
string a=t.substr(0,found),b=t.substr(found+1,t.length()-found);
if(!g.f.count(a)) cout<<"Unrecognized long command!\n"; else cout<<g.f[a](b);
return 0;
string read_p(string c)
if(c=="read") return "Read what?\n";
else if(c=="story") return read(c);
else if(c.substr(0,4)!="page") return "Can't read that!\n";
size_t found=c.find_first_of("0123456789");
if(found==-1) return "Choose a page!\n";
int d=atoi((c.substr(found,2)).c_str());
return read(d);
string read(string a)
ifstream counter("game.txt",ifstream::in);
string x3;
int line=0;
while(counter.good()){getline(counter,x3); line++;}
string x1[line],x2="\"";
ifstream x("game.txt",ifstream::in);
for(int i=0; i<line; i++)
return x2;
string read(int a)
if(a<14||a>18) return "Choose another page!\n";
int page=-1;
ifstream x("game.txt",ifstream::in);
string x1;
while(a!=page){getline(x,x1); page=atoi((x1.substr(0,2)).c_str());}
return x1;
I put the map into a struct so it's also accessible from local functions. Then when anything begins with "read" is entered, program calls read_p function with the user-input string as parameter. read_p parses that in my easy way and decides which variation of read to call. read is overloaded to be able to handle strings and integers separately. When a string is passed as parameter, read(string a) is called; and when an int is passed, read(int a) is called.
This method works precisely. Mapping the functions that are in the same format and that will parse input, then overloading different functions related to them. If any other user-input commands to be added, we'll just add g.f["command"]=command_p; that will parse it and overloaded variations of the function command. I'm sure there must be better ways, if anyone wants to help, I'll be glad about it.
Something similar to what you suggested is used by Qt framework for event handling. Said framework casts all slot function pointers to void* and is cast back before use. The code generation for that is done by meta-object compiler.
I suspect its a implementation-defined behavior that actually is viable on most of platforms as longs as you properly track which pointer points at which function. Lately their design became more complex to support lambda expressions for handlers.
Here's my issue, I would like to call the getters/setters of one of my objects, but not directly, I want to do it by using a std::string.
I found this but it won't work on my case I think it is because my function aren't defined in my main method but in my square class. Also my function are not all defined the same way there's void(std::string) std::string() void(int)...
here's an exemple of what a would like to do.
my object square
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
class Square{
std::string name;
int width;
float happinessPoint; //extremly important for your square.
void setName(std::string);
void setWidth(int);
void setHappinessPoint(float);
std::string getName()
int getWidth()
float getHappinnessPoint()
and my main
#include "Square.h/cpp"
int main(){
Square square = Square("Roger",2,3.5);
// here in my magicalFunction I ask to the users the new values for my square (all in std::string for now)
vector <std::string> newValueForSquare = magicalFunction();
for (unsigned int i=0; i < newValueForSquare.size(), i++){
//here I have a function which tell me if my std::string
// is in fact a float or an int
// and I would like to call each of my setters one by one to
// sets my Square to some value I asked to the user before all that.
// something like that:
// someFunction("setName","Henry")
I hope i have been clear it's pretty hard to explain something you don't know how to do. If you want me to be more specific tell me and I'll do what I can.
EDIT: What I want to do is to call for example my square.setName() with a str::string without writting this square.setName in my main.
To call functions, based on a string, you have some choices. Before I list the choices, please search the internet for "C++ factory design pattern".
If-else ladder
Lookup table
Map / Associative array
Hash table
There may be other methods, but the above come to mind.
if-else ladder (a.k.a. switch)
The problem with this method is that the switch statement doesn't work with strings nor text literals. So you'll have to suffice with if statements:
if (string == "Roger")
else if (string == "Felicity")
Anytime you need to add a new string, you will have to add another "else if" statement to the ladder. Not only do you have to change the code, but you also have to retest it.
Lookup Table
You will need to understand function pointers for this technique and the map technique. Consider this a prerequisite.
Use a structure for mapping text strings to function pointers:
struct Text_Function_Pointer
const char * name;
Function_Pointer p_function;
static const Text_Function_Pointer table[] =
{"Larry", Process_Larry},
{"Felicity", Process_Felicity},
static const unsigned int table_size =
sizeof(table) / sizeof(table[0]);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < table_size; ++i)
if (search_name == table[i].name)
// Execute the processing function.
An issue with this technique is that all the function pointers must have the same signature. This is true for the map as well.
A nice feature is that the data in the table is constant, so it can be placed in Read-Only Memory.
Also, to add more associations, add an entry to the the table. The search / processing function hasn't changed, so it doesn't need to be tested again.
Map / Associative Array
Prerequisite: Function pointers.
Declare a std::map<std::string, Function_Pointer_Type>. Add your names and functions to the map:
std::map<std::string, Function_Pointer_Type> dispatch_table;
dispatch_table["Roger"] = Process_Roger;
dispatch_table["Felicity"] = Process_Felicity;
dispatch_table["Larry"] = Process_Larry;
// Execute appropriate processing function:
One issue with this method is that the std::map data structure needs to be initialized; it can't be directly accessed or loaded from executable code.
Again, all functions must have the same signature.
Hash Table
The idea here is to have an array of function pointers or an array of structures with text & function pointers. Create a hash function that generates a unique array index based on the name string. Use the index to get the function pointer from the array, then execute the function via the function pointer.
Several solutions are available to you. You basically want to parse user input to fill your Square class attribute.
One way is to use the std::stoi family of functions:
std::vector<string> values { "Roger", "2", "3.5" };
std::string name = values[0]; // No problem, two strings
int width = std::stoi(values[1]); // stoi = stringToInt
float happiness = std::stof(values[2]); // stof = stringToFloat
I'm not sure why you'd need the for loop, unless there is something I didn't understand in your question. I'll update my answer accordingly.
Update 1
After reading other answers, I would like to propose my solution to your problem. As stated several times in my comments, this is not an easy answer !
I needed such a class to write a generic test engine, and this is the code I used. It works really well with any type of function (except for routines with a return type of void -- a simple template specialization would solve it though)
# include <functional>
# include <tuple>
template<int ...>
struct seq
template<int N, int ...S>
struct gens : gens<N - 1, N - 1, S...>
template<int ...S>
struct gens<0, S...>
typedef seq<S...> type;
struct callable_base
virtual void operator()() = 0;
virtual ~callable_base()
{ }
class Task
template<class RT, class Functor, class ...Args>
struct functor : public callable_base
functor(RT& result, Functor func, Args ...args)
: _ret(result)
_func = func;
_args = std::make_tuple(args...);
void operator()()
_ret = call(typename gens<sizeof...(Args)>::type());
template<int ...S>
RT call(seq<S...>)
return (_func(std::get<S>(_args)...));
std::function<RT(Args...)> _func;
std::tuple<Args...> _args;
RT& _ret;
_functor = nullptr;
template<class RT, class Functor, class ...Args>
Task(RT& result, Functor func, Args... args)
_functor = new functor<RT, Functor, Args...>(result, func, args...);
void operator()()
delete _functor;
callable_base *_functor;
The idea behind this code is to hide the function signature in the inner class Task::functor and get the return value in the first parameter passed to the Task(...) constructor. I'm giving this code first because I think it might help some people, but also because I think it is an elegant solution to your problem. Bear in mind that to understand most of the code, you need solid C++ knowledge. I'll detail the code in subsequent updates if needed.
Here's how you'd use it:
int main()
int retVal;
std::string newName;
std::map<std::string, Task *> tasks {
{"setName", new Task(retVal, &Square::setName, &newName)}
/* Modify the name however you want */
This whole class could be optimized, of course, primarily thanks to C++14 and move semantics, universal references and all, but I kept it simple ~
A major problem is that you have to use pointers if you don't know the values of the parameters at the time you fill the task map. I'm working on another version to simplify this aspect, but I wanted to show you that C++ is not designed to do what you ask simply. Maybe you come from a functional or JS world, in which this would be trivial x)
Update 2
I just wanted to point out that with C++14, you could omit the first 3 structures that are here to help me expand my tuple in an argument list using interger_sequence
I am building a C++ program that needs to store a map of strings to function pointers. However, every function may have different return types and parameters. The way I am attempting to solve this problem is by creating the functions as taking an array of void pointers and returning an array of void pointers, and then casting the arguments and return values as needed.
To figure out how this would work, I'm trying to build a simple dummy, but can't get it to compile. I've tried a number of things, but I keep getting different errors. here's an example:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
void** string2map(void** args){
//takes a string of the form "key:value;key:value;..." and returns a map<string,string>
string st = *((string**) args)[0];
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
//code doesnt matter
return (void*) &((void*) &result);
int main(){
string test = "hello:there;how:are you?";
map<string, string> result = *(map<string, string>**)string2map((void*) &((void*) &test))[0];
return 0;
when I try to compile, I get:
void.cpp: In function 'void** string2map(void**)':
void.cpp:12:34: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
void.cpp: In function 'int main()':
void.cpp:17:89: error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
Obviously there are plenty of things wrong here, but I really just don't know where to start. Can anyone either show me what's wrong with the code above, or give me an alternative to the way I am currently doing it?
The reason I am returning a void** instead of just void* is that there might be a circumstance where I need to return multiple values of different types. An example would be if, above, I wanted to return both the resulting map AND the number of entries in the map. I haven't even gotten to the point of figuring out how to construct that array yet, though.
So based on the responses so far, it seems pretty clear that this is the wrong way of solving this problem. With that in mind, can anyone suggest a better one? I need to be able to store the various function in a single map, which means I need to be able to define a single data type to functions that take and return different types. And it IS important to be able to return multiple values.
You're converting a map<string,string> to a void**, returning it then converting it back to a map<string,string. Why not just return a map<string,string>? It's also called string2map which implies you will only ever call it with a string (backed up by the fact you pass in a string, which is converted to a void** then converted straight back). Unless you have a good reason to convert to and from void** all over the place this is probably what you need:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
map<string, string> string2map(string st){
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
//code doesnt matter
return result;
int main(){
string test = "hello:there;how:are you?";
map<string, string> result = string2map(test);
return 0;
I've just reread your question. You might want to look up Generalised Functors and look at Boost's std::function as possible solutions to this problem. It's possible to change the return type of a function via a wrapper class, something like:
template< class T >
class ReturnVoid
ReturnVoid( T (*functor)() ) : m_functor( functor ) {}
void operator() { Result = functor(); }
T (*m_functor)();
T Result;
// Specialise for void since you can't have a member of type 'void'
ReturnVoid< void >
ReturnVoid( T (*functor)() ) : m_functor( functor ) {}
void operator() { functor(); }
T (*m_functor)();
Using this as a wrapper might help you store functors with different return types in the same array.
Ignoring my own horror at the idea of blatantly throwing type safety to the wind, two things spring immediately to mind.
First, what exactly do you think will be pointed to when string2map goes out of scope?
Second is that you don't have to cast to void*. Void* gets special treatment in C++ in that anything can be cast to it.
If you insist on trying to push this, I'd start by changing the return type to void, and then take the void* as an input parameter to your function.
For example:
void string2map(void* args, void* returnedMap);
This way you'd have to instantiate your map in a scope that will actually have a map to point to.
$5.3.1/3 - "The result of the unary & operator is a pointer to its
operand. The operand shall be an lvalue or a qualifiedid."
$5.3.1/2 - "The result of each of the following unary operators is a
So, in effect you are trying to take the address of an rvalue which is not allowed.
Further, C++ does not allow to return an array.
So, you really want to start looking at what you want. Return the map by value instead is one definite option.
The way I am attempting to solve this problem is by creating the functions as taking an array of void pointers and returning an array of void pointers, and then casting the arguments and return values as needed.
That's (really really) bad. Have a look instead at std::function and std::bind - those should cover differences between function signatures and bound arguments in an elegant way.
The reason I am returning a void** instead of just void* is that there might be a circumstance where I need to return multiple values of different types.
Then return an object that contains the values. For generics have a look at std::tuple or boost::any.
Here's some code:
void function1(int, const char); // defined elsewhere
std::tuple<int,int> function2(std::string&); // defined elsewhere
std::map<std::string,std::function<void(void)>> functionmap;
functionmap.insert( std::make_pair("function1", std::bind(&function1, 2, 'c')) );
std::tuple<int,int> result;
functionmap.insert( std::make_pair("function2", [&result] {
result = function2("this is a test"); } );
// call function1
// call function2
functionmap["function2"](); // result will now contain the result
// of calling function2
Is this what you tried to do?
int Foo(int a) { return a; }
typedef int (*FooFunc)(int);
void Bar(){}
typedef std::map<std::string, void*> FunctionMap;
// you should use boost::any or something similar instead of void* here
FunctionMap CreateFunctionMap(const std::string& args)
FunctionMap result;
result["Foo"] = &Foo;
result["Bar"] = &Bar;
return result;
void Call(FunctionMap::const_reference functionInfo)
// #hansmaad The key will give information on the signatures.
// there are a few distinct options, so it will be a conditional
// with a couple of clauses.
if (functionInfo.first == "Foo")
auto f = static_cast<FooFunc>(functionInfo.second);
std::cout << f(42);
else if (functionInfo.first == "Bar")
/* */
int main()
auto functions = CreateFunctionMap("...");
std::for_each(begin(functions), end(functions), Call);
#hansmaad The key will give information on the signatures. there are a few distinct options, so it will be a conditional with a couple of clauses. – ewok 33 mins ago
In that case, the typical solution is like this:
typedef void (*func_ptr)();
std::map<std::string, func_ptr> func_map;
map<string,string> string2map(string arg){
//takes a string of the form "key:value;key:value;..." and returns a map<string,string>
map<string, string> result = map <string, string>();
return result;
// ...
// Add function to the map
func_map["map<string,string>(string)" = (func_ptr)string2map;
// Call function in the map
std::map<std::string, func_ptr>::iterator it = ...
if (it->first == "map<string,string>(string)")
map<string,string> (*func)(string) = (map<string,string>(*)(string))it->second;
map<string,string> result = func("key1;value1;key2;value2");
For brevity, I have used C-style casts of the function pointers. The correct C++ cast would be reinterpret_cast<>().
The function pointers are converted to a common type on insertion into the map and converted back to their correct type when invoking them.
Consider the following class member:
std::vector<sim_mob::Lane *> IncomingLanes_;
the above container shall store the pointer to some if my Lane objects. I don't want the subroutins using this variable as argument, to be able to modify Lane objects.
At the same time, I don't know where to put 'const' keyword that does not stop me from populating the container.
could you please help me with this?
thank you and regards
Based on the answers i got so far(Many Thanks to them all) Suppose this sample:
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Lane
int a;
Lane(int h):a(h){}
void setA(int a_)
void printLane()
std::cout << a << std::endl;
class B
vector< Lane const *> IncomingLanes;
void addLane(Lane *l)
int main()
Lane l1(1);
Lane l2(2);
B b;
return 1;
What I meant was:
should work on IncomingLanes with no problem AND
should not be allowed.(In th above example none of the two mentioned methods work!)
Beside solving the problem, I am loking for good programming practice also. So if you think there is a solution to the above problem but in a bad way, plase let us all know.
Thaks agian
A detour first: Use a smart pointer such shared_ptr and not raw pointers within your container. This would make your life a lot easy down the line.
Typically, what you are looking for is called design-const i.e. functions which do not modify their arguments. This, you achieve, by passing arguments via const-reference. Also, if it is a member function make the function const (i.e. this becomes const within the scope of this function and thus you cannot use this to write to the members).
Without knowing more about your class it would be difficult to advise you to use a container of const-references to lanes. That would make inserting lane objects difficult -- a one-time affair, possible only via initializer lists in the ctor(s).
A few must reads:
The whole of FAQ 18
Sutter on const-correctness
Edit: code sample:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
//using namespace std; I'd rather type the 5 characters
// This is almost redundant under the current circumstance
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
//using namespace std; I'd rather type the 5 characters
// This is almost redundant under the current circumstance
class Lane
int a;
Lane(int h):a(h){}
void setA(int a_) // do you need this?
void printLane() const // design-const
std::cout << a << std::endl;
class B
// be consistent with namespace qualification
std::vector< Lane const * > IncomingLanes; // don't expose impl. details
void addLane(Lane const& l) // who's responsible for freeing `l'?
IncomingLanes.push_back(&l); // would change
void printLane(size_t index) const
#ifdef _DEBUG
IncomingLanes.at( index )->printLane();
IncomingLanes[ index ]->printLane();
int main()
Lane l1(1);
Lane l2(2);
B b;
//b.IncomingLanes.at(1)->printLane(); // this is bad
//b.IncomingLanes.at(1)->setA(12); // this is bad
return 1;
Also, as Matthieu M. suggested:
shared ownership is more complicated because it becomes difficult to
tell who really owns the object and when it will be released (and
that's on top of the performance overhead). So unique_ptr should be
the default choice, and shared_ptr a last resort.
Note that unique_ptrs may require you to move them using std::move. I am updating the example to use pointer to const Lane (a simpler interface to get started with).
You can do it this way:
std::vector<const sim_mob::Lane *> IncomingLanes_;
Or this way:
std::vector<sim_mob::Lane const *> IncomingLanes_;
In C/C++, const typename * and typename const * are identical in meaning.
Updated to address updated question:
If really all you need to do is
then you just have to declare printLane like this:
void printLane() const // Tell compiler that printLane doesn't change this
std::cout << a << std::endl;
I suspect that you want the object to be able to modify the elements (i.e., you don't want the elements to truly be const). Instead, you want nonmember functions to only get read-only access to the std::vector (i.e., you want to prohibit changes from outside the object).
As such, I wouldn't put const anywhere on IncomingLanes_. Instead, I would expose IncomingLanes_ as a pair of std::vector<sim_mob::Lane *>::const_iterators (through methods called something like GetIncomingLanesBegin() and GetIncomingLanesEnd()).
you may declare it like:
std::vector<const sim_mob::Lane *> IncomingLanes_;
you will be able to add, or remove item from array, but you want be able to change item see bellow
IncomingLanes_.push_back(someLine); // Ok
IncomingLanes_[0] = someLine; //error
IncomingLanes_[0]->some_meber = someting; //error
IncomingLanes_.erase(IncomingLanes_.end()); //OK
IncomingLanes_[0]->nonConstMethod(); //error
If you don't want other routines to modify IncomingLanes, but you do want to be able to modify it yourself, just use const in the function declarations that you call.
Or if you don't have control over the functions, when they're external, don't give them access to IncomingLanes directly. Make IncomingLanes private and provide a const getter for it.
I don't think what you want is possible without making the pointers stored in the vector const as well.
const std::vector<sim_mob::Lane*> // means the vector is const, not the pointer within it
std::vector<const sim_mob::Lane*> // means no one can modify the data pointed at.
At best, the second version does what you want but you will have this construct throughout your code where ever you do want to modify the data:
Have you considered a different class hierarchy where sim_mob::Lane's public interface is const and sim_mob::Really_Lane contains the non-const interfaces. Then users of the vector cannot be sure a "Lane" object is "real" without using dynamic_cast?
Before we get to const goodness, you should first use encapsulation.
Do not expose the vector to the external world, and it will become much easier.
A weak (*) encapsulation here is sufficient:
class B {
std::vector<Lane> const& getIncomingLanes() const { return incomingLanes; }
void addLane(Lane l) { incomlingLanes.push_back(l); }
std::vector<Lane> incomingLanes;
The above is simplissime, and yet achieves the goal:
clients of the class cannot modify the vector itself
clients of the class cannot modify the vector content (Lane instances)
and of course, the class can access the vector content fully and modify it at will.
Your new main routine becomes:
int main()
Lane l1(1);
Lane l2(2);
B b;
b.getIncomingLanes().at(1).setA(12); // expected-error\
// { passing ‘const Lane’ as ‘this’ argument of
// ‘void Lane::setA(int)’ discards qualifiers }
return 1;
(*) This is weak in the sense that even though the attribute itself is not exposed, because we give a reference to it to the external world in practice clients are not really shielded.
I'm trying create a class which adds functionality to a generic class, without directly interfacing with the wrapped class. A good example of this would be a smart pointer. Specifically, I'd like to create a wrapper which caches all the i/o for one (or any?) method invoked through the wrapper. Ideally, the cache wrapper have the following properties:
it would not require the wrapping class to be changed in any way (i.e. generic)
it would not require the wrapped class to be changed in any way (i.e. generic)
it would not change the interface or syntax for using the object significantly
For example, it would be really nice to use it like this:
CacheWrapper<NumberCruncher> crunchy;
// do some long and ugly calculation, caching method input/output
result = crunchy->calculate(input);
// no calculation, use cached result
result = crunchy->calculate(input);
although something goofy like this would be ok:
result = crunchy.dispatch (&NumberCruncher::calculate, input);
I feel like this should be possible in C++, although possibly with some syntactic gymnastics somewhere along the line.
Any ideas?
I think I have the answer you are seeking, or, at least, I almost do. It uses the dispatch style you suggested was goofy, but I think it meets the first two criteria you set forth, and more or less meets the third.
The wrapping class does not have to be modified at all.
It doesn't modify the wrapped class at all.
It only changes the syntax by introducing a dispatch function.
The basic idea is to create a template class, whose parameter is the class of the object to be wrapped, with a template dispatch method, whose parameters are the argument and return types of a member function. The dispatch method looks up the passed in member function pointer to see if it has been called before. If so, it retrieves the record of previous method arguments and calculated results to return the previously calculated value for the argument given to dispatch, or to calculate it if it is new.
Since what this wrapping class does is also called memoization, I've elected to call the template Memo because that is shorter to type than CacheWrapper and I'm starting to prefer shorter names in my old age.
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// An anonymous namespace to hold a search predicate definition. Users of
// Memo don't need to know this implementation detail, so I keep it
// anonymous. I use a predicate to search a vector of pairs instead of a
// simple map because a map requires that operator< be defined for its key
// type, and operator< isn't defined for member function pointers, but
// operator== is.
namespace {
template <typename Type1, typename Type2>
class FirstEq {
FirstType value;
typedef std::pair<Type1, Type2> ArgType;
FirstEq(Type1 t) : value(t) {}
bool operator()(const ArgType& rhs) const {
return value == rhs.first;
template <typename T>
class Memo {
// Typedef for a member function of T. The C++ standard allows casting a
// member function of a class with one signature to a type of another
// member function of the class with a possibly different signature. You
// aren't guaranteed to be able to call the member function after
// casting, but you can use the pointer for comparisons, which is all we
// need to do.
typedef void (T::*TMemFun)(void);
typedef std::vector< std::pair<TMemFun, void*> > FuncRecords;
T memoized;
FuncRecords funcCalls;
Memo(T t) : memoized(t) {}
template <typename ReturnType, typename ArgType>
ReturnType dispatch(ReturnType (T::* memFun)(ArgType), ArgType arg) {
typedef std::map<ArgType, ReturnType> Record;
// Look up memFun in the record of previously invoked member
// functions. If this is the first invocation, create a new record.
typename FuncRecords::iterator recIter =
FirstEq<TMemFun, void*>(
if (recIter == funcCalls.end()) {
static_cast<void*>(new Record)));
recIter = --funcCalls.end();
// Get the record of previous arguments and return values.
// Find the previously calculated value, or calculate it if
// necessary.
Record* rec = static_cast<Record*>(
typename Record::iterator callIter = rec->lower_bound(arg);
if (callIter == rec->end() || callIter->first != arg) {
callIter = rec->insert(callIter,
return callIter->second;
Here is a simple test showing its use:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "Memo.h"
using namespace std;
struct C {
int three(int x) {
cout << "Called three(" << x << ")" << endl;
return 3;
double square(float x) {
cout << "Called square(" << x << ")" << endl;
return x * x;
int main(void) {
C c;
Memo<C> m(c);
cout << m.dispatch(&C::three, 1) << endl;
cout << m.dispatch(&C::three, 2) << endl;
cout << m.dispatch(&C::three, 1) << endl;
cout << m.dispatch(&C::three, 2) << endl;
cout << m.dispatch(&C::square, 2.3f) << endl;
cout << m.dispatch(&C::square, 2.3f) << endl;
return 0;
Which produces the following output on my system (MacOS 10.4.11 using g++ 4.0.1):
Called three(1)
Called three(2)
Called square(2.3)
This only works for methods which take 1 argument and return a result. It doesn't work for methods which take 0 arguments, or 2, or 3, or more arguments. This shouldn't be a big problem, though. You can implement overloaded versions of dispatch which take different numbers of arguments up to some reasonable max. This is what the Boost Tuple library does. They implement tuples of up to 10 elements and assume most programmers don't need more than that.
The possibility of implementing multiple overloads for dispatch is why I used the FirstEq predicate template with the find_if algorithm instead of a simple for loop search. It is a little more code for a single use, but if you are going to do a similar search multiple times, it ends up being less code overall and less chance to get one of the loops subtlely wrong.
It doesn't work for methods returning nothing, i.e. void, but if the method doesn't return anything, then you don't need to cache the result!
It doesn't work for template member functions of the wrapped class because you need to pass an actual member function pointer to dispatch, and an un-instantiated template function doesn't have a pointer (yet). There may be a way around this, but I haven't tried much yet.
I haven't done much testing of this yet, so it may have some subtle (or not-so-subtle) problems.
I don't think a completely seamless solution which satisfies all your requirements with no change in syntax at all is possible in C++. (though I'd love to be proven wrong!) Hopefully this is close enough.
When I researched this answer, I got a lot of help from this very extensive write up on implementing member function delegates in C++. Anyone who wants to learn way more than they realized was possible to know about member function pointers should give that article a good read.
I don't think this can be easily done using just a wrapper as you'll have to intercept the IO calls, so wrapping a class would put the code at the wrong layer. In essence, you want to substitute the IO code underneath the object, but you're trying to do it from the top layer. If you're thinking of the code as an onion, you're trying to modify the outer skin in order to affect something two or three layers in; IMHO that suggests the design might need a rethink.
If the class that you're trying to wrap/modify this way does allow you to pass in the stream (or whatever IO mechanism you use), then substituting that one for a caching one would be the right thing to do; in essence that would be what you'd be trying to achieve with your wrapper as well.
It looks like a simple task, assuming the "NumberCruncher" has a known interface, let's say int operator(int).
Note that you'll need to make it more complicated to support other interfaces. In order to do so, i'm adding another template parameter, an Adaptor. Adaptor should convert some interface to a known interface. Here's simple and dumb implementation with static method, which is one way to do it. Also look what Functor is.
struct Adaptor1 {
static int invoke(Cached1 & c, int input) {
struct Adaptor2 {
static int invoke(Cached2 & c, int input) {
template class CacheWrapper<typename T, typeneame Adaptor>
T m_cachedObj;
std::map<int, int> m_cache;
// add c'tor here
int calculate(int input) {
std::map<int, int>::const_iterator it = m_cache.find(input);
if (it != m_cache.end()) {
int res = Adaptor::invoke(m_cachedObj, input);
m_cache[input] = res;
I think what you need is something like a proxy / decorator (design patterns). You can use templates if you don't need the dynamic part of those patterns. The point is that you need to well define the interface that you will need.
I haven't figured out the case for handling object methods, but I think I've got a good fix for regular functions
template <typename input_t, typename output_t>
class CacheWrapper
CacheWrapper (boost::function<output_t (input_t)> f)
: _func(f)
output_t operator() (const input_t& in)
if (in != input_)
input_ = in;
output_ = _func(in);
return output_;
boost::function<output_t (input_t)> _func;
input_t input_;
output_t output_;
Which would be used as follows:
#include <iostream>
#include "CacheWrapper.h"
double squareit(double x)
std::cout << "computing" << std::endl;
return x*x;
int main (int argc, char** argv)
CacheWrapper<double,double> cached_squareit(squareit);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
std::cout << cached_squareit (10) << std::endl;
Any tips on how to get this to work for objects?