LocationMatch rules with Apache - regex

I need to fix (with or without regex) so you can access "/admin.php?+" but not "/SUBSITE/admin.php?+" on a site. Anyone has a good idea of how to fix that?

Here is a regex which might fit your need (your original question was a bit vague):
I have tested this regex and it blocks "www.mysite.com/*/admin.php", but it allows the following:
If you want additional restrictions in the regex, then let me know and I can refine this answer.


Rewrite regex without negation

I have wrote this regex to help me extract some links from some text files:
Because I am using golang/regexp lib, I'm not able to use it, due to my negation (?!..
What I would like to do with it, is to select all the text from the last occurance of http/https till the end.
=> Output: http://websites.com/path/subpath/#query2
Can anyone help me with a solution, I've spent several hours trying different ways of reproducing the same result with no success.
Try this regex:
Regex live here.
The lookaheads exist for a reason.
However, if you insist on a supposedly equivalent alternative, a general strategy you can use is:
is somewhat equivalent to:
With that said, hopefully I didn't make any mistakes:

Regex to find a web address

I'm trying to isolate links from html using a regex and the one I found that is suppose to do it doesn't seem to work.
/^(http?:\/\/)?([\da-z\.-]+)\.([a-z\.]{2,6})([\/\w \.-]*)*\/?$/
Am I missing something? I'm using Brackets as my text editor
Messy, but works.
Also, you might want to look at a similar question: Regex expression for valid website link
Hope this helps :)
It is hard to make it 100% accurate.
A url could also be a IP address for example.
It can contain query strings.
It can contain spaces.
http://www.google.com/this is my url/
It depends on what need you have for accuracy.

Regular expression to exclude local addresses

I'm trying to configure my Foxy Proxy program and one of the features is to provide a regular expression for an exclusion list.
I'm trying to blacklist the local sites (ending in .local), but it doesn't seem to work.
This is what I attempted:
I also researched on Google and Stack Exchange with no success.
Since you indicate in the comments that you actually need a whitelist solution, I went with that:
Try: ^(?:https?://)?[\w.-]+\\.(?!local)\w+/.*$
Your regex expressions match host names which start with a series of digits followed by a period and then not followed by the string "local". If this is a "blacklist", then that hardly seems like what you want.
If you're trying to match all hostnames which end in .local, you'd want something like the following for the hostname portion:
with appropriate escapes inserted depending on regex context.
If your original question was incorrect and you really need a whitelist, then you'd want something like:
as illustrated in http://regex101.com/r/yB0uY4
Thank you everyone to help. Indeed, it turns out that for this program, enlisting "not .local" as blacklist, it's not the same as "all .local" as whitelist.
I also had a rookie mistake on my pattern. I meant "\w" instead of "\d". Thank you Peter Alfvin for catching that.
So my final working solution is what Bart suggested:
^(?:https?://)?[\w.-]+\.(?!local)\w+/.*$ as a whitelist.

ColdFusion regex to match valid Youtube links (need improvement)

Although similar questions were asked on here multiple times already, I've got request to amend an existing regex line to improve it. Pretty sure this will help others in the same situation too.
What I'm trying to achieve is to match valid YouTube video URLs using ColdFusion regex.
Here's what I've currently got:
This works for the following URL types:
However, the following URL for whatever reason is getting matched too:
How can I amend the code to be a bit more accurate? Maybe making sure that the 'youtu' part is paramount to the link would help as I think the current regex only takes it as one of the optional parts? Trouble is I'm not able to amend this code myself, hence asking for help here.
Thanks to Omega's answer below, with a little amendment here's the pattern that worked for my case:
Also, it is worth noting I had to strip the lookbehind part from the suggested pattern as ColdFusion does not support it.
See this demo.

Regex - match a string not contain a 'semi-word'

I tried to make regex syntax for that but I failed.
I have 2 variables
and I want to catch only the second variable,I mean only the world what don't contain PlayerInfo, but cointains [playerid]
"(\S+)\[playerid\]" cath both words and (\S+[^PlayerInfo])\[playerid\] jump on some variables- they contais p,l,a,y ...
I need to replace in notepad++,all variables like Text[playerid] to ExClass [playerid][Text]
Couple Pluasible solutions.
List item
Notepad has a plugin called python script. Running regex from there
gives full regex functionality, the python version anyway, and a lot
of powerful potential beyond that. And I use the online python regex tester to help out.
RegRexReplace plugin helps create regex plugins in Notepad++, so when you do hit a limitation, you find out a lot quicker.
Or of course default to your alternate editor (I'm assuming you have
one?) or this online regex tool is absolutely amazing. You
can perform the action on the text online as well.
(I'd try to build a regex for you, but I'm a bit lost as to what you're looking for. Unless the Ivo Abeloos got it. If you're still coming up short, maybe a code example along with values displayed?)
Good luck!
It seems that Notepad++ support negative lookbehind since v6.
In notepad++ you could try to replace (.+)\[(.+)\] with ExClass\[\2\]\[\1\]
Try to use negative lookbehind.
EDIT: unfortunately notepad++ does not support negative lookbehind.
I tried to make a workaround based on the following naive idea:
But this expression does not work either. Notepad++ seems to fail in alternative operator. Thus the answer is: it is impossible to do exactly what you want. Try to solve the problem in other way or use alternative tool.