Carousel image changes with category in ember js - ember.js

I have designed an image carousel and navbar above it with different a category. The plan is when one of the categories are clicked the images in carousel change. The category are fetched from the backend and displayed in navbar. How do I relate it to the carousel for each category?
I am using ember js(1.13.0).
{{#each result in model.results}}
<li><a href="" {{action 'carousel' result}}>{{result.gallery_name}}</a></li>
export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
carousel:function (result) {
export default DS.Model.extend({
results: DS.attr()
server result (json)

You JSON is
//your Model
export default DS.Model.extend({
results: DS.attr()
I donot see "gallery_name" in your json.
I donot see name / gallery_name defined in your model


How to do a many-to-many relationship with an intermediate join model with Ember and Firebase

I'm having some trouble modeling these relationships and getting the correct data in my app. I have users, links, and bookmarks. Where bookmarks is a join table so users can have many bookmarks, and links can have many bookmarks
<!-- user -->
export default DS.Model.extend({
username: DS.attr('string'),
bookmarks: DS.hasMany('bookmark', { async: true }),
<!-- link -->
export default DS.Model.extend({
title: DS.attr('string'),
url: DS.attr('string'),
bookmarks: DS.hasMany('bookmark', { async: true }),
<!-- bookmark -->
export default DS.Model.extend({
link: DS.belongsTo('link', { async:true }),
user: DS.belongsTo('user', { async:true })
In firebase this is what my data looks like:
- userkey
- bookmarks
- bookmarkkey : true
- linkkey
- bookmarks
- bookmarkkey : true
- bookmarkkey
- link : linkkey
- user : userkey
In ember, when I pull a user model I'm able to access the related bookmarks, but not the link that is related to the bookmarks.
How can I fix this?
this is how I'm attempting to access bookmarks and links:
store.findRecord('user', userId).then((user) => {
this.set('bookmarks', user.get('bookmarks'));
And then in the template something like this:
{{#each bookmarks as |bookmark|}}

Ember Route with renderTemplate and two render calls overrides original model

I have an outlet in application.hbs called 'sidebar'. This outlet is used in some routes to render additional info using a component called 'sidebar-info'. In those routes I use renderTemplate to render stuff in the appropriate outlets. For example:
renderTemplate: function(controller, model) {
this.render('components/sidebar-info', {
into: 'application',
outlet: 'sidebar',
model: Ember.Object.create({
title: this.get('i18n').t('signup'),
detailsComponent: 'signup-help'
This is components/sidebar-info template:
<div class="title">
{{#if model.detailsComponent}}
<div class="details">
{{component model.detailsComponent}}
When the route template (not the component one) is being rendered, the model defined by the route is overwritten by the model sent to the component. If the original model was something like this:
original_model = {
field_1: 1,
field_2: 2
Then using model.field_1 becomes undefined in the context of the template while model.title is available.
Why is the model being overwritten?
I am using Ember 2.2.0
It seems this is the correct behaviour. According to the Route API, this is the explanation of the controller and model options sent to the render method:
controller [String|Object]
the controller to use for this template, referenced by name or as a
controller instance. Defaults to the Route's paired controller
model [Object]
the model object to set on options.controller. Defaults to the
return value of the Route's model hook
This means that setting only the model option will set the model on the Route's paired controller because that is the default option.controller. This means we need either to create a dummy controller that only works to receive the model.
I have tested this and it works as expected.

Rendered template is not loading relevant model

Relevant information
I have a Rails 4.0 API server set up for data persistence, using ember-rails.
Ember Version: 1.3.0-beta.1+canary
Ember-Data Version: 1.0.0-beta.4+canary
Say I have a Categories model that contains a list of categories. I would like to render this at the Application level to be used as navigation.
Here is what I have
# templates/application.hbs
{{ render categories }}
{{ outlet }}
# templates/categories.hbs
{{#each category in controller}}
{{#link-to 'category' category}}
# routes/
App.CategoriesRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
#store.find 'category'
# models/
App.Category = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr('string'),
slug: DS.attr('string')
# ->
#resource 'categories', path: 'categories'
#resource 'category', path: 'category/:slug'
Accessing the /#/categories path renders what I expect; a double of headings and the list of links, each pointing to a category.
If I access the root of the app (Application.Index) at '/', I am expecting to see the same result, albeit only a single rendering of a list of links. However, what results is just the single heading and no links. Using the Ember Inspector, it looks like there isn't a model tied to the {{ render categories }}.
From my understanding, rendering a template will use the relevant controller and view. What would be the correct way to bind the relevant model to the rendered template? Or better yet, what would be the best practice to achieve the same result?
When you call {{render categories}}, it will render the categories template with the categories controller. The CategoriesRoute is only used when going to the categories route in the url. In order to have the categories information available at the application level you will need to fetch the categories at that level and store it on the application controller somewhere for use when you render.
// controller would be application controller, and technically you wouldn't need to write controller
{{ render 'categories' controller.categories }}
In the example I'm attaching an additional set of models under the name someitems on the application controller. I'm doing this during the setupController, this is the hook that's fired after the model has been resolved in that route.
For you, in the setupController I'd do something like'category').then( function(records){ controller.set('categories', records)});
or maybe this, I'm not familiar with coffeescript
#store.find("category").then (records) ->
controller.set "categories", records

Nested routes loads the parent model

I have a nested route structure like this: {
this.resource('user', {path: '/user/:user_id'}, function() {
this.route('followers', {path: '/followers'});
when I hit the user/123/followers route I would expect that it automatically fetch the model from user/123/followers, but it just fetches the user model from user/123 again. What do I need to add so it fetches the right data for the route?
Each route have your own model, and this isn't propaged, by default.
So App.UserRoute model, returns the current model like expected:
But because App.UserFollowersRoute have your own model hook, then you have to provided it.
You can do this easily using the modelFor.
App.UserFollowersRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return this.modelFor('user');
The modelFor look for a model from a named route. So modelFor('user'), will retrieve the model from App.UserRoute.
And in your user/followers template, you will have the current user, in the current context:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="user/followers">
<h2>{{name}} followers:</h2>
{{#each followers}}
Here a sample with this working
Ember will automatically call User.find(123) when you hit /user/123/... because that is the default model hook for App.UserRoute. If you want to fetch additional data when the followers route is accessed, define a model hook for App.UserFollowersRoute:
App.UserFollowersRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
user = this.controllerFor('user');
// Now find and return the list of followers

How to create a generic controller model in Ember.js?

How can I create a generic model in Ember.js like the following?
{{#each item in mythings}}
Create a property in the controller like in this jsbin.
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
mythings: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']