I want to implement the prolog predicate prefixSum(L, R) that calculates the prefix sum of a list i.e:
?- prefixSum([1,2,3,4],R).
Here is my solution so far:
prefixSum([X], [X])
prefixSum([X|Xs], [R, Rs|T]):-
Rs is X + R, prefixSum(Xs, T).
What can I try next?
Your original code,
prefixSum( [] , [] ) .
prefixSum( [X] , [X] )
prefixSum( [X|Xs] , [R,Rs|T] ) :- Rs is X+R, prefixSum(Xs,T) .
Has these problems:
The code is syntactically incorrect, as the 2nd clause is not terminated by ..
In the 3rd clause, the variable R will always be unbound unless you've provided a bound list as the 2nd argument to prefixSum/3, meaning Rs is X+R will fail.
The key to what you are trying to accomplish is that as you traverse the list, you need to track the sum previously computed as you go.
That leads to an implementation like this:
prefix_sum( [] , [] ) . % the empty list is a special case
prefix_sum( [X|Xs] , [X|Ys] ) :- % for a non-empty list, we add the first item to the result , and
prefix_sum(Xs,X,Ys) . % invoke our helper, seeding the previous sum with the first element.
prefix_sum( [] , _ , [] ) . % once the source list is exhausted, we're done.
prefix_sum( [X|Xs] , P , [Y|Ys] ) :- % otherwise...
Y is P+X, % compute the sum of the current element and the previous sum
prefix_sum(Xs,Y,Ys) . % and recurse down on the tails.
prefix_sum(L, Ps) :-
prefix_sum_(L, 0, Ps).
prefix_sum_([], _, []).
prefix_sum_([H|T], S, [P|Ps]) :-
P is H + S,
prefix_sum_(T, P, Ps).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- prefix_sum([1,2,3,4], Ps).
Ps = [1, 3, 6, 10].
This is an operation on lists knows as a "scan" which, unlike a "fold", keeps a list of intermediate results. For your particular case you could use the built-in plus/3 but you might also need to define a helper predicate like add/3:
add(X, Y, Z) :- Z is X + Y.
Now you can do:
?- foldl(add, [1,2,3,4], 0, Sum).
Sum = 10.
?- scanl(add, [1,2,3,4], 0, [0|Sums]).
Sums = [1, 3, 6, 10].
If you don't like the useless addition of the zero you can split off the first element in advance, so:
?- [1,2,3,4] = [V0|Vs], scanl(add, Vs, V0, Result).
V0 = 1,
Vs = [2, 3, 4],
Result = [1, 3, 6, 10].
"Scan left" and "fold left" are available in library(apply) in SWI-Prolog and your exact question is solved in the examples on the docs for scanl. You can also look at the implementation of scanl.
Yes, this answer is perfectly good. When I look at the solution and compare it to the library definition of scanl/4 I just see a generic algorithm that has been specialized to solve one particular instance by binding the Goal.
I'm doing a program with Result is a pair of values [X,Y] between 0 and N-1 in lexicographic order
I have this right now:
pairs(N,R) :-
pairsHelp(N,[],N,N) :- !.
pairsHelp(N,[],N,0) :- !.
pairsHelp(N,[[X,Y]|List],X,Y) :-
Y is N-1,
X < N,
X1 is X + 1,
pairsHelp(N,[[X,Y]|List],X,Y) :-
Y < N,
Y1 is Y + 1,
I'm getting what I want the first iteration but Prolog keeps going and then gives me a second answer.
R = [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]] ;
I don't want the second answer (false), just the first. I want it to stop after it finds the answer. Any ideas?
Keep in mind that there is a much easier way to get what you are after. If indeed both X and Y are supposed to be integers, use between/3 to enumerate integers ("lexicographical" here is the same as the order of natural numbers: 0, 1, 2, .... This is the order in which between/3 will enumerate possible solutions if the third argument is a variable):
pairs(N, R) :-
succ(N0, N),
bagof(P, pair(N0, P), R).
pair(N0, X-Y) :-
between(0, N0, X),
between(0, N0, Y).
And then:
?- pairs(2, R).
R = [0-0, 0-1, 1-0, 1-1].
?- pairs(3, R).
R = [0-0, 0-1, 0-2, 1-0, 1-1, 1-2, 2-0, 2-1, ... - ...].
I am using the conventional Prolog way of representing a pair, X-Y (in canonical form: -(X, Y)) instead of [X,Y] (canonical form: .(X, .(Y, []))).
The good thing about this program is that you can easily re-write it to work with another "alphabet" of your choosing.
?- between(0, Upper, X).
is semantically equivalent to:
% ...
?- x(X).
For example, if we had an alphabet that consists of b, a, and c (in that order!):
foo_pairs(Ps) :-
bagof(X-Y, ( foo(X), foo(Y) ), Ps).
and then:
?- foo_pairs(R).
R = [b-b, b-a, b-c, a-b, a-a, a-c, c-b, c-a, ... - ...].
The order of the clauses of foo/1 defines the order of your alphabet. The conjunction foo(X), foo(Y) together with the order of X-Y in the pair defines the order of pairs in the list. Try writing for example bagof(X-Y, ( foo(Y), foo(X) ), Ps) to see what will be the order of pairs in Ps.
Use dcg in combination with lambda!
?- use_module(library(lambda)).
In combination with meta-predicate init0/3 and
xproduct//2 ("cross product") simply write:
?- init0(=,3,Xs), phrase(xproduct(\X^Y^phrase([X-Y]),Xs),Pss).
Xs = [0,1,2], Pss = [0-0,0-1,0-2,1-0,1-1,1-2,2-0,2-1,2-2].
How about something a little more general? What about other values of N?
?- init0(=,N,Xs), phrase(xproduct(\X^Y^phrase([X-Y]),Xs),Pss).
N = 0, Xs = [], Pss = []
; N = 1, Xs = [0], Pss = [0-0]
; N = 2, Xs = [0,1], Pss = [0-0,0-1,
; N = 3, Xs = [0,1,2], Pss = [0-0,0-1,0-2,
; N = 4, Xs = [0,1,2,3], Pss = [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,
; N = 5, Xs = [0,1,2,3,4], Pss = [0-0,0-1,0-2,0-3,0-4,
Does it work for other terms, too? What about order? Consider a case #Boris used in his answer:
?- phrase(xproduct(\X^Y^phrase([X-Y]),[b,a,c]),Pss).
Pss = [b-b,b-a,b-c,a-b,a-a,a-c,c-b,c-a,c-c]. % succeeds deterministically
I have been brushing up on some Prolog recently. I kind of enjoy just coming up with random problems to try and solve and then working them out. This one is quite tough though, and I'm not one to give up on a problem that I have set out to solve.
The problem: I want to make a predicate that will have 2 predetermined lists, 2 numbers to swap, and then output the lists after the swapping is done.
Further Explanation: I made it a little harder on myself by wanting to find a specific unique number from list 1, and swapping this with a specific unique number from list 2 so that if I have 2 lists...
[7,2,7,8,5], and [1,2,3,8,7,9,8], and then give the predicate 2 numbers(Lets just say 8 and 7), then the number 8 and the number 7 will be swapped between the lists IF AND ONLY IF the number 8 is in the first list and the number 7 is in the second list. (It would disregard an 8 in the second list and a 7 in the first list).
Sample query with expected answer:
?- bothSwap([7,2,7,8,5],[1,2,3,8,7,9,8],8,7,X,Y).
X = [7,2,7,7,5], Y = [1,2,3,8,8,9,8].
I kind of got stuck at this point:
bothSwap([H1|T1],[H2|T2],N1,N2,X,Y) :- H1 == N1, H2 == N2, bothSwap(T1,T2,N1,N2,D1,D2), append(D1,[H2],X), append(D2,[H1],Y).
bothSwap([H1|T1],[H2|T2],N1,N2,X,Y) :- H1 == N1, H2 =\= N2, bothSwap([H1|T1],T2,N1,N2,D1,D2).
bothSwap([H1|T1],[H2|T2],N1,N2,X,Y) :- H1 =\= N1, H2 == N2, bothSwap(T1,[H2|T2],N1,N2,D1,D2).
Any bright minds out there willing to tackle this problem with me? :)
Imagine how easy this problem would be if we could just "wish" for a list to be split up at the occurrence of the desired element, like this:
?- splitsies([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 4, Prefix, Suffix).
Prefix = [1, 2, 3],
Suffix = [5, 6, 7, 8] ;
Guess what? :) append/3 can do that:
% splitsies is true if X splits list into a prefix/suffix pair.
splitsies(List, X, Start, Finish) :-
append(Start, [X|Finish], List).
Now the problem seems pretty simple!
bothSwap(Left, Right, A, B, AfterLeft, AfterRight) :-
% break up the inputs
splitsies(Left, A, LPre, LPost),
splitsies(Right, B, RPre, RPost),
% glue together the outputs (note that A and B are switched)
splitsies(AfterLeft, B, LPre, LPost),
splitsies(AfterRight, A, RPre, RPost).
I wouldn't pretend that this solution is efficient… but it's so hot you better wear oven mitts when you type it in. Oh, and check this out:
?- bothSwap([7,2,7,8,5],[1,2,3,8,7,9,8], X, Y, [7,2,7,7,5], [1,2,3,8,8,9,8]).
X = 8,
Y = 7 ;
Let's start, what you mean by swapping.
swap(X0,X, S0,S) :-
if_(X0 = S0, S = X, S = S0).
bothSwap0(Xs0, Ys0, X0,X, Xs,Ys) :-
maplist(swap(X0,X), Xs0,Xs),
maplist(swap(X,X0), Ys0,Ys).
if_( C_1, Then_0, Else_0) :-
call(C_1, Truth),
functor(Truth,_,0), % safety check
( Truth == true -> Then_0 ; Truth == false, Else_0 ).
=(X, Y, R) :- X == Y, !, R = true.
=(X, Y, R) :- ?=(X, Y), !, R = false. % syntactically different
=(X, Y, R) :- X \= Y, !, R = false. % semantically different
=(X, Y, R) :- R == true, !, X = Y.
=(X, X, true).
=(X, Y, false) :-
dif(X, Y).
Now you wanted a particular condition - it is not clear how to apply it. I see two interpretations:
bothSwap(Xs0, Ys0, X0,X, Xs,Ys) :-
memberd(X0, Xs0),
memberd(X, Ys0),
maplist(swap(X0,X), Xs0,Xs),
maplist(swap(X,X0), Ys0,Ys).
Which means that bothSwap/6 will fail should the two elements not occur in their respective list.
Another interpretation might be that you want that otherwise the lists remain the same. To express this (in a pure monotonic fashion):
bothSwap(Xs0, Ys0, X0,X, Xs,Ys) :-
if_( ( memberd_t(X0, Xs0), memberd_t(X, Ys0) ),
( maplist(swap(X0,X), Xs0,Xs), maplist(swap(X,X0), Ys0,Ys) ),
( Xs0 = Xs, Ys0 = Ys) ).
memberd_t(E, Xs, T) :-
list_memberd(Xs, E, T).
list_memberd([], _, false).
list_memberd([X|Xs], E, T) :-
if_(E = X, T = true, list_memberd(Xs, E, T) ).
','( A_1, B_1, T) :-
if_( A_1, call(B_1, T), T = false ).
Since Prolog is a descriptive language (that is, we describe what constitutes a solution and let Prolog work it out), If I understand your problem statement correctly, something like this ought to suffice:
both_swap(L1, L2, A, B, S1, S2 ) :- % to do the swap,
memberchk(A,L1) , % - L1 must contain an A
memberchk(B,L2) , % - L2 must contain a B
replace(L1,A,B,S1) , % - replace all As in L1 with a B
replace(L2,B,A,S2) % - replace all Bs in L2 with an A
. % Easy!
replace([],_,_,[]) . % if the list is empty, we're done.
replace([H|T],A,B,[S|Ss]) :- % otherwise...
( H = A -> S=B ; S=H ) , % - do the swap (if necessary),
replace(T,A,B,Ss) % - and recurse down
. % Also easy!
This replicates the implementation that uses splitsies/4
swap_two(A,B,C,D,E,F) :-
I am trying to write a Prolog code finding the n-th element of a list.
I wrote the below code but it doesn't return the element right.
C is N+1.
In the first line I say, if the requested element number is equal to counter, then give the first element of the current list to the variable called MatchedNumber. This code returns the Num and Counter right but I don't know why when I want to set the MatchedNumber as Elem, it always returns the first element of the list.
1: what is wrong with this code?
2: How can I say instead of showing the matched number, remove it from list?
First of all, there is a builtin nth0/3 for that:
?- nth0(0,[a,b,c],X).
X = a.
?- nth0(1,[a,b,c],X).
X = b.
?- nth0(2,[a,b,c],X).
X = c.
?- nth0(3,[a,b,c],X).
Get the i-th element
The problem is in the inductive case:
C is N+1.
Prolog doesn't know anything about C so the last statement doens't force Prolog to return the i-th element. It can simply return any element because N will match with Num in the recursive call and then set C to Num+1 but that's not a problem because C is not bound by anything.
A better way to solve this, is using a decrement counter:
match([H|_],0,H) :-
match([_|T],N,H) :-
N > 0, %add for loop prevention
N1 is N-1,
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],0,X).
X = a.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],1,X).
X = b.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],2,X).
X = c.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],3,X).
X = d.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],4,X).
X = e.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],5,X).
The base case is thus that the index is 0 in which case you return the head, otherwise you query for the i-1-th element of the tail. This is also a more declarative approach.
This approach also makes use of tail recursion which in general will boost performance significantly.
Modifying the original predicate
It is rather un-Prolog to use an iterator and a bound, one in general uses a reverse iterator.
You can however modify the predicate as follows:
match([Elem|_],Num,Num,Elem) :-
match([_|Tail],Num,Count,MatchedNumber) :-
Count < Num,
Count1 is Count+1,
So a few errors:
Use a "cut" ! in the first clause: since if it matches, we know Prolog should not try the second one;
Use MatchedNumber in the recursive call instead of Elem;
Perform a bound check Count < Num,
Do the increment of the counter Count1 is Count+1 before doing the recursive call; and
Substitute all variables you do not use by underscores _.
An example is then:
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],0,0,X).
X = a.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],1,0,X).
X = b.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],2,0,X).
X = c.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],3,0,X).
X = d.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],4,0,X).
X = e.
?- match([a,b,c,d,e],5,0,X).
But as said before, it is inefficient to pass an additional argument, etc.
Remove the i-th element from the list
An almost equivalent approach can be used to remove the i-th element from the list:
removei([_|T],0,T) :-
removei([H|T],N,[H|TR]) :-
N1 is N-1,
Here the base case is again that the index is 0 in which case the tail of the list is removed (thus dropping the head). The inductive case will place the head of the list in the head of the resulting list and will count on the recursive call to remove the correct item from the tail. Another base case removei([],_,[]). is added because it is possible that i is greater than the length of the list in which case this predicate won't remove any item.
?- removei([a,b,c,d,e],0,X).
X = [b, c, d, e].
?- removei([a,b,c,d,e],1,X).
X = [a, c, d, e].
?- removei([a,b,c,d,e],2,X).
X = [a, b, d, e].
?- removei([a,b,c,d,e],3,X).
X = [a, b, c, e].
?- removei([a,b,c,d,e],4,X).
X = [a, b, c, d].
?- removei([a,b,c,d,e],5,X).
X = [a, b, c, d, e].
?- removei([a,b,c,d,e],6,X).
X = [a, b, c, d, e].
To find the nth element of a list (where n is relative to zero), something like this ought to suffice:
find_nth_element_of_list( 0 , X , [X|_] ) .
find_nth_element_of_list( N , X , [_|Xs] ) :-
N > 0 ,
N1 is N-1 ,
find_nth_element_of_list( N1 , X , Xs )
Similarly, to remove the nth element of a list, something like this ought to suffice:
remove_nth_element_of_list( 0 , [_|Xs] , Xs ) . % at n=0, toss the head and unify the tail with the result set
remove_nth_element_of_list( N , [X|Xs] , [X|Ys] ) :- % at n>0, prepend the head to the result and recurse down.
N > 0 ,
N1 is N-1 ,
remove_nth_element_of_list( N1 , Xs , Ys )
If for some reason you need to achieve this using no built-in predicates besides append here is my implementation:
my_length([], 0).
my_length([_|T], N1) :- my_length(T, N), N1 is N + 1.
% Nth
my_nth(N, List, H) :-
append(L1, [H|_], List),
my_length(L1, N),
test_my_nth(X, Y, Z) :-
my_nth(0, [123, 456, 789], X),
my_nth(1, [123, 456, 789], Y),
my_nth(2, [123, 456, 789], Z).
% X = 123
% Y = 456
% Z = 789
and without append:
my_length([], 0).
my_length([_|T], N1) :- my_length(T, N), N1 is N + 1.
% Nth
my_nth(0, [H|_], H) :- !.
my_nth(N, [_|T], Result) :-
N1 is N - 1,
my_nth(N1, T, Result),
test_my_nth(X, Y, Z) :-
my_nth(0, [123, 456, 789], X),
my_nth(1, [123, 456, 789], Y),
my_nth(2, [123, 456, 789], Z).
% X = 123
% Y = 456
% Z = 789
And without !:
my_length([], 0).
my_length([_|T], N1) :- my_length(T, N), N1 is N + 1.
% Nth
my_nth(N, [_|T], Result) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N - 1,
my_nth(N1, T, Result).
my_nth(0, [H|_], H).
test_my_nth(X, Y, Z) :-
my_nth(0, [123, 456, 789], X),
my_nth(1, [123, 456, 789], Y),
my_nth(2, [123, 456, 789], Z).
% X = 123
% Y = 456
% Z = 789
Why would anyone need it? There is a specific professor at Poznan University of Technology that requires students to write predicates like this.
I need to finish a prolog exercise, I have half of it but I need something more to finish it, that is the reason I am asking for help.
What I need is an small prolog program, given two lists (L1, L2) and one position as P, insert the first list into the second one and store that list in a third list (L3).
Here an example:
?- insert_at ([h1,h2], [a1,a2,a3,a4], 2,L3).
L3 = [a1,h1,h2,a2,a3,a4]
The code I have for this is this one:
remove_at(X,[Y|Xs],K,[Y|Ys]) :-
K > 1,
K1 is K - 1,
insert_at(X,L,K,R) :- remove_at(X,R,K,L).
What I get is this:
?- insert_at([h1,h2],[a1,a2,a3,a4],2,L3).
L3 = [a1, [h1, h2], a2, a3, a4] % What I get
L3 = [a1, h1, h2, a2, a3, a4] % What I really want
I dont know why I get the brackets inside the list...I dont want them as I explained up.
To finish it I also need to take care about more cases:
If P is higher than the second list lenght, L1 will be inserted at the end of L2.
If we insert a non-empty list in an empty list (no matters P), we will get the inserted list.
If we insert an empty list in a non-empty list (no matters P), we will get the non-empty list.
Thanks in advance
The quick-fix solution:
insert_at(X, L, K, R) :-
remove_at(X, R1, K, L),
flatten(R1, R).
The solution involving rewriting remove_at to manage a list:
remove_at([], Y, _, Y) :- !. % added as a list base case
remove_at(_, [], _, []) :- !. % added as a list base case
remove_at([X|T], [X|Xs], 1, L) :- % handle a list [X|T] instead of just X
remove_at(T, Xs, 1, L).
remove_at(X, [Y|Xs], K, [Y|Ys]) :- % same as before :)
K > 1,
K1 is K - 1,
remove_at(X, Xs, K1, Ys).
insert_at(X, L, K, R) :- remove_at(X, R, K, L).
The second remove_at/4 base case says that if the list I want to remove from is empty, then the result is empty and it succeeds. That means insert_at/4 will succeed if K is greater than the length of L and it will return the original list, L, as the solution.
If you want the insert_at/4 to succeed when K is greater than the length of the list and instantiate R with X appended to L (rather than just L itself), you can replace remove_at(_, [], _, []) :- !. with remove_at(X, X, _, []) :- !.