Qt quick applications glitching - c++

I opened some Qt quick examples that comes with Qt and when I try to resize the window it starts to glitch.
This is an animated gif using the stoc example:
glitch http://105.imagebam.com/download/ZgcdXsQQukzkLCDchoYVrQ/44471/444703921/glitch.gif
My configuration is: Windows 10, 6 GB ram, i5, and using Qt 5.5.1 64bit MSVC 2013.
Is there any way of fixing it?


Packaging the Qt 5.7 Virtual keyboard example on Surface Pro tablet

I have run the Qt Virtual Keyboard example successfully with Qt 5.7 in Qt Creator on Windows 10 desktop, but if I try to run the same exe on Windows Surface Pro (running on Windows 10) by including all necessary dlls and plugins, I am just getting the QML lineedits, but the keyboard is not popping up and the application just hangs. The exe isn't telling what else it requires to make it run.
The package I created is here:

why does my wxwidgets app get distorted in windows 8.1

Hi I developed an app that works great in windows xp and windows 7. However once on a Windows 8 64 BIT pc the interfave becomes distorted. Tab heading
s are not fully visible and buttons that were next to each other overlap.
What can I do to sort this out?

Crash on exit in qt5winextras.dll Windows XP 32

GUI widgets(c++) application is built with the latest Qt Creator, Qt 5.4.1 MinGW SDK(qt-opensource-windows-x86-mingw491_opengl-5.4.1.exe) on Windows 8.1 x64
PRO file:
QT += core gui network winextras
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
Everything is by defaults, no special settings. App runs and works on Windows XP x86 SP3 but when closed it crashes giving a generic windows "Send error to Windows" dialog.
Windows Logs show that the crash occured at qt5winextras.dll version adress 0x00008009
Doesn't crash on Windows 7 and 8.1
Can this be Qt bug? How to fix this?
My code was similar to musicplayer example. I've compiled the musicplayer Qt's example and it also crashes.
Also, musicplayer doesn't play music on Windows XP 32
I had a similar problem.
I think you should exec code (which related with winexras) only if windows version greater than XP.
I did something like this:
if(QSysInfo::windowsVersion >= QSysInfo::WV_VISTA)
taskbarButton = new QWinTaskbarButton(this);
taskbarProgress = taskbarButton->progress();
connect(positionSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), taskbarProgress, SLOT(setValue(int)));
connect(positionSlider, SIGNAL(rangeChanged(int,int)), taskbarProgress, SLOT(setRange(int,int)));

How to avoid DPI awareness in a QtApplication for Windows

I have a QtWebKit application and I want to avoid DPI awareness. I tried adding a manifest as documented in MSDN but it only worked in Windows 8.1 (not in Windows 8 and lower versions.)
Inspecting the Qt source code (4.7) I found inside the file qapplication_win.cpp the following snippet:
// Notify Vista and Windows 7 that we support highter DPI settings
ptrSetProcessDPIAware = (PtrSetProcessDPIAware)
QLibrary::resolve(QLatin1String("user32"), "SetProcessDPIAware");
if (ptrSetProcessDPIAware)
For more information take a look at the Commit
That said, I don't really know why it's working in Windows 8.1 and more importantly how can I disable this Qt feature... any Macro/Qt API I should use?

How to play video with qt5

I'm trying to make a simple videoplayer using qt. However, I can't get the videowidget example that comes with qt to work, instead I get an error: "The QMediaPlayer object does not have a valid service". I'm using windows vista. Can I get the videos to play normally, even if that example isn't working? Is there any other simple way to test playing videos? Or is this a problem with qt?
Check this VideoWidget I created: https://github.com/MaximAlien/VideoWidget. The main thing here is that the video should be in web and QMediaPlayer handles everything for you. Example works with Qt 5 and higher.
This is expected on your Vista, unfortunately. See the relevant post from the maintainer:
On Windows XP, Qt Multimedia uses DirectShow (and WMF for Windows Vista and later). The DirectShow plugin binary is not included in the Qt 5.0 package (only the WMF plugin is). You need to compile QtMultimedia yourself, or just the DirectShow plugin in qtmultimedia/src/plugins/directshow
... in the following report on the Qt issue tracker:
Qt 5.0 and QMediaPlayer failure on Windows XP
The steps to build it on your would be:
grab the tarball
unpack it
move into the qtmultimedia folder
run qmake -r
(n)make install
Please make sure qmake is properly in your PATH before doing this.