Run Button navigating to Dreamweaver in coldfusion builder - coldfusion

I am trying to run my project from cf builder 3. When I click on Run or ctrl + F11, I am unable to run the project.
Instead, it is navigating to dreamweaver and the page is opened in DreamWeaver. What should I do to run the page in external browser ?


Should I install XAMPS beside the PhpStorm?

I am following a tutorial about web programming, it recommended to install PhpStorm then opened a CMD and wrote this command to create a web server:
php -S localhost:50
But when I did it (after installing PhpStorm successfully) it gives me this error message:
'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
I searched for this error and all the solutions say the c:\XAMPP should be added to system path, but I checked for it and I don't have XAMPP in my computer.
Should I download and install it? I ask because the tutorial didn't it!
You do not per se need to install XAMPS. The minimum you need is to download the PHP interpreter (.exe), and select that in PhpStorm as your project (or default) interpreter. After that, you should be able to launch the page by clicking any of the browser icons that appear in the top right when you hover over a PHP file in PhpStorm.
File > Settings... (ctrl + alt + s)
Languages & Frameworks > PHP
Next to CLI interpreter, click the three dots and select the executable of your PHP interpreter.

Run configuration with command line program in IntelliJ IDEA

I would like to add a configuration inside IntelliJ so that I can run it from the Run context menu (there is included Node.JS launcher but I couldn't find a "Command Line configuration launcher")
Also, is it possible to run the command line terminal as Administrator if ran from Windows ?
The command I would like to run is ember serve
Thanks for the help.
These are the steps:
Go to Run/Edit Configurations...
Add a new one for "Javascript Debug"
Fill Name with the name you want for the configuration, fill the URL with http://localhost:4200 and pick the browser you prefer
Then, in the second white box, add an external tool by clicking in the green plus button and selecting the option Run External tool
Add a new one clicking on the green plus button and fill the following fields: in Name the name you want for the external tool, in Program write ember (it's the command you are going to run), in Parameters write server or s as the options for the command and in Working directory write $ProjectFileDir$ if it's not written already to run it in the folder in which you are working with.
With all this, you should only need to press the play button and it should run and open the browser automatically with a tab directing to localhost:4200, where your ember server is running.
EDIT: I'm not using it on windows so I'm not sure if it will run the command as administrator. Probably running Intellij using "Run as Administrator" will do the job.

Postman app is opening instead of google chrome

I've installed Postman app in chrome apps. Now, whenever i click on chrome icon, postman opens default instead of chrome. This is very tedious and I've to click on chrome app launcher to open chrome every time. Is there any fix for this?
I don't know if you're on Ubuntu but this worked for me:
edit ~/.local/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/opt/google/chrome/chrome --profile-directory=Default --app-id={gobbledigook}
remove --app-id={gobbledigook} from the Exec line, save, and then try again

python control IE download prompt?

i have a script to download some file from web, using browser is Internet Explorer
tried lib selenium, IEC, PAMIE all have same problem "can not control IE download prompt"
even use pywinauto and swapy get browser toolbar..only toolbar

Wamp server error. could not execute run action

I am trying to start wamp serve which was totally running fine on my laptop two weeks ago, but now after two weeks I suddenly get this error:
could not execute menu item(internal error)[exception] could not execute run action: the directory name is invalid
When I click on wamp, then I go to apache, then I select service then test port 80 and this is what I see:
when I write localhost, it goes there but when I click on Localhost and phpMyAdmin, i get this error:
please tel me how I can fix this . thanks
WAMP is trying to open your browser, but the directory in the settings is not correct. It could be that your browser is now located somewhere else. To fix this:
Edit the file wampmanager.conf inside your wamp direcotry.
Replace the full file path under the [main] section for the navigator parameter
Save the file
Right-click on the wamp icon and select refresh
Try it now
Good luck!
The paths are incorrect in multiple ini files and the wampmanager conf file. Here are the ones I changed since my installed moved from g drive to e drive. I had to change all instances of g:/ to e:/ as well as my chrome.exe location
in the [main] section update the path of chrome.exe or ensure it is correct.
change all instances of g:/ to e:/ (or whatever your install drive letter is)
php.ini (under /wamp/bin/php/php5.5.12/)
again, change all instances of g:/ to e:/ (change to your install letter)
Wampmanager started correctly once these changes were made.
I had a similar problem, and to get my WAMP server working again on my laptop I ran the executables for Apache and MySql independant of the WAMP system tray icon.
In Windows Explorer, I ran (elevated):
{wamp folder in my case C:\wamp}bin\apache\apache2.2.22\bin\ApacheManager.exe
This put the apache manager system tray icon in.
then I used the apache system tray icon to start apache server
Then I ran (elevated):
This allowed me to use localhost\phpmyadmin, which to me demonstrates the php, mysql and apache are all working.
My web app was also back and running.
The age of my MySql version and apache version show how long this had been stable for.
I initially thought the problem may have been caused by a google chrome upgrade which included the notifications icon in the system tray, as the chrome upgrade was the only thing I recall changing. I unistalled chrome but this did not fix it - although this does not rule out Chrom Notifications being what broke it!
This appears to be an oversight on the WAMPSERVER developers. For some reason it does not translate the file path syntax from Linux to Windows, resulting in the following error message:
Aestan Tray Menu: Could not execute menu item (internal error)
[Exception] Could not execute run action: The directory name is invalid
To fix this, edit wampmanager.conf and replace the forward slashes in the file path with backslashes.
editor ="C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 3/sublime_text.exe"
editor ="C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublime_text.exe"
Save the file, then right click the tray icon and select "Refresh". You should now be able to edit your files with your selected editor without issue :)
i have met this problem and fixed by editing 4 files
- wampmanager.conf in root
- wampmanager.ini in root
- php.ini in (wamp64/bin/php/php5.5.12)
- httpd.conf in (wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.18\conf)