Using templates to construct import - templates

Within a file i have several imports from the same directory. If i change the location of this file, rather than having to add one to one '../' inside import, i'd like to use a template to build them and make my life easier when it comes to change paths.
I'd like to know if i could achieve this objective with templates. This is an example of what i expect to get:
template importRoot(p: untyped) ???
importRoot a/b/c.nim # Resolves to import full/path/a/b/c.nim
importRoot a/a.nim # Resolves to import full/path/a/a.nim

You'll need a macro. For example something along the following lines:
import macros
const root = "rootfolder"
macro importRoot*(paths: varargs[untyped]): untyped =
result = newNimNode(nnkStmtList)
let sub = !root
for p in paths:
add result, quote do:
import `sub`.`p`
Note that it may be easier to simply add a --path option on the command line instead.


how to Looping python scripts together

I have two files. An 'initialization' script aka and a 'main code' script aka ''. The is really a several hundred line .ipynb that was converted to a .py file. I want to run the same skeleton of the code with the only adjustment being to pass in the different parameters found in the '' script.
In reality, it is much more complex than what I have laid out below with more references to other locations / DBs and what not.
However, I receive errors such as 'each_item[0]' is not defined. I can't seem to be able to pass in the values/variables that come from my loop in to my script that is contained inside the loop.
Must be doing something very obviously wrong as I imagine this is a simple fix
import pandas as pd
import os
import bumpy as np
import jaydebeapi as jd
cities = ['NYC','LA','DC','MIA'] # really comes from a query/column
value_list = [5,500,5000,300] # comes from a query/column
zipped = list(zip(cities,value_list)) # make tuples
for each_item in zipped:
# where I'm getting errors.
names = each_item[0]
value = each_item[1]
# lots of things going on here in real code but for simplicity...
print value = value * 4
print value

Surprising behaviour using TemplateEngine with variable "URL" interpreted as class

Given the following Groovy code:
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
def propMap = [ URL: "",URL2: ""]
def result = engine.createTemplate('''
''').make(propMap) as String
the output is
Somehow the URL ends up being interpreted as class (which Groovy seems to be auto-importing), but why? And can a variable named URL used in this context?
Groovy is making several default imports, which also includes Import apparently shadows your local variable.
You could use this to explicitly tell Groovy to use your variable instead of
I also tried to use alias for import like this:
import as JavaURL
but it didn't really help, because both implicit (URL) and explicit (JavaURL) imports were used.

Import a list from a different file

Is there a way I can import a list from a different Python file? For example if I have a list:
list1 = ['horses', 'sheep', 'cows', 'chickens', 'dog']
Can I import this list into other files? I know to import other functions you do
from FileName import DefName
This is a user defined list and I don't want to have the user input the same list a million times.
Just a few maybes as to how this could be done:
from FileName import ListName or put all the lists into a function and then import the definition name
Thanks for the help
One option is to dump that list into a temp file, and read it from your other python script.
Another option (if one python script calls the other), is to pass the list as an argument (e.g. using sys.argv[1] and *args, etc).
I'll just export the lists in a file. Therefore every piece of code can read it.

django settings variables get lost in while being passed to templates

i have a weird problem.
Basically, in my file i have 4 variables
URL_MAIN = 'http://www.mysite'
URL_JOBS = 'http://jobs.mysite'
URL_CARS = 'http://cars.mysite'
URL_HOMES = 'http://homes.mysite'
In my i have the usual:
from settings import *
I have 6 views calling them and just returning them to templates inside the context:
class CarsHp(TemplateView):
class JobsHp(TemplateView):
class HomesHp(TemplateView):
class CarsList(TemplateView):
class JobsList(TemplateView):
class HomesList(TemplateView):
which are being called in urls by
All of those views have the same statement:
context['URL_MAIN'] = URL_MAIN
for all 4 variables.
In templates i'm correctly getting all 4 of them, except for URL_MAIN, which "gets lost" in 2 of those 6 views. I'm accessing them with classical {{ URL_MAIN }} and i've been trying everything, from moving to renaming, but still that URL_MAIN doesn't show up (i get empty string, no errors of sort) after being served from 2 of those views. All the functions basically share the same code (except for the querying and data processing part) and those settings' variables are just being assigned and returned off. Not any sort of check nor modification. I've been trying with django's shell, and i could always retrieve them.
We're being served by apache, with some proxypassing configurations for the robots.txt file and static files. Nothing "serious".
I'm not posting all the 6 views source codes just because they're long and the relevant parts are all described above. But i can post them if you want,i just don't know if it is actually useful since i've been triple checking all the sources for clashing on names or double declarations or incorrect use.
Thanks all in advance, this is really stunning my brain
Ideally, you should use template context processors for this. It will cut down your code and allow you to see exactly where the problem is.
Make a file in your projects called (or similar) and put your variables in there:
def common_urls(request):
return {
'URL_MAIN': "http://...",
'URL_JOBS': "http://...",
'URL_CARS': "http://...",
'URL_HOME': "http://...",
and in your
now the urls variables will be automatically available in all your template, and you won't need to hard code them into every view.

django import a view function

I have a django application xxx which does a number of things.
I also have a sepaerate application yyy. Which wants to call one of the functions of xxx.
Is there a way for me to import the functions?
For example, in yyy can i say
from import doit
Or what is the best approach, I dont want to duplicate code.
Of course, you can fo it.
With a proper import and parameter, you can do it.
#app: app1
def a_view(request, someparam):
#some code here
#app: app2
from app1.someview import a_view
def another_view(request):
param = 1
a_view(request, param)
As for an example
UPDATE: Wish to mention that, your function a_view() do not have to get a parameter at all. So you can call functions with no paramaters. I just wish to mention that, if your function have paramaters, you have to pass them as if you do within an application.