C++ template with no template parameters? - c++

I hate the boilerplate and Don't Repeat Yourself violations inherent in traditional class declarations in C++.
Is it possible to create a template with no template parameters, purely to enable the class to be defined in a header file without violating the One Definition Rule, in C++11?

There's no need for templates whatsoever.
If you want to write a header-only class, all you have to do is mark inline the functions that will be defined external to the class declaration:
#pragma once
struct some_class {
void implicitly_inline() { ... }
inline void explicitly_inline();
void some_class::explicitly_inline() { ... }
The occasional extra inline keyword is hardly such a burden as to change the entire definition of your class.

Is it possible to create a template with no template parameters
No. And you don't need for such workaround because...
to enable the class to be defined in a header file without violating the One Definition Rule
You can define a class in a header file without violating the One Definition Rule.
You can even define the member functions of a class in a header - which I think is the point of this question. Simply declare them all inline. If you define the member functions within the class definition, then they're implicitly inline.
There may be more than one definition of an inline function in the program as long as each definition appears in a different translation unit. For example, an inline function may be defined in a header file that is #include'd in multiple source files.


Where are template functions instantiated?

I believe that there are 4 situations where my question may have different answers. These situations are sorted by member vs. non-member functions and within vs. without a library.
Non-member function within a library
Suppose that I have defined a template function func in header func.h.
// func.h
template <typename T>
int func(T t){
I #include "func.h" in two cpp files of the same project/library/executable and call
#include "func.h"
int m = func<int>(3);
#include "func.h"
int n = func<int>(27);
My understanding is that these two cpp files should compile into their own object files. In what object file is func<int> instantiated? Why will the One Definition Rule not be violated? For this basic application of templates, is there any benefit to explicitly instantiating func<int> separate from its use?
Member function within a library
Suppose that func is instead a member function of some class Func.
// func.h
class Func {
template <typename T>
int func(T t){
Where will func be instantiated? Will func<int> be linked to or placed inline?
Member and Non-Member functions across libraries
Suppose that a.cpp and b.cpp are in different libraries that are compiled separately and later linked into an executable. Will the different libraries their own definitions of func<int>? At link time, why will the One Definition Rule not be violated?
Note: There is a related question of the same title here, but in a specific situation with one cpp file.
In what object file is func<int> instantiated?
In every object file (aka translation unit) that invokes it or takes an address of it when the template definition is available.
Why will the One Definition Rule not be violated?
Because the standard says so in [basic.def.odr].13.
Also see https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/definition
There can be more than one definition in a program of each of the following: class type, enumeration type, inline function, inline variable (since C++17), templated entity (template or member of template, but not full template specialization), as long as all of the following is true...
For this basic application of templates, is there any benefit to explicitly instantiating func<int> separate from its use?
In this case you get no inlining but possibly smaller code. If you use link-time code generation, then inlining may still happen.
All your questions do not really differ when it comes to answer. Regardless of template function being a member or a free function, it is going to be instantiated on first use (with given types) in each compilation unit (.cpp file).
From the compiler standpoint, ODR is not violated here, since there are no two prohibited definitions of templated function. Standard explicitly allows several definitions of templated functions.
Yet your intuition that you end up with definition of instantiated function twice in object files is correct. Luckily, ODR doesn't apply at this point. Instead, those definitions are generated with so-called 'weak' symbol - telling linker that those two symbols are identical, and it is free to pick one (or none and perform link-time optimization!)

multiple definition of a function in templated class

I saw an interesting thing but couldn't understand why.
template<class dataType>
Class A
template<> A<int>::AFnc() { }
Using only specialized template generates an error saying multiple definition of the same function. And it says it was generated at the same place.
But if I add
template<class dataType>
Then it gets rid of the error.
Why ? Could someone please explain this behavior.
(You need to clean up your syntax. I assume that the actual code does not have all those syntax errors.)
Explicit specialization of template function is no longer a template, since it does not depend on any template parameters anymore. From the point of view of One Definition Rule (ODR) it is an "ordinary" function. And, as an "ordinary" function, it has to be declared in header file and defined only once in some implementation file. You apparently defined your specialization in header file, which is what leads to ODR violation if the header file gets included into multiple translation units (e.g. your "multiple definition" errors).
In your example, template<> void A<int>::AFnc() (I added void as return type) is no longer a template. This means that this definition
template<> void A<int>::AFnc() { }
must be moved from the header file to some implementation file. Meanwhile, in the header file you have to keep a non-defining declaration for this function
template<> void A<int>::AFnc(); // <- note, no function body
to let the compiler know that such specialization exists.
In general, remember the simple rule: if your function template still depends on some unspecified template parameters, it is a true template and it has to be defined in header file. But once you "fix" all the parameters (by explicit specialization) it is no longer a template. It becomes an ordinary function that has to be declared in header file and defined only once in some implementation file.
P.S. The above applies to non-inline functions. Inline functions can be (and are usually supposed to be) defined in header files.
P.P.S. The same logic applies to explicit specializations of static data members of template classes.
I guess, you put explicit instantiation in a header file. Then its code is emitted in every translation unit that includes that file. Just move this code
template<> A<int>::AFnc() { }
to .cpp file and it will be emitted only once.
You dont get this error with template method because rules for implicit instantiation are different.

Why is there no multiple definition error when you define a class in a header file?

I'm not sure if I asked the question correctly, but let me explain.
First, I read this article that explains the difference between declarations and definitions:
Second, I know from previous research that it is bad practice to define variables and functions in a header file, because during the linking phase you might have multiple definitions for the same name which will throw an error.
However, how come this doesn't happen for classes? According to another SO answer (
What is the difference between a definition and a declaration? ), the following would be a class DEFINITION:
class MyClass {
If the above definition is in a header file. Then , presumably, you can have multiple .cpp files that #include that header. This means the class is defined multiple times after compilation in multiple .o files, but doesn't seem to cause much problems...
On the other hand, if it was a function being defined in the header file, it would cause problems apparently...from what I understand... maybe?
So what's so special about class definitions?
The one-definition rule (3.2, [basic.def.odr]) applies differently to classes and functions:
1 - No translation unit shall contain more than one definition of any variable, function, class type, enumeration type, or template.
4 - Every program shall contain exactly one definition of every non-inline function or variable that is odr-used in that program [...]
So while (non-inline) functions may be defined at most once in the whole program (and exactly once if they are called or otherwise odr-used), classes may be defined as many times as you have translation units (source files), but no more than once per translation unit.
The reason for this is that since classes are types, their definitions are necessary to be able to share data between translation units. Originally, classes (structs in C) did not have any data requiring linker support; C++ introduces virtual member functions and virtual inheritance, which require linker support for the vtable, but this is usually worked around by attaching the vtable to (the definition of) a member function.
A class definition is just a kind of a blueprint for the objects of that class. It's been the same with struct since the C days. No classes or structures actually exists in the code as such.
Your class definition defines the class, but does not define and objects of that class. It's OK to have the class (or structure) defined in multiple files, because you're just defining a type, not a variable of that type. If you just had the definition, no code would be emitted by the compiler.
The compiler actually emits code only after you declare an object (i.e. variable) of this type:
class MyClass myvar;
class MyOtherClass {
public: ...
private: ...
} myvar; // note the variable name, it instantiates a MyOtherClass
That is what you do NOT want to do in headers because it will cause multiple instances of myvar to be instantiated.

Why are class member functions inlined?

I think my question has been asked here before, I did read them but still little confused and therefore asking to make it clear.
The C++ standard says all member functions defined inside class definition are inline
I have also heard that compiler can ignore inlining of a function. Will that be true in the above case or it will be always inlined if defined inside class definition?
Also, what was the reason behind this design, making all functions defined inside class definition inline? And what inlining has to do with source and header files?
Update: So one should always define their functions outside class if not to be inlined, right?
Update 2 by JohnB: Two functions declared inside class definition could never call each other as they would have to each contain the whole body of the other function. What will happen in this case? (Already answered by Emilio Garavaglia)
Confusion arises because inline has two effects:
It tells the compiler that the function code can be expanded where the function is called, instead of effectively being called.
It tells the compiler that the function definition can be repeated.
Point 1. is "archaic" in the sense that the compiler can in fact do what it likes in order to optimize code. It will always "inline" machine code if it can and find convenient to do and it will never do that if it cannot.
Point 2. is the actual meaning of the term: if you define (specify the body) a function in the header, since a header can be included in more sources, you must tell the compiler to inform the linker about the definition duplicates, so that they can be merged.
Now, by the language specification, free functions (not defined in class bodies) are by default not defined as inline, so defining in a header a thing like
void myfunc()
if the header is included in more sources, then linked in a same output, the linker will report a multiple definition error, hence the need to define it as
inline void fn()
For class members, the default is the opposite: if you just declare them, they will not be inlined. If you define them, they will be inline.
So a header should look like
//header file
class myclass
void fn1()
{} //defined into the class, so inlined by default
void fn2();
inline void myclass::fn2()
{} //defined outside the class, so explicit inline is needed
And if myclass::fn2() definition goes into a proper source, must lose the inline keyword.
The inline keyword has for a function 2 meanings:
Code replacement: Wherever inline function is invoked, don't generate a function call for it but simply place the contents of the function
at the place of its call (this is something similar to macro
replacement, but type safe)
One definition rule: Don't generate multiple definition for a inline function, only generate a single definition common for all (exception: static functions)
The 1st terminology ("Code replacement"), is simply a request to the compiler. which can be ignored as compiler is better to judge whether to put the text or a function call. (for example, virtual functions or recursive functions cannot be inlined).
The 2nd terminology ("One definition rule") is guaranteed to happen by any conforming compiler. This will generate only 1 definition for all translation units. This facility eases coder's work sometimes, as for smaller function one may not want to put its definition in .cpp file (e.g. getters, setters).
Moreover, for template function which are header only constructs, this effect is mandatory. Thus template functions are inline by default.
class A {
void setMember (int i) { m_i = i; }
In this example mostly compiler would suffice both terminologies
class A {
inline virtual ~A () = 0;
A::~A() {}
Here compiler can only suffice the 2nd requirement.
The only reason to make the method function inline is if you define it in the header.
If you define a method function in a header, and you do not put inline keyword, and you include the header in several header or source files, you would get multiple definition of the method.
c++11 standard in 9.3/2 Member functions [class.mfct] tells :
A member function may be defined (8.4) in its class definition, in which case it is an inline member function (7.1.2) ...
When the definition is inside the class, it is treated as if it were declared inline, because it is assumed that class definitions live in header files that are used from more than one translation unit, so any non-inline definitions here would violate the One Definition Rule.
The compiler is, as always, free to inline whatever it thinks as long as it takes care that functions that are either explicitly or implicitly inline will not lead to linker errors. How it does that is left open by the language spec -- inlining the function of course works, but it is also acceptable to demote the symbol visibility or rename the symbol to a translation unit specific name (as if the function were in an anonymous namespace), or (as most of them do) communicate to the linker that multiple copies of that function may exist and that it should discard all but one of them.
So, in short, it is not treated any different from functions that are explicitly declared inline.
The compiler can ignore inlining if specified by the inline keyword. If the method implementation is present inside the class definition, that's a different thing, and can't be ignored. (well it can, but that makes the compiler non-conforming)
The reason behind the desing - I'm assuming a mechanism was needed where you can actually force the compiler to actually inline your functions, since the inline keyword doesn't mandate it. But in general, inline method definition is done only in cases like getter and setter methods, or some trivial 2-liners. And templates, but that's a different issue.
Inlining has to do with headers and source files in that the definition of the function must be visible to the compiler so it knows how to actually inline the call. It's more difficult to inline a function defined in an implementation file than one defined in a header.
EDIT: On a side note, the paragraph the op is reffering to is
A function defined within a class definition is a inline function [...].
Apparently, there are some difference between an inline function and inline substitution. The first is a property of a function, that doesn't only include inline substitution, the second means that the function body is actually pasted where it is called.
So the function can be inlined but not have its body pasted instead of being called.
the two things you reffer to are different aspects and not to be confused with.
1) The C++ standard says all member functions defined inside class definition are inline
2) I have also heard that compiler can ignore inlining of a function
1) is when you define the member functions inside the class declaration itself. ie: in the header files. for that you do not have to provide any keyword( ie: inline)
2) You can specify a function as inline by explicitly using the inline keyword. this is actually a request to the compiler. the compiler may or may not make the function inline according to some rules of optimization.

Why do C++ template definitions need to be in the header? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why should the implementation and the declaration of a template class be in the same header file?
e.g when defining a template class why do the implementations of the class methods need to be in the header? Why can't they be in a implementation file (cpp/cxx)?
A template class is not a class, it's a template that can be used to create a class. When you instantiate such a class, e.g. MyTemplate<int>, the compiler creates the class on the spot. In order to create it, it has to see all the templated member functions (so that it can use the templates to create actual member functions such as MyTemplate<int>::foo() ), and therefore these templated member functions must be in the header.
If the members are not in the header, the compiler will simply assume that they exist somewhere else and just create actual function declarations from the templated function declarations, and this gives you linker errors.
The "export" keyword is supposed to fix this, but few compilers support it (I only know of Comeau).
You can also explicitly instantiate MyTemplate<int> - then the compiler will create actual member functions for MyTemplate<int> when it compiles the cpp files containing the MyTemplate member function definition templates.
They need to be visible for the compiler when they are instantiated. That basically means that if you are publishing the template in a header, the definitions have to be visible by all translation units that include that header if you depend on implicit instantiation.
They need not be defined in the header if you are going to explicitly instantiate the templates, but this is in most cases not a good idea.
As to the reason, it basically boils down to the fact that templates are not compiled when the compiler parses the definition, but rather when they are instantiated, and then they are compiled for the particular instantiation type.
If your compiler supports export, then it doesn't. Only EDG-based compilers support export, and it's going to be removed from C++0x because of that.
Non-exported templates require that the compiler can see the full template definition, in order to instantiate it for the particular types you supply as arguments. For example:
template<typename T>
struct X {
T t;
X(int i): t(i) {}
Now, when you write X<float>(5) in some translation unit, the compiler as part of compiling that translation unit must check that the constructor of X is type-correct, generate the code for it, and so on. Hence it must see the definition of X, so that it can permit X<float>(5) but forbid X<char*>(5).
The only sensible way to ensure that the compiler sees the same template definition in all translation units that use it, is to put the definition in a header file. As far as the standard is concerned, though, you're welcome to copy-and-paste it manually, or to define a template in a cpp file that is used only in that one translation unit.
export in effect tells the compiler that it must output a parsed form of the template definition into a special kind of object file. Then the linker performs template instantiation. With normal toolchains, the compiler is smart enough to perform template instantiation and the linker isn't. Bear in mind that template instantiation has to do pretty much everything that the compiler does beyond basic parsing.
They can be in a CPP file.
The problem arises from the fact that the compiler builds the code for a specific instantiation of a template class (eg std::vector< int >) on a per translation unit basis. The problem with defining the functions in a CPP file is that you will need to define every possible form in that CPP file (this is called template specialization).
So for that int vector exampled above you could define a function in a CPP file for the int case using specialization.
template<> void std::vector< int >::push_back( int& intVal )
Of course doing this can produce the advantage of optimisation for specific cases but it does give you an idea of just how much code bloat can be introduced by STL! At least all the functions aren't defined as inline as a certain compiler used to do ;)
That aspect of template is called the compilation model, not to be confused with the instantiation mechanism which was the subject of How does C++ link template instances.
The instantiation mechanism is the answer to the question "When is the instantiation generated?", the instantiation model is the answer to "Where the source are found?"
There are two standards compilation model:
inclusion, the one that you know, where the definition must be available,
separated, which allows to put the definition somewhere else with the help of the keyword export. That one has been removed from the standard and won't be available in C++0X. One of the raison for removal was that it wasn't widely implemented (only one implementation).
See C++ Templates, The Complete Guide by David Vandevoorde and Nicolai Josuttis or http://www.bourguet.org/v2/cpplang/export.pdf for more information, the separated compilation model being the subject of that later paper.