Does "SentTimestamp" attribute of AWS SQS message change after visibility timeout? - amazon-web-services

While using AWS SQS, does "SentTimestamp" attribute of a message change after it is received from the queue, but not deleted and returned back to the queue after the visibility timeout expired?

No, and that behavior would be undesirable because SentTimestamp specifically describes when the message was first sent to the queue.
This documentation that describes the visibility timeout offers some insight:
Immediately after the component receives the message, the message is
still in the queue. However, you don't want other components in the
system receiving and processing the message again. Therefore, Amazon
SQS blocks them with a visibility timeout, which is a period of time
during which Amazon SQS prevents other consuming components from
receiving and processing that message.
The important takeaway here is that the message never really leaves the queue, it is simply hidden from other clients that are receiving messages. So message contents like the MessageID and SentTimeout won't change. On the other hand, things related to receiving the message like RecieptHandle and Receive Count do change each time the message is received.
You can self-verify this from the AWS web console by:
Creating a message in a queue.
Viewing the message.
Waiting for the visibility timeout to expire. Once it has, open the SQS console again in a new tab.
Viewing the message again, in the new tab. Compare the contents of both received messages.


Visibility timeout in Amazon SQS not working

How do I configure visibility timeout so that a message in SQS can be read again?
I have Amazon SQS as a message queue. Messages are being sent by multiple applications. I am now using Spring listener to read message in queue as below:
public DefaultMessageListenerContainer jmsListenerContainer() {
SQSConnectionFactory sqsConnectionFactory = SQSConnectionFactory.builder()
.withAWSCredentialsProvider(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain())
DefaultMessageListenerContainer dmlc = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer();
return dmlc;
The class queueListener implements javax.jms.MessageListener which uses onMessage() method further.
I have also configured a scheduler to read the queue again after a certain period of time. It uses receiveMessage() of
As soon as message reach the queue the listener reads the message. I want to read the message again after certain period of time i.e. through scheduler, but once a message is read by listener it does not become visible or read again. As per Amazon's SQS developer guide the default visibility timeout is 30 seconds, but that message is not becoming visible even after 30 seconds. I have tried setting custom visibility timeout in SQS QUEUE PARAMETER CONSOLE, but it's not working.
For information, nobody is deleting the message from the queue.
I only have a passing familiarity with Amazon SQS, but I can say that typically in messaging use-cases when a consumer receives and acknowledges the message then that message is removed (i.e. deleted) from the queue. Given that your Spring application is receiving the message I would suspect it is also acknowledging the message and therefore removing it from the queue which prevents your scheduler from receiving it later. Note that Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer uses JMS' AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode by default.
This documentation from Amazon essentially states that if a message is acknowledged in a JMS context that it is "deleted from the underlying Amazon SQS queue."

I'm getting same multiple Sqs message before visibility timeout

I set visibility time out 12 hours and max message 3, delay time 15 min, I'm get sqs message few minute after automatically I get same message again.
Why do I get multiple sqs message without timeout?
After visibility time out it delete message in queue or send again sqs message?
When ReceiveMessage() is called on an Amazon SQS queue, up to 10 messages (configurable) will be retrieved from the queue.
These messages will be marked as Invisible or In-Flight. This means that the messages are still in the queue, but will not be returned via another ReceiveMessage() call. The messages will remain invisible for a period of time. The default period is configured on the queue ("Default Visibility Timeout") or when the messages are retrieved (VisibilityTimeout).
When an application has finished handling a message, it should call DeleteMessage(), passing the MessageHandle that was provided with the message. The message will then be deleted from the queue.
If the invisibility period expires before a message is deleted, it will be placed on the queue again and applications can retrieve it again. Therefore, be sure to set your invisibility timeout to be longer than an application normally takes to process a message.
It is possible that a message may be retrieved more than once from Amazon SQS. It is rare, but can happen where there are multiple processes retrieving messages simultaneously. Thus, SQS is "At least once delivery". If this is a problem, you can use FIFO Queues (not yet available in every region) that will guarantee that each message is delivered only once, but there are throughput restrictions on FIFO queues.
So, if you are receiving a message more than once:
You should check your invisibility timeout setting (both the default setting and the value that can be passed when you call ReceiveMessage())
Consider using FIFO queues
Have your application check whether a message has already been processed before processing it again (eg via a unique ID)

Why Amazon SQS messages drop Consumer get no message

I am sending message on sqs queue and strangely message are getting dropped or deleted before consumer reads it.
I have logged activity, I can see message successfully going on queue but consumer not getting it.
What can be the reason?
This post is related , but op resolved it in private so sadly no solution
This does not happen. Something in your system is deleting the messages.
It could be that you are viewing them in the console, which could trigger the Visibility Timeout. During that timeout, the messages will be invisible ("In Flight"), waiting for the requesting process to delete them once processed.
The flow is:
SendMessage pushes message to the queue ("Messages Available")
ReceiveMessage retrieves message from the queue ("Messages In Flight")
Application processes message (message remains invisible)
If the message visibility timeout is exceeded, the message re-appears on the queue
DeleteMessage deletes the message from the queue

Amazon SQS - Make message invisible for x seconds

I have an Amazon SQS Queue and I am trying to make it work this way:
When a new message added to the queue, only the first client who received that message will start work
For others, the message will be invisible for period of time
Is it possible to do this using Visibility Timeout?
When a consumer receives and processes a message from SQS queue, the message still remains in the queue (until it is deleted by the consumer). To make sure that other consumers don't process the same message, you can set visibility timeout of the queue. Once the message has been processed by the consumer, you can delete the message from the queue. For the duration of the visibility timeout, no other consumer will be able to receive and process the same message.
There is no other way to "lock" the message except setting a long Visibility Timeout, with a maximum 12 hour timeout.
However, if your real concern also including error/crashing, you can make use of the Dead-Letter-Queue redrive policy, to deal with queue contents that fail to be process indefinitely.

Can I tell if an Amazon SQS message is still in flight?

Given an Amazon SQS message, is there a way to tell if it is still in flight via the API? Or, would I need to note the timestamp when I receive the message, subtract that from the current time, and check if that is less than the visibility timeout?
The normal flow for using Amazon Simple Queueing Service (SQS) is:
A message is pushed onto a queue using SendMessage (it can remain in the queue for up to 14 days)
An application uses ReceiveMessage to retrieve a message from the queue (no guarantee of first-in-first-out)
When the application has finished processing the message, it calls DeleteMessage (it can also call ChangeMessageVisibility to extend the time until it times-out)
If the application does not delete the message within a pre-configured time period, SQS makes the message reappear on the queue
If a message is retrieved from the queue more than a pre-configured number of times, the message can be moved to a Dead Letter queue
It is not possible to obtain information about a specific message. Rather, the application asks for a message (or a batch of messages), upon which the message becomes invisible (or 'in flight'). This also gives access to a ReceiptHandle that can be used with DeleteMessage or ChangeMessageVisibility.
The closest option is to call GetQueueAttributes. The value for ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible will indicate the number of in-flight messages but it will not give insight into a particular message.