How to add animated figure to sphinx? - django

I am currently using sphinx for documenting my django project. And I would like to add documentation that includes animated figures. Is there a way to do that ?

By storing the image in your docs folder somewhere and declaring an image using restructuredText:
.. image:: ../images/your_image.gif


Replace Javascript with Bootstrap responsive slideshow

I'm trying to find a nice looking bootstrap slideshow that looks similar to this one:
I would use the one in the link but it's got way to much Javascript and doesn't respond properly when I change the size of my window. Any ideas how I could create this using Bootstrap, HTML and CSS only? So it still needs to be automatic as well.
Thank you
It’s the carousel you’re after, without knowing which version of bootstrap you’re on I cannot provide an example but you can find full examples for what you need in the bootstrap docs:

Using the django package graphos, how can I change the color of the individual bars of the graph?

I'm able to get the example running, but I just want to get comfortable with customizing graphs. How can I change the color of the bars?
I am still new to django and javascript, these links might help you.

django wysiyg editor image control

Is there a django wysiyg editor I can control its image?
I want to set a default image size and use the image as a thumbnail as well.
all wysiyg contents are represent like {{content}} since in model it's set like
content=some Wysiyg field()
The one I want to do is {{content.image}} and play around with that image.
Is there any way I can do that? right now this is the one I'm using, but I'm willing to change to the one I can control image with.
try django-ckeditor, redactor it's more simple but redactor itself isn't free and i think ckeditor is more flexible in the configuration

Zurb Foundation - Images with rounded corners

I've recently started using Foundation (v5), maybe I'm missing something in the documentation but I can't seem to figure out how to apply rounded corners to images. There are the .radius and .round classes, I tried using them on an img tag(also in the parent div) and it doesn't work. Bootstrap has a class ready for this, maybe in Foundation we have to code ourselves, but I'd hate to code something that already exists by default.
Foundation has a $global-radius (3px) which it applies to a lot of its classes (like thumbnails), but no it doesn't have any img-round Twitter Bootstrap does.
You will need to do your own on this [border-radius] (or if you are using Sass create your own variables).

Display uploaded gpx points and lines on map

I want to create simple upload form on my django site where users could upload their gpx files but I want to give them possibility to preview their points and lines on map before they proceed with submiting it.
I have some basic knowledge of working with django forms but I'm not sure how to convert that gpx data and display it on map.
I hope you can tell me at least where to start because I'm completely out of ideas.
Well, if you use Django then you could probably extend it with Geodjango which provides you easy and nice way to create geometry fields for your models (points,lines, poligons).
In case you decide to use Geodjango for this purpose then please check my blog post
I've described there process of uploading,parsing and saving gpx file to spatial database (like Postgis).It could help you to get an idea.
I didn't describe how to display it on map but it shouldn't be problem. I would recommend you to use Leaflet or some other javascript mapping library for it.
However, that's to much for writing right now.
I hope that helps.