making a function staticmethod in python is confusing - python-2.7

Hi I have a GUI written using Tkinter and the code template is as follows. My question is PyCharm gives me warnings on my functions (def func1, def func2) that they are static. To get rid of the warnings I placed #staticmethod above the functions. What does this do and is it necessary?
# Use TKinter for python 2, tkinter for python 3
import Tkinter as Tk
import ctypes
import numpy as np
import os, fnmatch
import tkFont
class MainWindow(Tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def si_units(self, string):
if string.endswith('M'):
num = float(string.replace('M', 'e6'))
elif string.endswith('K'):
num = float(string.replace('K', 'e3'))
elif string.endswith('k'):
num = float(string.replace('k', 'e3'))
num = float(string)
return num
if __name__ == "__main__":
# main()
root = Tk.Tk()
app = MainWindow(root)

You can also turn off that inspection so that PyCharm doesn't warn you. Preferences -> Editor -> Inspections. Note that the inspection appears in the JavaScript section as well as the Python section.

You are right about #staticmethod being confusing. It is not really needed in Python code and in my opinion should almost never by used. Instead, since si_units is not a method, move it out of the class and remove the unused self parameter. (Actually, you should have done that when adding #staticmethod; the posted code will not work right with 'self' left in.)
Unless one has forgotten to use 'self' when it needs to be used, this is (or at least should be) the intent of the PyCharm warning. No confusion, no fiddling with PyCharm settings.
While you are at it, you could condense the function and make it easily extensible to other suffixes by using a dict.
def si_units(string):
d = {'k':'e3', 'K':'e3', 'M':'e6'}
end = string[-1]
if end in d:
string = string[:-1] + d[end]
return float(string)
for f in ('1.5', '1.5k', '1.5K', '1.5M'): print(si_units(f))


Get access to class attributes

import yaml
class Import_Yaml_Setting():
def __init__(self, path):
def read_yaml(self, path):
stream = open(path, 'r')
self.settings = yaml.load(stream)
class MasterDef(Import_Yaml_Setting):
def __init__(self, path):
Import_Yaml_Setting.__init__(self, path)
def function_1():
path = 'path_to_settings\\yaml_file.yaml'
def function_2():
if __name__ == '__main__':
My plan is it to have a class Import_Yaml_Setting which imports settings from a yaml file. The class MasterDef inherits the class Import_Yaml_Setting.
After 'function_1' calls MasterDef in order to import the settings. I want to do this once in my program. After, I just want to get access to the imported settings
without import them again. This should do function_2.
My problem
I don't know how I have to call MasterDef at the first place. If I would create an instance of MasterDef them I wouldn't have access to this instance in function_2.
Also, I get an error that says MasterDef has no attribute settings.
What would be the right way to do this.
There are a few things incorrect, so lets start with the most obvious.
If you have a class MasterDef, calling MasterDef() creates an instance
of that class. If you don't assign that to a variable, that instance will
immediately disappear.
Doing MasterDef.settings later on could work if the class had a
class attribute or method called settings, but in that case you are not accessing
the settings attribute on an instance.
Typical such global settings are passed around, or implemented as a function object that
does the loading only once, or are made into a global variable (as
shown in the following example). Simplified you would do:
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
class MasterDef(object):
def __init__(self):
self.settings = dict(some='setting')
master_def = None
def function_1():
global master_def
if master_def is None:
master_def = MasterDef()
def function_2():
print('master_def:', master_def.settings)
if __name__ == '__main__':
which gives:
master_def: {'some': 'setting'}
A few notes to the above:
If, for whatever reason, you are doing anything new on Python 2.7
make things more Python3 compatible by including the from
__future__ import as indicated. Even if you are just using the
print function (instead of the outdated print statement). It
will make transitioning easier (2.7 goes EOL in 2020)
Again in 2.7 make your base classes a subclass of object, that
makes it e.g. possible to have properties.
By testing that master_def is None you can invoke function_1 multiple
You should also be aware that PyYAML load, as is written in its
documentation, can be unsafe when you don't have full control over
your input. There is seldom need to use load() so use safe_load()
or upgrade to my ruamel.yaml package which implements the newer YAML
1.2 standard (released 2009, so there is no excuse for using PyYAML
that still doesn't support that).
As you also seem to be on Windows (assumed from you using \\), consider using raw strings
where you don't need to escape the backslash, using os.path.join(). I am leaving out
your path part in my full example as I am not on Windows:
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division, unicode_literals
import ruamel.yaml
class Import_Yaml_Setting(object):
def __init__(self, path):
self._path = path # stored in case you want to write out the configuration
self.settings = self.read_yaml(path)
def read_yaml(self, path):
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe')
with open(path, 'r') as stream:
return yaml.load(stream)
class MasterDef(Import_Yaml_Setting):
def __init__(self, path):
Import_Yaml_Setting.__init__(self, path)
master_def = None
def function_1():
global master_def
path = 'yaml_file.yaml'
if master_def is None:
master_def = MasterDef(path)
def function_2():
print('master_def:', master_def.settings)
if __name__ == '__main__':
If your YAML file looks like:
example: file
very: simple
the output of the above program will be:
master_def: {'example': 'file', 'very': 'simple'}

how to get ticking timer with dynamic label?

What im trying to do is that whenever cursor is on label it must show the time elapsed since when it is created it does well by subtracting (def on_enter(i)) the value but i want it to be ticking while cursor is still on label.
I tried using after function as newbie i do not understand it well to use on dynamic labels.
any help will be appreciated thx
from Tkinter import *
import datetime
date = datetime.datetime
now =
def delete(i):
def create():#new func
for j in range(i+1,len(k)):
if k[j]==0:
for j in range(i+1,len(k)):
if k[j]==0:
def on_enter(i):
def on_leave(i):
def time_now():
now =
return date(now.year,now.month,,now.hour,now.minute,now.second)
for i in range(11):
lb.bind("<Button-3>",lambda event,i=i:delete(i))
lb.bind("<Enter>",lambda event,i=i: on_enter(i))
lb.bind("<Leave>",lambda event,i=i: on_leave(i))
master.bind("<Control-Key-z>",lambda event: create())
You would use after like this:
def on_enter(i):
list_label[i].timer = list_label[i].after(1000, on_enter, i)
def on_leave(i):
However, your approach here is all wrong. You currently have some functions and a list of data. What you should do is make a single object that contains the functions and data together and make a list of those. That way you can write your code for a single Label and just duplicate that. It makes your code a lot simpler partly because you no longer need to keep track of "i". Like this:
import Tkinter as tk
from datetime import datetime
def time_now():
now =
return datetime(now.year,now.month,,now.hour,now.minute,now.second)
class Kiran(tk.Label):
"""A new type of Label that shows the time since creation when the mouse hovers"""
hidden = []
def __init__(self, master=None, **kwargs):
tk.Label.__init__(self, master, **kwargs) = self['text']
self.time_var = time_now()
self.bind("<Enter>", self.on_enter)
self.bind("<Leave>", self.on_leave)
self.bind("<Button-3>", self.hide)
def on_enter(self, event=None):
self.timer = self.after(1000, self.on_enter)
def on_leave(self, event=None):
self.after_cancel(self.timer) # cancel the timer
def hide(self, event=None):
self.hidden.append(self) # add this instance to the list of hidden instances
def show(self):
self.time_var = time_now() # reset time
def undo(event=None):
'''if there's any hidden Labels, show one'''
if Kiran.hidden:
def main():
root = tk.Tk()
for i in range(11):
if __name__ == '__main__':
More notes:
Don't use lambda unless you are forced to; it's known to cause bugs.
Don't use wildcard imports (from module import *), they cause bugs and are against PEP8.
Put everything in functions.
Use long, descriptive names. Single letter names just waste time. Think of names as tiny comments.
Add a lot more comments to your code so that other people don't have to guess what the code is supposed to do.
Try a more beginner oriented forum for questions like this, like

__init__ variable not found in test class?

I recently changed from using nose to nose2, however a lot of my testing code seems to have broken in the process. One thing in particular is the init variable i put in my test class "self.mir_axis" is giving this error:
mirror_index = mirror_matrix.index(self.mir_axis)
AttributeError: 'TestConvert' object has no attribute 'mir_axis'
This used to work with nose, however with nose2 my init variable for some reason is no longer registering. Am I missing something here? Im using python 2.7.3, and eclipse as an IDE btw.
from nose2.compat import unittest
from import params
from nose2 import session
from import ReportTestEvent
from nose2.plugins import testid
from nose2.tests._common import (FakeStartTestEvent, FakeLoadFromNameEvent,
FakeLoadFromNamesEvent, TestCase)#
# Import maya modules
import maya.cmds as mc
# Absolute imports of other modules
from neo_autorig.scripts.basic import name
from neo_autorig.scripts.basic import utils
# Test class for converting strings
class TestConvert(TestCase):
counter = 0 # counter to cycle through mir_axes
def _init__(self):
mir_axes = ['xy', '-xy', 'yz', '-yz'] # different axes to be applied
self.mir_axis = mir_axes[self.__class__.counter]
self.__class__.counter += 1 # increase counter when run
if self.__class__.counter > 3:
self.__class__.counter = 0 # if counter reaches max, reset
self.utils = utils.Utils(self.mir_axis, False) # pass module variables
def setUp(self): # set up maya scene
side_indicator_l = mc.spaceLocator(n='side_indicator_left')[0]
side_indicator_r = mc.spaceLocator(n='side_indicator_right')[0]
mirror_matrix = ['xy', '-xy', 'yz', '-yz']
trans_matrix = ['tz', 'tz', 'tx', 'tx']
side_matrix = [1, -1, 1, -1]
mirror_index = mirror_matrix.index(self.mir_axis)
mc.setAttr(side_indicator_l+'.'+trans_matrix[mirror_index], side_matrix[mirror_index])
mc.setAttr(side_indicator_r+'.'+trans_matrix[mirror_index], side_matrix[mirror_index]*-1)
def tearDown(self): # delete everything after
mc.delete('side_indicator_left', 'side_indicator_right')
def test_prefix_name_side_type(self): # test string
nc = name.Name('prefix_name_side_type')
existing = nc.get_scenenames('transform')
self.assertEqual(nc.convert('test', 'empty', self.utils.find_side('side_indicator_left'),
'object', existing), 'test_empty_l_object')
self.assertEqual(nc.convert('test', 'empty', self.utils.find_side('side_indicator_right'),
'object', existing), 'test_empty_r_object')
# run if script is run from inside module
if __name__ == '__main__':
import nose2
I see two problems with the snippet you posted:
The first one is def _init__(self): is missing an underscore; it should be def __init__(self):
The second one (and seems to be the reason for the error) is the fact that the first line in _init__, mir_axes = ['xy', '-xy', ..., should be self.mir_axes = ...
You should use setUp instead of __init__ regardless, according to Ned Batchelder of fame. :)

python problems with super

Ok so I'm having a bit of a problem with the code below. It works as is but if I try to change the part with the comment about me not being able to get super to work correctly to.
pipeline_class_call = super(Error_Popup,self)
broken_file_w_whats_wrong = pipeline_class_call.whats_wrong_with_file()
or to
broken_file_w_whats_wrong = super(Error_Popup,self).whats_wrong_with_file()
and change
class Error_Popup(QtGui.QDialog):
class Error_Popup(QtGui.QDialog,Pipeline_UI):
I get the following error
# TypeError: object of type 'instancemethod' has no len() #
Which normally means that I need to call the method, but doesn't super handle all this for me. Or am I goofing this?
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
from shiboken import wrapInstance
import pymel.core as pm
import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui
from UI.UI import Pipeline_UI
def something_bad_happened_window():
sbh_pointer = omui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
return wrapInstance(long(sbh_pointer), QtGui.QWidget)
class Error_Popup(QtGui.QDialog):
def __init__(self,parent=something_bad_happened_window()):
self.setWindowTitle('Something Bad Happened!')
def popup_layout(self):
self.file_description = QtGui.QListWidget()
#cant seem to get super to work appropriately... booo
pipeline_class_call = Pipeline_UI()
broken_file_w_whats_wrong = pipeline_class_call.whats_wrong_with_file()
for display in range(0,len(broken_file_w_whats_wrong)):
broken_list = QtGui.QListWidgetItem()
if display % 2 == 0:
broken_list.asset = broken_file_w_whats_wrong[display][1]
broken_list.setText(" " + broken_file_w_whats_wrong[display][0])
self.import_button = QtGui.QPushButton('Import Replacement(s)')
error_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
def connections(self):
def make_sphere(cls):
def show_window():
ui = Error_Popup()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Thanks in advance everyone
Looks to me like it's a problem of using super with multiple inheritance. It picks one of the parents in a certain order to use. For example, super(Error_Popup,self).__init__(parent) only calls one of the parents __init__ methods. You have to manually call all of them.
When calling methods or accessing variables, you have to be specific about which parent you want to use or super will pick for you. See this answer and this answer.

Aptana 3 Pydev not getting Tk() window after running

I am new to Aptana, and have searched the net to see how it handles gui development.
I have tried the following code. It shows no bugs in the console. However, it will not give me the Tk() window named myGui.
from Tkinter import *
import ttk
def main():
myGui = Tk()
myGui.title("My Gui New")
l = Label(myGui, text="Help")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Any pointers. I able to get my functions to run in the console, but this Gui development is not working out so well.
The-IT is right, you do want to add myGui.mainloop() to the end of main.
Normally when I'm working in Tkinter I try to move some of the information in your function main into the if... clause. This makes larger, more complex interfaces much easier to handle.
A good start is to use a class:
from Tkinter import *
from ttk import *
class App(Frame):
def __init__(self, master):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
def create_widgets(self):
self.l = Label(self, text='Help')
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = Tk()
app = App(root)
The benefits of this is that you can easily introduce toplevels, add additonal widgets (in an organized fashion) and have clearer code. You can also use the classes to make templates for other widgets; in this case, you are building a special frame class and giving it whatever attributes you want. The same can be done for buttons, entries, and other frames. I'm not familiar with aptana3, but this should work with no problem. Just make sure your indentation is consistent.