How to get every combination of a combolist - combinations

I have a program where you can import a combolist, ex.
The first one being the "username" and last one being the "password".
I want so that every single username will have a line with each password of the list. I would like all of this put into a separate string list.
Such as:
I think this might be a really simple code, something to do with first separating the list into two lists, then for each username, add every password, but my brains can't really think of anything to come up with a solution for this.
thank you in advance :)

Yes, you're right.
Firs - get two lists users and passwords by separating each string by column.
Second traverse users and passwords and combine them. In pseudocode
foreach uName in users do
foreach pwd in passwords do
print user.concat(":").concat(pwd)
Get first `uName` from `users`
Get first `pwd` from `passwords`
output "`user`:`pwd`"
Get second `pwd` from `passwords`
output "`user`:`pwd`"
Get second `uName` from `users`
Get first `pwd` from `passwords`
output "`user`:`pwd`"
Feel free to ask, if something left unclear


Remove columns by name based on pattern

How can I remove a large number of columns by name based on a pattern?
A data set exported from Jira has a ton of extra columns that I've no interest in. 400 Log entries, 50 Comments, dozens of links or attachments. Problem is that they get random numbers assigned which means that removing them with hardcoded column names will not work. That would look like this and break as the numbers change:
= Table.RemoveColumns(#"Previous Step",{"Watchers", "Watchers_10", "Watchers_11", "Watchers_12", "Watchers_13", "Watchers_14", "Watchers_15", "Watchers_16", "Watchers_17", "Watchers_18", "Watchers_19", "Watchers_20", "Watchers_21", "Watchers_22", "Watchers_23", "Watchers_24", "Watchers_25", "Watchers_26", "Watchers_27", "Watchers_28", "Log Work", "Log Work_29", "Log Work_30", "Log Work_31", "Log Work_32", ...
How can I remove a large number of columns by using a pattern in the name? i.e. remove all "Log Work" columns.
The best way I've found is to use List.FindText on Table.ColumnNames to get a list of column names dynamically based on target string:
= Table.RemoveColumns(#"Previous Step", List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(#"Previous Step"), "Log Work")
This works by first grabbing the full list of Column Names and keeping only the ones that match the search string. That's then sent to RemoveColumns as normal.
Limitation appears to be that FindText doesn't offer complex pattern matching.
Of course, when you want to remove a lot of different patterns, having individual steps isn't very interesting. A way to combine this is to use List.Combine to join the resulting column names together.
That becomes:
= Table.RemoveColumns(L, List.Combine({ List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "Watchers_"), List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "Log Work"), List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "Comment"), List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "issue link"), List.FindText(Table.ColumnNames(L), "Attachment")} ))
SO what's actually written there is:
Table.RemoveColumns(PreviousStep, List.Combine({ foundList1, foundlist2, ... }))
Note the { } that signifies a list! You need to use this as List.Combine only accepts a single argument which is itself already a List of lists. And the Combine call is required here.
Also note the L here instead of #"Previous Step". That's used to make the entire thing more readable. Achieved by inserting a step named "L" that just has = #"Promoted Headers".
This allows relatively maintainable removal of multiple columns by name, but it's far from perfect.

How to manage looping on this list on Applscript?

The list is in the form of:-
..... And so on.
How could I loop on this list. So I could fetch the number first without ":" and type it somewhere then fetch the url that comes after that number and type it elsewhere. Then end repeat if the list is over.
Or should I use records instead?
I am still a beginner using AppleScript. I tried many commands I mixed up but the computer keeps running the script nonestop and the activity monitor shows the applescript using 100% of the processor and huge amount of ram.
Appreciate any help.
Thank you
You didn't define what your list really looks like very well so I made an assumption on my answer below. If I was wrong, hopefully my answer will at least point you in the right direction. (or if I've gotten it wrong, but you can choose to reformat it to the way I suggested, that could still help)
on run
set theList to {"0:", "1:"} -- my guess at what your list looks like.
repeat with anItem in theList
set anItem to anItem as string
set itemParts to myParseItem(anItem)
set tID to the_integer of itemParts as integer
set tURL to the_url of itemParts as string
end repeat
end run
on myParseItem(theItem)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set delimitedList to every text item of theItem
set newString to (items 2 thru -1 of delimitedList as string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
set theInt to item 1 of delimitedList
set theURL to newString as string
return {the_integer:theInt, the_url:theURL}
end myParseItem

Config::Simple and creating arrays

I am attempting to write a script that collects user input using getopts. I need to be able to limit restrict the values the user can enter. I see how to set a default value but, I have been unable to find any way to set a list of allowed values... so,
I am attempting to use Config::Simple to create an array from values stored in a text file to use to validate against.
contents of values.txt
ChangeCategories resolution, storm
contents of
#---create array from values.txt ChangeCategories
my #chg_cats = $cfg->param("ChangeCategories");
unlink $_ for #chg_cats;
#----grab user input via getopts
my $change_categories = $opt_c || die "Please enter a valid change category; #chg_cats";
The issue occurs when I attempt to do the pattern match, it is matching only the first value listed on the ChangeCategories line in the values.txt file.
#---pattern mathching code
my $valid_category;
foreach (#chg_cats) {
##foreach my $line (#chg_cats) {
if(($_ =~ $change_categories) )
#if(($_ =~ m/$change_categories/) )
#if(($_ eq $change_categories) )
As you can see, I have tried numerous constructs to correct this and verify that I get correct matching results every time. I am not sure if this is somehow related to 'chomping' but, I have tried every pattern I can think of. I am a beginner to Perl and would very much appreciate any and all help.... and if anyone can tell me an easier/cleaner way to achieve this result, I would be very grateful

filter output of subprocess.check_output

I'm trying to match values of a list to a regex pattern. If the particular value within the list matches, I'll append it to a different list of dicts. If the above mentioned value does not match, I want to remove the value from the list.
import subprocess
def list_installed():
rawlist = subprocess.check_output(['yum', 'list', 'installed']).splitlines()
#print rawlist
for each_item in rawlist:
if "[\w86]" or \
"noarch" in each_item:
print each_item #additional stuff here to append list of dicts
#i haven't done the appending part yet
#the list of dict's will be returned at end of this funct
The end goal is to eventually be able to do something similar to:
Note to gnu/linux users going wtf:
This will eventually grow into a larger sysadmin frontend.
Despite the lack of an actual question in your post, I'll make a couple of comments.
You have a problem here:
if "[\w86]" or "noarch" in each_item:
It's not interpreted the way you think of it and it always evaluates to True. You probably need
if "[\w86]" in each_item or "noarch" in each_item:
Also, I'm not sure what you are doing, but in case you expect that Python will do regex matching here: it won't. If you need that, look at re module.
I don't know how it's implemented, but it probably won't work if you expect it to remove the element from rawlist: remove won't be able to actually access the list defined inside list_installed. I'd advise to use rawlist.remove(each_item) instead, but not in this case, because you are iterating over rawlist. You need to re-think the procedure a little (create another list and append needed elements to it instead of removing, for example).

Prolog - sending a list as a parameter to be displayed

I'm trying to write a program to find a route between towns, add the path to the list and then, ad the end display it.
I think adding to the list works, but I'm having the problem displaying the list, don't know how can I pass a list as a parameter to be used when it's done finding the path? Hope you guys can help. Here's the code:
connected(middlesbrough, stockton).
connected(middlesbrough, darlington).
connected(stockton, sunderland).
connected(darlington, thirsk).
connected(stockton, newcastle).
connected(newcastle, york).
connected(thirsk, york).
connected(york, leeds).
connected(leeds, huddersfield).
connected(leeds, dewsbury).
connected(huddersfield, manchester).
connected(dewsbury, manchester).
write('Enter Starting City :'),
write('Enter Finishing City :'),
add(Start, List, [Start | List]),
connected(Start,Link), findroute(Link,End).
writeList([Head | Tail]):-
Your findroute/2 predicate does not return the list, so the output can't work.
The call should look something like this:findroute(Start,End,List)
Obviously, the findroute/2 predicate must be changed to findroute/3:
(hint: be sure you understand why the add/3 call works even though Rest is uninstantiated at that point. Otherwise your tutor won't believe that this code is your homework! ;-) )
You may want to add a cut at the end of the first clause if you only want to find the shortest route.
Finally, List is already a list, so don't put square brackets around it when calling writeList/1!