Could not find encryption dll dbfips16.dll with Sql Anywhere 16 - c++

I have the problem, that if i deploy my 64bit application on a customer computer, i get the error message:
encryption dll "dbfips16.dll" could not be loaded.
The curious thing is, that on my notebook and some other computers it's working pretty well. I tried to add the dll's to our deployment, but could not find it in the Sybase 16 directory, do i have to download the seperatly?
(I currently i did not want to use any encryption)
P.S. i use simple file based deployment.
I use the sybase 16 driver (c#).
The problem only appears on one server.

The dbfips16.dll is only loaded when the connection string tells the client to use FIPS-validated encryption. If you don't want to use encryption at all, the ENCRYPTION parameter should not be set, or should be set to "none". Also check to make sure that the SQLCONNECT environment variable is not set (or doesn't contain the ENCRYPTION parameter).
If this doesn't help, can you post the contents of the connection string and/or DSN?
Disclaimer: I work for SAP in SQL Anywhere engineering.


Connecting to Google Cloud Spanner from DBVisualizer

I've created a test cloud spanner instance and database have have been attempting to connect to it through DBVisualizer.
I have authenticated using the gcloud auth command, and have the driver set up within DBVisualizer.
The connection string I'm using is:
However, when I try to connect I get the following error:
[Simba][SpannerJDBCDriver](100004) Failed to connect to Spanner: No NameResolverProviders found via ServiceLoader, including for DNS. This is probably due to a broken build. If using ProGuard, check your configuration
Is there anyway to get a connection from a DB Management Tool such as DB Visualizer?
I found a solution on MacOS at least. Copy the CloudSpannerJDBC42.jar and google-cloud-spanner-0.9.4-beta.jar to DBvisualizers lib folder. In the case of MacOS the location is:
Restart DBVisualizer and then you can connect.
I don't think DBVisualizer supports Cloud Spanner right now. See their documentation:
As the product is still pretty new publicly, we'll hopefully be seeing more 3rd party support in the coming months.
I've run into similar problems with the driver supplied by Google, so I decided to develop my own. The driver has both a 'thin' version and a 'fat' version. The thin version is intended as a dependency to be included in Java applications you develop yourself. The thick version can be used for standalone purposes, such as these kind of connections. The thick version (and other) can be found here:
More information about the whole driver can be found on my GitHub page.
The driver does work with DBVisualizer. Follow these steps to set it up:
Download the driver and place it in your JRE/lib/ext directory (this is necessary because of dynamic loading of services done by the underlying Google Cloudspanner API). Make sure you place it in the lib/ext directory of the JRE you are actually using with DBVisualizer.
Open DBVisualizer and open Driver Manager. Click on Create a new Driver.
Give it the name Cloudspanner
URL format is jdbc:cloudspanner://localhost;Project=projectId;Instance=instanceId;Database=databaseName;PvtKeyPath=key_file
Driver class is automatically selected.
Close the Driver Manager and make a new connection using the new driver.

Google Spanner: JDBC Connection Strings?

While Spanner looks exciting, the documentation for the Simba JDBC driver (included in the download links here: are relatively sparse, especially when compared to the documentation for the Simba JDBC BigQuery driver (
In particular, the documentation only mentions one connection string:
jdbc:cloudspanner://localhost;Project=simba-cloudspanner- jdbc;Instance=test-instance;Database=example-db
... there is no information about how to specify, for example, a service account and its p12 credentials or a path to a JSON file, which many Google Cloud services use.
Can anyone share JDBC connection strings or other setup details they have successfully used to connect to the service? I have tried, for example, setting the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and providing a JDBC string in the same style as above, but to no avail.
Ideally, I would like to use a combination of instance id, project name, database name, a service account email, and a p12 file, but am open to other authentication options.
EDIT: When attempting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS strategy, I generated this log file, in case it might be of any help
Double-checked my work, and it looks like I am in fact able to connect with a connection string as above and by setting the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. Would be ideal to have some other options and documentation is still a bit spotty (no mention of the environment variable), so more information could be ideal.
This is a semi-workable solution. It suffers from the fact that you cannot have multiple connections with different service accounts in the same process.
EDIT 2: This does not seem to work. I get errors about the instance not being specified when pointing to a JSON file.
EDIT: looks like with the latest release of the Spanner driver, there is a way to do this.
The latest release of the driver ( appears to support an optional JDBC parameter PvtKeyPath which takes a path to your private key as opposed to having to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS variable. Worth a look.
From the included PDF documentation:
So you will have a URL like: jdbc:cloudspanner://;Project=...;PvtKeyPath=/path/to/credentials.json
As the JDBC Driver supplied by Google is severely limited (does not support DML and DDL statemetns), I have written my own JDBC Driver. The driver is designed to work with JPA/Hibernate-enabled applications. The driver can be found here:
This driver supports the same kind of URL's as the driver supplied by Google, including the PvtKeyPath property. It is still BETA, but I already use it for one of my own applications.

How to use SQLite database from one platform(iOS) to another(Windows)

I don't know its a valid question or not.
I am working on one MFC/C++ application where
I want to use SQLite database from iOS application in my windows application.
My iOS database is encrypted using command sqlite_key.
While I am trying it for my windows application for the same database
It throws an exception for any operation on the database.
While Searching on Google I am not able to get right track for this.
Can anyone tell me is it possible?
And if yes please help me on this.
If your plan is to "export" it, i.e you want to reuse the data inserted by your ios application into your windows one, then you simply need to locate on your iphone the sqlite database file (sqlite store everything in one single location) and copy it on your computer, and tell your windows software the location of this file.
If your is to "share" the database, i.e both should be able to modify it in "realtime", then you will have to roll something on your own, as Sqlite3 does not provide any network support, it's just a library to read and write data in a file, in a SQL way.

C++ Database API's - DTL

I'm looking for a C++ API that is able to connect to different types of databases all in one; mainly MySQL, oracle and SQL Server and I believe I have found one with "DTL" ( )
However, I'm struggling to connect my database on localhost. Has anyone used this before and could shed some more light on it other than what their site does with
though I guess what to put in uid and pwd, I'm not sure what it's expecting in 'dsn', are there any REAL examples or have you guys used it before and could help.
This is an ODBC library, so DSN is the ODBC data source name. On Windows, these can be configured under Administrative Tools->Data Sources.
As #Dark Falcon said, the "DSN" refers to an "ODBC data source". What you get is an extra level of indirection like this:
On Windows, you normally create the ODBC data source with the "Data Sources (ODBC)" control panel, which is normally in the "Administrative Tools".
In any case, this separates the configuration/deployment "stuff" from the code. For example, if you want to use your code with a test database during development, then with the "live" database when you deploy it, you can do that without making any changes to your code, and even without changing the connection string. Instead, you change the data source to refer to production server instead of the test server.

Installing Root CA Cert via code on Win32

We've just set up a new remote access solution using Microsoft's TS Gateway, which requires a couple of somewhat fiddly steps on the end users behalf in order to get it working (installing our root ca cert, requirement of RDP 6.1 client etc).
In order to make this setup process as easy as possible (a lot of these users aren't technically minded), I'm looking to create a program to perform all these tasks automatically. I have most of it working, however I'm not entirely sure how to go about importing the Root CA cert into the Windows certificate store.
Because this can potentially be run on a wide range of computers with varying levels of patches and updates, I'm steering well clear of .NET and anything that isn't native - the tool should 'just run' without the user having to install anything extra (well, I will say windows XP, no service packs, is the bare minimum required version of windows). In saying that, I don't mind using something third party if it can be bundled in with the tool, as long as it's not huge, and doesn't introduce any interactive steps. Ideally something in the windows API would be best, however I can't seem to track down anything relevant.
Currently the tool is a C++ application, so I don't mind if it's quite low level stuff.
First you need to open the root certificate store...
HCERTSTORE hRootCertStore = CertOpenSystemStore(NULL,"ROOT");
Then add the certificate using one of the CertAdd functions, such as CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore.
CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore(hRootCertStore,X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING,pCertData,cbCertData,CERT_STORE_ADD_USE_EXISTING,NULL);
pCertData and cbCertData would likely point to the certificate data that you read from a file (not sure if the certificate will be in a file, or how you will include it in your application).
Then close the store with...
NOTE: This code if run as the user, installs the certificate to the user's root store, not the computer's. It also results in a warning dialog that the user must understand and select "Yes" to authorize the import. If your setup program can run this code in a system account, the import will affect the computer's root store and not warning dialog will be shown.
Have you looked at CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore ?
you could also check out CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStore