I'm trying to parse a file which is in Key<whitespace>Value format. I'm reading the file lines in an std::istringstream object, and I'm extracting a Key string from it. I want to avoid accidentally changing the value of this Key string by making it const.
My best attempt was initializing a temporary VariableKey object, and then making a constant one out of it.
std::ifstream FileStream(FileLocation);
std::string FileLine;
while (std::getline(FileStream, FileLine))
std::istringstream iss(FileLine);
std::string VariableKey;
iss >> VariableKey;
const std::string Key(std::move(VariableKey));
// ...
// A very long and complex parsing algorithm
// which uses `Key` in a lot of places.
// ...
How do I directly initialize a constant Key string object?
It's arguably better to separate file I/O from processing, and instead of creating a const Key inside the same function - call a line-processing function that takes a const std::string& key parameter.
That said, if you want to continue with your current model, you can simply use:
const std::string& Key = VariableKey;
There's no need to copy or move anything anywhere. Only const std::string members functions will be accessible via Key.
You can avoid the "scratch" variable by extracting the input into a function:
std::string get_string(std::istream& is)
std::string s;
is >> s;
return s;
// ...
while (std::getline(FileStream, FileLine))
std::istringstream iss(FileLine);
const std::string& Key = get_string(iss);
// ...
(Binding the function's result to a const reference extends its lifetime.)
I have the following parser class that works in Visual C++
class Parser
const char* filename;
std::ifstream filestream;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
unsigned int linect;
Parser(const char* filename);
bool readline();
std::string getstrtoken(unsigned int i) const { return tokens[i]; }
int getinttoken(unsigned int i) const { return atoi(tokens[i].c_str()); }
Parser::Parser(const char* filename) :
filestream = ifstream(filename); // OK in VC++, not with GCC?
bool Parser::readline()
std::string line;
getline(filestream, line);
std::stringstream ss(line);
std::string token;
while(getline(ss, token, ' ')){ if(token != "") tokens.push_back(token); }
return (filestream != NULL);
But when I try to compile it with GCC 4.8.2, I get errors saying that I cannot assign to filestream. From what I read elsewhere on this site, you can do
std::ifstream filestream(filename);
but you cannot do
std::ifstream filestream;
filestream = ifstream(filename);
which is essentially what I need to do if I want to declare filestream as a member of the Parser class and initialize it in the constructor.
I would like to have the file stream kept within the Parser class so that those who use the parser don't need to declare and keep track of it. It seems to me that this should be self-contained in the Parser class since its internal methods (e.g. readline()) are the only ones that use it.
Is there a way to achieve this that works with both platforms?
edit: My fix was to explicitly call the open() method of ifstream. My parser class constructor now looks like:
Parser::Parser(const char* filename) :
// Do some checking to make sure the file exists, etc.
You can't, since std::ifstream has deleted copy constructor and copy assignment. You may get around by doing
The fact that it compiles on visual studio is mostly because it gets inlined into either move assignment or move constructor(I'm not so good to tell you which exactly). If you try
std::ifstream myF;
filestream = myF;
it won't compile.
However you may try to do the move I wrote, or you can just call .open(http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/basic_ifstream/open)
I think a better solution would be for you to:
Construct a ifstream first.
Construct a Parser using the ifstream object.
Change Parser to store a reference to an istream object. This allows you the flexibility of being able parse the contents of a file, stdin, and a string.
class Parser
std::istream& str;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
unsigned int linect;
Parser(std::istream& s) : str(s) ... {}
std::ifstream don't have a copy constructor, probably one of the many extensions of VC++. Correct code is:
Parser::Parser(const char* filename) :
Please take note of member variable and parameter filename. Use this-> or change name (recommended, normally prefix is used for member variables _ or m_)
class Question
void showQuestion();
bool checkAnswer(string givenAnswer);
void showAnswer();
void markCorrect();
string level;
string questionText;
string answerText;
bool correct;
class Quiz
bool loadQuestions(string dataFileName);
void dumpQuestions();
int deliverQuiz();
vector<Question> questions;
I have two classes here, Question, and Quiz, I need to read a text file that will have the questions, answers, ect. after reading the file, I will need to store the variables into a vector. I've tried a couple things, created a Question object vector and stored them in that. However, I believe I need to create a Quiz object and store them in the private vector. I am confused how I can go about storing the variables into the Quiz vector object, or what the syntax for that would look like.
In other words, it makes sense to me to create a Question Object vector and store them in that. However it appears i'll need to create a Quiz Object vector, and store the variables in that, im just not sure how to go about that.
Here is an example of my input file format called questions.txt
S|1|What is the capital of Italy|Rome
S|1|What is the capital of France|Paris
However it appears i'll need to create a Quiz Object vector, and store the variables in that
I don't think you need to do that. In your example you have 1 Quiz which owns many Questions. This makes sense, so I don't think you need to go about creating Quiz object vector.
I need to read a text file that will have the questions, answers, etc. after reading the file, I will need to store the variables into a vector.
Here is a way to populate your vector of Question objects by implementing the Quiz::loadQuestions() method you have defined. You will need to provide access to the private members of your Question object in order to properly retrieve and populate them (provide accessors and mutators).
void Question::setLevel( const int theLevel )
level = theLevel;
void Question::setQuestion( const std::string & question )
questionText = question;
And so on. Once you've done that, and given your input file format, you can populate like this.
bool Quiz::loadQuestions( const std::string & fileName )
std::ifstream infile(fileName.c_str());
if (infile.is_open())
std::string line;
while (std::getline(infile, line))
std::stringstream ss(line);
std::string token;
Question temp;
std::getline(ss, token, '|'); // Type (don't care?)
std::getline(ss, token, '|'); // Level
int level = atoi(token.c_str());
std::getline(ss, token, '|'); // Question
std::getline(ss, token, '|'); // Answer
// store populated Question object for Quiz
return (!questions.empty());
I create a class named Employee, in private, I have a Name as a string . here is my class declaring:
class Employee
string Name;
void SetName(string);
void StringToEmployee(string);
this is definition of StringToEmployee(string) method:
void Employee::StringToEmployee(string s)
char *first = s, *end = s+strlen(s), *last = NULL;
last = find(first, end, ',');
string temp(first, last- first);
The error occurs when I debug to the line string temp(first, last- first), it's seem to the compiler does not allow me to construct a new string in method. cause I have also changed into string temp; then temp.assign(first, last-first). the error still remain. How could I create a new string in a method?
You should be using iterators and taking advantage of the features of the standard library, rather than raw pointers and C-style string functions. Not only will this give you more idiomatic and easier to understand C++ code, but it will also implicitly resolve many of your errors.
First, the implementation of StringToEmployee should be rewritten as follows:
void Employee::StringToEmployee(std::string s)
const std::string temp(s.begin(),
std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), ',');
But since you are not modifying the s parameter and do not need a copy of it, you should pass it by constant reference:
void Employee::StringToEmployee(const std::string& s)
const std::string temp(s.begin(),
std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), ',');
Also, you should consider redesigning your Employee class. Currently, you have a default constructor that creates an invalid Employee object, and then you have member functions that allow you to turn that invalid Employee object into a valid one by settings its members. Instead, you could have a constructor that did all of this initialization for you, in one step. Not only would your code be cleaner and easier to understand, but it would be more efficient, too!
Perhaps something like:
class Employee
std::string Name; // name of this employee
Employee(const std::string& name); // create Employee with specified name
void SetName(const std::string& newName); // change this employee's name
Employee::Employee(const std::string& name)
: Name(s.begin(), std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), ','))
{ }
void Employee::SetName(const std::string& newName)
Name = std::string(s.begin(), std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), ','));
{ }
A couple of quick notes:
You'll see that I always explicitly write out std:: whenever I use a class from the standard library's namespace. This is a really good habit to get into, and it's not really that hard to type an extra 5 characters. It's particularly important because using namespace std; is a really bad habit to get into.
I pass objects (like strings) that I don't need to modify or have a copy of inside of the method by constant reference. This is both easier to reason about, and also potentially more efficient (because it avoids unnecessary copies).
Inside of the constructor, I have used what may appear to be a funny-looking syntax, involving a colon and some parentheses. This is called a member initialization list, and it's something you should get used to seeing. It's the standard way for a class's constructor to initialize its member variables.
For some reason you want to assing std::string to char*.
Judging from other your code, you want to work with raw char array, so, you need to put correct pointers to first and last like this:
char *first = &s[0], *end = (&s[0]) + strlen(s.c_str()), *last = NULL;
And this part:
string temp(first, last- first);
is incorrect, because last - first is pointer, and, as I understand, you want to use std::string(const char*, size_t) constructor. But instead, you are using iterator-based constructor and system is correctly dying, because first pointer is larger, than second one.
As you see, your method is error-prone. I recommend re-do this part of code, using iterators, like this:
void Employee::StringToEmployee(string s)
auto found = find(s.begin(), s.end(), ',');
string temp(s.begin(), found);
I have the following parser class that works in Visual C++
class Parser
const char* filename;
std::ifstream filestream;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
unsigned int linect;
Parser(const char* filename);
bool readline();
std::string getstrtoken(unsigned int i) const { return tokens[i]; }
int getinttoken(unsigned int i) const { return atoi(tokens[i].c_str()); }
Parser::Parser(const char* filename) :
filestream = ifstream(filename); // OK in VC++, not with GCC?
bool Parser::readline()
std::string line;
getline(filestream, line);
std::stringstream ss(line);
std::string token;
while(getline(ss, token, ' ')){ if(token != "") tokens.push_back(token); }
return (filestream != NULL);
But when I try to compile it with GCC 4.8.2, I get errors saying that I cannot assign to filestream. From what I read elsewhere on this site, you can do
std::ifstream filestream(filename);
but you cannot do
std::ifstream filestream;
filestream = ifstream(filename);
which is essentially what I need to do if I want to declare filestream as a member of the Parser class and initialize it in the constructor.
I would like to have the file stream kept within the Parser class so that those who use the parser don't need to declare and keep track of it. It seems to me that this should be self-contained in the Parser class since its internal methods (e.g. readline()) are the only ones that use it.
Is there a way to achieve this that works with both platforms?
edit: My fix was to explicitly call the open() method of ifstream. My parser class constructor now looks like:
Parser::Parser(const char* filename) :
// Do some checking to make sure the file exists, etc.
You can't, since std::ifstream has deleted copy constructor and copy assignment. You may get around by doing
The fact that it compiles on visual studio is mostly because it gets inlined into either move assignment or move constructor(I'm not so good to tell you which exactly). If you try
std::ifstream myF;
filestream = myF;
it won't compile.
However you may try to do the move I wrote, or you can just call .open(http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/io/basic_ifstream/open)
I think a better solution would be for you to:
Construct a ifstream first.
Construct a Parser using the ifstream object.
Change Parser to store a reference to an istream object. This allows you the flexibility of being able parse the contents of a file, stdin, and a string.
class Parser
std::istream& str;
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
unsigned int linect;
Parser(std::istream& s) : str(s) ... {}
std::ifstream don't have a copy constructor, probably one of the many extensions of VC++. Correct code is:
Parser::Parser(const char* filename) :
Please take note of member variable and parameter filename. Use this-> or change name (recommended, normally prefix is used for member variables _ or m_)
Can some one explain me this code
there is a class StringStream . What i don't get is StringStream& write(char*).
and if in cpp file there is
StringStream& StringStream::write(char* text)
//what values can i return??
//can i return address of character text is currently pointing to?
You'd return *this - i.e. a reference to the current object. (Well, you can return any non-local StringStream, but I guess the purpose is the one I stated)
This technique is usually used for method chaining - i.e. doing something like:
StringStream ss;
ss.write("Hello ").write("world!");
This is a method that most likely modifies a StringStream instance, and returns a reference to a StringStream. So you should return a reference to the instance itself
StringStream& StringStream::write(char* text)
// do stuff
return *this;
This allows you to perform chaining:
StringStream s;
That said, I would have expected the write method to take a const char*:
StringStream& write(const char* text);
since the method will presumably not modify the data passed to it, and is required in order to be able to correctly pass string literals such as the "foo" and "bar" in the example.
you can simply return a reference to stringStream class. As you are writing a member function of the same class you can simply return pointer to this. For more info about the StringStream class : click here